


The Mandalorian: 2x08 Chapter 16: The Rescue

Where is the 11th heart for this episode?
I was so tense when the x-wing appeared and I was holding my breath for the whole fight. When he pulls of the hood I couldn't help but crying.
Even if the show would stop right there I would be very happy. But I am also very eager to see what comes next.
It's going to be a long year.

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Star Wars

The movie that propably had the most impact on my life.
I was little over 10 at the time I saw it first. My dad brought it home on VHS. From the first second my eyes were glued to the screen. Immediately after it was over I rewound the tape and watched it again which up to today, close to 35 later, I haven´t done with any other movie. I recorded it on audio tape so I could listen to it, even wrote down the whole thing on paper (that was well before the internet, folks). We re-ennacted the scenes, I had memorized every line. I cannot recall how many times I`ve seen it since then.
I would give it 11 if possible.

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John Wick

This is how you do an action movie. Just the right amount of everything without being over the top. Spot on !

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The Orville: 3x05 A Tale of Two Topas

And this, dear writers of contemporary Star Trek, is how you handle a topic like that.

I'm, sadly, not surprised about the rating (68 % at the time of writing) and some comments in regards to this episode. To each his own but I thouroghly enjoyed it.

It was past overdue that Klyden left the ship. I never liked him but there was no way after this he could have stayed. Don't think we've seen the last of him.

Bortus still hasn't performed "My Heart Will Go On"

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The Mandalorian: 2x06 Chapter 14: The Tragedy

Shout by FinFan

Holy......what an episode. I had not expected such fireworks. The title is a spoiler in itself but we knew it would happen at some point anyway. If Fett would habe been half as good in the movies I'd cared about Mandalorians much earlier.
So, will a Jedi answer and if so who will ot be? Someone new or someone we know? Man, I hope this show will go on for many, many years.

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Masters of the Air: 1x03 Part Three

On one episode of "Band of Brothers" I once wrote that no show or documentary can ever relate what it means to be in battle. But this episode was tense, it was frantic and you can get an idea what these men went through. And you really have to be amazed that they did it again and again.
The airbattle scenes in this show are through the roof. It's not all about the action, though. We are reaching a point now where losses are becoming more meaningful for the viewer.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Extended)

This is one of those movies you need an 11th heart in the rating.

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The Nanny

Am I the only one who thinks comedy/sitcoms were better in general when they didn´t grew on trees?

Up to today "The Nanny" still is one of my all time favs. Although you knew from the start of the show were it would lead, and although they were using about every possible cliché, the characters grew on me and I not only watched for the good comedy it was but to see how the story and the characters evolved.

Today, whenever I happen to find an episode running, and it is still running somewhere, I can´t resist to watch.

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The thing I like most about Ridleys movies is the fact that he uses CGI only when absolutely necassary and does as much practical shooting as possible. And he always tells a story. Just watched the extended cut which gives it a little more depth.

I can`t remember a bad movie from him but Gladiator sure is one of Ridleys masterpieces.

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Star Trek: Enterprise

The last true Star Trek. Such a shame it didn't got the end it deserved.

And No, I don't consider the crap JJ Abrahms puts out Star Trek.

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Masters of the Air: 1x05 Part Five

Another tense and emotional episode. It's phantastic how they manage to keep the balance between the action sequences and the personal stories.
The air battles, already among the best I've ever seen, were once again great. The short slo-mo/time freeze was awesome. So was the fight between the Fort and these fighters. I don't know if something like this ever happened but it sure was a great sequence. But despite all that you never forget that those people were really in that. You flinch when the bullets rip through the fuselage, you wince when someone is hurt. And you feel kinda empty when they sit through the interrogation counting down the losses.

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Band of Brothers

I rarely say this about any show/movie but this is a must see.

History can teach us a lot and I don´t know of many shows that do it as great as Band of Brothers does.

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Nature documentary, BBC, David Attenborough - need I say more ?

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Utterly and outright hilarious.

The forth series had a serious undertone which made it stand out a bit I think. And the final minutes are so outstanding. Altogether one of the best comedy shows of all time and one you can watch more than once.

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I have not given a movie a "10" in almost three years. This was epic and could become even more so if this gets continued.

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Masters of the Air: 1x07 Part Seven

What can I say that I haven't already said about this show ? Every new episode grabs me like none do today. I have a lump in my throat everytime the end credits start to roll.
They made the right choice by not showing us extended action scenes at this point. We already covered that, we know what it's like up in the air. I found it very gripping to see what happened on base, with the new arrivals, when the planes come back, and what the pilots think about it at this point in time. It makes me shiver but it althought gives depth and scope.

This was a crucial time during the war. When the Mustang appeard the Luftwaffe's days were numbered. But like it's shown here it also meant a shift in strategy.

I have no doubt the final episodes will be great.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Extended)

The books made Tolkien immortal - the movies will do the same for Jackson.

I believe there will never be another movie as grand as these.

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Battlestar Galactica

By todays standards it might look naive but this was a groundbraking series at it's time. If you only know the remake take the time to watch this. It's worth it.

Whatever you do, do NOT watch the movies (Specials). They are basically put together from parts of the series.

