Clobby Clobsters


Gravity Falls, Oregon, Australia

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x06 One World, One People

Shout by Clobby Clobsters
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-04-23T10:38:20Z— updated 2021-07-06T05:07:13Z

As Cosmonaut Marcus writes, "It was whatever."

  • There's no tension in the fights because, of course, they're going to win.
  • Falcon with the save! Superheroes are actually saving people; thank you.
  • The story: I'm right, discouraged by obstacles, I'm right again; no lesson learned
  • Bucky saved some people!
  • Do all these ordinary people train or just happen to know karate (the Flag Smashers)?
  • And Walker doesn't go for the save.
  • Nvm, Walker goes for the save!
  • Wow, Sharon is the Power broker; what a relevant revelation. It's nice to know our theorists are right.
  • Karli wishes she was Killmonger, huh?
  • Falcon: You're right; I don't understand, but you Senators need to start asking "why?"!
  • "U.S. Agent"? Ok, sure.
  • WoAh, I wonder what AGeNt CArTer is up to?

There are some important messages but no revelations, lessons or challenges. Falcon just hears Bradley say, "don't do it", and does it and does fine, because...? So he had self-doubt, hears more doubt from someone else, but does it anyway?

SCORE 5/10

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What If...?: 1x02 What If… T'Challa Became a Star-Lord?
The Book of Boba Fett: 1x02 Chapter 2: The Tribes of Tatooine

With an extra 14 minutes (including the credits), "The Book of Boba Fett" decides to use its time to show Boba Fett attack some thugs, take down a train, and do a dance around a campfire. Yes, I like the message that Indigenous people (the Sand People) shouldn't have to hide. Yes, I enjoyed the confrontations in Mos Espa. But with no character development, plot or conflicts, I'm worried about this series' trajectory.

Once again, the concept art looks cooler than the actual show (unlike "The Mandalorian", which looks as cool (if not cooler) than its concept art).

Edit: The flashbacks feel like sidequests since Boba's never morally questioned. He's just positioned as the good guy (even though he's had questionable morals in the comics, movies and "Star Wars: The Clone Wars"). He just takes down monster, takes down train, gets a staff and dances.


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The Book of Boba Fett: 1x06 Chapter 6: From the Desert Comes a Stranger

Again, I like the episodes with Boba Fett barely in it (this is again just "The Mandalorian" Season 3).

  1. Ahsoka calling Luke Skywalker by his first name while Mando calls him Skywalker (because Anakin is "Skywalker" to her).
  2. Ahsoka strongly against attachment perhaps because of Anakin's fall to the dark side (IDK understand Luke's, though. TESB makes it feel weird).


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Amphibia: 3x17 Escape to Amphibia

The Star Wars reference, though. They had the "Rogue One" music and everything. XD


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The Book of Boba Fett: 1x04 Chapter 4: The Gathering Storm

I'm getting tired of this show now.

  1. The deal between Boba and Jabba's old captains makes zero sense
  2. There's a scene where a wookie attacks some trandoshians for seemingly no reason (other than he was bored?) just so Boba could hire him.
  3. Why wasn't the flashback in episodes 1 or 2?!


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Mob Psycho 100: 2x05 Discord ~Choices~
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: 4x01 The Coronation
  • Yo, Glimmer's new haircut
  • Oh, the intro is the same
  • Nvm, no, it's not
  • Aunt Casta is brutal
  • Woah, Frosta, calm down now
  • RIP Perfuma
  • Bow and Adora be freaking out together, and it's freaking me out
  • This day is chaotic
  • Catra's breaking Scorpia's heart
  • Ikr, Glimmer. Planning your own party, SUCKS
  • Team combo?
  • Oooh, sparkly
  • Oh, those tiny wings were foreshadowing for her actual wings
  • Nope, nvm
  • Woah, Catra. This is treason

Look, not the best episode, but with three seasons to back up their friendship, Adora, Bow, and all the other princesses' words of support and encouragement do mean a lot. It's pretty wholesome, even if it is bittersweet. Again, it's not the best episode, but it's got good intentions.

