Clobby Clobsters


Gravity Falls, Oregon, Australia

Gravity Falls: 1x14 Bottomless Pit!

It really was bottomless.

Was it filler? Yes. Did it contain a bunch of mini-stories that I thoroughly enjoyed? Uh-huh.

Nothing particularly eventful happened in this episode. The gang just fell into a bottomless pit and told stories until they stopped falling. It was fun. I especially liked Mabel's tale about Grunkle Stan and those teeth. Man, with hindsight now, I wonder how the series would've proceeded if he started spouting about Stanford and his past.

I wonder what Stan was thinking while he was falling the pit a second time. Also, they should put up some barriers around that hole. Just having a sign just doesn't cut it.



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BoJack Horseman: 1x05 Live Fast, Diane Nguyen

"Sounds like you're looking for our Piece of Shit Dad Package."
"That would be too good for my father."

Damn Diane.

To see Diane's obnoxious family and her terrible dad was sad. I'm glad she ran away and found Mr Peanutbutter. He seems like a nice guy. And it's nice to see one of my favourite characters (so far) has flaws.

Todd's massive scam is concerning. The fact that he got away with it for so long is scary. People will believe anything if it's a multimillion house, huh? Also, Diane exploding was freaky. And BoJack's longing for brothers was so unfortunate. I'm glad he pushed past it to help Diane.

That pen pal prank was messed up. I'm sad BoJack laughed and told Diane "Yeah, you wouldn't get it. It's a brothers thing," Ouch.

It's good.


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BoJack Horseman: 1x03 Prickly-Muffin

"Nothing I do has consequence!"

Welp. We learnt the lesson, but I don't think BoJack did. This episode was basically about how we're products of our environment. Sarah Lynn, while the youngest daughter on Horsin' Around, faced a lot of bad influence from BoJack. She became obsessed with her image and sex, way too much. Being famous or a child actor/actress can turn out badly.

It's funny.


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BoJack Horseman: 1x02 BoJack Hates the Troops

People don't like the truth? Okay.

BoJack be spitting straight facts in this episode. I do like it more than the first, and it was less depressing than the last, so I'm glad. So BoJack isn't willing to talk about some hard truths from his past, yet he's willing to shout out some hard facts about society and everything else? And it's only at the end BoJack decides to divert his truth-speaking powers towards his memoir. Diane seems like more of a mentor or close friend for BoJack already. This episode was neat.

It's solid.


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Gravity Falls: 1x13 Boss Mabel

This was a fun episode. A nice "let's take a break from the over-arching conflict" and just enjoy being at the Mystery Shack and with this family.

The moral of the story: be kind to your employees but not too kind. I like that Mabel gets to learn that she needs to be strict to get work done but she went full on strict instead of a little strict. So, kind of changes the message to: "Be strict. being kind doesn't work". And for Stan, he just learns that knowing the word "thank you" can help you win a game show. This episode was still hilarious anyway.



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BoJack Horseman: 1x01 The BoJack Horseman Story, Chapter One

Shout by Clobby Clobsters
BlockedParent2020-08-20T08:38:25Z— updated 2021-05-11T11:28:31Z

Wow. Not what I expected.

I expected it to be more light-hearted and funnier, but BoJack has a seriously dark undertone that made me depressed. It's still a good first episode, though. I'm interested. The sex jokes weren't too obnoxious, and the animation is tolerable. And so far, nothing was laugh-out-loud funny. We'll see.

"Back in the '90s, I was in a very famous TV show."

This line summarises BoJack's character at the moment. He used to be famous, but now he's depressed. He does nothing all day but reminiscent of the old days. To see his almost lonely existence and the show where he's a father of three children being the only thing to make him laugh or smile was so sad.

I'm guessing it'll be more light-hearted in the future. I don't know. It wasn't dull, but I did check when it would end twice throughout.

It's okay.


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The Dragon Prince: 1x02 What is Done

This one was better than the last.

I did notice more missing frames in the animation, but the plot was more interesting. We get to see Harrow and Viren argue whether or not they should use dark magic and I'll admit, Claudia and Callum are cute. I can't take Rayla seriously when she starts naruto running, and the music felt like it tried to make me feel sad when I wasn't. It felt a bit forced.

Also, to see Rayla run on walls was a bit terrifying. Damn. And I applaud Exran for his perseverance. He went at that combination for a month!?! Crazy.

It's better than the last episode.


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Gravity Falls: 1x12 Summerween

Seriously, Dipper! You can't go to Wendy's party if you're dead! Get your act together!

I understand Mabel's point of view, but she should realise that Dipper wants to do something different. It's just one year. Just because he isn't going trick or treating this year doesn't mean he isn't going to the next. But I understand the episode's message. Don't try to grow up too fast and enjoy the time you have with your siblings/friends. It was sweet. But I feel like they're both in the wrong here. Let the bird fly free.

It's good.


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Gravity Falls: 1x11 Little Dipper
The Dragon Prince: 1x01 Echoes of Thunder
Hilda: 1x12 Chapter 12: The Nisse
Hilda: 1x11 Chapter 11: The House in the Woods

This episode is beautiful.

An episode about home. It's not about the possessions or the place; it's about the people. Wherever Hilda's friends or family are, that's her home. People leave homes and make new ones. But they never really leave those old homes behind. It's a part of who you are. This episode is beautiful. And when that song plays, it's magical.

When Raven showed up, I thought it was a deus ex machina. But Raven had his reasons to be there, so I'll let it slide. Alfur some cool moments. Raven did too. We got to see more of Woodman and the wilderness. It's was refreshing. This episode reminded me why I love Hilda (the series and her) so much. Simple stories set in a beautiful world with beautiful characters and animation.


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Hilda: 1x09 Chapter 9: The Ghost
Hilda: 1x07 Chapter 7: The Lost Clan
Hilda: 1x06 Chapter 6: The Nightmare Spirit

Wow. The eeriness of this episode and the Marra reminds me of Gravity Falls.

And I like how Hilda's tendency to drag her friends into scary adventures made her an antagonist. Not just the Marra. I thought they'd just get rid of the Marra, the end. Problem solved. Instead, our characters learn to acknowledge their mistakes and experience personal growth. Now, how about that?

Also, David is such a treat. He sacrificed himself for Hilda, so she didn't have to endure that nightmare. David for president! I'm only giving this a 7.5 is because I loved this episode. It's not too short that it makes me feel there could've been more, but not too long that I get bored.


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Gravity Falls

Shout by Clobby Clobsters
BlockedParent2020-07-05T07:28:07Z— updated 2020-07-21T09:53:15Z

My initial thought upon learning of this show was that it was "just another kids show" (why are appearances so deceiving?), but after I saw season 1, episode 9, I knew I was wrong.

I knew this was a great show after I saw Episode Two of Season 2 and was wanting more when season Episode 18 of Season 2 rolled in. "See you next Summer" gives me a sliver of hope that they'll be another season, even though the last episode aired four years ago. I just went through some of the specials and read the 2018 graphic novel. I hope for a Season Three or a spin-off of some sort, but at the same time, it's fine the way it is.

But I'm just so invested in these characters! They're funny, witty and so likable! Even some of the recurring side characters seem like they have a life going on behind the scenes! This show is fantastic, and I'm ready to rewatch it and see that Summer again.

God bless Alex Hirsch; the characters you voiced are incredible. Go on and watch this show. It's worth it.

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The Legend of Korra