


Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

The movie has definitely structural issues.

I went into this with an open mind, wanting to love it more than The Force Awakens. Unfortunately I did not.

One undeniable positive is that the effects all look very real and good except 2 things that you will understand.

The movie has structural problems. It's beautiful to watch but it has no heart, no character development. You don't care about anyone that much even Jyn Erso. Now I understand why the had to do re-shoots, it needed it and it was not enough.

Also the score by Michael Giacchino was not very memorable. What can you do when you have to do it in 4 weeks.

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens

It is good and I give it 8/10. I am no fan of J.J. Abrams Star Trek movies but this worked. It has some weak moments and one bad actor that you can never guess beforehand but contrary to my doubts, Daisy Ridley is good and it's miles miles better than the Prequel Trilogy, even Revenge of the Sith.

Everything looks real and the lightsaber fights are great. Not like those dancing glowing stick numbers in the prequels. The integration of the legacy actors is done real well and surprised me the most. It went so fast and felt so short. Not one dull moment in this. Even the Original Trilogy had dull moments. I feel this can benefit greatly from an extended cut.

This is a great start and a better director can do wonders. This makes the prequels look even worse. Only now you will realize what could have been done.

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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

I feel pleased and in high spirits after having seen the movie. It's not a great movie, for the moment I rate it a little lower than The Force Awakens but it is a solid 7/10. It's not going lower. By comparison, I felt absolutely nothing after Episode 8. During "The Rise of Skywalker" I had tears several points in the movie, especially at the end. Overall I feel satisfied.

I really loved the general idea of the movie. The problem is, it's only half baked. They didn't have time. It's unfortunate they lost time developing the arc with the second movie. This happens when you don't plan a trilogy in advance.

Here is how I rate the sequel trilogy
1- The Force Awakens
2- The Rise of Skywalker
4- The Last Jedi

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Saving Private Ryan

Of course this movie is a classic and should have won the best picture Oscar. One thing I dislike about this movie is when it jumps into the future. I would have preferred it if it ended in its own period.

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Mary Queen of Scots

I just re-watched this for the second time. I can't describe how much I enjoyed it the second time, even more so than the first time.

Amazing score by Max Richter. Love the track "The Shores Of Scotland"

I watched it back to back part of

The Other Boleyn Girl (2008)​
Elizabeth (1998)​
Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007)​
Mary Queen of Scots (2018)​

I was kind of worried to see this again. It shows Queen Elizabeth like a mustache twirling villain and I didn't want to erase Cate Blanchett's performance watching these back to back. But as I said I really enjoyed it despite Margot Robbie's performance. I just consider it like a separate entity and you will enjoy Mary Stuart's story. I'm not even worried if they are historically accurate, I just enjoy them as stories exploring the human condition. (I was actually surprised how close this was to reality, I thought it was mostly fiction at first)

I will never forget the ending, Saoirse Ronan's composure and the music.

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Solo: A Star Wars Story

They should have let Lord and Miller do their thing.

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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

A little too sad. No reason for them to treat Indy like this. Showing him in his underwear in an apartment?

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Elizabeth: The Golden Age

I do agree that the first movie is better but I was crying like a little baby watching this... And I'm a grown man!

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Around the World in Eighty Days

The one big thing I don't get is how when in the midway Inspector Fix has drugged and betrayed Passepartout and everyone, Passepartout doesn't tell it to Fogg and continues to voyage with Fix like it's nothing. That's a major plot hole for me.

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Victoria & Abdul

I enjoyed this. The problem with this movie is the tone of it. It goes from extreme comedy to extreme drama. You can't do that. You either should decide to be a comedy, a drama or a dramedy. You can't shift tone too much.

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Solo: A Star Wars Story

I just watched this for the second time. It was more enjoyable the second time. I'm raising my rating. I suspect unlike The Last Jedi, this will get better for me with each viewing. I rate it higher than The Last Jedi and lower than The Force Awakens.

If I'm not going higher is only because of the horrendous look of the movie. Must be the worst shot movie in history. Instead of firing Lord and Miller, they should have fired the cinematographer, and on day 1.

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I would say that this is a good movie but not great. I love these kinds of movies. I loved Contact (Robert Zemeckis), felt transported. Again felt transported by Sunshine (Danny Boyle), but did not feel transported by this movie. I was aware at all time I’m watching a movie. I’m not sure exactly why but probably part to some bad acting, bad storytelling and some very bad choices.

Spoilers Stop Reading

Casting Matt Damon was probably too much. I also didn’t like the robot. It didn’t feel realistic at all. Nolan trying to have something different went too far. No way I can accept that a big ridiculous wall is a reasonable shape for an intelligent walking robot. It screams look how clever we are.

Also it was a bad idea to cast Ellen Burstyn as old Murph. That’s the most important emotional moment of the movie and immediately you feel it’s someone else, it’s not Murph. I think even if they had used Jessica Chastain in a bad old makeup, it would have been better.This movie is good but it is not great.

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Shout by Atlantis14
BlockedParent2018-06-02T00:44:36Z— updated 2023-06-13T12:37:49Z

Make no mistake. This is not a great movie. But somehow I enjoyed it. Maybe it's a combination of Dolby Vision + good music. It's just beautiful to look at. I would definitely watch the sequel Ibiza 2: Tokyo!

