Sense8: 1x04 What's Going On?

Best episode to date; so, you can tap into the life skills of a Sense8 in your group - or - if you have made eye contact you can visit them. Cool. I personally hate Karaoke with a passion, tunes should not be murdered by people with no tone/pitch or singing ability, but, this 4 Non-Blondes track was fun in this

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Sense8: 1x03 Smart Money Is on the Skinny Bitch

Shout by Simon

Nairobi looks like a place to avoid. So; after all that effort, were the drugs, money and jewels recovered?

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Sense8: 1x02 I Am Also a We

Yeah, I've enjoyed watching this episode. I'm wanting to know what happens next. If for no other reason I want to know how you can be in two cars at once!

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Sense8: 1x01 Limbic Resonance

How very, odd! So much to take in, characters, locations. It's not quite what I thought it would be, yet. Eps 2 might help perhaps.

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The Golden Girls: 7x26 One Flew Out of the Cuckoo's Nest (2)

and so 7yrs come to an end. Dorothy leaves the family in what I think is an unbelievable way, but then, what would have been believable? Thank you, for being a friend.

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Grimm: 4x22 Cry Havoc

Shout by Simon

What can I say. Wow. Pure entertainment. Forget the plot holes and the plausibility, it's a show with freakin' monsters in it! Talk about deaths. This was almost as bad as the opening scenes of Saving Private Ryan!!

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Grimm: 4x21 Headache

Shout by Simon

I wonder. I wonder if Kelly did bring the girl, or, is that another girl. Pretty horrendous ending and one which I didn't expect. Nick will surely want revenge for this.

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The Golden Girls: 7x24 Home Again, Rose (2)

No one ever looked good after surgery! Tell that to Cher!! - I'm a huge Cher fan but that's a hilarious line!!

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Grimm: 4x20 You Don't Know Jack

Shout by Simon

So, I think it's safe to say at this point, if there was any doubt beforehand, that Juliette is now a lost cause and an arch enemy of everyone else. All that effort to produce a cure of sorts and it's all lost; or is it? 2 episodes of the season remain, I can see things getting even more crazy. Is Nicks Mum really on her way back.....

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Grimm: 4x19 Iron Hans

Shout by Simon

The trailer! No way!! She's a really bad girl now. At this point I would struggle to see how things could ever go back to normal for Nick and Juliette. Kenneth is an interesting character; heavy British accent...

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The Golden Girls: 7x23 Home Again, Rose (1)

Freezing your head, only, to bring yourself back to life; seriously? They are always thinking in St Olaf!!

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Lost in Space: 2x08 The Deadly Games of Gamma 6

Tiger Smith indeed! The guy couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag! It's about time they found a way to make sure the robot can't be so easily powered down.

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Suits: 5x07 Hitting Home

Excellent. Jessica was sure to ask that of Mike. This is where deception becomes a bigger issue! Someone is sure to consider Mikes schooling again....

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Grimm: 4x18 Mishipeshu

Shout by Simon

Juliette is on a downward spiral; she is a bad girl now! The subject of this episode didn't catch my attention so much after all it wasn't a true Wesen :(

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The Golden Girls: 7x22 Rose: Portrait Of A Woman

No matter your age, you can always learn!

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Inspector Morse: Special 3 Death Is Now My Neighbour

Shout by Simon

Wrongly assumed there that a woman could not be responsible for a gun-crime

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Grimm: 4x17 Hibernaculum

Shout by Simon

Head for the barn! Never a good idea. Juliette is turning super sinister; she blames everyone!

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Grimm: 4x16 Heartbreaker

Shout by Simon

There's a whole lot of crazy going on. What's with the ending suggesting Juliette sleeps with Renard?

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Grimm: 4x15 Double Date

Shout by Simon

A Hexanbiest seems to be the Wesan to avoid. No one likes them. You can't even feel sorry for Adaline that she's lost one baby and now seems pregnant with a second. A second which will have no home...

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The Royle Family: Special 6 The Queen of Sheba - Outtakes

The scripting didn't seem to have it; something is missing, besides Nana

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The Golden Girls: 7x21 A Midwinter Night's Dream (2)

Rose - A tossed salad could outwit you!

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Grimm: 4x14 Bad Luck

Shout by Simon

Oh blimey! Well, if Nick's relationship wasn't struggling before it certainly will on this revelation

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Grimm: 4x13 Trial by Fire

Shout by Simon

What word can I use? The last 5 mins of this episode were so delicious! The anticipation when Adeline rang the doorbell, the stand-off 'get out of my house' followed by the full on hexan-fight. Adeline's reaction; I just LOL

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Grimm: 4x12 Maréchaussée

Shout by Simon

Juliette; awesome power there over the Scorpion. I'm interested to see where this is taken. If Juliette doesn't confide in Nick, he will end up investigating her...

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The Golden Girls: 7x19 Journey to the Center of Attention

I made the freakin' hors d'oeuvres!!

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Grimm: 4x11 Death Do Us Part

Shout by Simon

You would think Nick would ask Juliette what's on her mind, she's clearly distracted. The temptation to track her iPhone must be difficult to resist, especially for a police man.

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The Golden Girls: 7x18 Ebbtide VI: The Wrath of Stan

The big mean bug lady; she's at it again!

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Grimm: 4x10 Tribunal

Go Juliette. That has to be the best self protection mechanism ever!

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Grimm: 4x09 Wesenrein

Shockingly when you watch this the topic is very Nazi like; I'm quite sure that's intentional. At points the comments the characters make send my blood cold. I sadly do think another few millennia need to pass before the human race can accept one another.

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The Golden Girls: 7x17 Questions and Answers

Sometimes, you can know too much

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