Clobby Clobsters


Gravity Falls, Oregon, Australia

The Owl House: 2x16 Hollow Mind

Hunter: "Remember what happened at the Night Market?"

  • What an opening

Hunter: "Oh! This is when I inherited my staff!"

  • Lol
  • Are those cloaked figures Raine, Darius and Eberwolf?

Luz: "Hunter."


Luz: "Are those, Palismen?"
Hunter: "We weren't running from the Inner Belos. He was with us the whole time."

  • Omg, wtf

Hunter: "What did you do to the other guards? To our family?! It wasn't wild magic, was it?"

  • That's messed up

Hooty: "Inopportune interruption, eh?"
[In a deep voice.]
Hooty: "I'll handle this."

Eda: "Don't crowd them! Are you two okay?"

  • Damn
  • Hunter is having an identity crisis and I'm terrified for him


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The Owl House: 2x15 Them's the Breaks, Kid
  • Shorter intro? :O

Eda: "Nothing can stop the Clawthorne sisters! Our rivals shall be crushed beneath our feet!"

  • Omg
  • Ayo, Darius used to hang with Amity's parents?

Principal Faust: "Every year..."
[Students run and hide screaming.]
Principal Faust: "...Hexside participates in a special training program called Instructing Future Witches of Tomorrow."

  • Lol, everyone's scared of this principal

Raine: "I don't know who you are, but you are a riot."

  • Omg, the child voice actors for all these characters are amazing
  • Raine and Eda being a dynamic duo! I'm here for it!

Eda: "I think I'm being used to embarrass our vice principal. As if he doesn't do that already."

  • Oh, no, Bump. NOOO. I'VE DONE THAT. AHH
  • Yo, they're flexing the animation here

Student: "My parents say if I don't come home with a ribbon, I better not come home at all."

  • Oof

Terra Snapdragon: "Delightful!

  • Yo, Eda and Raine doing that dance, omg
  • Bump fainted and I laughed

Raine: "I'll keep you safe, Eda. I promise."

  • Ayo, what? He's fine? Okay


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Moon Knight: 1x04 The Tomb
  • My problem with the audience with the Gods is that Khonshu and Marc made a bad decision but I don't think the story is interested in them learning from that
  • The love triangle between Layla, Marc and Steven is kinda funny even if it's a bit weird

Laya: "You smell like him."

  • What the hell do you mean? He is him!

Layla: "Why are you telling me this now?"

  • Yeah, why? It's been real convenient up until this point

  • Idk about them being together... It's fun when it's a joke, but for real it's problematic

Layla: "The Avatar would be Ammit's voice."
Steven: "...That's right."

  • Lol, why was that so awkward. It's like they delivered the exposition but didn't know how to end the scene, haha

Steven: "What are they shooting at?"

  • Horror? Cool

Marc: "But you also told her the truth about why I've been pushing her away. And that was unexpected."

  • What the hell. Why didn't YOU tell her, Marc?
  • Yo, Ethan Hawke does NOT hold back. Lol

Layla: "I'll share it with you this time, I swear."

  • Lol, what?

Hippo: "Hi!"

  • Lol


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The Owl House: 2x14 Reaching Out
  • The openings for these Owl House eps are such downers, omg

Hunter: [Text message] "LEAVE. ME ALONE"

  • Lmao
  • The transition from list to brawl!

Amity: "I'm not going anywhere with you!
[Amity takes Luz's rune.]
Amity: "...Either of you."

  • ;-;

Luz: "Thank you for listening. I can't wait to pick flowers with you."


Eda: "I've got my eyes on you, Blight."

  • Lol
  • Absent fathers episode... :(


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The Owl House: 2x13 Any Sport in a Storm
Ranking of Kings: 1x02 The Prince and Kage


  • RIP those Shadow Clan members. That was brutal

Geslan: "Look around you."

  • They're just wearing the corpses on their spears?! Omg
  • That guy beat up a child :eyes:
  • Yo, Kage keeps losing people :(

Guard: "Why don't they stop him?!"

  • Yeah, wtf

Daida: "Brother was fighting dirty."

  • No, he wasn't. Wtf. Dodging is allowed

Kage: "No matter what anyone else says, I think your style is just fine as it is."

