


Game of Thrones: 7x04 The Spoils of War

That episode was LIT. Literally...

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Game of Thrones: 8x06 The Iron Throne

Bran: I can never be Lord of Winterfell, I can never be Lord of anything, I'm the Three-eyed Raven.

Also Bran: I'm the King.

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One-Punch Man: 1x09 Unyielding Justice

Oh god. This show is so amazing. Right in my feels...

Mumen Rider... You had me at "Justice Crash". You had me at "Justice Crash"...

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The Eminence in Shadow: 2x02 The Haven

Run, if you value your life...

The frenzy has begun...

The moon is red...

We're out of time...

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Rent-a-Girlfriend: 1x15 The Return of the Girlfriend

MC was finally a little bit less cringe with his little speech/confession to Chizuru at the end of the episode there. Too bad he can't do that be like the other 95% of the time. I wish Mami going to the apartment would have been a little more eventful but hopefully we see some more of the other girls next episode.

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Redo of Healer: 1x10 The Healer Becomes a Single, Lovely Flower!

"Keara" for the motha f'n win. That was a glorious episode. That is how you do a trap!! So many glorious image stills in this one with trap Keyaru. They left us right at the cliffhanger though with Blade about to get her comeuppance. I hope it isn't edited down too much and given full glory like Flare's scene in Episode 2.

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Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest: 1x06 Worthless Rabbit

Shout by deanzel
BlockedParent2019-08-21T03:53:04Z— updated 2019-08-24T01:47:08Z

Holy shit. I thought it couldn't get any worse. And it got soooooo much worse. What a complete butchering of Shea's introduction arc and the Haulia/Verbergen arc. I've seen things rushed before in an anime adaptation, but this was taken to a whole new level. They literally covered more than half of an entire volume of the light novel in 1 episode and left out anything that resembled or seemed to have any semblance of importance into a 1-2 minute montage.

And the animation and character designs are still looking like complete crap. I absolutely cringe to thinking about how the rest of the series will be butchered...

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Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest: 1x02 Pandora's Box

Jesus f'n Christ. This anime is just straight GARBAGE. I'm so disappointed that one of my favorite series is getting butchered to this extent. The animation is definitely cringe in a lot of places thus far (misshaped faces and expressions galore), and they don't even try to explain any of the story and just rush through every single aspect of the original material. We don't get any details or introspection on Hajime and the other characters thoughts and motivations about various circumstances, situations, and anything that could be remotely considered interesting and add to the story. Instead it's a rush job of epic proportions.

Please for the love of god, read the light novel (or web novel) instead.

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MAJOR 2nd: 1x04 The Talent of Loving Baseball

Another fun episode, and we got an even greater taste of the Daigo-Hikaru dynamic and a little preview of some of the rivalries that will form. I actually like the setup here so far and this is the first baseball anime that I've watched where the main protagonist isn't OP or has some hidden skill. Although I guess Daigo's hidden skill could be his "love for baseball".

We see the path on which Daigo becomes the catcher for Hikaru. While this episode had some decent moments, I'm really looking forward to the next one where Daigo undergoes special training under Kaoru-sensei. I hope we get a nice and long anime series out of this as I'm really enjoying it thus far.

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Persona 5 the Animation: 1x02 Let's take back what's dear to you.

Whoa. That OP is just pure FIRE. Damn. That got me so pumped up for the rest of the show. Persona games/shows always know how to make one flashy intro and that one was awesome. Loved the continuation of this episode as well. Things from the game were really well adapted, and I liked how naturally most things flowed. The battles with Personas are a little bit too video-game-esque but that's just nitpicking. I'm really excited to see first Palace all come together at the end.

Morgana sounds and acts awesome. Even Ryuji isn't too annoying so far. And Ann in that bikini... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Game of Thrones: 7x07 The Dragon and the Wolf

What do both The Wall and Jon Snow have in common?

They both got "blown" away at the end ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Game of Thrones: 7x03 The Queen's Justice

The Greyjoys & the Dornish: "Damn. We done fucked up. At least it can't get any worse from here."

The Tyrells: "Hold my beer."

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Game of Thrones: 8x04 The Last of the Starks

“You’ll make a wonderful lord, and any lady would be lucky to have you. But I’m not a lady, I never have been. That’s not me.”

My own balls got blue from the ferocity of this line. Another Baratheon rejected by a Stark... shocking!!

In the past two episodes: Arya 2 "Powerful" Men 0.

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Riverdale: 1x06 Chapter Six: Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill!