SCORE: 7/10

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Loki: 1x03 Lamentis
Invincible: 1x06 YOU LOOK KINDA DEAD
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba: 1x08 The Smell of Enchanting Blood

Shout by Clobby Clobsters
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-05-18T09:19:21Z— updated 2021-06-13T03:38:21Z

  • Tanjiro—jeez
  • They really shouldn't make demonslayers a secret, because this is unfortunate
  • Friendly demon? Ok
  • This man was gonna live, but now he's sealed his own fate
  • That's disgusting
  • This is why you don't drop the udon
  • Hungry boi
  • Tanjiro; racist
  • Rude, don't ask her age
  • You can smell the truth?
  • Yushiro, I get it; she's beautiful

SCORE: 6/10

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BoJack Horseman: 6x16 Nice While It Lasted
BoJack Horseman: 6x15 The View from Halfway Down
Hilda: 2x08 Chapter 8: The Fifty Year Night
Hilda: 2x06 Chapter 6: The Old Bells of Trolberg
The Mandalorian: 2x04 Chapter 12: The Siege
The Book of Boba Fett: 1x07 Chapter 7: In the Name of Honor
The Book of Boba Fett: 1x03 Chapter 3: The Streets of Mos Espa

Funny how the episode with the least amount of flashbacks is my favourite. Unfortunately, I've come to ask myself a pressing question: Why should we (or Boba) care whether he keeps control of Mos Espa? In "Star Wars: A New Hope", we cared whether the Rebellion destroyed the Death Star because we knew the Rebellion was stationed on Yavin IV—lives were at stake.

Why should we care if Boba loses Jabba's empire? What's at stake?


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Community: 5x09 VCR Maintenance and Educational Publishing
Infinity Train: 4x02 The Iceberg Car

Both: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

  • Interesting start
  • I'm still disappointed we didn't follow Amelia and Hazel :(
  • Kez totally killed them

Min Gi: "Yeah, we're fine."
Ryan: "We're great."

It pains me to say I didn't like this one that much. :/

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x19 The Siege of the North (1)

Iroh: "Well, ever since I lost my son"
Zuko: "Uncle, you don't have to say it"
Iroh: "I think of you as one of my own."

"You rise with the moon, I rise with the sun." — Zuko


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Community: 2x07 Aerodynamics of Gender
  • Did Troy enter Narnia?

Annie: "In fact, what are you doing for lunch?"
Abed: "It's Wednesday. Sometimes I eat in Jeff's car. Don't tell him."

  • Abed, chill
  • They weaponising Abed
  • Omg, stop doing this to Abed. He's innocent!


  • Nooo, they broke Abed

Troy: "Why are you doing this?"
Donald Glover's performance, omg
Troy: "I hate you. I hate you."

Girl: "What are these?"
Abed: "Destruct codes."


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Community: 2x01 Anthropology 101
  • Omg, what an intro! Troy wears Spider-Man PJs?
  • Jee whiz Jeff, that is..
  • RIP Britta
  • How does Troy post without looking at his phone?
  • Nvm, he did
  • Ayy, "Toy Story 3"!
  • Ruh roh, Jeff and Britta are screwed

"I'm hoping we can move away from the soapy relationship-y stuff and into bigger fast-paced self-contained escapades." — Abed

  • Wait, she just shot Starburns!

Uh-oh, only Jeff is screwed this episode
"Sorry, man, I gotta go where the heat is. Jeff Winger, you're a jerk." — Troy

  • Jeff, wtf
  • Oh no, they don't love each other. Wtf
  • RIP Annie
  • ABED, LMAO, he brought the entourage!

Abed: "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you cancelled."
Abed: "TV makes sense, it has structure, logic, rules, and likeable leading men. In life, we have this. We have you."

Chang: "Ha! Gay."
The meme has been found

  • I don't think this teacher is a teacher
  • Omg, Chang is Smeagle
  • I love that song

This is quite the step-up from last season already.


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She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: 5x12 Heart (1)

- Wait, where were Sea Hawk and the other princesses last episode?
- No way
- But why does Prime want to destroy the universe? I'm confused
- Spooky Light Hope
- Dang, Catra, speak your truth
- Yo, this is epic. Go team!
- "Perforation"? Okay Sea Hawk
- Bow, did you say "A whole new world"?
- Wait, when did Prime discover this?
- Wait, what about Shadow Weaver?
- Yo, Glimmer and Bow, let's go
- I still don't like Mara's blond hair
- Wait, why is Mara here to tell her this? Who is this? Isn't she dead? What? The place looks beautiful, though
- Yo, Glimmer did THAT?
- Nice work, Bow!
- Wtf happened to THEM? WTF?