  • YES
  • The animation of his expression as he cries tears of happiness ;-;

Wow. I'm not usually the type of guy to really like a story's beginnings, but this show has had such a strong start.

It was such a bold and unexpected choice to shift this episode's focus onto Kage's backstory, and it really makes you look at him in a different light as he becomes easier to empathise with.

I still don't understand how Bojji hadn't shown his fighting ability before or why these people think dodging = fighting dirty, but oh well, it's a nice metaphor.

This world is also very cruel.


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Ranking of Kings: 1x01 The Prince's New Clothes


  • The animation is unexpectedly smooth
  • He hit him! :O

A solid start!

The entire set-up for how little others think of Boji is well-done and establishes this world quite well. No, it doesn't feel like there's a massive world out there, but it feels like there is a kingdom, at least.

Boji's entire upbeat attitude is endearing, but once you learn that he's just been holding it all in , it becomes all too real and easier to sympathise with him.

The twist at the end brings about some stellar animated action, and I'm all for it.

This show has a promising beginning, and I hope it only improves from here.


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Moon Knight: 1x03 The Friendly Type
Amphibia: 2x14 Lost in Newtopia

Anne: "I didn't want the baby carrot sticks, mum! I didn't want them! Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?!"
[Newt in car rolls up the car window.]

Hop Pop: "Now I'll never make it to the cheese museum."

Anne: "No guides! People will know we're lame-o tourists."
[Polly gasps.]
Polly: "You're right! Don't wanna be like that guy."
Tourist: "Aw..."

Anne & Polly: "Tails. Tails. Tails."
[Anne & Polly swing the tail store door open, clapping.]
Both: "Tails. Tails. Tails. Tails."
[The Store Worker joins in.]
Anne, Polly & Store Worker: "Tails. Tails. Tails. Tails. Tails. Tails. Tails!"

Polly: "I just thought of a better name. An-olly."
Hop Pop: "Aw, that's not better."
Sprig: "It's worse, actually."
Anne: [Crying.] "'Ann-olly. I... I love it!"

Marcy: "Aw, dang it! Tell me that tapestry wasn't hundreds of years old."
Andrias: "Oh, way older than that, actually."
Marcy: [Faintly.] "No!"


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Moon Knight: 1x02 Summon the Suit
Kid Cosmic: 1x02 Kid Cosmic y la Niña Gigantica

Chuck: "Wow, kid. That was cold."


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Kid Cosmic: 1x01 Kid Cosmic and the Rings of Power!
  • Did somebody say animated desert town? Yes, please
  • Such a refreshing visual style. Very reminiscent of old comics

Kid Cosmic: "Not in the road. Stay safe, citizen!"

  • Lol

Kid Cosmic: "Maybe it's out of juice?"

  • He's dead

"Accident Claims Parents"

  • Aw, no ;-;

Jo: "I hate meditating!"
Kid Cosmic: "Oh, it's not so— Bad! So, so bad!"

  • Lol

Jo: "You gonna blast me? You gonna blast me? Or are you too chicken?"
[Jo clucks.]
Alien: "I have no idea what that means, but it sounds offensive. You are so dead!"


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Amphibia: 2x11 Marcy at the Gates

Hop Pop: "There she is, gang. Newtopia."

  • Chills with this music

Hop Pop: "That's one cool newt."
[Stranger falls.]
Hop Pop: "Oh."
Sprig: "Been there."
Polly: "Didn't really stick the landing."

Marcy: "Are they your surrogate frog family? Did they find you and take you in? Ugh! I love the found family trope!"

Marcy: "The greatest JRPG of all time! Have you played it? Do you wanna play it? Do you want to borrow it? Just say the word and I'll lend you my copy. Man, it'll change your LIVES!"

Sprig: "Oh, come on, guys. Surely you don't trust this 'Marcy' person."
Hop Pop: "I do."
Polly: "With my life, actually."

Hop Pop: "Marcy, how'd you like to be adopted?"
Anne: "I don't want to lose you again."

  • ;-;


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Amphibia: 2x08 Toadcatcher

Sasha: "Okay, so first of all, this beard and burping situation? Unacceptable! Secondly..."
[Sasha turns her head.]
Sasha: "Wait. Do you hear that?"

