


The Square

So yeah, this film... I mean I kept waiting for something to happen, and nothing ever really came of anything. but in the end, despite that, it was still sorta interesting.

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Not as terrifying as I thought from the trailer but still a great film, well worth watching. If possible know nothing before you see it.

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Captain Marvel

Really liked this one. Feels full of joy, similar to Black Panther although not as good. Loved all the 90s nods and Goose!

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This Is Us: 2x03 Déjà Vu

Sly! Also a big fan of Rocky

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Say Anything...

I really enjoyed this film, knew nothing about it before watching, but am so glad I did. Great characters & a great, low-key storyline.

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Five Easy Pieces

I really don't get the point of this film and its whiney man-baby protagonist who remains unchanged throughout the film. I mean everyone plays their roles very well, and its well shot. But why would anyone be interested in making this man's story?

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Three Identical Strangers

Truth really is stranger than fiction.

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The Girl on the Train

Around halfway through this started to get interesting. Emily Blunt is excellent, but the story felt far too disjointed to work. Also way too much voice-over, I know it was adapted from a book but interior monologues very rarely work in film.

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This Time with Alan Partridge: 1x01 Episode 1

Love that nursery rhyme! and so useful too.

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Game of Thrones: 1x07 You Win or You Die

"I told you not to trust me".

You bastard Littlefinger

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Nine to Five

So I had no idea this had such a bizarre, but awesome plot

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Cold Pursuit

This is a terrible terrible film. Was it supposed to be funny? Because that's the impression I got from the way it listed the dead. It did not make me laugh, not once.

It was mean spirited, I didn't care about any of the so-called characters, and it was boring. One to miss I think.

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Game of Thrones: 1x05 The Wolf and the Lion

Despite knowing whats going to happen that fight scene is still wonderfully tense.

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Isle of Dogs

I was disappointed with this to be honest. It was okay, and had some nice touches but didn't work for me overall

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The Last Kingdom

Shout by Dearbhla

You know, it really doesn't pay to be a woman in Uhtred's life does it...

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The Last Kingdom: 3x09 Episode 9

Surprisingly emotional in this episode for Uhtred son of Uhtred, destiny is all.

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Marvel's The Punisher: 2x11 The Abyss

okay, so rock salt and rubber bullets explains why Frank is still alive after the last episode, and its all part of Billy's plan, still annoys me as he should be dead a hundred times over

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Game of Thrones: 1x02 The Kingsroad

Never trust the Lannisters

Never trust Robert Baratheon

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Star Trek: 2x10 Journey to Babel

You gotta love how illogical most Vulcans seem to be in order to make the story progress

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Star Trek: 2x09 Metamorphosis

I'm sorry, male and female are universal constructs... I guess at least Kirk tried talking this time instead of only violence, even if that was his first impulse

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Stan & Ollie

Better than I'd expected and surprisingly emotional

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I was somewhat exasperated at times by this film, but it was better than The Happening. Very low bar I know.

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Universal Soldier

I mean, it totally makes no sense, but I suppose it kept me watching for the whole film...

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The Young Offenders: 1x06 Episode 6

Love this. Funny but it also has heart, and a generous view of people.

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Professor Marston and the Wonder Women

Interesting, and entertained me while I was watching but I get the feeling that it glossed over a lot of things. Rebecca Hall was fantastic, but her character's worries didn't seem to get much explanation.

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Boogie Nights

What is the point in this film... I just don't get it.

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Ghost Stories

Shout by Dearbhla
BlockedParent2019-01-05T18:53:44Z— updated 2019-01-08T18:45:45Z

Interesting, and certainly creepy in parts, but didn't quite work.

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