I think the big question that arises after this episode is...

"Who will end up NOT making out with Archie in this series?"

I'm dying to find out!!

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Ted Lasso: 3x03 4-5-1

Jamie going from Mr. "Poopay" to the king of grammar. The Zava-effect.

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Attack on Titan: 3x14 Thunder Spears

Serves you right, Reiner. Sayonara. Bitch.


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Ted Lasso: 3x05 Signs

Lesbihonest... who saw that twist coming?

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Ted Lasso: 3x04 Big Week

“Drooling and pooping around the house.”
“Takes after her father.”

"Come on old man. It's way past your bedtime."

Rupert already hates Bex. It's amazing :D

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Game of Thrones: 6x05 The Door


You're god damn right, brothah. You're god damn right... ಥ_ಥ

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The Legend of Korra: 4x13 The Last Stand

KORRASAMI!!!! That was the dankest of endings. What a great series. While "The Legend of Korra" wasn't as consistently good as "Avatar", I was still very entertained and loved getting more of this world. Sequel to the sequel, please?

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Castlevania: Nocturne: 1x08 Devourer of Light

"I hope I'm not too late".

You glorious bastard. You never are. You never are...

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ERASED: 1x12 Treasure

While ERASED finished on a positive note (especially with dat Airi ending!!), I can't help but feel that things were just a bit too predictable and cookie-cutter during the second half of the show. The first half of it was riveting and amazing, but the show really started to lose itself once Kayo's problem got resolved. Overall, it's a solid show and thriller, but it didn't really break any new ground especially with how everything progressed towards Yashiro being the way too obvious "ultimate villain". Also, it might have been a little rushed in the last few episodes and could have probably benefited from a 13th episode to add a little more filler and depth to the final sequences, Yashiro's motives/intentions, and the events post-time-skip.

I'll give the show a solid 7.5/10 or so. Not the greatest thing since sliced bread, but I was entertained. Plus, you can never go wrong with having too many loli characters ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Mob Psycho 100: 1x11 Master ~Leader~

Oh. Yes. Sir. One can never have enough Reigen in any episode. Fact. And now, my body is riddy for the final episode. This is my favorite portion of the buildup to the final confrontation where everything turns to pure awesomeness in the finale. Bring it on, Mob.

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You're the Worst: 3x12 You Knew It Was a Snake

"Better lawyer up, bitch..."

Baller. Status. Confirmed.

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The Last Man on Earth: 1x02 The Elephant in the Room

This was THE episode where I thought "The Last Man on Earth" really took off and came into its own. This episode set the tone for what I think will be a fantastic series. The introduction of Kristen Schaal's character added a hilarious dynamic to the whole situation. Her chemistry with Will Forte was immediately apparent. I could feel Phil's (comedic) "pain and suffering" and it made for some serious laughs. I was smirking throughout this one and the last dinner sequence in particular had me dying. This was a superb start to a very intriguing series. I've got my hopes set high and I can't wait for next week's new episode.

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Ted Lasso: 3x02 (I Don't Want to Go to) Chelsea

Trent Crimm, Richmond AFC. He back baebae!!

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Jujutsu Kaisen: 1x12 To You, Someday

Incredible episode!! This was definitely the best episode of the entire first cour. Unfortunately it was also beyond sad and heartbreaking at times too. Fantastic animation and a great job by MAPPA of bringing this entire sequence to life.

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My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU: 2x10 The Thing That the Light in Each of Their Hands Illuminates

Oh lord. That Iroha scene on the train... "Take responsibility"... (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

New best girl for sure.

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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: 3x39 Goodbye, Morioh – The Heart of Gold

"What a beautiful duwang."

Amazing ending to an amazing season/Part of JoJo. "Part 4 - Diamond Is Unbreakable" has probably been my favorite main arc so far in the JoJo-verse due to many different factors. I loved how they varied up the Stand encounters a lot more this time around vs Stardust and Diamond had a much more vibrant and interesting story/setting. Josuke was also a fantastic new MC that harkened more back to the Joseph Joestar that I loved from Part 2. But, most importantly, Kira was just an amazing and well-fleshed out villain. Better than Dio, I daresay...

Please bring us Part 5 ASAP!!

I am wood.

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Dragon Ball Super: 1x02 To the Promised Resort! Vegeta Takes a Family Trip!?

Dank. Vegeta's face when he got owned by the octopus was glorious. Can't wait for Bulma's birthday party next week. I love me my fillers.

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