


Westworld: 3x05 Genre

So I suppose they don't hire brazillians actors to play an actual brazillian citizen lol that accent was terrible tbh

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@iquabius even Serac's accent was better than the president' accent kkkkkkkkk

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The 100: 3x12 Demons

Shout by Matias

im not seeing anyone making death threats to writers or crying and downvoting because Sinclair died, but its ok, he wasnt gay so he is unimportant and it doesent matter if he dies

i love Miller and i loved Lexa, but Lexa died to move the plot foward not because the writers thought "oh lets kill Lexa because she is gay haha so funny"

how many main characters have died? more than 10 for sure, so why we only focus on the gay one? gay characters are unkillable? for me they are the same as any character i dont make distinctions and neither the writers

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hahaha is very funny indeed killing a strong lesbian character who represents a minority who doesnt have representation at all in tv these days. they develop a very important character to kill her in a shitty/clumsy way. but you do know that, right? bc you are a male so you do understand the struggle of being a queer woman right? oh and let me finish talking about linconl's death another minority character, a strong black male who died in the dirty, literaly.
they are killing minorities, not just in the 100, hollywood is doing it for a long time and we are raging for it to change, if you are not pleasent by it get your mouth shut and let us raise our voices and fight for what we believe and deserve for: RESPECT.

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Supergirl: 2x06 Changing

Alex' coming out was so pure/real and important fml. Yes straight ppl this is how you develop a gay character. That storyline is real as fuck IT HAPPENS IN THE FUCKING REAL LIFE so get over the "the writers just want to please the gays or can the writers stop writing stories that have nothing to do with their sexual preference?". We need/deserve this rep. And finally, i'm so glad the writers pulled this off i'm really looking forward to see maggie falling for alex ahhhhh fuck

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@redshirt You know how important this is? Theres thousands of young girls out there who needs orientation and supergirl is providing it in some way. its fantastic. They know in some way that someone is there for them as kara is there for alex.

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RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars: 5x05 Snatch Game of Love

Shout by Victoria

Well I usually don't like India but even Shea knows that Alexis is a shady bitch, and we know that Alexis and mayhem plotted against Shea, so?? the t was already served!

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@rosetheflower lmao the producers of this show are the worst! where's the tapeeeees

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Community: 2x24 For a Few Paintballs More (2)

Pop WHAT?!?!?!
Pop WHAT?!?!?!

What is he trying to say?

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@abstractlegend pop a 911, song by lady gaga :*

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Supergirl: 5x15 Reality Bytes

We’re haters if we don’t act like this is the best episode, probably. But Supergirls preachy episodes aren’t when it is the most watchable. I am sure more are coming though. Since Melissa Benoist is pregnant.
They’ll probably bring James back too and have another lesson about racism. People watch shows to escape from reality. Not be reminded of it constantly.
Next Supergirl will battle the Coronavirus.

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@jim222001 escape from reality??? lol you think you're living on mars or??? that's not what movies/tv shows/music/art/COMICS are made of, mate. dumb of you to think that art works that way lmao

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Supergirl: 2x05 Crossfire

Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2016-11-08T01:01:44Z— updated 2016-11-14T14:51:16Z

Boring James tries to be heroic after men with alien weapons destroy his father's camera "that he is never seen actually using." I prefer the episodes with him barely in it. Plus with Supergirl, Martian Manhunter and Superman around, James thinks he is needed as a hero....
I don't ship Chyla with the lesbian detective either though. Since I was hoping her and Maxwell Lord would go somewhere. He hasn't been seen once this season.
Otherwise there's some fine action despite too much James, love subplots and Kara annoyed at her new alien friends antics at work. Which were funny though. Like him not understanding why you can't have sex anywhere you want.

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@jim222001 they had 0% of chemistry hahahaha btw Greg Berlanti -creator/producer of supergirl- said in a recent interview that Alex Danvers being gay is been developed since season 1 so i guess maxwell never had chance w/ her

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Station 19: 3x15 Bad Guy

Are there no psychiatrist in this show that they can visit? I mean just swing by the hospital and visit the psych ward every other shift or so. There are several people on the squad that would benefit from receiving professional help....

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@cmonster right?? I mean all of their dramas would end if they WENT TO A FREAKING PSYCHIATRIST

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Killing Eve: 3x03 Meetings Have Biscuits


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@donatellavevo you're super cute btw

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The L Word: Generation Q: 1x06 Loose Ends

idk man I love Tina and I hate her at the same time lol

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@anika22 me too. I hope the writers don't fuck bette and tina's relationship again :(

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Supergirl: 2x06 Changing

Review by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-11-15T05:10:12Z— updated 2017-08-18T22:40:20Z

throws an Emmy at Chyler Leigh's head because somehow she manages to outdo herself every week and it's ridiculous

I didn't expect Supergirl to do a horror episode, but they actually kinda pulled it off. The scenes at the research station were sufficiently creepy. And the parasite looked really good.

