William Millender


Staten Island, New York

Ready Player One

The nerd in me loved the shit out of this movie. The movie lover in me saw the Swiss cheese plot holes.

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The Book of Henry

I did not expect this to be such a bummer of a movie. I mean that in terms of story, not movie quality.

As far as the movie quality, I was interested but when the tragedy happens the film goes into complete unbelievability. It's still watchable, but it lost me half way through.

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There Will Be Blood

Take it from someone who is NOT a fan of old west movies or period pieces in general; this is a perfect film. Should be up there with Shawshank and Jaws and Schindler's List.

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I had high hopes for this one but it was just ok.

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The Fate of the Furious

I don't usually love F&F movies. They're usually just ok to whatever for me. I probably enjoyed this one the most out of any of them. It was a fun ride.

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Humanly Impossible

I'm rating this a 10 but only because I'm in it, haha

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