William Millender


Staten Island, New York

Dolly Parton's Heartstrings

It's melodramatic and syrupy sweet. At the same time, a lot of the themes are going to piss off MAGA fans of Dolly's.
Not the worst thing on TV but not great. Sort of Hallmark meets Lifetime meets After School Special. But some of the episodes are charming, in their own way.

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It was cute. Didn’t like it at first but it grew on me. Charming.

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They couldn’t have made a worse version of 90210. This is horrific.

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The Romanoffs: 1x07 End of the Line

Fantastic if only for the scene where they are debating about the baby. One of the best pieces of writing and acting I've ever seen.

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This is pretty much 8 mile for on PC millenials. Has some funny parts and some dope rhymes. Ultimately it was a little too long. A tighter story would have made this more enjoyable.

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I saw, what I did not know was, the ending of the film in a YouTube clip. Thought it looked good and I love Ben Foster so I decided to check it out.

I expected a completely different movie based on the clip. They could have made this thing much shorter. Would have thought it was better with a tighter script and someone else cast in the Mable role, cause she sucks.

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Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2023-10-18T20:36:14Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:21:56Z

Watching this one for the How Did This Get Made podcast. I was pleasantly surprised with how much better this was than expected. Sadly, I feel it could have been so much better. Most of the 6 stars I rated this belong to Ellen Barkin. She owned the screen. She was charismatic and charming and sexy and captivating and funny and gorgeous. Everyone else seemed lifeless compared to her performance. That said, it wasn't SO BAD as to be unwatchable. But with another actress, it might have been just that.

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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The Cleanse

Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2023-08-15T02:41:06Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:22:26Z

I went into this completely blind aside from the description and a cursory view of the trailer when it first came out.

Needless to say, I got a big surprise at the end of the first act.

Overall, this is a piece about our trauma and how we deal with it and how we bond with it. Some parts are actually funny, but a lot of it falls flat and the trauma bonding bit is a little too on the nose for my taste.

Oh and this is NOT a horror movie. It’s horror the same way Stranger Things or Gremlins is “horror” but not really.

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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The Toxic Avenger: The Musical

Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2023-07-30T01:53:44Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:22:43Z

Not usually a musical person but once in awhile one gets my attention. There are some GREAT performances here with just a cast of 5 playing all the roles. Amazing show.

It would have been a 10 if the Toxie costume were a bit better. I feel like they should have broken the character up with two different performers (pre and post transformation).

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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The Blackening

Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2023-07-09T22:19:41Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:23:17Z

First half had promise. The villain was corny AF. And I love Jermaine Fowler. But this wasn't the role for him.
The final act squandered the whole movie.

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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The Void

Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2023-05-14T02:59:17Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:23:29Z

I’m just going to say this…. If you’re trying to decide “should I watch this stoned or should I watch this sober?”; brother, I have to tell you that if you’re not smoking one out, don’t even watch it.

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2023-04-06T13:37:21Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:24:37Z

I watched this hoping for a new version of Cube, but it's basically just an exact remake of the original. It's a lot more dramatic and emotional at times. And there are a couple of small wrinkles added in that has some slight differences. But ultimately the store and pacing and most other aspects of the film are exact. Not worth the watch if you're a fan of the originals.

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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Good Burger

Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2023-03-22T20:52:03Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:24:45Z

I've seen this twice. Once as a kid. It was ok but it wasn't Iconic for me. I was 17 and the demo for this is a little younger.
Second time I saw this was as a stoner adult. As I sit here and realize this was a stone flick all along....

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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Chris Rock: Selective Outrage

Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2023-03-06T05:09:31Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:24:54Z

Most of the time he felt like Bring The Pain Rock. But there were some stumbles like the flat abortion jokes and the concussion/emancipation mess up that kept it from being a true classic. He’s still one of the GOATs. This did not improve that standing nor diminish it.

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2022-10-15T01:14:52Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:25:32Z

Slightly above average teenage horror flick. Expected terrible so it wound up being a decent b movie.

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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Where the Crawdads Sing

Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2022-10-06T00:26:09Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:26:02Z

This film stirred up a lot of emotion in me. So here is my one word review.... "Meh"

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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Ode to Joy

Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2022-06-12T01:56:04Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:26:12Z

I only watched this for Chrissy Moviestars. Shout out Tom Brady. And I would be remiss not to mention Patrick Maholmes III.

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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Money Plane

It was fun if you like some of the actors here. But it's largely just a bad B-Movie featuring the Lawrence brothers not doing much of anything.

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Status Update

I’m going the opposite way of the other reviewers. I’m a fish out of water story fan. I expected this to be completely trash but I wound up liking it a lot. Despite being cliche and predictable there are some very funny moments. It’s also a better produced film than I expected. Low expectations probably led me to like this a lot more than I otherwise would. But it was very funny in parts.

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Dark Phoenix

Ugh... yo, this was just plain bad.

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Modern Love

We liked this one a lot. It's crying porn and schmaltzy at times but overall charming. Reminds me of a shorter version of The Romanoffs.

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The Amazing Johnathan Documentary

I was disappointed in this one. I saw the one released on youtube about his young friend and that was great. This one was kind of a mess and I get why the director inserted himself, but it also felt like he made it about himself toward the middle, rather than focusing on the mystery surrounding Johnathan and the multiple documentaries.
I kept waiting for him to ask Johnathan: "If these people told you they were part of an award winning documentary team and then they weren't, don't you feel duped? And why are you still happy about it if you were, in fact, duped? Pretty key question left out of this.
Either way, there were missing elements and it kind of felt like the film was taking this guy dealing with his pain and showing most of his a*hole moments. Was insightful at times but mostly a cluster-f**.

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What Just Happened??! with Fred Savage

Wasn't sure what to expect here. It was just ok. I see what they're going for but I don't think it works. It's a pretty high concept and I don't expect it to make a full season.

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The Petrified Forest

Nice movie. Davis and Howard’s chemistry is incredible. Bogart is great. You can see why he became a star.

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All That We Destroy

Could have great but the end was shite

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The Twilight Zone: 1x01 The Comedian

Very watchable but utterly predictable.

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Modern Family

I just don't get it. Between this and Big Bang Theory, I don't know how these shows stay on the air for so long.

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The Romanoffs: 1x08 The One That Holds Everything

I found this one to be one of the weaker episodes. It was a bit boring at first and, kind of, all over the place. But it got decent in the 2nd half with a twist at the end.

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The Romanoffs: 1x06 Panorama

This was the worst episode up through the first 6 (haven't see the last two yet). The story had potential but the ending sucked. I also felt like they could have picked a guy that had better acting with the English language. His English speaking felt stilted and insincere.

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The Greatest Showman

Not only did I want to like it. I wanted to LOVE it. I saw the scene where Never Enough is performed before I saw the film and then from the opening scene, I thought the movie was going to thrill me, but it ultimately felt hollow to me. The modern music was really good, but it took me out of it a little. Also, I wanted it to be longer and a little darker at times. I felt like the freak show characters and the relationship between Barnum and the singer could have been fleshed out a lot more. This could have been a grand two and half hour epic. But instead, we got a really good hour and a half musical by way of Hollywood. Fun film, but ultimately too fluffy and empty.

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