

Birmingham, UK

Lost: 4x04 Eggtown

Future Kate is essentially let off her past dealings and then goes home to her baby... but... it's Claire's baby [at least it looks that way] - so where the heck is Claire?

We now have Jack, Sayid, Hurley and Kate, plus Aaron which might be 5 of the Oceanic 6, so, who was the 6th and or who was in the coffin?

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Lost: 4x02 Confirmed Dead

The pane was found at the bottom of a trench in the ocean, the pilot is there but yet it's not the pilot?

Ben knows about all these people and has a sleeper agent on their boat? How??

One is a man who cries, the second is a man who deals with ghosts and seems to be able to communicate with the dead and the third, well, she found a darma badge next to a polar bear skeleton in Egypt?

This show gets more odd as the minutes pass.

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Lost: 3x22 Through the Looking Glass (1)

Charlie... and yet again he rushes towards certain death; Claire hasn't even seen the ring he left behind and they've left for the tower now

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Lost: 3x20 The Man Behind the Curtain

This was a lesson how parental brutality creates a monster

Terrific episode, with great backstory.. Who is Jacob, it looked like Ben could see someone, John couldn't. Richard certainly ages well, doesn't he - how old is that guy?

John is seemingly dead, an attack is approaching on the beach, what does Jack have in minds to save everyone this time

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Lost: 3x13 The Man from Tallahassee

Wow. Father of the year he is not!

8 stories down, flat in his back impact. How in the world did John survive that?

And now, years later on a Island goodness knows where, his dad reappears again.

It’s not going to end well.

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Wayward Pines

Shout by Simon

Season 1: Quite interesting premise. Matt Dillon as a key character. Yeah, it was OK and watchable.

Season 2: Why on earth did I waste my time. Wow. Very thin story. Not a lot of sense made throughout. Some very strange ideologies. Finished off with a poor ending. If I had the opportunity again I wouldn’t bother.

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Murder on the Orient Express

Agatha Christie is just simply brilliant! As I began watching this movie for the second time [before watching the 2017 version] I didn't remember the outcome.... I did remember after about 20 mins, but, I won't spoil the surprise here :)

I love the way as each character is interviewed the cry comes "He did it!" or "She did it!" and as the viewer you are thinking, yes, they could have... did they?

Never was there a film with so star studded a cast

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Dynasty: 1x11 I Answer to No Man

Some great relationship work here guys. Fallon and Cristal & Sammy Joe and Anders. "I'm just feeling for a pulse!"

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Star Trek: Voyager: 5x11 Latent Image

Not a favourite episode for me, there didn't seem to be an ending. Did the Doctor resolve his conflict or was he rewritten.

The Ensign who was killed; I'd never seen her before either!

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The Magicians: 1x03 Consequences of Advanced Spellcasting

Books have feelings too it seems

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x18 Identity Crisis

The bio-scan and Transporter filters aren't 100% then!? Pathogens do get through

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x12 The Wounded

.. a seemingly tepid response to mass murder I thought

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Broadchurch: Season 1

Late to watch this show, totally hooked as soon as I started, watched all the episodes as quickly as I could - I just had to know who the killer was!!

Gripping stuff. Instant classic as far as I'm concerned.

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Downton Abbey: 6x04 Episode 4

Shout by Simon

So much going on! Brilliant drama. I'm sure Robert is seriously ill. It's either going to be heart, cancer or ulcer :(

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Monkey Kingdom

Music and narration aside, which was a little unneeded in places, the filming of these animals in their habitat is breathtaking; it's a must see!

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x10 The Dauphin

Interesting shape shifter; love sick puppy Wesley was a little annoying despite good advice from Guinan

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12 Monkeys: 1x11 Shonin

An episode of clarity. The jigsaw fits together. I knew this would be the case after Ramsey transported back to save his son. Which effectively means one man killed the human race in an attempt to save his purported son who he knew for a matter of hours. Only a human!

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Lost: 6x03 What Kate Does

Kate is a strange character; I like her, but she changes her mind so often. She has the ability to be so selfless and also so selfish

Odd combo

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Lost: 5x07 The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham

So, John is saved by Charles, who helps him, he is stalked by Ben, who saves him, he finds Hugo, Jack, Syid and Kate, none of whom want to go back to the Island; he meets Walt who has been dreaming about him [that must be so odd!] and then when he decided to take his own life, Ben stops him then kills him

Glad I got that straight. Who in this story is really telling the truth :) Delicious isn't it....

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Lost: 3x18 D.O.C.

What a cracking episode!

Sun's backstory fills in a little more. We already know she had a relationship with the guy who comitted suicide/was killed in the hotel plunge, but, this was the first suggestion she might have been pregnant by him. It really does seem like her family, particularly and specifically her father, are to blame for most of what went wrong in their lives. I hope Sun and baby survive.

Parachute lady; how many languages did they think she was speaking? I don't know them to confirm but we had English, Spanish, Italian... A day to recover from a punctured lung, wow! I did comment a while back that I'd bet the Russian wasn't dead; that fence is either a dramatic stunning force or you really can come back to life on the island!

The closing scene - off the chain!!! They've found a crashed plane, no survivors - eh???

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Lost: 3x12 Par Avion

So. To be clear, Jack and Claire are half brother/sister. Now that’s a turn up of events. Jack’s dad really did travel.

Loved the jeopardy of the electro-fence. You can always trust John to find a solution to a problem. How does one test if a fence is live. Throw a captive through it. Simple.

Did you notice though that the electrocuted guy was still breathing as Kate looked down at him; perhaps he’s stunned and not dead...

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Lost in Space: 1x02 Diamonds in the Sky

The Chariot! At least this Chariot looks like it could actually travel! The original series was rather unbelievable

So. Now we know we are in another Galaxy; caused by the Black Hole. But we don’t know where

Loved this as a second episode. If I had time to spare I’d go right into episode 3

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The 100: 4x02 Heavy Lies the Crown

Wow! Bellamy that was a good call... NOT!

I think I would have taken the machine, then, formulated a rescue plan, if possible. I guess you had to be there.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 5x07 Infinite Regress

A surprising amount of alpha quadrant species were part of Sevens regressions.

The best scene was the encounter with Belana; cheeky bite there

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Star Trek: Voyager: 2x07 Parturition

Fun episode; Nelix and Tom bury the hatchet and the phrase "Practice Harry, Practice!" was born

Is it my imagination but in some initial scenes the alien space craft seemed to be tiny against Voyager, then, all of a sudden it is shown as being a larger mass... perspective I guess

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Suits: 5x11 Blowback

Suits is back, and how!

The team is in huge trouble from all sides, the pace of the drama is totally engrossing and supported by what I believe to be some of the best acting today. What a great opener for the second half of the season. In the face of adversity there is always a road through it all; Harvey will steer the course.

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Green Zone

"It is not for you to decide what happens here.”

A situation often talked about, but, how close to the truth is this?

Explosive and thought provoking journal of some of the events in the Iraq war. We sit at home so disconnected from the reality of whats happening the truth being frankly disturbing.

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Black Sails: 2x07 XV.

I think Eleanor has made a huge mistake there, brave lady! Silver is a slippery SOB isn't he!

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Black Sails: 1x08 VIII.

Great ending! The wealth has been found, it wasn't a lie. So, what now?

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Black Sails: 1x06 VI.

No way! Billy is gone... Thought he was a main character :(

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