The first is a shortened Version of the three-part "Saga of a Star World" which starts the show. The second is made of parts from "The Living Legend" and "Fire in Space" which are put together rather clumsy and in a different order, in the end telling a different story through large parts.

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Star Wars Rebels: 3x19 Twin Suns

Probably the only time I agree with Ezra being Ezra. Even if it meant he ultimately led Maul to Kenobi. But it had to happen. I admit I was skeptical when Maul got raised from the dead. I liked him in Phantom but I did not see the possible potential he could have. I'll also admit that he brought a lot to the table during the course of Clone Wars and Rebels.

I am not sure if I am dissapointed or thrilled by the way Obi-Wan was able to finish Maul off. You could make an argument for both. There was a lot of anticipation on my side and the scene was building up strong. And if you'd blinked in the wrong moment you might miss it.

I read the other comments right now while writing this and ultimately have to agree it was the right way to do. We know wo wins this fight anyway so why stretch it out.

The final scene was again heartwarming for an old Star Wars fan (of course it could also be for any younger fan).

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Bohemian Rhapsody

One of the best movies of 2018. What an emotional journey. And that is mainly thanks to Rami Malek how gives a remarkable performance. He brings Freddie Mercury back to life and he should get the Oscar for this.
Now, I wouldn't call myself a Queen fan. I like a lot of their music but only at certain times. But I clearly have a way better understanding of some of the lyrics and will hear the songs with a different view from now on.

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Blue Planet II

BBCs Planet shows are the best nature/wild life documentaries you will find. Calling this awesome would be an understatement.

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Babylon 5

Yes, from today's point of view it looks dated, even cheap at times. The CGI can't cover the fact that it was made in the mid 1990s. There is no way around that.

But let that dissuade you from watching this and you miss out on one of the best TV (not only scifi) shows ever put on TV.

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Star Wars Rebels: 2x16 Shroud of Darkness

It's an interesting question that's been asked here. Could Ahsoka have prevented Anakin from turning to the dark side if she hadn't left the Jedi? Of course that was never a question until now because she was never part of the movies. In any case I think this is to be interpreted as her taking blame for what happened to him. She thinks she failed him, asks herself, or even is convinced, she could have stopped him. That of course means that she is now admitting that Anakin has indeed become Darth Vader.
It was great to see Vader at the end. Personally I always thought he's not used enough., I could watch a whole series with him.

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Seven Worlds, One Planet

BBC, David Attenborough - This one's a no brainer.

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The Rocky Horror Picture Show

There isn´t a movie around I have seen more often than this one. I can´t count it. Rocky Horror Show never gets old, never gets boring.

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Planet Earth

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2016-12-21T22:16:21Z— updated 2016-12-23T17:51:24Z

Beautiful, at times breathtaking photography. The amount of hours they put into this is crazy (watch the diaries if possible) but well worth it. This is one, if not the, most comprehensive nature documentary around. And you don´t have to be a nature freak to enjoy this. And with the end of the final episode it conveys a massage we all should think about.
I´ve been watching this ten years after it was released and a man has just become president who thinks climate change is a lie and who would do anything to get into the last nature resorts, just for exploitation, without hesitation. Not that he is the only one but you wonder how it will be ten years from now.

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Magnum, P.I.

I know what you´re thinking and you´re right.

Probably not a lot of people would name Magnum as one of the best TV shows off all time. But it is one of those iconic and memorable shows of the 80s that you can whatch again and again. The cast was perfect for the show, it sure was Tom Sellecks role of a lifetime. The same can probably be said for Hillerman. This isn't just another detective show it´s much more. Towards the end it became more serious and character driven which didn´t hurt. I always thought this was much more about the characters and their relations than anything else.

And on a sidenote: it was sometimes mentioned that this was more a show for the women because of Selleck. But let me remind you that some of the most gorgeous women of the 80s gueststarred on Magnum.

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The Orville

This show might have started as a competitor to Star Trek at the time. But we are way past the question if this is the better Star Trek.

The Orville more than stands on its own. It's an amazing show.

Fact !

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Star Wars Rebels: 2x19 Twilight of the Apprentice

I always loved Star Wars. From the moment Leias ship appeared on screen and got hunted by Vaders destroyer I was hooked.

It is so great to see shows like Clone Wars and now Rebels who brought so much more depth to the SW universe. The storytelling is amazing and I found myself again being mesmerized by the events on screen now 40 years later.

The clash between Ahsoka and Vader was something I've been looking forward to and I was not dissapointed. Anakin caling her name through his broken mask is a moment to remember. Something other SW installments are sadly lacking. If you've followed both their journeys you can't help but feel pain for how they ended up facing each other. This was a fight neither could win no matter what the outcome would have been. Each of them would have lost.

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Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2019-02-08T21:16:40Z— updated 2019-06-28T18:14:43Z

This is the kind of show I can watch anytime, anywhere and I will always be in a better mood than I was before.
The term "Totally Ninja !" could have been invented for this in the first place.

Update: I just read that Max Wright passed away a couple of days ago. RIP in thank you for all the great moments.

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