


Saving Private Ryan

Of course this movie is a classic and should have won the best picture Oscar. One thing I dislike about this movie is when it jumps into the future. I would have preferred it if it ended in its own period.

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Last Christmas

Absolutely loved this movie. So charming and it had the magic. I have not seen a rom-com this charming in a long time.

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The Party

I'm amazed that each time I watch this, I enjoy it immensely. I enjoy it more now than when I was a kid. This movie is timeless. The characters are so iconic that their look is burned in my brain. And great music too.

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I was hesitant to watch this movie and not in the mood to watch a heavy drama. To my surprise it was amazing. No forced drama and it was actually to my great surprise a lot of fun to watch. This movie was faster and more fun and more thrilling that Amazing Spider-Man 2!

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I had already seen this 10 years ago but seeing it again was even better. I bump my rating from 8 to 10. seeing Dr. Sanjay Gupta blew my mind. And it has also its own Hydroxychloroquine. It's a criminal act to publicize a drug that doesn't work. This has truly become a classic now.

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This was absolutely amazing. This is not a western. It's simply an amazing movie. It's so much more than what you might think. I was blown away. The score is amazing too.

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Anne of the Thousand Days

Loved this movie. Although I prefer newer movies with newer looks and modern cinematography, I enjoyed this alot more than The Other Boleyn Girl (2008). It feels more balanced and more tragic.

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The New World

I saw the extended cut (172 min) for the first time. What an experience. An absolute instant masterpiece. Initially I saw the Theatrical Cut on DVD few years ago and while I was floored by the visuals and the music, I was troubled by the editing. To a degree that I wasn't even sure if the story was in sequence.

I had no such problem with this extended cut. The story flowed so much better and everything was clear to me. It was so easy to watch and not once I got bored.

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I love this movie. Had a great impact on me when I was young. I was worried seeing it again after 15-20 years, it wouldn't be the same. We all change and things don't look the same when you are older. I was surprised that this film had not aged that much and still had a great impact. A.K.A crying!!!!!

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Saw it for the second time at home, the first time was in a big theater 3d. You definitely have to watch it in a theater. Not the same impact. The perfect example why theaters still exist.

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Bodies Bodies Bodies

I loved this movie. It's much more than a who done it movie. Although it's not targeted for my age and I don't think it's particularity that special in the making aspect, the message of the movie is so great.

Huge spoiler, ruining the entire movie (read after you have seen the movie):
The idea that everything bad that happened was because they did it to themselves by being rash, prejudging and not thinking was such a great message.

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Loved it. I was engaged from start to end. Very inspiring. I was also going to say, to me it looked a little like a TV movie than a theatrical movie just like how The Irishman looked to me.

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Absolutely amazing movie. I enjoyed it much more than what I was expecting. It was a great surprise. It had great music and I had tears many times. I have no special connection to Tolkien, never read his books. This is just a great movie on its own and it is for everyone regardless of if you know who he is.

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The Lost World: Jurassic Park

I like this movie as much as the first one. I like it because it's not Jurassic Park, it's completely different. It's dark and it's maybe the monster movie that Spielberg tried so hard to avoid in the first movie.

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Mary Queen of Scots

I just re-watched this for the second time. I can't describe how much I enjoyed it the second time, even more so than the first time.

Amazing score by Max Richter. Love the track "The Shores Of Scotland"

I watched it back to back part of

The Other Boleyn Girl (2008)​
Elizabeth (1998)​
Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007)​
Mary Queen of Scots (2018)​

I was kind of worried to see this again. It shows Queen Elizabeth like a mustache twirling villain and I didn't want to erase Cate Blanchett's performance watching these back to back. But as I said I really enjoyed it despite Margot Robbie's performance. I just consider it like a separate entity and you will enjoy Mary Stuart's story. I'm not even worried if they are historically accurate, I just enjoy them as stories exploring the human condition. (I was actually surprised how close this was to reality, I thought it was mostly fiction at first)

I will never forget the ending, Saoirse Ronan's composure and the music.

