


Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

This is a masterpiece. Simple as that. Definitely in my top 3-5 animes of all time. This show has everything (comedy, romance, drama and, of course, tons of action). You fall in love with all of the characters and every side story and character really gets developed over 64 brilliant episodes. Don't think. Just watch.

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The Wire

Ohhhhh baby. The brand new HD remaster in 16:9 of all the seasons of The Wire will be airing from Dec. 26-30 on HBO. Digital versions will be available to buy on Jan 5 and the BluRay will be released in the summer. In the words of the great Senator Clay Davis, "SHHHEEEIIITTTTTT".

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The Last Man on Earth

"The Last Man on Earth" has been an absolute riot so far through the first 3 episodes, adding its own unique comedic twist on a classic premise, and looks like it will continue to go strong throughout its first season. Will Forte is back taking on a slightly different persona from his usual MacGruber and channeling a bit of his own Tom Hanks in "Castaway".

While the first episode takes on a more serious tone, the second episode is where things REALLY take off and the show comes into its own comedically. Give this show a few episodes to see what it is really about.

Will Forte and Kristen Schaal have an instant chemistry that leaves me cringing and smiling at the same like classic "The Office" episodes featuring Michael Scott's best escapades. I can't wait until more of the rumored cast members show up and add even more wrinkles.

One last word. Fox, if you dare go "Firefly" on this show and cancel it early, I will not be pleased. That is all. Go watch this show now!!

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Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Amazing show. Takes the whole concept of "magical girl" shows and throws it out the window. Very dark and emotional concepts thrown into a beautiful looking world with great characters. This is a must watch.

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Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?

The show that invented the "tit ribbon". Need I say more? A must watch.

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Natsume's Book of Friends

The Nastume Yuujinchou series is a powerful and heartwarming fantasy masterpiece among the anime world. I absolutely loved the series and couldn't stop watching till the very end. The quality through all 4 seasons was just superb without a hint of drop-off. The range of emotions and themes covered in Nastume Yuujinchou is beyond impressive. It would have me ROFL with Nyanko-sensei's antics in one minute to within Clannad-esque tears in the very next. However, what truly struck me was how N.Y. was able to find a duality/struggling conflict within all of these different themes and truly challenge the feelings and emotions of the viewer. This was done by creating such spectacular characters from Natsume and his family/friends down to the individual youkai that we meet for only a single episode. The creators do a magnificent job getting us emotionally invested in this world via these relatable and lovable characters. It's an amazing ride (and I hope we get another season) as we join Natsume on his journey as he learns to accept and understand his ever changing world, the people/youkai around him, and, ultimately, himself. This is right at the top of my list of must watch anime. Don't think. Just watch.

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Ouran High School Host Club

This is probably one of the funniest and most heartfelt animes out there. This is a great reverse harem show and you literally fall in love with almost every single character. They start out as your basic stereotypes but everyone has an amazing backstory that is expanded upon. Also, Haruhi is the best.

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This is the most emotional anime that I've ever seen in my life. Probably my favorite anime ever so do what ever you can to watch this ASAP.

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Cory in the House

Only one word could possibly describe this show:


Greatest anime of all-time. ALL-TIME.

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Parasyte -the maxim-

I finally finished the last 12 episodes in the past couple days after putting this on-hold for a few months. It was a solid show overall, 7/10, but the last quarter/third of the show was definitely not up to par with the beginning. I didn't really like how the show got so preachy at the end about "environmentalism" and precious Mother Earth. I felt like I was getting preached to by Miyazaki for the last few episodes and you could definitely tell that the manga material was a bit dated from that. Anyway, I had fun and enjoyed it but it failed to live up to the hype and the excellent start imo.

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Elfen Lied

This is an absolutely fantastic anime that tackles very mature and graphic themes, such as discrimination, abandonment, and just pure suffering. I really liked how all these tiny pieces and story lines tied together from the beginning up until the very end (even the OVA). The relationships between the characters and the support that they build for each other from their own miserable experiences and pain are truly remarkable. It shows that good can come out of such horrible things. I will warn that this anime is incredibly graphic (gore, nudity, abuse, etc) but it's there for good reason. The story is well done and the animation does not really show its age. This is a great watch if you're in the mood for a dark anime.

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Katanagatari is one very unique and beautiful piece of art and I highly emphasize the word "art". It may not be for everyone but if you give it a chance, you may see what truly makes it spectacular. In that sense, it reminds me a lot of the Bakemonogatari series. On the surface this may seem like a simple fetch quest story about collecting these demon swords with childish character designs. However, there is so much more than what meets the eye in this series. The art and designs may seem simplistic at first but look deeper and you'll see a masterfully animated world full of tiny intricate details that just reeks of style. And hidden within are darker and thought-provoking themes of revenge, purpose, self and death.

