

Orlando, Florida

Spider-Man: Homecoming

I didn't have time to watch a full movie today, so this short will suffice. Too bad what I picked had to be garbage. I like the idea in concept. For a Halloween live special, Blumhouse productions did a fake live snuff film recording at a Halloween party. This sounds like a cool idea, one that could lend itself to an unprecedented online experience, but the execution here is fucking garbage. It feels so amateurish in it's costuming, set design, lighting, acting, and just everything. Nothing sticks, nothing is scary, and there are so many periods of time and gaps of stuff just not happening. I can't count how many times I wanted to shut it off.

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Darkness, Light, Darkness

Like yesterday, I didn't have enough time to squeeze a feature-length horror film, so I had to suffice to watch a bunch of shorts instead. However, just so there's a topic, I turned to Jan Svankmajer. His surrealist style of stop-motion animation is quite a product of the time. I felt a random rush of emotions and thoughts as I watched this piece, mostly of amusement. The animation can be a little creepy at moments, but you can't deny the fascinating and undeniable talent Svankmajer has. His clay-mation throughout all the shorts I've seen, notably his music video, Another Kind Of Love, are all grotesque and off-putting, but there was an intrigue to it that kept me watching. Worth checking these out.

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American Made

That was fucking badass. And hilarious. Two Doug Liman movies this year and they're both fantastic. I'm not going to say anything else. You have to see this for yourself. I love it. Technically this isn't a horror movie, but this is all I saw today.

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Easy watch today, because again, I'm busy with life and other projects. I'm a fan of Hardcastle's work, from his Pingu's The Thing and his other clay-mation work. Chainsaw Maid though, is a very peculiar series of videos. I love chainsaws in my horror films and this seemed like the perfect combination of sexy and horrific, but there's a good balance. I almost view this maid as the Ripley from Alien: a badass that has to protect a kid. Now, for some reason, Hardcastle has an extreme fetish for this clay-mation and the maid doesn't finally get nude until the third part, which is actually the worst one, but the first works. If you're going to watch any of these, just watch the first, The other two just aren't good enough for recommendations.

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Score: A Film Music Documentary
The Purge

Eh, for what it is, it's enjoyable enough. What really elevates this movie up though is it's brilliant concept, and how it actually has an effect on it's characters and resolution. There's a few points in the middle I didn't care for, and motivations that felt extremely unrealistic, but it's got it where it counts. I hear the sequels are better though, so I'm excited to watch those. This could use a bit of tweaking, but I'm going to be nice and give this a generous pass. Didn't hate it, don't think it's amazing, but I think it's a cool idea.

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Happy Death Day
American Beauty

I guess this movie's like non-fiction now, right guys?

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Blade Runner 2049

Not sure how to rate this one. Just saw it. Will have to let it sit with me for a bit. I do know that I liked it, though. Just not sure if I only liked or loved it.

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Olaf's Frozen Adventure
Roman J. Israel, Esq.

Walked out fifty minutes in. Roman's like autistic Ben Affleck from The Accountant, only this movie's not good and it sucks and it can go to hell. There's so much wrong with it, I won't bother writing it. It's clear the writer didn't bother either. For any poor souls with time to waste on this shit, take a shot any time Denzel Washington pushes his glasses up and rubs his face. Take three shots of hard liquor every time he eats a peanut butter sandwich. You will die in the first twenty minutes.

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Romeo Is Bleeding
The Fat and Lean Wrestling Match

Easily my favorite of all of Georges Méliès' films. I was actually laughing out-loud while watching this. An silly and over-the-top visual acting comedy sketch that's timeless in it's humor.

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Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
Annie Oakley

Annie Oakley > Atomic Blonde

I have nothing else to say about this, I just decided to make a random comment as I marathon a bunch of short films before the year ends. Happy New Year, everyone!

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Insidious: The Last Key
The Dark Tower

Not one scene lasts more than two minutes. I started timing it, like I got a calculator out and starting counting the amount of time each scene had. As someone who's becoming a professional editor, this movie offends me. This is beyond embarrassing. This is a marvel. It needs to be shown in film and editing classes on what not to do. You could study this. Sony's lucky they had Jumanji last year. I almost want them to fail after this pile of predictable, formulaic, mediocre, bland, and sensory-raping trash. I started laughing my ass off at one part where Matthew McConaughey's dialogue didn't match his lips at all. I had to take frequent breaks every ten minutes just so I could stomach this hour and a half disaster. Like, just, fuck this movie and everyone who edited it.

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The Shape of Water
My Little Pony: The Movie
Early Man
Peter Rabbit

I guess I forgot to log this one, I don't know why I didn't before. Just a few QUICK thoughts, Peter Rabbit is a strangely decent children's movie that touches on a few bases that the adult-friendly The LEGO Movie harnesses, and manages to secure a jolly little ride. Plenty of fourth-wall breaks, hilariously edited action montages, courtesy of Peter Menzies Jr., ironic jokes, and some glorious comedic timing. Domhnall Gleeson is quickly becoming one of my most favorite Irish actors, and the very second he comes on-screen, he steals the whole movie. The picture starts off slow and imitative, but Gleeson's charming and wild performance makes the feature a worthwhile price of admission. I wouldn't go full-price showing, but a Tuesday discount or MoviePass entrance will be sure to give you a number of good laughs. Very surprised about this one. If you were predicting Sony to treat the property akin to their hideous live-action The Smurfs adaptations, you will be surprised too.

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The Strangers: Prey at Night
Sherlock Gnomes

Gnome With The Wind
The Invisible Gnome
Gnome Night
12 Angry Gnomes
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Gnome
The Silence Of The Gnomes
Gnome And See
Gnome Alone
Only Gnome Forgives
Gnomes Of New York
Running With The Gnomes
Gnomerise Kingdom
Mission Impossible: Gnome Protocal
Gnome Torino
Gnome Of Steel
Shin Gnomezilla
Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Gnome's Chest
Gnome: A Star Wars Story
The Lego Gnome Movie
Lara Croft Gnome Raider
How The Gnome Stole Christmas
Gnome In The Shell
The Gnome Who Leapt Through Time
Neon Gnomesis Evangelion

And just simply... The Gnome Movie.

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