

Birmingham, UK


Storyline is a little flat, no much really happens, BUT, the special effects team have done an awesome job; very cool!

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Mad Max: Fury Road

Shout by Simon

Max Rockatansky: Max. My name is Max. That's my name.

Late to watch this, but, im not sure I see the mass appeal.

Visually stunning but for me that's where it ends, the story is quite weak and the dialogue even weaker.

Totally enjoyable though as we await the next big explosion or crazy looking mutant. One viewing is enough, I wouldn't watch it again.

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Bridge of Spies

"I'm not afraid to die, Mr. Donovan. Although, it wouldn't be my first choice."

Inspiring stuff. With all the hatred and suspicion in the world it's nice to see some people are just 'good people'

Material like this based on true events is always inspiring to me. Many owe their lives and freedom to Mr Donovan

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Before I Go to Sleep

"You had an accident. It was a bad accident. You had head injuries. And you have problems remembering things."

How awful, to find that a whole chunk of your memory is wiped each night, you have to wonder at what type of injury could achieve such a thing.

We don't really find any of that out; what we do see is the unravelling of a web of deceit and a woman with a chequered past, well played by Kidman and Firth but I did find my attention wandering; it's not until the last 15 minutes we have any real action or urgency.

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Shout by Simon

One actor. Two roles. Tom Hardy is brilliant as both Kray twins with a stellar performance

Crime and corruption are a tale as old as time itself. Eventually even the most unassailable of societies figures will tumble. As shown here, one mistake - a failed murder - was all it took to loosen the tongue of a trusted gang member. 

This film serves as a window into the past with a convincing portrait of life in '60s East End London.  When not watching the Krays in action you can marvel at the cars, clothing, music and buildings of the day. 

A few inconsistencies in the facts {although this isn't supposed to be a truthful film...}; although Ronnie states he is Homosexual in the film, he is known to be Bisexual - and - it was also apparently disclosed by Reggie himself that France's death was not in fact suicide but by the hands of his jealous brother.

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If nothing else this movie provides a tour/education around the internals of a modern plane.

One mothers insistence her child is alive against all evidence to persuade her otherwise. I believed her, then I doubted her. I love a bit of misdirection

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Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Pitt and Jolie; what a team, what a marriage!

"Oh, and, we've remodelled the house!"

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Independence Day

Certainly not a winner for dialogue and acting but with entertainment in the special effects department there's fun to be had.

Is there an Area 51? A sobering thought.

Brent Spiner makes this film! On the other hand the general who keeps saying 'My God!' is so so annoying

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The Walk

I think I enjoyed this film.

I say I think as it quite literally caused a cold sweat! I'm not the best with heights - and - the scenes in this film, the realism, I felt transported to that wire; it was terrifying!!

I know it to be be true, but, I can barely believe Philipe walked out on that wire not once but 8 times. Certainly worth a free pass but sadly the 'forever' part of that cannot be fulfilled.

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Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials

Why do I feel like 130+ minutes of nothing just unravelled in front of my eyes? The characters don’t seem to have achieved anything.

On the plus side the journey of the characters through the destroyed cityscape was incredible; the teams involved in creating that achieved brilliance

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Shout by Simon

Watchable if bizzare story of a family who unfortunately seem to have more than their fair share of trouble.

Unless I missed it there doesn't seem to be a concrete conclusion as to where the daughter has gone; Australia being such a huge place the answer is unfortunately - anywhere

Nicole Kidman certainly keeps your focus despite (as a character) some quite questionable choices. What's wrong with her indeed!!

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Thor: The Dark World

…and so as the 9 realms come into alignment….

A good fun film with high calibre special effects and the usual Stan Lee cameo, but, with absolutely no chemistry between any of the cast. An ideal film actually for a drizzly Saturday afternoon

For me, the best scenes being the Greenwich scenes, total carnage and destruction rains down on Earth, but, please be quiet in the library as you walk through; typically British!