  • Yo, General Yunnan being a badass

Sasha: "Ha! Some general you are. Where's your army?"
Yunnan: "I had an army once."
[Yunnan slashes. Two dummies and several trees fall.]
Yunnan: "They slowed me down."
[Sasha turns toward Grime, slowly.]
Sasha: "Oookay. We're leaving now."
[She grabs Grime and runs.]


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Amphibia: 2x06 A Caravan Named Desire

[Hop Pop bursts open the doors. Anne screams.]
Hop Pop: "Anne! The play's a distraction for a bank robbery! On one hand, that's awful. But on the other hand we need to support the arts, right?"
Anne: "What? No! They're using you to commit crimes. You can't just pretend you don't know that."
Hop Pop: "Hm. I probably could. I'm a very good actor, you know? Thanks for the advice, Anne!"
[Polly opens the window.]
Polly: "Anne! I love you girl!"
Anne: "I love you, too, dude!"

Hop Pop: "I got ya! I got ya!"
[Renee faceplants.]
Hop Pop: "Oops. Kind of misjudged that arc."

Anne: "Movies are better!"

  • That's the last line of this episode. Yep


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Amphibia: 2x05 Truck Stop Polly

Anne: "Hey, Polly, we just wanted to say we understand—"
Sprig: "Shh. She's napping. You never bother Polly while she's napping."
Anne: "Oh... well, we'll just talk to her when she wakes up, then."
Sprig: [Whispers] "Neeeverrr."

Polly: "I guess I live here now! Starting over from scratch. I don't know no one, and no one knows me!"
[Soggy Joe walks by.]
Soggy Joe: "How's it hanging, Polly?"
Polly: "Sup, Soggy Joe?"

Speedy Joe: "Sorry to interrupt, but do you guys need a tow to the next stop? Betcha they'll have everything you need to fix up your wagon."
Anne, Hop Pop, Polly & Sprig: "Fwagon."
Speedy Joe: "Is that a word?"


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Amphibia: 2x02 Fort in the Road

Sprig: "Man, this stinks!"

  • I just realised Polly is playing the finger pencil game without any fingers

Sprig: "Seriously?!"
Hop Pop: "Hey, hey, I just enforce the rules. I don't make 'em."
Anne: "You did make them! They're called Hop Pop's Road Rules!"
Hop Pop: "Darn straight. And I stand by them!"


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Amphibia: 1x39 Reunion
  • Love the music in the quicker intros

Sprig: "Hey! I'm here bestie too! I guess that makes me your bestie-in-law!"
[Sprig laughs.]
Sasha: "Does it?"
[Sprig frowns, laughing awkwardly and coughs.]
Sprig: "Did ya'll feel that?"

Sprig: "Hey, everyone! This is a sham! We're not guests. We're prisoners!"

  • Lol
  • I just realised the Toad guard was catching Polly with that bucket

Sasha: "Oh, she's totally freaking out."
[Cut to the banquet hall.]
Wally: "I'm totally freaking out!"

  • Transition!

Hop Pop: "Well, it's a good-looking poster, though."

  • Lol

Wally: "Just a little gift for our generous hosts."

  • Wally's laugh is one of an agent of chaos

Toad Guard: "Hey, that's mine!"

  • Lol. I can't believe they got a voice actor to say that one line

Anne: "Thanks for believing in me, Sprig."
Sprig: "Spranne against the world!"

  • :D

Hop Pop: "Eh, I never liked that guy."

  • Omg, "Lean On Me"

Sasha: "Hey, Anne? Maybe you're better off without me?"

  • Man, I get teary eyed. That moment where Sasha's eyes dart back and forth
  • Dang, really love these end credit illustrations


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Amphibia: 1x38 Anne of The Year
Smiling Friends: 1x06 Enchanted Forest

Pim: "The enchanted forest? O-oh my, god. I LOVE THE ENCHANTED FOREST!"

  • Lol

Hobbit: "Away with you, you nasty, rotten thing!"

  • Omg

Pim: "What's going on here? Charlie knows how much I love the enchanted forest."

  • Omg, Pim is turning into Gollum

Princess: "Oh, hello there. How can I help?"

  • Lol, was she just waiting there the entire time?


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Smiling Friends: 1x05 Who Violently Murdered Simon S. Salty?

