


Snow White with the Red Hair: 1x07 Let Me Hear the Melody of Your Smile

Nice episode. The shipping moments here were pretty hardcore (just the way I like it). I liked this one a lot better than the previous one as things were stated a bit more clearly between the various characters (Shirayuki, Zen, Izana, Raj, etc).

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SHIMONETA: A Boring World Where the Concept of 'Dirty Jokes' Doesn’t Exist: 1x07 What SOX Created

This was one of the weaker episodes of the series imo (which still makes it a solid episode in the end). The Anna scene was glorious along with Tanukichi discovering he was the co-star of a BL series. The rest of it got a little stagnant and drawn out. I'm hoping for fireworks in the next episode though with Kosuri's intro out of the way.

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Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma: 1x19 The Chosen One

Not bad. Stuck pretty close to the manga for this part/episode. I'm always a fan of Shiomi and it looks like they nailed it here. I'm very interested to see how the August Elections is going to be adapted and how this season will wrap up. Hopefully they pick up the pace during it.

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GATE: 1x07 The Princess's Decision

Mmmhmmm. I'd say that the few cuts and bruises that Itami received were worth it in the end in order to get served by animal girls. Bro 4 life.

I can't wait for next week's episode. Seeing Rory in Japan is going to be godly.

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Strike the Blood: 1x24 Empire of the Dawn II

And this was... just so average. I can't believe that it took me over a year to finish this. Well, actually I know exactly why it took me this long :P

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: 1x07 Sneaky Student Council President

Ah I love it. Dat "punishment"...

I can't wait for the "incident" to be animated. It's going to be so glorious.

Sooooooooo glorious ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Sky Wizards Academy: 1x06 The Skies, Taken

You knew the OPness was coming from Kanata at some point and we finally got it. He just doesn't give a fuck about taking that credit. The girls were fighting pretty solidly here as well... of course, until it was time for their ranked match :P

As for the overall episode, it was ok. I didn't expect too much. I still don't understand the reason for Kanata acting like a "traitor". And as always, Yuri gonna Yuri.

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Monster Musume: Everyday Life with Monster Girls: 1x06 Everyday Life with Shedding and Egg Laying

Daaaaaaamn. That episode was lewd-incarnate. Who knew that shedding and egg-laying could be portrayed like that?

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Overlord: 1x06 Journey

Other than the Albedo/daki moment and Nabe freaking out about being called Momonga's "lover", this episode didn't really have much in it as the fight itself was such a letdown. Hopefully the pace picks up and we get some more interesting developments next week. We desperately need some type of real threat or challenge.

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Snow White with the Red Hair: 1x06 The Back Full of Meaning

I was pumped for this episode at first with the introduction of Zen's brother, Izana, (and because I hadn't read this part of the manga) but I was a little let down with this episode. I kind of got what the studio and author were going for with trying to force/push the relationship between Shirayuki and Zen forward but the dialog and scenarios here just seemed a bit too vague and meta. There wasn't much clarity in what the characters were saying and thinking. Also, this was the first episode where the ending was not very satisfactory for me.

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Actually, I Am...: 1x06 Beware of the Wolf Man!

Shout by deanzel

Awesome. I didn't expect that wolf-"man" twist. Both Shiho and Shirou were great. I always love the character that likes to escalate things and Shiho seems to be the right woman/man for the job.

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Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma: 1x01 An Endless Wasteland

Oh lord. I just watched the first episode and I think that I may be hooked. It really is food porn. Why didn't I start this sooner?

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Overlord: 1x05 Two Adventurers

Just watched the first 5 episodes. Not bad. It did get a lot better once things were more established and the goal/s of Momonga were made a little bit clearer. The pace is pretty slow though. I'd probably have had a hard time watching this if I started it week 1.

As for this episode, I love me my Nabe. Moar please.

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: 1x06 The Student Council President's Family

I love Ui's mom. She da best. And boy was that position on the bed lewd with Ui's nip poking out...

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To Love-Ru: 4x05 New move ~Two of a Kind?~

Legendary. We finally got some Yui-service and it was worth the wait. The second that Rito brought out that "cat paw" toy, I was like "this is gunna be gud".

