


Golden Time

This show has been fantastic so far and by far the best Rom-Com/drama of the fall. The LN was written by the author of Toradora and you can definitely see some of the similarities. At last, we get a Rom-Com with college students instead of high schoolers who are more "mature" (at least when not with the legendary Tea Club) and we finally get different scenarios than all those standard high school events. The characters are well developed so far and you can clearly see a lot of development that is coming for all of them. However, what is going to happen seems pretty difficult to predict IMO which is refreshing in the Rom-Com genre for me. I also like a lot of the plot mechanisms and situations they used even though the show does get heavy on the flashbacks at times (but kind of necessary as you'll see). This seems like the must watch show of the fall (Monogatari Second Series started in the summer!) and I look forward to it every week. Watch it.

Oh and one more thing. Linda x Banri all the way.

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No Game No Life

Through 4 episodes, I think that this is the best show that is airing this season so far. It is an amazing combination of wit, comedy, epic "battles" and, of course, fanservice (Shiro = moe). The brother-sister MC combo of Sora and Shiro have vibed perfectly so far and I can't wait for the new episode to air each Wednesday. It reminds me of the setup in Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo? but has many more interesting premises and brings more intellectual charm and humor imo. The art/colors take a little getting used to in the beginning but I don't mind it now. Madhouse is really showing off their stuff with this and I hope that a second season is in the works soon. Definitely give this a shot and watch a few episodes for the action to really heat up.

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This is the most emotional anime that I've ever seen in my life. Probably my favorite anime ever so do what ever you can to watch this ASAP.

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Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works

Just confirmed that the Fate/stay night 2014 series will cover the Unlimited Bladeworks route and there will also be a Heaven's Feel movie released later on. Whoa. That's a whole lot of Fating to come. Take a bow, ufotable. You deserve it.

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This is another masterpiece done by Kyoto Animation. Can they do no wrong? It's a great slice-of-life school anime with a good mix of mystery, drama and a bit of romance (wish there was a bit more personally). I really loved how this series was very realistic in its scenarios, drama and character development which really helped me fall in love with the charming characters even more. Obviously, the art, animation and music are off the charts too. I just pray that there is a second season or movie to tie up the ending (beautifully done but I need my romantic conclusions!!).

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Natsume's Book of Friends

The Nastume Yuujinchou series is a powerful and heartwarming fantasy masterpiece among the anime world. I absolutely loved the series and couldn't stop watching till the very end. The quality through all 4 seasons was just superb without a hint of drop-off. The range of emotions and themes covered in Nastume Yuujinchou is beyond impressive. It would have me ROFL with Nyanko-sensei's antics in one minute to within Clannad-esque tears in the very next. However, what truly struck me was how N.Y. was able to find a duality/struggling conflict within all of these different themes and truly challenge the feelings and emotions of the viewer. This was done by creating such spectacular characters from Natsume and his family/friends down to the individual youkai that we meet for only a single episode. The creators do a magnificent job getting us emotionally invested in this world via these relatable and lovable characters. It's an amazing ride (and I hope we get another season) as we join Natsume on his journey as he learns to accept and understand his ever changing world, the people/youkai around him, and, ultimately, himself. This is right at the top of my list of must watch anime. Don't think. Just watch.

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Broken Blade

Shout by deanzel

I liked the films and thought it was a cool nice take on a bit more realistic mecha war action. You really got to see how war changed people. The characters were well done and the action wasn't over-the-top with ridiculous powerups or abilities by the MC. But man... that ending was brutal. Anti-climatic and incomplete = essentially begging for a sequel (I can dream). But I guess that's what you get with an anime original ending at movie 6 when the manga material ran out. I could read the manga (and am considering it) but I'm not interested unless I know for a fact that Rygart and Sigyn end up together!!!

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Katanagatari is one very unique and beautiful piece of art and I highly emphasize the word "art". It may not be for everyone but if you give it a chance, you may see what truly makes it spectacular. In that sense, it reminds me a lot of the Bakemonogatari series. On the surface this may seem like a simple fetch quest story about collecting these demon swords with childish character designs. However, there is so much more than what meets the eye in this series. The art and designs may seem simplistic at first but look deeper and you'll see a masterfully animated world full of tiny intricate details that just reeks of style. And hidden within are darker and thought-provoking themes of revenge, purpose, self and death.

The defining strength of this anime is the relationship and romance between Togame and Shichika in particular the witty and masterfully scripted dialogue between the two MCs. But be prepared. There is a LOT of dialogue and it very rarely stops. But as I said, the dialogue is top-notch and what drives the character development. The banter between Togame and Shichika almost never gets old whether they are piling on jokes or delving into deep philosophies. And the action (when it finally does come around between all the talking) is excellently done although it can be short at times. Each episode is 45 mins in length and this is both good and bad in a sense. It's good in that each episode's story gets fully developed and it helps drive the character development. However, it makes each episode a bit more of a challenge and a chore to go through along with the simplicity and predictability of the story, amount of talking and overly episodic nature of the series.