This show is terrifying, man. Wtf.


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Smiling Friends: 1x04 A Silly Halloween Special
  • Omg, it's a claymation monster

Stranger: "Whoa. Is that fucking black face, dude?!"
Monster: "No no no no! This isn't black face I'm an actual demon."

  • They just ripped that thing's limbs off and ate its corpse. What the hell


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Moon Knight: 1x01 The Goldfish Problem
Smiling Friends: 1x03 Shrimp's Odyssey

Charlie: "Let's start by getting some sunlight in here."
[Shrimp screams.]
Charlie: "Whoa! Okay, I'm sorry. We'll start small."

  • Lol

Customer: "Number 15. Could I get the number 15?"

Shrimp: "How do I look, yellow man?"
Charlie: "Y-you look like you're about to tell your friend not to come to school tomorrow, man."

  • Oh, no

Charlie: "Pim, her name was Shrimpena. She'd be a shrimp."
Pim: "I did think that for a moment. I just thought it was like a quirky like you didn't expect she was gonna be a human thing."


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Smiling Friends: 1x01 Desmond's Big Day Out

Charlie: "What's up with the gun?"
Desmond: "Oh, nothing. I was probably gonna use it to shoot myself or something."

  • It's the guy from Red Letter Media :O

Charlie: "Look, Pim, I know it's our job to help this guy and everything, but I think this guy's a lost cause."

  • Oh, no

Desmond: "Okay, but if you can't help me. I'm gonna f*ing shoot myself and make you two watch."
"Okay, not sure about that, but yay!"

Desmond: "That... felt... good."

  • Oh, no
  • Omg, Pim is dead
  • LMAO, what was that ending, and why was that funny


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The Owl House: 2x12 Elsewhere and Elsewhen
The Owl House: 2x11 Follies at the Coven Day Parade
The Owl House: 2x10 Yesterday's Lie
  • Yo, Luz used to have longer hair? Cute

Luz: "You!"
[Other Luz screams.]

  • Omg
  • Okay, so the Season 2 opening and Amphibia's Season 3 outro are on par, for me. Both are just excellent

Number Five: "I'm a basilisk, and technically, I— I shouldn't exist. My kind went extinct a long time ago. But we were brought back. They wanted to know how we drained magic."

  • Damn, this got dark

Stranger: "I'll expose your vile plans on Mew-Tube and finally get my account verified."

  • Lol

Jacob Hopkins: "Usually I don't take it out for just anyone, but what the heck!? If I'm gonna be working with the government, I might as well show off a little!"

  • I can't believe it's the voice of Batman/Captain America/Claggor/Buzz Aldrin/Sonic

Luz: "Staying here was the best decision I ever made!"
Camila: "You... chose... to stay there?"
Luz: "Oh— uh..."

  • Luz :eyes:
  • Damn, that last scene between Luz & her mum ;-;


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The Owl House: 2x09 Eclipse Lake

Eda: "Willow, Goops, watch over Luz. She thinks she has snakes for arms."

  • Yo, Luz, I'm sick too :O

Willow: "Will you guys please be quiet?!"
[Gus & Hooty stare at Willow, intimidated. Willow puts her hands together.]
Willow: "What if we played them at the same time?"
Gus & Hooty: "Ooooooaaaaaahhh!"

King: "...I'm just, like, throwing it out there, but this would be a great time to bring out Harpy Eda."
Eda: "I don't know how!"

  • King, lol

Hunter: "Don't worry. I won't pick a fight."

  • Yo, that image of him just digging up the dried-up lake

Hunter: "Hey! Go find a better witch to be with."

  • Lol, sad Hunter is so funny

Amity: "You know, you were right. We do have a lot in common. I grew up thinking that everything was an opportunity to justify... existing, but there are people out there who won't make you feel worthless. You just... have to let yourself meet them."
[Amity offers her hand.]

  • Damn


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Amphibia: 3x19 Sprivy

A surprisingly well-thought-out episode. Although, I kind of wish this episode was a little more laid back. Going from continually low stakes to continually high stakes is quite the adjustment. I hope the season alternates more between slice-of-life chill and "WAAARRR!!!!!" but we'll see. Maybe I'll be wrong.


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