This episode is okay. I don't know, I thought it would pick up in Season 5, but it's losing me. I miss Seasons 2 and 3. Well, let's see how it all ends anyway.

SCORE: 7/10

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She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: 5x08 Shot in the Dark
  • I bet Krytis is just his home planet where his family lives
  • They just changed the intro again!
  • I'll be honest, I don't like how they haven't given Adora and Catra's relationship any attention...
  • Their spacesuits are so cool
  • I like that moment where Catra sees Adora happy
  • I just realised, did the show ever explain how Micah got onto Beast Island?
  • And they don't check Shadow Weaver's neck? Hmmm
  • Poor kidnapped Hordak...
  • Nice door, Catra
  • Yo, Adora's blushing after that
  • Woah, that is DEADLY

Entrapta: "Sorry, what door?"
Catra: "What do you mean "what door"? The one you told us to go through."
Entrapta: "That wasn't me. This is the first time we've talked since the last floor."

Entrapta: "By the way, who's your new friend?"
Glimmer: "What are you talking about? It's just the four of us."
Entrapta: "Hate to disagree, but there's a definite heat signature right behind you."

  • Now THIS is dangerous
  • How to train your lion-spirit-thing?
  • Okay, Shadow Weaver, where did you learn this?
  • They have a cloaked ship now

SCORE: 7/10

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She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: 5x02 Launch
  • Of course he has a giant hologram. He literally clones himself. He's the biggest narcissist in the show

"My body is betraying me." — Adora

"Wait! But it's for science!" — Entrapta

  • Is this the comedy episode?
  • Frosta, that's a psychotic face

"A robot? Where?" — Entrapta

  • She betrayed you, because you left her. Did you guys forget that?
  • I actually didn't get that Entrapta. Please speak English
  • It's nice to get an episode that humanises the supporting cast
  • Yo, Adora's moved on from She-Ra? Eh, she'll get her back later
  • Wait, Micah can shapeshift?

We're not declining, thankfully, but we aren't great. We'll see how it goes.

SCORE: 7/10

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Harley Quinn: 1x11 Harley Quinn Highway
  • This is the only time I will say "yay!" to the second amendment
  • Ivy!
  • Yeah, thesis at the top. Good on Frank
  • Clayface, that was disgusting
  • This goon keeps giving away deus ex machinas like it's going out of style
  • Why did Sy cover up his mobility scooter?

"I fear they poisoned Ivy."

  • Why did I laugh at this?
  • The tree bleeds?
  • Poor little Ivy...
  • This is a Star Wars reference!
  • Frank just referenced M. Night Shymalan?
  • OMG, SY!?
  • Sy, WTF?!
  • Scarecrow is mad
  • This episode has way too much gratuitous gore, I swear

Even with so many deus ex machinas, this show is still sweet.

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Harley Quinn: 1x01 'Til Death Do Us Part
  • Woah, that is disgusting
  • They're just having this relationship convo while casually committing mass murder
  • Jeez, what happened to Gordon?

"Asks the guy who fucks bats" — Harley LMAO

  • RIP the kid's cactus
  • Oh my God, Harley needs help!
  • Poor Poison Ivy
  • Jim Gordon, why did you think Batman would accept a barbecue invitation?

"And we're murdering everyone in Gotham in three, two..."

  • Joker, you bi—
  • Oh my gosh, this is genius

"Joker never loved me. He only loves Batman."

  • Omg, Ivy you genius
  • Wow, this show is gory

Wow, that was amazing! "Harley Quinn" is the best thing I've seen today! It's laugh-out-loud hilarious and steeped in character! I hope it keeps up this quality or gets better! Wow, this is fun. Thanks for the tip, Sarcastic Chorus!

SCORE: 8/10

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The Midnight Gospel: 1x03 Hunters Without a Home
  • The animation is so nice
  • I vibe with that cat playing "The Entertainer"
  • That's a crazy leg tablet
  • The cat just flipped them off
  • They just killed that crab
  • They killing milennials
  • So rude

I still don't know what is going on, but I'm enjoying it.

SCORE: 7/10

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Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency: 1x04 Watkin