



This was okay, but I was hoping for something a little more psychological or at least that explored what it might have been like rather than the straight forward horror this was

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Black Panther

Love this. Probably my favourite of the Marvel 'verse. I

RIP Chadwick Boseman

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Demolition Man

One of my all time favourite films, but for the first time ever I've just seen the Pizza Hut version. So weird.

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American Made

It is an interesting film, but it never quite works. I mean are we supposed to empathise with Cruise's character? Cause he is a bad dude, no questions. He may not be shooting people but he taking money from murderers and facilitating the expansion of their business. I don't think that aspect was ever really explored, the consequences of the business he was in.

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Star Trek: 2x16 The Gamesters of Triskelion

You know I'm getting pretty fed up with the Kirk is "teh uber" and wins at everything and is always right.

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Game of Thrones: 1x02 The Kingsroad

Never trust the Lannisters

Never trust Robert Baratheon

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The Martha Mitchell Effect

interesting, I'd never heard of Martha Mitchell before. this is almost too short though, I'd like to know more.

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The Pale Blue Eye

plodding and dull unfortunately. just didn't work at all for me.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: 1x02 Adrift

It's an improvement over the first episode but nothing special. Lot of manufactured conflict and characters disagreeing with one another just to have arguments and "drama"

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It certainly had a message to impart, but I prefer this to the glorification in other, later mob movies

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Six Nations Championship: 2022x12 England - Ireland

That was a game. Tough on England, but so glad we won. Plus bonus point.

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Six Nations Championship: 2022x05 France - Ireland

So close. And yet so far. Good game though

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Army of the Dead

Very obvious. You won't be surprised by anything that happens in this film, but it's enjoyable enough
Some of the characters are so idiotic that they don't make sense, but what else would you expect from this film.
It is what it is, way too long and nonsensical but enjoyable enough while you're watching it. Especially if you switch off your brain.

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I enjoyed this a certain amount. For such a long film though the story could have been better with development rather than sudden jumps in character interaction.
Also I now want more about the witchy woman. Best thing in it

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Gangster Squad

This was not a good film but it was bad in a vaguely entertaining fashion.
Hammy and full of cliche

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Hail, Caesar!

I think this is my favourite of the Coens''s just great, that 'would that it were so simple scene ' is just hilarious

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Lucky Number Slevin

What a pointless pointless film, and so pleased with it's supposed cleverness. Boring and pointless.

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The Head Hunter

I liked the look and atmosphere of this film, but the story/character wasn't developed enough. In the end felt as though it needed something more

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Star Trek: 3x21 The Cloud Minders

One of the better episodes, even if Kirk is, as usual far too quick to resort to his fists. Also somehow fitting given what's going on in the US that it deals with social inequality. Although sorter far too neatly and easily here

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Star Trek: 3x19 Requiem for Methuselah

Sigh. Yet another episode where Kirk falls in love. Another episode where a female character isn't a character at all but merely a bit of motivation for Kirk

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Scarlet Street

Well worth a watch, and the end doesn't pull any punches

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Star Trek: 3x04 And the Children Shall Lead

The more I see of the OS the more I'm glad that Picard is my Captain

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Dolemite Is My Name

So, I didn't really find the humour too funny in this film, I mean motherfuckers fucking shit up isn't that funny. But I guess for the time it was set it had the shock humour. But I did enjoy the film, and actually found it quite sweet in the end.

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Ad Astra

Omg that film was just so so poor. I was fighting to keep my eyes open during it. I don't think I've ever been so uninvolved in a film. And I've just seen Rambo last blood so it isn't like it was in comparison with a good film.
Terrible piss.

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Rambo: Last Blood

Just a bad bad film

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The Lost Boys

One of my favourite films of all time, just fun with vampires.

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Boyz n the Hood

This film is very much a product of its time. It has important things to say, but sometimes it just comes out and says them instead of making them part of the story. A bit too on the nose at times.

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The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift

Car go fast. Nnnnwwwwwoooommmmm. And girls wear short short dresses.

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Blue Velvet

Who knows what this is all about. I mean, I know the plot (such as it is) but really? what is this even!

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Game of Thrones: 4x10 The Children

Gwan Brienne! great fight scene

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