The defining strength of this anime is the relationship and romance between Togame and Shichika in particular the witty and masterfully scripted dialogue between the two MCs. But be prepared. There is a LOT of dialogue and it very rarely stops. But as I said, the dialogue is top-notch and what drives the character development. The banter between Togame and Shichika almost never gets old whether they are piling on jokes or delving into deep philosophies. And the action (when it finally does come around between all the talking) is excellently done although it can be short at times. Each episode is 45 mins in length and this is both good and bad in a sense. It's good in that each episode's story gets fully developed and it helps drive the character development. However, it makes each episode a bit more of a challenge and a chore to go through along with the simplicity and predictability of the story, amount of talking and overly episodic nature of the series.

Still, this is a unique gem that should be watched and appreciated by all anime lovers. Katanagatari may not be for everyone but if you liked Bakemonogatari or want to try something that is a bit different, definitely give it a shot. "Cheeeeeeerioooo!"

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From Me to You: Kimi ni Todoke

I finally got around to finishing this classic shoujo romance. The first season was superb and I loved Sawako's hilarious interactions and realistic growth throughout it. On the other hand, the second season was a bit of a letdown during the first half especially with some of the horrible miscommunication and confusion between Sawako and Shota that just seemed a little too over-the-top. However, the last 4 episodes really end the series on a great note and you feel the "magic" (of love) again.

All you need to know is that Sawako/Sadako = love. Watch it. Enjoy it. Love it.

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How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom

Just want to say that the second cour of the anime was WAY better than the first. The show definitely started out very slow (which was compounded a bit more if you were watching it while it was airing like I was) and definitely had some pacing issues. However, about halfway through the first cour things started to get interesting and really picked up. After that, there was no more looking back and the anime series as a whole really hit its stride.

I enjoyed how the second season was able to touch upon a lot of different elements within the kingdom, especially later. In particular, I really liked the final episode and how things ended (not gonna spoil it). I'd love to see more from this series as the light novel and manga are pretty popular still, but they did stop at a pretty good point at the end of this season.

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Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma

Prepare to have your mind blown. This is "food porn" at it's absolute best. A must-watch for sure.

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Your lie in April

Just one episode in, I'm going to go out on a limb and call Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso as the potential sleeper AOTS. With a superb focus on music and its dynamic characters, I'm getting some early vibes of Nodame Cantabile reincarnated right here. Just listen to the OP once and you'll be hooked. It's also very cool that the anime will cover the entire manga as they're supposed to end at about the same time. This is a definite watch. As @ManiacB has stated, I just have to pray that A-1 doesn't screw this up because Nodame Cantabile + Moe = Winning.

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Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day

This is such a powerful and moving anime that deals with the effect of the loss of a loved one and how much it can deeply change us, young or old. In particular, the anime focuses on the effect of Menma's death as a young child on the 5 remaining "Super Peace Busters" group and it's very interesting to see how much her death has and, more interestingly, not changed this once close group of friends. There is an incredible driving force of guilt and jealously that permeates throughout the show, and so this anime is ultimately a story about the journey to resolve these emotions in order to let Menma rest in piece. A lot of the characters may not be completely likable in certain ways due to each one having every obvious flaws, but all those serious flaws interacting with each other are the times when the anime shines best. This is definitely a roller coaster of emotion (perhaps some tears along the way) but I loved the ending which resolves things very nicely. This is a touching story and a can't miss if you're interested in a more dramatic and moving anime. Watch it!!

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Yu Yu Hakusho

Yu Yu Hakusho is just a classic and riveting shounen from the glory days with an awesome English dub to boot (one of the few where the dub is better than the sub imo). There are so many great characters, laughs, tears and memorable moments all wrapped into this one unforgettable journey spanning 112 episodes. The best arcs are the Dark Tournament (season 2) and Chapter Black (season 3) sagas and I could watch them over and over again.

Do yourself a favor. Don't think. Just watch.

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I love my rom/coms and my tsunderes and Toradora! certainly did not disappoint. It's one of the best anime rom/coms that I've ever seen (tied right with Clannad) and is a must watch if you have any interest in the genre at all. While the overall story may be a bit on the predictable side, there are plenty of surprising twists and turns along the way. The characters are what truly shine in Toradora! in how they develop and depend on each other to how each one of their flaws and fears are gradually revealed. The voice acting and music are superb as well. This is truly one of the best stories about the development of true love between a "Tiger and Dragon". Just watch it.