Still, this is a unique gem that should be watched and appreciated by all anime lovers. Katanagatari may not be for everyone but if you liked Bakemonogatari or want to try something that is a bit different, definitely give it a shot. "Cheeeeeeerioooo!"

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Eureka Seven

Eureka Seven (only talking about Season 1, not AO) is another very well done series by BONES. E7 is a lot of things all put together in one 50-episode package from action-mecha to SOL to philosophical piece, but the true heart of this series is the developing romance and characterization between the two leads Renton and Eureka. This is the one thing that remains constant throughout the series entire run, gets developed very well and imo is the strength of the series (although Renton can get on my nerves at times). The rest of the large cast is excellently developed in particular Holland who serves as a dynamic and intriguing foil to Renton. The action and animation stand the test of time and still look great. I also like how Bones ambitiously incorporates tons of elements and themes from previous sci-fi and mecha franchises (hello EVA). The biggest weakness for the series is that there isn't a very clear overarching plot for the first half of the series and there are quite a few filler episodes dispersed throughout (even though they are enjoyable). Thus, if you don't keep at it, this is definitely not the easiest series to finish with its 50 episode length. Still, this series does a lot more things right than wrong and is very enjoyable to watch all the way through. Just avoid Astral Ocean...

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Just a spectacular, beautiful and mesmerizing anime. I was initially hesitant to start this because it seemed like it wouldn't be too exciting and able to hold my interest well but I instantly became addicted. It's a very easy show to watch as each episode is a story contained within itself, has its own theme, and you really don't encounter the same thing twice. Also, not all the stories end up happily and some are just heartbreaking which lend to keeping everything fresh. The creators masterfully created this world filled and thriving with mushi that just immerses you completely. Ginko is the perfect MC for the tone and themes of Mushi-shi with his calm, gentle and understanding nature. The only complaint I had was that literally every main male and female character looks the same (I honestly couldn't tell anyone apart between 75% of the different episodes). This is definitely up there on my list and a very relaxing and magical journey that is a very easy watch.

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Angel Beats!

Good show but it was WAY too short. This should have been 24 episodes at least in order to really flesh out the other characters and their backstories. Still, it's a great show.

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Suppose a Kid From the Last Dungeon Boonies Moved to a Starter Town?

Not gonna lie. I watched the first two episodes of this on a whim and actually found it pretty damn funny so far. Llyod is quite a character. We'll see how far the joke of him being "OP and not knowing" can go, but it looks solid so far with the animation looking surprisingly good. The girls and other side characters are crazy as shit as well, which really helps fill out the rest of the show thus far. I'll definitely keep watching this as the season progresses.

"Loli-baba" and Marie for the best comedy duo thus far :D

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Seraph of the End

Dank show. Pretty good adaptation of the manga so far with the conclusion of the first season. The story and characters are a bit generic while the animation quality is subpar at times, but I've enjoyed the show nonetheless. It's a fun watch if you're not expecting a masterpiece.

Also, Shinoa = love.

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The Seven Deadly Sins

This was a dank show with a dank ending. A very well-done shounen imo. I'm looking forward to the OVAs and hopefully an announcement for a second season.

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Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches

I'm absolutely loving this show so far. A great Rom-Com with a premise that does actually deliver imo. It may be slightly rushed compared to the manga but it still works well. Plus, Shiraishi = love.

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Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?

The show that invented the "tit ribbon". Need I say more? A must watch.

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Sailor Moon Crystal

Oh yes sir. The second series of Sailor Moon Crystal has been confirmed to be premiering in the summer after this first original set of 26 episodes concludes. I'm ready to be milked, Toei. Bring it on.

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Gintama is getting a new anime series premiering in April 2015. Based Santa-san has delivered once again and in thrilling fashion nonetheless. My body is beyond ready for more of my bro Gintoki's legendary antics.

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Kuroko's Basketball

Sick look. Third season has just been confirmed for the king of basketball anime (sorry Slam Dunk). This is great timing right as the NBA playoffs are getting a bit boring :) I kid, kid.

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My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU

YES!! A second season has been green-lit and is coming (although we don't know when). This was one of my favorite shows from the past spring and 8man is one of my favorite male MCs to come around in a while. I've already read some of the next light novels and, rest assured, there is plenty of goodness to come.

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A second season is officially coming my friends. So f'n based. What a great year for anime sequels. Keep em coming Japan.

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The Legend of the Legendary Heroes

This was a very fun and enjoyable series. The story and setting are excellent along with the action and characters. I absolutely LOVE the relationship between Ryner and Ferris as those two are just a perfect match for each other as they've each persevered and gone through so much hardship and pain to get to where they are yet still can put up such a positive outlook. I'd give this a show a 8/10 if it weren't for the ending. It is definitely a bit rushed and very incomplete. Obviously, there is so much more to the story with the LN material (which still isn't fully translated), but this never got (and will certainly not get) a second season so the ending can't really be remedied. I wanted to see more of what would happen with Sion since we finally got to the good stuff but it will never be... So I give it a 7/10 with the ending that leaves us kind of at the edge of a cliff begging for more. Still, what we do have remains a great show and I'd definitely recommend it for people looking for a great action-adventure anime with splashes of romance.