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I was amazed by Anthony Hopkins. Best performance I have ever seen from him. Never seen him in any other movie with this much range. To me, he is always playing like Anthony Hopkins. Kind of like the same performance and range to me. In this movie he is so genuine and plays the full range, it's very hard to describe and it should be seen. How it looks not like acting. He should have won an Oscar for this.

Also I suppose Richard Attenborough liked the kid on Jurassic Park and cast him. He is good too.

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Stan & Ollie

Really enjoyed this much more than what I was expecting. I was skeptical at first. Especially when I learned it was about their later life. I don't like when instead of celebrating an artist's life, they show the drama too much, the bad stuff and the decline. This surprisingly to me felt like an homage and celebration although that it happens when it's passed their time.

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Instant Family

This movie is real real good. At the beginning don't know for how long, maybe the first 30-40 mins it was full comedy and it didn't fully work. I was thinking this is a little lame but watchable, the movie slowly gets better and the moment they are not trying full comedy and the dramedy kicks in, it gets exponentially better and never leaves you indifferent. So keep watching.

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Bohemian Rhapsody

I absolutely loved it. Normally I avoid these kind of movies. They are dark, bleak and extremely sad. In general I don't want to see that about an artist's life. But this movie had the perfect mix. Not too much melodrama. It had enough drama and more importantly it had music and it was entertaining and musical. It was uplifting and truly celebrating an artist. Instead of being sad at the end, it made me feel happy.

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Peter Pan

This movie is amazing. While Spielberg's Hook to my surprise was a straight Drama with no magic, no imagination and no fantasy, this movie is full of magic and imagination.

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Elizabeth: The Golden Age

I do agree that the first movie is better but I was crying like a little baby watching this... And I'm a grown man!

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Becoming Bond

Great fun movie. I don't like His Bond movie but I have great admiration and respect for him for saying no to all the fame, money and glory. Rebelling and showing up with a beard for his interviews is a prime example of rejecting the system. It's just such a great classic story people who have the power to reject all that.

Overall I'm also glad Roger Moore became Bond but that is not this story.

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A Mermaid in Paris

Loved it. This was an absolutely amazing movie. I have not seen a romantic movie like this for a long time.

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Night Shift

I personally loved it, it's great. Suspension of disbelief is needed. It is of course a fantasy and it never happens in real life. It's about other greater things in life.

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Bad Education

I was completely surprised by how good it is. This is why I love Cinema. The big name movies and big name directors makes you expect things, you are not totally surprised by what you see. What I love about movies is that I still see movies that completly surprise me. I was expecting to see an average movie and was not really in the mood to see a movie about high school and instead I got a movie like if it was made by David Fincher with great score.

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22 July
Magic Magic

This movie is absolutely amazing and I don't understand all the negative reviews. Really? You didn’t understand what this movie is about? Really? You were expecting a horror, fantastical movie?

Let me make it easy for you. This movie is about depression. Being at a strange place. Not feeling belonging to a place. This is like Lars von Trier’s Melancholia. Except this is much better and less boring than Lars von Trier’s movie.

I was planing on watching this movie in 2-3 sittings thinking it will be slow but this movie completely surprised me and I watched it from start to end. Juno Temple plays so well in this and I could completely understand her pain.

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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

I feel pleased and in high spirits after having seen the movie. It's not a great movie, for the moment I rate it a little lower than The Force Awakens but it is a solid 7/10. It's not going lower. By comparison, I felt absolutely nothing after Episode 8. During "The Rise of Skywalker" I had tears several points in the movie, especially at the end. Overall I feel satisfied.

I really loved the general idea of the movie. The problem is, it's only half baked. They didn't have time. It's unfortunate they lost time developing the arc with the second movie. This happens when you don't plan a trilogy in advance.

Here is how I rate the sequel trilogy
1- The Force Awakens
2- The Rise of Skywalker
4- The Last Jedi

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Need for Speed

I enjoyed this more than fast and furious. This felt like a real racing movie.

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Insidious: Chapter 2

I liked this more than the first one because it didn't have Darth Maul and neatly followed and closed the first movie's story.

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