Mikan was good this episode as well and that position that she ended up with Rito was just classic. Need moar.

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GATE: 1x05 The Battle of Italica

Piña Co Lada is one of the dankest names that one could have (besides Rory Mercury).

Another nice transition episode this week. While I do wish the pace could be picked up, I thought that Piña's background and intentions were well set up here. I think that GATE would be an awesome show to marathon but I will admit that the weekly waiting is a bit brutal at the moment (not that I have the patience to wait). At least it looks like next week is when the shit is gonna hit the fan and Rory is completely "unleashed". CANT WAIT.

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: 1x05 Making Up with the President

This was one of my favorite chapters from the manga (which I just read all of the previous week) and while the kiss was lewd in the show, it wasn't as quite as lewd as I remembered... Maybe this is due to how much more the ecchi gets escalated later on in the manga or that I knew that it was coming (pun intended).

Still, it was a fine power move by Izumi. Bravo.

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The Fruit of Grisaia: 2x10 The Seed of Blanc Aile VI

Wow. I was very pleasantly surprised by how nice this second season was compared to the first. The story was much more coherent, detailed and just overall more interesting. The first arc was definitely stronger than the last (and the best overall arc in the entire series) but it was still a great ride. I'm glad that I finally picked and finished this up.

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To Love-Ru: 4x04 Summer festival ~The Beginning of the Festival~

Finally! Nemesis has appeared and I like what I'm seeing so far (except that it is censored). Tan lolis just have a certain appeal to them...

There were some great scenes this episode especially the ones involving Momo (her "inner" confession and then the candy-apple "fantasy" scene).

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Bikini Warriors: 1x04 A Hero Needs No Reward

DOTS. Dank/Dog of the Season.

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Actually, I Am...: 1x04 Help the Class Rep!

This was a knockout episode imo. I was lol'ing for most of it. Class Rep's facial expressions were just absolutely classic during the entire "figure" sequence. I couldn't decide which one was my favorite. Eromine-kun ftgdw.

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GATE: 1x04 To Unknown Lands

Dat bath scene with Lelei, Rory and Chuka...

┬┴┬┴┤ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ├┬┴┬┴

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: 1x04 Shelter from the Rain Without the President

The lewd continues... And I'm loving every second of it.

Rin is just... wow. COTS? Chest of the Season?

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Sky Wizards Academy: 1x03 The Potentials of the Weakest

This is so bad that it is goo...

Wait a minute. This is just bad. Although, I can't fault a show for introducing maid and bunny outfits in its third episode ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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To Love-Ru: 4x03 After a storm comes a calm ~Friends~

Well I'll be... an episode focusing on Nana that I actually enjoyed. What is the world coming to?

While this was a bit of cliché storyline/scenario, I actually liked the execution and buildup with the Nana/Mea confrontation. It wasn't too drawn out or overdone. I like it. Solid ecchi moments as well (slimy tentacles ftw).

I can't wait for Nemesis next episode. She looks to be a glorious character/loli.

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Actually, I Am...: 1x03 Beware Childhood Friends!

Dank. Each girl has got a little something somethang going on with her. I can't wait to see what the next girl/s bring to the table.

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High School DxD: 3x12 Any Time, for All Time!

Just marathoned this after stalling at the first episode when it was airing. This season was meh compared to the first two imo. I didn't think that the buildup was that great at any parts in this season and none of the battles/climaxes were that epic. It's also been forever since I watched the first two seasons of DxD and maybe my tastes have changed a little...

No. That can't be it. I still love boobs...

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: 1x03 Student Council President and the Hand-Holding Experiment

Ui may have best girl wrapped up this season. Just the way she "holds hands". She is definitely wife material.

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Sky Wizards Academy: 1x02 The Strongest Traitor

Oh my god. This somehow got even worse. At least the fanservice looks solid next week with maid outfits and bunny costumes.

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Snow White with the Red Hair: 1x02 Following the Sound of your Heart

Meh. I liked the idea and the introduction with the first episode but this has moved at too fast of a pace. The characters don't seem flawed enough to make any kind of significant development later on and they're lovey-dovey already. It's already getting a little bit boring. I guess that I had my expectations set a bit too high for red-haired shoujo heroines after watching/reading Akatsuki no Yona.

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