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IS: Infinite Stratos

Infinite Stratos is an alright mecha-SOL-harem that seems to waste a lot of the potential from its source material (the light novels). The best part of the show by far is the harem itself. All the girls are great (including Tatenashi and Kanzashi from season 2) and is definitely one of the better all-around collection of female characters out there which is why I'm sure this is so popular in Japan. They've each got a different side to them, interact/fight/revel in misery with each other well and are all cute as hell. The action sets are pretty solid but the story is almost nonexistent. They've shat on the source material as far as the story goes. And the MC Ichika... There has probably never been a dumber and more worthless male MC in the history of harems. If you basically ignore him, the experience gets much better.

I'd give the first season a 6/10 but the second season was just not good. It is a 4-5/10 at best. It's definitely not the best show out there but if you're out of harems to watch (as I was), it's not bad as the girls are great. Just don't expect too much.

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I was surprised by how much I enjoyed Campione! It's definitely one of the better ecchi harems (although it's not that heavy on the ecchi) that I've seen recently and a boatload of fun. The thing that I love most about this harem is that the MC, Godou, is not a pansy but a bro with a spine. He's not on the level of Akatsuki from Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero but he doesn't roll over in a fight and readily accepts the information "transfer" method (aka making the f*** out) of learning about the opposing gods from the girls. Also, Erica and Liliana are great female characters with impressive "assets" and great "personalities". And THE KISS. My god... You'll know it when you see it (make it to episode 12 just for it). Epic.

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Listen to Me, Girls. I'm Your Father!

Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai is a fantastic and heart-warming SOL that really hits home on the importance and strength of family. As Yuta's deceased sister says, "Family must not be separated, they must be together" and the show does a superb job of illustrating the struggles and joys that Yuta and the girls face as they try to stay together through all their hardships. This is very similar to Usagi Drop and a definite watch if you liked that at all. The story is relatively simple but this is all about the great characters. I loved all the girls but there is one that is heads and shoulders above the rest... HINA!!

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My Bride is a Mermaid

My Bride is a Mermaid is definitely one of the best comedic romance/SOL animes that I've seen. It's primarily a parody based comedy and, my god, does it do a fantastic job at it. From Die Hard and Terminator to other anime shows, they really covered their bases here from Western & Eastern pop culture references. I can't even count the number of times the ROFLcopter set off. If a particular joke doesn't hit, don't worry. Another one is soon to follow. The characters are very memorable and the whole yakuza theme never gets old. The romance is there but not too heavy (which is a good thing IMO). The dub is also well done so watch it whichever way you like. It has a similar sense and style of humor to Baka to Test (also awesome) with a greater focus on parodies. I highly recommend this for anyone just looking for a straight-up LMAO comedy. Also, don't forget to watch the OVAs.

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Beyond the Boundary

KyoAni strikes again. They've created a beautiful and immersive fantasy world based upon the hunting of "dreamshades" that really pulls the viewer in and almost makes it seem like all these things are possible. This is a bit of a darker anime compared to what we are used to from KyoAni (thankfully with a lack of half-naked gay swimmers) but they still manage to instill their patented charm and humor into it all. The animation, art and music (love the soundtrack) are top notch as with all KyoAni productions. The fight scenes are epic. I honestly love all the main and supporting characters in particular the four main leads (along with Ai-chan) especially with their "megame" (glasses) and "siscon" (little sister) personas. Kyoukai no Kanata may start a bit slow but stick around till about episode 4 for things to really heat up. Now, I can't wait for each week's new episode and what's going to unfold next. Watch it.

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How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom

Just want to say that the second cour of the anime was WAY better than the first. The show definitely started out very slow (which was compounded a bit more if you were watching it while it was airing like I was) and definitely had some pacing issues. However, about halfway through the first cour things started to get interesting and really picked up. After that, there was no more looking back and the anime series as a whole really hit its stride.

I enjoyed how the second season was able to touch upon a lot of different elements within the kingdom, especially later. In particular, I really liked the final episode and how things ended (not gonna spoil it). I'd love to see more from this series as the light novel and manga are pretty popular still, but they did stop at a pretty good point at the end of this season.

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Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody

If I hadn't read the Light Novels already and been a fan of this series, I'm sure that I would have rated this show a bit higher, but I can't take back what I already know and have read. This anime adaptation is woefully inferior to the LN, and leaves us wanting more with so many details and explanations left unanswered. The pace is far too quick for its own good, and all developments and nuance from the original source are thrown to the wind due to that. 4/10 for the anime adaptation at best.

For any that enjoyed the show, I highly recommend reading a volume or two of the light novel. It's an infinitely superior experience for sure, and very enjoyable.

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