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Knock Knock

Oh wow! For me, it's just bad bad bad

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The Intern

Shout by Simon

"You're never wrong for doing the right thing…”

Well, this wasn’t what I thought it would be, and for me, thats a bad thing. I wanted more substance, instead it was all a bit insipid and a little dull.

Retiree finds he needs a job, is employed by an Internet startup by a businesswoman who (initially) neither wants or likes him.

Of course Ben (De Niro) works his magic and before long he is her best friend, life of course always works this way.

I’m not at all clear on that ending though; does life work itself out if you exercise in the park?

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Green Zone

"It is not for you to decide what happens here.”

A situation often talked about, but, how close to the truth is this?

Explosive and thought provoking journal of some of the events in the Iraq war. We sit at home so disconnected from the reality of whats happening the truth being frankly disturbing.

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Terminator Genisys

Shout by Simon

Everyone is back, slightly different than before. The timeline is the same but different. A great action movie, enjoyable and open for another continuation should they decide to do so. It's maybe slightly worrying that Genesis/Cyberdyn/SkyNet have certain parallels to modern day developments; are we on this road to Judgement day

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A.I. Artificial Intelligence

Profound! I enjoyed this movie when it was released and enjoyed it again tonight. Interesting if slightly 'creepy' topic of substitute robotic children. Probably more sinister to be honest is the fact that humans cease to exist by the ending. The cast are great and 14 years on now from it's release the CGI stands the test of time; my DVD's print quality does not :(

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Slightly different spin on the classic tale, she did well for herself, Cinderella

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The Gunman

Slow pace, a little confusing. Didn't quite hold my attention. I think the message is there's a lot of corruption out there and all of it is in the name of corporate greed!

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Monkey Kingdom

Music and narration aside, which was a little unneeded in places, the filming of these animals in their habitat is breathtaking; it's a must see!

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The Maze Runner

Yeah, not a bad movie. The dialogue and approach of the characters was just a little silly I think. Years they have been there and not until Thomas arrives do they see anything 'happening' with heir daily lives. Shown a possible 'out' the community that was once happy to accept their position in life and the rules of the game suddenly put all their energies behind Thomas' vision. I don't buy it!

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The Book of Life

An animation spectacular, in term of general creativity and imagination; funny shaped people/animals and a carnival of colour. Suitable for all the family

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Avengers: Age of Ultron

Action, Romance, Special Effects, did I say Action? 2Hrs+ of fun - Great movie

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Sex Tape

'Siri, How do you perform CPR on a dog?'

'I found 4 places named Starbucks!'

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Child 44

Shout by Simon

Not what I was expecting, the pace in parts was a little slow and the events hard to follow; ultimately I enjoyed the movie but I'm mystified as to why they felt they had to inject a Homosexuality subtext; that seemed to have no real reason for being included, other than showing law enforcement stopped at nothing to kill a few innocents.

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The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

The 1960's, a time when east and west didn't get on; not much different to now really! Loved the comedy in this, it makes the movie. When it ended, I was honestly surprised, I was waiting for the next scene... sequel please!

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The Poseidon Adventure

Shout by Simon

While the newer remake is undoubtedly more dramatic and realistic, this film has something. The final moments are a little disappointing, to have made the journey that far and then fall. Most 'unbelievable' was the self sacrifice of the priest; I would have thought he would at least try to save himself for the benefit of the group

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Shout by Simon

On entrance to this movie I knew nothing of Ant-man. I did very much enjoy this movie. The hero and bad guy elements, the jokes... yep it all came together well.

The special effects team worked well to get the miniaturisation in this film to look totally real, the succeeded from what I could see on every level, but it human, animal, insect, furniture or mother earth.

I'm only slightly sad the hero had no super power as such, just an awesome suit!

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Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation

Shout by Simon

Well, there can be no denying that Cruise still has it, in spades! Too many stunts to think of, however, with plane, car and bike sequences to name a few there is something for everyone in this movie.

Favorite scene has to be the bike chase; that was truly brilliant.

All this said, truthfully Tom and the team are looking older now, as we all are, and maybe this should be the last with the crew... if MI is to come back again perhaps it should be with a new team of players.

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