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I just finished bingeing Mindhunter as well and really enjoyed it like many others here. The show definitely had the whole David-Fincher-Zodiac-vibe going along with it (for obvious reasons), and I really enjoyed the pace of it all. The incarcerated killers were brilliantly acted with the portrayal of the killer Ed Kempfer as the star of it all. I really loved getting into the psychology of "serial killers" especially during a time when the field and knowledge around "serial killers" wasn't even really established or properly understood yet. Each different killer gave off their own unique and distinct vibe (with no copying of Hannibal Lecter), which only further added to the excitement in the show.

The first episode is pretty slow and doesn't give you a great sense of where the show is going, but the series really starts to take off in the second episode and I couldn't stop myself after that. Please give me a second season ASAP!

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Scum's Wish

I have no idea how in the world this got a televised anime adaptation but... THANK YOU BASED ANIME GODS!!

Be forewarned though: this series isn't for the faint of heart. Buckle-up your NTR seatbelts and get ready for one hell of a ride ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Mother of God... This was so f'n good. I was planning on just watching the first episode for kicks today and getting to studying for my Summer Final Exams, but I ended up marathoning all 13 episodes in one night. Holy shit. Arata is the f'n man and all the chicks in this series are soooooooo cute. Honestly, I could ship any of them. The ending is a bit inconclusive but the manga is still ongoing so I can give it a pass as I pray for a second season/OVA/anything more. Anyway, manga continuation here I come!!!

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This is another masterpiece done by Kyoto Animation. Can they do no wrong? It's a great slice-of-life school anime with a good mix of mystery, drama and a bit of romance (wish there was a bit more personally). I really loved how this series was very realistic in its scenarios, drama and character development which really helped me fall in love with the charming characters even more. Obviously, the art, animation and music are off the charts too. I just pray that there is a second season or movie to tie up the ending (beautifully done but I need my romantic conclusions!!).

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This show was a mASSterpiece. No other words could possibly describe the glory that is Keijo!!!!!! This is only series that has made me seriously reconsider converting to an ASS-man (other than Prison School). That alone should cement this series in the Top 5 rankings of all-time.

Season 2 when?

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Shout by deanzel
BlockedParent2017-01-25T17:11:21Z— updated 2017-01-27T19:10:28Z

The great "Archie" getting a live-action adaptation?!?! THERE IS A GOD!!! If it is anything like the new Archie comic reboot (which is fantastic and a must-read), then I will be hooked. All I know is that one can never have enough Betty and Veronica, that's for sure... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

EDIT: Well, after watching the first episode of Riverdale, I don't quite know what to think of it all yet. Riverdale seems to be more heavily influenced by the CW's style turning this into more of a darker mystery driven show than I had been anticipating. We'll see how everything shakes out as the first episode already had its hands full just introducing the myriad of characters here. I really liked what was done in the recent Archie comic reboot but perhaps this mystery-story based approach is better suited for TV vs the lighter affair of the comics.

Also, we need more Jughead!!

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I Can't Understand What My Husband Is Saying

Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken has been a very pleasant surprise for me this fall season. While it definitely delivers in bunches with its otaku-centric humor, I think that any anime fan can find plenty of laughs here as well. I love the relationship between Kaoru and Hajime, and in 3 minutes, you couldn't ask for more. Also, Kaoru-tan is one of the best girls of the season. Science.

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No Game No Life

Through 4 episodes, I think that this is the best show that is airing this season so far. It is an amazing combination of wit, comedy, epic "battles" and, of course, fanservice (Shiro = moe). The brother-sister MC combo of Sora and Shiro have vibed perfectly so far and I can't wait for the new episode to air each Wednesday. It reminds me of the setup in Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo? but has many more interesting premises and brings more intellectual charm and humor imo. The art/colors take a little getting used to in the beginning but I don't mind it now. Madhouse is really showing off their stuff with this and I hope that a second season is in the works soon. Definitely give this a shot and watch a few episodes for the action to really heat up.

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After marathoning this amazing show and praying that the HBO adaptation somehow gets resurrected from the dead, I just have one thing left to say...

"Where is Jessica Hyde?"

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Gintama is getting a new anime series premiering in April 2015. Based Santa-san has delivered once again and in thrilling fashion nonetheless. My body is beyond ready for more of my bro Gintoki's legendary antics.

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