

Omicron Persei 8

For All Mankind: 2x06 Best-Laid Plans

Just when Gordo was starting to become likable they make him an asshole again. He better stay as far away as the moon will allow from Tracy.

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The Playboy Club: 1x02 The Scarlet Bunny

Alice is such a big mood.

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The Playboy Club: 1x01 Pilot

It's been almost ten years since I watched this show and I'm still sad it got cancelled.

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For All Mankind: 2x01 Every Little Thing

Good for Tracy for finally ditching Gordo.

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Good Trouble: 3x07 New Moon

Lmao this was a great filler episode.

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I lomma på Silje: 3x09 Lene Sleperud and Tonje Garvik Frøystad

Always great to see some sapphic representation on TV.

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Sex and the City: 2x16 Was It Good For You?

Wake up! It's 2000. The new millennium won't be about sexual labels, it'll be about sexual expression. It won't matter if you're sleeping with men or women. It'll be about sleeping with individuals. Soon everyone will be pansexual.

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For All Mankind: 1x01 Red Moon

This was a good first episode, with the exception of the ADR being very noticeable and out of place in several scenes.

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Community: 2x21 Paradigms of Human Memory

The homage to the Jeff and Annie shipper was great. Props to Dan for doing that.

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Community: 2x10 Mixology Certification

Alison Brie is great in this episode.

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Community: 2x09 Conspiracy Theories and Interior Design

One of the best episodes of this show.

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The River Why

Gorgeous scenery, but that's about it.

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Community: 2x07 Aerodynamics of Gender

This episode feels so out of place.

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The Stepfather

Generic movie made even worse by a soundtrack that drowns out the characters and feels totally misplaced during scenes, and whatever they did to Sela Ward's face in editing.

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Zack Snyder's Justice League

Thank you Zack Snyder for all the Mera scenes:pray:

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Community: 1x21 Contemporary American Poultry

What I love about Community is that most of the characters have their own personalities that don't completely change in order for the plot or a joke to make sense, but this episode completely fails at that. Several of the main characters are acting completely out of character in order to further the plot, but then I'm not sure if this whole episode is supposed to be a part of Abed's imagination, and that this is the way he sees his friends.

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Sex and the City: 2x12 La Douleur Exquise!

Stanford is super cute, Carrie is a self absorbed asshole.

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Sex and the City: 2x11 Evolution

iS hE gAy oR iS hE sTrAiGhT

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Community: 1x18 Basic Genealogy

I fully support Amber, you go get that money!

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Community: 1x13 Investigative Journalism

What was the point of this episode? I feel like it didn't add anything to the overall plot.

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Community: 1x04 Social Psychology

I'm getting tired of the autism jokes every episode.

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Sex and the City: 2x01 Take Me Out to the Ballgame

Samantha... girl, you're a creep.

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Sex and the City: 1x03 Bay of Married Pigs

A bisexual actress portraying a straight character pretending to be a lesbian :D

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Dickinson: 2x08 I'm Nobody! Who are you?

Holy shit that was a great episode. From the amazing party scene to Emily and Sue being gay as fuck.

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Jack & Bobby: 1x01 Pilot

So many wrongs about the relationships featured on this show. Raising a child is the parent's responsibility, not their sibling's. And apparently Courtney and Bobby get together later in life even though when they meet there's a huge age gap? Disgusting.

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Dickinson: 2x06 Split the lark

"You know, people's reaction to opera the first time they see it is very dramatic. They either love it or hate it. If they love it, they will always love it. If they don't they may learn to appreciate it, but it will never become part of their soul." Me about that scene where Emily imagines Sue is singing her poem.

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A Discovery of Witches: 2x09 Episode 9

This episode was good until that scene. What the fuck was that.

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A Discovery of Witches: 2x03 Episode 3

So excited to finally see Elizabeth!

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Wonder Woman 1984

They made Diana a rapist. Great. What a hero.

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Scandal: 1x02 Dirty Little Secrets

This episode didn't age well.

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