

Birmingham, UK

The Golden Girls: 2x02 Ladies of the Evening

Blanche: Girls. Do you see that man over there staring at me? He's undressing me with his eyes.
Rose: Do you want to move to another table?
Blanche: Not yet. He's only half done.

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The Golden Girls: 2x01 End of the Curse

Rose: How do you know if a grasshopper is Spanish?
Dorothy: Because it wears a little sombrero Rose.

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The Golden Girls: 1x25 The Way We Met

Rose: I'll make it up to you, Dorothy. I promise. Listen, if there's ever a night where you can't sleep, I'll come to your room and sing "Kumbaya."
Dorothy: Rose, I don't know what to say. Yes I do... Don't ever do that.

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The Golden Girls: 1x24 Big Daddy

Rose: Oh, Sophia. I want to explain about last night. When I was a little girl, one summer we had a terrible thunderstorm...
Sophia: [cuts off Rose] Excuse me, Rose. Have I given you any indication at all that I care?

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The Golden Girls: 1x23 Blind Ambitions

Woman: I'll give you a dollar for it.
Sophia: A dollar? What the hell do you think this is? Baghdad? Get the hell out of here!

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The Golden Girls: 1x22 Job Hunting

Blanche: You may not have noticed this but I've put on 3 pounds.
Sophia: On each side.

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The Golden Girls: 1x21 Flu Attack

Blanche: You don't have to worry about me, I'm very healthy. I treat my body like a temple.
Sophia: Yeah, open to everyone, day or night.

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The Golden Girls: 1x20 Adult Education

Blanche: I asked my teacher for help like you all told me to, he said the only way I would get an A on his final is if I sleep with him.
Rose: No!
Blanche: Oh yes! I just don't know what to do!
Sophia: Get it in writing.

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The Golden Girls: 1x19 Second Motherhood

Plumber: You really need an expert. I can take a toliet apart blindfolded!
Dorothy: Now there's a dying art!

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The Golden Girls: 1x18 The Operation

Nurse: The doctors will be in to prep you for surgery in about an hour, until then just relax
Dorothy: There aren't enough drugs in this entire building

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The Good Doctor: 3x18 Heartbreak

We shouldn’t expect any other response. With Shaun’s approach to life any kind of emotional relationship was going to be challenging.

I feel so sorry for Lea, she hasn’t as far as I’ve seen done anything to deserve that. In fact the blame lies with Carly who used her assumptions to guide him in the wrong direction.

Powerful scene from Freddie Highmore, it really grabs you.

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The Golden Girls: 1x17 Nice and Easy

Lucy: Dorothy, Rose, I hope I wasn't too much trouble.
Rose: Oh, don't be silly.
Dorothy: Oh, we enjoyed having you.
Sophia: So did half of Miami.

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The Golden Girls: 1x16 The Truth Will Out

Sophia: [to Rose and Charley] Are you two coming? The spaghetti's getting cold.
Rose: We'll be there in a minute, Sophia. We're in the middle of a makeup lesson.
Sophia: I hope the kid can help you, you wear more rouge than Miss Piggy!

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The Golden Girls: 1x15 In a Bed of Rose's

Rose: I'm the kiss of death. It's the second time a man has died in my bed.
Blanche: The second time?
Rose: Dorothy knows.
Dorothy: Charlie.
Blanche: No! What exactly do you do in bed, Rose?
Rose: Nothing!
Blanche: Well maybe that's the problem, they have to do all the work.

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The Golden Girls: 1x14 That Was No Lady

Dorothy: We spent the evening at a motel.
Rose: A motel! Dorothy! A cheap, tawdry, bare-bulbed, den of iniquity?
Dorothy: We didn't drive to Sodom and Gomorrah, Rose!

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The Golden Girls: 1x13 A Little Romance

Dr. Jonathan Newman: Hello, I'm Dr. Jonathan Newman.
Dorothy: Are you absolutely sure?

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The Golden Girls: 1x12 The Custody Battle

Blanche: I've got this part in the sack.
Rose: She means in the bag.
Dorothy: No Rose, I don't think so.

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The Golden Girls: 1x11 The Return of Dorothy's Ex

Dorothy: Why did I ever marry that man?
Sophia: Because he knocked you up.
Dorothy: Why did I ever let that happen?
Sophia: Because he got you drunk.
Dorothy: Why am I even discussing this with you?
Sophia: Beats the hell out of me.

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Wentworth: 8x01 Resurrection

No... please don't have the Freak stealing a baby... I hope she doesn't... I'm struggling to think why she would want to. Vera had nothing to do with her burial [how the hell did she survive] I would have thought she was more likely to go after the others

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The Golden Girls: 1x10 Heart Attack

Blanche: Why are so many doctors Jewish?
Dr. Harris: Because their mothers are.

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The Golden Girls: 1x09 Blanche and the Younger Man

Dorothy: Ma, what makes you think Rose's mother is old? She's the same age you are.
Sophia: Then why did Rose rent a wheelchair at the airport, order her a special meal on the plane, and put an oxygen tank in the garage?
Dorothy: Maybe her mother is a disabled welder on a special diet.

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The Golden Girls: 1x08 The Break-In

Rose: They were probably looking for drugs.
Dorothy: We have Maalox and estrogen. Now how many junkies have gas and hot flashes?

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The Golden Girls: 1x07 The Competition

Rose: I wonder why he looked you up after all this time?
Sophia: Are you kidding? He was crazy about me. I was the only girl in the village who didn't want to be a nun.

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The Golden Girls: 1x06 On Golden Girls

Rose: How is it possible to get pregnant in Sicily just by crossing the street?
Sophia: Cheap Chianti and Narrow streets.

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Homeland: 8x04 Chalk One Up

I was waiting for it ... something had to happen. Tense.

I have to say that for most shows a final season is a wind down, nowhere near as good as those before it. This however is brilliant!

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The Golden Girls: 1x05 The Triangle

Sophia: If that's the doctor, tell him I have no insurance and no money. If he still wants to come in, he just wants to see me naked.

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Homeland: 8x02 Catch and Release

Who can be trusted... who is a double agent and what happened in Carrie's lost months?

Cracking storyline so far and absolutely an area of the world I simply don't want to visit!

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The Golden Girls: 1x04 Transplant

Rose: Why would Virginia need a kidney?
Dorothy: To feed the cat, Rose!'

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Homeland: 8x01 Deception Indicated

Shout by Simon

I am always in awe of Carrie; she can be away from the 'front lines' of her sphere of work for years... and still she fits right in like she's never been away.

Me, I take a weeks holiday and it at least takes a while to hit the ground running LOL

A slightly slow burning episode with the fuse lit towards the end - looking forward now to the rest of the season :smile:

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The Golden Girls: 1x03 Rose the Prude

Blanche: Most of the guys I dated in college were for the stories.
Dorothy: You must have more stories than O. Henry.

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