Drunk Kara was absolutely adorable and hilarious.

The Guardian is fine. I liked James and Winn's interactions in this episode. Kudos to Jeremy Jordan for his angry speech at the DEO. It was amazing. And the idea to lace the suit with lead so Kara can't see inside it was pretty brilliant.

Is something going to happen to J'onn because of White Martian blood?

Well, Mon-El is dead. I mean, not really, but I can't say I'd miss his pasty annoying ass.

Now, let's get to the more emotional and less comprehensible part of this review:

Alex came out to Kara, and of course there had to be a misunderstanding, but that scene at Kara's apartment was beautiful. Everything about it was perfect, from the soft music and the warm lighting to all the acting choices. Alex talking about Maggie and calling her beautiful was just so pure and cute and it made me want to bite my hand off. You know the feeling. Don't lie to me.

AND THEN ALEX KISSED MAGGIE! I had to pause the episode and calm my racing heart. I was so excited and happy that I felt like I was about to explode. But underneath all that there was a nasty little gremlin sitting in my stomach, whispering "Maggie's gonna reject her", so I hesitated for a good minute before hitting play.

And guess what?

The gremlin was fucking right and I hate life.

Don't get me wrong. I want Alex and Maggie's relationship to develop slowly. And Maggie had a good reason for not wanting to get involved with a baby gay who's just starting to figure herself out. The calm, reasonable part of me knows that. But the far more vocal, far less logical part wants them to get together immediately.

Alex's heartbreak destroyed me. Holy shit. My poor baby. I'm sobbing because of her. The way she choked and stuttered and could barely talk... so real and completely devastating.

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@aniela-krajewska Ikr??? Chy is a hella of an actress i cant believe she didnt won an emmy as lexie grey tho anyways i cried like a baby bc it felt so real and the fact she thought coming out was a mistake after maggies rejection like??? so fcking real ;(

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Supergirl: 2x06 Changing

Alex' coming out was so pure/real and important fml. Yes straight ppl this is how you develop a gay character. That storyline is real as fuck IT HAPPENS IN THE FUCKING REAL LIFE so get over the "the writers just want to please the gays or can the writers stop writing stories that have nothing to do with their sexual preference?". We need/deserve this rep. And finally, i'm so glad the writers pulled this off i'm really looking forward to see maggie falling for alex ahhhhh fuck

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@aniela-krajewska its always a problem for the homophobics smh. but i can know say that i trust the writers my life. they are doing justice to the gay characters. and btw -fuck jronthenberg-

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Grey's Anatomy: 12x22 Mama Tried

I applaud Arizona for not stooping as low as Callie. We all knew that shit was gonna be ugly but Callie letting the lawyer slut-shame Arizona was unacceptable! I'm very happy that Arizona won, I mean, it was clear that she was the best choice for Sofia :).

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@Pedro I see your point. I understand that she was scared and lonely, too. But so Arizona! And she didn't go that way, she was not filthy and shady. She didn't need to cheat like Callie did. The thing is Callie chose to be the low person, and this is not the example that a mom wants to teach to your own child.

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The 100: 3x12 Demons

Shout by Matias

im not seeing anyone making death threats to writers or crying and downvoting because Sinclair died, but its ok, he wasnt gay so he is unimportant and it doesent matter if he dies

i love Miller and i loved Lexa, but Lexa died to move the plot foward not because the writers thought "oh lets kill Lexa because she is gay haha so funny"

how many main characters have died? more than 10 for sure, so why we only focus on the gay one? gay characters are unkillable? for me they are the same as any character i dont make distinctions and neither the writers

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oh and i wish "the gays" were unkillable, really. only that way that would not be so many lives taken by homophobics smh

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Grey's Anatomy: 17x07 Helplessly Hoping


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@van-nyx after today's episode I really need a hug :sneezing_face:

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Supergirl: 2x05 Crossfire

Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2016-11-08T01:01:44Z— updated 2016-11-14T14:51:16Z

Boring James tries to be heroic after men with alien weapons destroy his father's camera "that he is never seen actually using." I prefer the episodes with him barely in it. Plus with Supergirl, Martian Manhunter and Superman around, James thinks he is needed as a hero....
I don't ship Chyla with the lesbian detective either though. Since I was hoping her and Maxwell Lord would go somewhere. He hasn't been seen once this season.
Otherwise there's some fine action despite too much James, love subplots and Kara annoyed at her new alien friends antics at work. Which were funny though. Like him not understanding why you can't have sex anywhere you want.

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@jim222001 ah, so you ship alex with a person who hates aliens/supergirl? lol smh

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