



Katanagatari is one very unique and beautiful piece of art and I highly emphasize the word "art". It may not be for everyone but if you give it a chance, you may see what truly makes it spectacular. In that sense, it reminds me a lot of the Bakemonogatari series. On the surface this may seem like a simple fetch quest story about collecting these demon swords with childish character designs. However, there is so much more than what meets the eye in this series. The art and designs may seem simplistic at first but look deeper and you'll see a masterfully animated world full of tiny intricate details that just reeks of style. And hidden within are darker and thought-provoking themes of revenge, purpose, self and death.

The defining strength of this anime is the relationship and romance between Togame and Shichika in particular the witty and masterfully scripted dialogue between the two MCs. But be prepared. There is a LOT of dialogue and it very rarely stops. But as I said, the dialogue is top-notch and what drives the character development. The banter between Togame and Shichika almost never gets old whether they are piling on jokes or delving into deep philosophies. And the action (when it finally does come around between all the talking) is excellently done although it can be short at times. Each episode is 45 mins in length and this is both good and bad in a sense. It's good in that each episode's story gets fully developed and it helps drive the character development. However, it makes each episode a bit more of a challenge and a chore to go through along with the simplicity and predictability of the story, amount of talking and overly episodic nature of the series.

Still, this is a unique gem that should be watched and appreciated by all anime lovers. Katanagatari may not be for everyone but if you liked Bakemonogatari or want to try something that is a bit different, definitely give it a shot. "Cheeeeeeerioooo!"

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Yona of the Dawn
Skip Beat!
My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU

Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru is my favorite SOL comedy from this past summer. It stars the legendary 8man (Hachiman) who is hands down one of my favorite MCs to grace the screen. He plays the apathetic loner role down to the tee but is hiding so much more depth (and badassness) in his character than meets the eye. Along with Yukino and Yui (and the other fantastic characters), the show piles on layers and layers of incredibly witty banter and dialogue that got me instantly addicted. There's no real slapstick humor (which is a good change of pace) and there are the typical high school SOL scenarios (although there is some variety). However, the show shines brightest with its superb character development and interactions. Nothing beats a great battle of words between Hachiman and Yukinon. Now, immediately go watch 8man apathetically save the day in the way only he can.

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Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit
Kuroko's Basketball

Sick look. Third season has just been confirmed for the king of basketball anime (sorry Slam Dunk). This is great timing right as the NBA playoffs are getting a bit boring :) I kid, kid.

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My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU

YES!! A second season has been green-lit and is coming (although we don't know when). This was one of my favorite shows from the past spring and 8man is one of my favorite male MCs to come around in a while. I've already read some of the next light novels and, rest assured, there is plenty of goodness to come.

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Eureka Seven

Eureka Seven (only talking about Season 1, not AO) is another very well done series by BONES. E7 is a lot of things all put together in one 50-episode package from action-mecha to SOL to philosophical piece, but the true heart of this series is the developing romance and characterization between the two leads Renton and Eureka. This is the one thing that remains constant throughout the series entire run, gets developed very well and imo is the strength of the series (although Renton can get on my nerves at times). The rest of the large cast is excellently developed in particular Holland who serves as a dynamic and intriguing foil to Renton. The action and animation stand the test of time and still look great. I also like how Bones ambitiously incorporates tons of elements and themes from previous sci-fi and mecha franchises (hello EVA). The biggest weakness for the series is that there isn't a very clear overarching plot for the first half of the series and there are quite a few filler episodes dispersed throughout (even though they are enjoyable). Thus, if you don't keep at it, this is definitely not the easiest series to finish with its 50 episode length. Still, this series does a lot more things right than wrong and is very enjoyable to watch all the way through. Just avoid Astral Ocean...

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Listen to Me, Girls. I'm Your Father!

Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai is a fantastic and heart-warming SOL that really hits home on the importance and strength of family. As Yuta's deceased sister says, "Family must not be separated, they must be together" and the show does a superb job of illustrating the struggles and joys that Yuta and the girls face as they try to stay together through all their hardships. This is very similar to Usagi Drop and a definite watch if you liked that at all. The story is relatively simple but this is all about the great characters. I loved all the girls but there is one that is heads and shoulders above the rest... HINA!!

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Tenchi Muyo! War on Geminar

This show was just pure awesome. This is definitely the best entry of the Tenchi Muyo series IMO (Tenchi Universe is great too along with the original OVAs) although it is a bit different from the older series. Geminar is actually a mecha harem show with the Tenchi name attached to it. It does delve a bit into the Tenchi mythos but it is more of a separate entity. This is definitely a different world than anything we've seen so far in the Tenchi series and you really get immersed into it. I love harems and this is probably one of the best out there especially with the superb action (well-done mecha action) and story that is incorporated into it. Definitely give this a try even if you're not a fan of harems or the Tenchi series. You'll be pleasantly surprised.

