

Omicron Persei 8

Lost: 3x02 The Glass Ballerina

Why are almost all the men on this show abusive assholes? Did the show runners base them on themselves?

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Lost: 3x01 A Tale of Two Cities

I don’t know who that dude is who dissed Stephen King, but I love him.

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Lost: 2x24 Live Together, Die Alone (2)

Claire, girl, no:sob::sob::sob: you deserve so much better:sob::sob::sob:

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The Brave One

My kind of super hero.

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Lost: 2x22 Three Minutes

You can’t take someone’s blood by stabbing them with a needle:woman_facepalming:

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My Fair Lady

A difficult film to get through with such a despicable male main character. Eliza deserved better.

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Lost: 2x21 ?

Not a big fan of how they’ve been killing off all these female characters. There’s a disgusting pattern of how it happens right after they’ve had relations with the male characters.

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Lost: 2x20 Two for the Road

I totally forgot that happened, what the fuck.

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Lost: 2x14 One of Them

I miss Shannon too, Sayid:pensive:

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Lost: 2x13 The Long Con

Why couldn’t Charlie die instead of Shannon:sob::sob::sob:

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Lost: 2x12 Fire + Water

Shout by amberrav

Cannot wait for Charlie’s fate, so sad it doesn’t happen sooner.

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Lost: 2x10 The 23rd Psalm

Charlie has to be the most annoying character on this show, what a selfish asshole.

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Lost: 2x09 What Kate Did

“I don’t have murder in my heart,” says the guy in the military.
Kate did nothing wrong.

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Lost: 2x08 Collision

I wanna like Ana Lucia, but she’s a cop:sob::sob::sob:

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Lost: 2x06 Abandoned

Imagine if the writers knew what to with Shannon instead of just killing her off for manpain. So often while watching this show it feels like they’re just making up stuff as they go along, instead of following a bigger plan.

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Lost: 2x03 Orientation

Dharma is giving Vaul-Tec vibes.

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Lost: 1x24 Exodus (2)

Every time I rewatch Lost I forget how long they stretched the hatch plot, and how slow the show is in general. I guess that’s the downside of 25 episodes per season, especially with how much screen time is spent on unnecessary flashbacks. They could have dedicated some episodes to more of the characters, but nooo, we need 481516 useless flashbacks of Jack.

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Lost: 1x20 Do No Harm

:wave: Bye bye Boone! :wave: Not gonna miss ya! :wave:

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Lost: 1x08 Confidence Man

What a disgusting piece if filth. There’s no redemption for sexual abuse.

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Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom

What a yawnfest. They removed the heart of the first film and instead focused on the most boring characters in order to make just another generic broflick.

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Lost: 1x02 Pilot (2)

Sawyer is so annoying, jfc

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Lost: 1x01 Pilot (1)

Attempt number I-have-LOST-count at watching all the episodes of this show. Maybe this time I’ll finally finish.

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Can’t believe they made the movie in Pretty Woman into a real film.

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Belgravia: 1x03 Episode 3

I’m betting Oliver is the one who is infertile, not Susan, and this affair will finally give her the child she wants. Then the affair will become public, which will end Maria’s agreement with John so she can be free to marry Charles.

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Army of the Dead

Zack Snyder should not be doing his own cinematography.

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Yellowjackets: 2x09 Storytelling

Shout by amberrav

What a disappointing death. Feels like something was going on behind the scenes cause story wise it doesn’t make much sense.

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Yellowjackets: 2x07 Burial

Okay, what’s up with the title sequence song sometimes being different? Is it a code or something?

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Yellowjackets: 2x06 Qui

Shout by amberrav

I wonder how many times “woman gets pregnant, doesn’t want baby, then she changes her mind and wants the baby, then baby dies” has been done on American TV.

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The first half is absolutely amazing. The sets, props, and costumes are all stunning, and the jokes are hilarious. I just don’t like the story they decided to tell. The half assed centrist feminism and focus on the Kens made me just wish the movie was over.
It started out as a film for and about women that decided to go all bUt wHaT aBoUt mEn!?

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Yellowjackets: 2x01 Friends, Romans, Countrymen

Is it just me or did they add a bunch of new plane crash survivors? How very Nikki and Paulo from Lost of them:joy:

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