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Under the Skin

I am a "film viewer" and I watch and enjoy different and difficult films. This movie is total crap, avoid it!

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Last Christmas

Absolutely loved this movie. So charming and it had the magic. I have not seen a rom-com this charming in a long time.

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The Party

I'm amazed that each time I watch this, I enjoy it immensely. I enjoy it more now than when I was a kid. This movie is timeless. The characters are so iconic that their look is burned in my brain. And great music too.

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Need for Speed

I enjoyed this more than fast and furious. This felt like a real racing movie.

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Death on the Nile

This was so bad. Just watch the original 1978 with Peter Ustinov. First, Kenneth Branagh is so bad as Poirot. He can't speak just 2 words of French. Don't they have dialect coaches? The Game of Thrones girl was also so bad and fake with her accent. Just embarrassing in 2022 and it takes you right out of the movie. 44 years ago, they actually chose actors who could speak the parts they were supposed to play.

The movie is also bad on other levels. You get no character development outside the main 3. In the original you knew all the other characters. There is no fun, no humor, no tension. Not that the original is a comedy but it has a magical combination of humor and seriousness.

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Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood

This movie is unbelievably bad.

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The problem with this movie is not that it glorifies anyone. The Godfather did that and it's a masterpiece. The problem is that this is a terrible movie. Badly written, badly made. You don't understand anything. Nothing is told correctly. You don't understand the people, the situation, nothing. Not one straightforward story is told. Someone going around killing people is not a gangster movie. You have to understand the situation.

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The Conjuring 2

This is definitely not better than the first one. They made several major mistakes. CG characters, CG animation is not scary. They went too far. The first one is as scary and disturbing as the Exorcist. I get easily scared but this movie broke something half way through with that dog thing that it was not scary anymore to me.

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Insidious: Chapter 2

I liked this more than the first one because it didn't have Darth Maul and neatly followed and closed the first movie's story.

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The Fabelmans

It's an OK movie. Nothing extraordinary or magical. It just lacked that sense of wonder. It was straightforward and dry.

Spielberg had so many opportunities to add the stories that he himself has told so many times. For example I remember him saying how shocked he was when as a kid he saw Holocaust survivors with tattoo numbers on their hands. Why not add that in the movie? Why not add the kid seeing and hearing WWII stories from soldiers? Why not add all these small details that later make him the person he is in life? Focusing just on the family drama wasn't that interesting or emotional.

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Bodies Bodies Bodies

I loved this movie. It's much more than a who done it movie. Although it's not targeted for my age and I don't think it's particularity that special in the making aspect, the message of the movie is so great.

Huge spoiler, ruining the entire movie (read after you have seen the movie):
The idea that everything bad that happened was because they did it to themselves by being rash, prejudging and not thinking was such a great message.

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The Last Duel

This was very average at best. The story might be interesting but the execution was poor. They show the same story from different vantage points but one of the problems is that instead of being interesting, sometimes they repeat the exact same thing several times with no new information which gets tiring real fast.

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The Ice Road

I really enjoyed this. Don't understand all the criticism. Everything looked plausible to me for a casual viewing. Don't need to go into details. It's like saying Star Wars is a bad movie because there is no sound and explosions in space. Consider this a fantasy movie with ice and trucks. Have fun.

My only real big problem with this movie was killing his brother. Like it's the right thing to do. He is only good when he is dead. He has no future. Totally unnecessary and offensive

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Dragged Across Concrete

Unbelievable. I'm giving this movie a very low rating just because of editing. This is not a slow burn, this is a very badly edited movie. I have no idea how anyone allowed this to happen. This looks like the first assembly cut where they put everything in. I feel like no one went and edit it further!

You could cut out an hour or 1/3 of the movie and still keep all the sequences in. Every scene, every dialog goes 2, 3 times longer than it should. Again using the term slow burn is misleading. There are many slow burn movies where you do not get bored.

Why on earth they thought they have to have a 2h 39min running time? This aint Michael Mann's Heat.

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This is one of the most annoying movies I have ever seen. If they make a stand-alone Jar Jar Binks movie, it would be less annoying. They dare to say at the end that he is one of the greatest Briton of all time! Really? Where did you show that? You just showed a bumbling idiot whining all the time and not doing anything. If you didn't know better you would think this movie is a propaganda made by the enemy at the time of war.

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Me Before You

I was totally ready to get into this story and enjoy it. I'm afraid this movie is terrible. The first thing is Emilia Clarke which did a terrible terrible acting job. She always had the same smirk on her face in any situation, sad, happy, annoyed. The director did a terrible job of directing her. I also did not buy for a single second their supposed love story. The third act is not working at all. You don't understand her motivations, her feelings and it just didn't work. Very disappointing movie.

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I was hesitant to watch this movie and not in the mood to watch a heavy drama. To my surprise it was amazing. No forced drama and it was actually to my great surprise a lot of fun to watch. This movie was faster and more fun and more thrilling that Amazing Spider-Man 2!

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