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The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

This is one of my favorite slice of life animes with cool twists with Haruhi essentially being a god and there being time traverlers, aliens and espers all in the mix. The first season is magnificent and while the Endless Eight is brutal to watch all the way through, the rest of season 2 is still great too. Just watch the first 2 and last 2 episodes of EE. Haruhi is probably one of the best female protagonists that I've seen with her energy, impulsivity and overall passion and Kyon is the perfect foil to her craziness. Each episode is entertaining and a joy to watch over and over again. And the movie, The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, is just brilliant and makes up for the disappointment of EE. You'll need to watch the series (and make sure to watch it in chronological order, not the season order) to get the movie, but it's completely worth it.

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One Outs
Kids on the Slope

This is a great anime about true friendship and how the love of a single thing like jazz can spark something that will last a lifetime. The relationships that are developed in this show are amazing and I love how jazz is so intricately woven into everything. A must watch for sure.

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Glass Mask
The Last Man on Earth

"The Last Man on Earth" has been an absolute riot so far through the first 3 episodes, adding its own unique comedic twist on a classic premise, and looks like it will continue to go strong throughout its first season. Will Forte is back taking on a slightly different persona from his usual MacGruber and channeling a bit of his own Tom Hanks in "Castaway".

While the first episode takes on a more serious tone, the second episode is where things REALLY take off and the show comes into its own comedically. Give this show a few episodes to see what it is really about.

Will Forte and Kristen Schaal have an instant chemistry that leaves me cringing and smiling at the same like classic "The Office" episodes featuring Michael Scott's best escapades. I can't wait until more of the rumored cast members show up and add even more wrinkles.

One last word. Fox, if you dare go "Firefly" on this show and cancel it early, I will not be pleased. That is all. Go watch this show now!!

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Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma

Prepare to have your mind blown. This is "food porn" at it's absolute best. A must-watch for sure.

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Parasyte -the maxim-

I finally finished the last 12 episodes in the past couple days after putting this on-hold for a few months. It was a solid show overall, 7/10, but the last quarter/third of the show was definitely not up to par with the beginning. I didn't really like how the show got so preachy at the end about "environmentalism" and precious Mother Earth. I felt like I was getting preached to by Miyazaki for the last few episodes and you could definitely tell that the manga material was a bit dated from that. Anyway, I had fun and enjoyed it but it failed to live up to the hype and the excellent start imo.

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Mother of God... This was so f'n good. I was planning on just watching the first episode for kicks today and getting to studying for my Summer Final Exams, but I ended up marathoning all 13 episodes in one night. Holy shit. Arata is the f'n man and all the chicks in this series are soooooooo cute. Honestly, I could ship any of them. The ending is a bit inconclusive but the manga is still ongoing so I can give it a pass as I pray for a second season/OVA/anything more. Anyway, manga continuation here I come!!!

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Ranma ½
Log Horizon
From Me to You: Kimi ni Todoke

I finally got around to finishing this classic shoujo romance. The first season was superb and I loved Sawako's hilarious interactions and realistic growth throughout it. On the other hand, the second season was a bit of a letdown during the first half especially with some of the horrible miscommunication and confusion between Sawako and Shota that just seemed a little too over-the-top. However, the last 4 episodes really end the series on a great note and you feel the "magic" (of love) again.

All you need to know is that Sawako/Sadako = love. Watch it. Enjoy it. Love it.

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The Seven Deadly Sins

This was a dank show with a dank ending. A very well-done shounen imo. I'm looking forward to the OVAs and hopefully an announcement for a second season.

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A second season is officially coming my friends. So f'n based. What a great year for anime sequels. Keep em coming Japan.

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A Certain Scientific Railgun
To Love-Ru

The second season of To Love-Ru Darkness has finally been green-lit. Thank you based Santa-san for giving me more Momo and Gintoki on this glorious day. All I can say about this momentous occasion is:

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To Love-Ru

BASED DAIZ/OPPAI/PANTSU. A new To Love-Ru Darkness OVA has been announced for release on December 4th. One step closer to To Love-Ru Darkness Season 2 but that may not come until the current arc in the manga is over. Anyway, Mo' Momo please.

On the actual OVA, I don't know if it can top the Kyouko faucet scene from the last one but, honestly, what can (other than the Momo popsicle scene perhaps)?

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To Love-Ru
Baka and Test: Summon the Beasts

Baka and Test is absolutely one of the funniest animes/shows that I've ever watched. I could literally watch multiple episodes over and over again and never get tired of them. The humor translates very well across the dub and for the most part won't be lost on American audiences. The voice acting and dialog are superb which is very important for a comedy like this. You'll fall in love with each of the characters (Kouta & Hideyoshi!!!) as each are very unique and fill a critical (and stereotypical) role. It's over the top and I love it. If you're looking for a great comedic anime, look no further than Baka and Test.

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Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches

I'm absolutely loving this show so far. A great Rom-Com with a premise that does actually deliver imo. It may be slightly rushed compared to the manga but it still works well. Plus, Shiraishi = love.

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