

Birmingham, UK

Child 44

Shout by Simon

Not what I was expecting, the pace in parts was a little slow and the events hard to follow; ultimately I enjoyed the movie but I'm mystified as to why they felt they had to inject a Homosexuality subtext; that seemed to have no real reason for being included, other than showing law enforcement stopped at nothing to kill a few innocents.

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Humans: 1x03 Episode 3

Shout by Simon

So, she was going to knife the bloke? Good job she found out he had kids.... Wow. Bit of a 'bunny boiler'!

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x08 A Matter of Honor

That's one heck of an exchange program!

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x07 Unnatural Selection

Such a well done episode this one. Active immune systems; seek and destroy those bacteria! What a terrible mistake!!

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Humans: 1x02 Episode 2

Shout by Simon

A murder! That's not good. But the big question is, will Anita go back willingly?

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Humans: 1x01 Episode 1

It's an interesting view of what lies ahead. There's a great many things people don't want to do anymore, tasks are beneath them. This is the next logical step isn't it?

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12 Monkeys: 1x13 Arms of Mine

Shout by Simon

Cole; why did you send her to 2043? There's no medical care there. Strange. Maybe this will be explained at some point in season 2.

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Suits: 5x09 Uninvited Guests

Shout by Simon

'Get me what I want pronto, or the next time I'll stop by and bring you a warm bag of shit!

Great line from Lewis, I would feel sorry for Benjamin BUT he was seen being a complete dick with someone on the phone beforehand. There is always a minnow to be crushed under foot. He should lay off the Egg McMuffin's anyway, bad for longevity of life!

So much happening in this episode. Confrontations are all converging on a huge episode 10; what on earth is going to happen next? Harvey can't resign, surely?

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12 Monkeys: 1x12 Paradox

Shout by Simon

That was pretty crazy. So has Cole been regenerated as it were? The final season episode is lining up to be a real cliffhanger I can see!

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12 Monkeys: 1x11 Shonin

An episode of clarity. The jigsaw fits together. I knew this would be the case after Ramsey transported back to save his son. Which effectively means one man killed the human race in an attempt to save his purported son who he knew for a matter of hours. Only a human!

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x06 The Schizoid Man

Even in 24th century Doctors are to be avoided it seems. Data having a human occupant was extremely well played. There's something 'creepy' about an Android face with emotional expression

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Inspector Morse: Special 5 The Remorseful Day

Sad. This was a truly sad event.

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12 Monkeys: 1x10 Divine Move

I wasn't surprised to see the mother of Ramsey's child get shot. What is a little surprising is that he would tell this child he will protect him, be back soon and then take on a frontal assault on the facility and go back in time to 1987; you couldn't get farther away!!

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12 Monkeys: 1x09 Tomorrow

Agenda's. Everyone has an agenda. This is what makes Humans so unpredictable; changing motives breaking apart friendships and alliances long held.

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12 Monkeys: 1x08 Yesterday

Shout by Simon

I knew he wasn't dead but now we know the missile didn't work. The virus is out. But of course, it has to be otherwise we have now show :)

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12 Monkeys: 1x07 The Keys

Shout by Simon

Sir; would you care for a Tandoori Skewer? LOL

So... the virus is stopped? Cole is dead? I can't believe either of those things. I don't think the virus is stopped and I think Cole splintered at the last moment..

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12 Monkeys: 1x06 The Red Forest

Shout by Simon

Get shot... Get repaired in another timeline... Bright light sees the damage on your body erased. Time travel has its benefits. Railly and her ex should now work together I guess. Now he is surely a believer.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x05 Loud as a Whisper

Shout by Simon

A mediator who is mute, but, speaks through 3 others telepathically. How very confusing.

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Lost in Space: 2x10 Curse of Cousin Smith

Sorry. Boring episode for me. Nothing going on. Who could believe...

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The Royle Family: Special 8 Children in Need Sketch

The Pearl of Prestatyn. Wow. What a holiday!!

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Inspector Morse: Special 4 The Wench is Dead

Shout by Simon

A nasty miscarriage of justice there. It's interesting that given the passage of time all the intricate detail of a case could be found out. Insurance fraud was clearly as big a thing then as it is now; they were probably less wise to it!

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12 Monkeys: 1x05 The Night Room

Shout by Simon

Where does this take us next? Why would Cassandra be kidnapped, I don't understand the reasoning in that. They must know or suspect that her involvement is deeper thank we know right now. I have to say, Bamboo torture sends the chills, I could barely watch :(

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Lost in Space: 2x09 The Thief from Outer Space

Love the Robot in this. Making his journey in the intergalactic transport just to inform Dr Smith he wouldn't help him because he hasn't been speaking to him, he is not his friend - and anyway - he had to leave his legs behind to fit in the transport!! LOL

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x04 The Outrageous Okona

Because, you're a droid and I'm annoyed!

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x04 The Outrageous Okona

Shout by Simon

Quite a weak story here I thought. Even in the 24th century women seem to be all too easily swept off their feet by a guy with a nice smile

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12 Monkeys: 1x04 Atari

So; did she deliberately send him back just a few days or was that intended; I guess it worked out... The team, most of them, are still alive

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x03 Elementary, Dear Data

I think you can say that definitely got the better of Data

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x02 Where Silence Has Lease

Was he bluffing? Destruction sure was serious decision to take. My favourite part was the use of a beacon to create the fixed point in space and the sound effect to give you a sense of distance LOL

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x01 The Child

Shout by Simon

A first appearance for Guinan and Ten Forward with Wesley trying to find out more of her mysterious background. Did she know Captain Picard previously...

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12 Monkeys: 1x03 Cassandra Complex

Disease is a terrible thing. The possibility of a plague is something very real; all the more scary.

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