


Car SOS: 6x10 Ford Capri RS 3.1

That is one of the best cars they ever did !

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Jay Leno's Garage: 4x03 The Motor City

I say this every year: Tim and Jay need to make a show together.

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Jay Leno's Garage: 4x02 Over The Top

Still like the show but I'd rather have Assess & Caress back then that stupid quiz.

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Married... with Children: 11x01 Twisted

That was probably the stupidest MwC episode ever.

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Married... with Children: Season 10

In retrospect I must say this season marked the beginning of the end.
First, the whole thing with Peggys mother (never seen but always there) and her hillbilly Wanka father was boring as hell. I also didn't like Buck being gone and then coming back as another dog. I'd rather have them had no dog any longer. And with David and Christina getting older their characters lost something of believablity. Alltogether there were less really great episodes, most are just OK.
But I admit that all didn't bother me back in '95 - just now, watching this again is another thing.

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Designated Survivor: 2x18 Kirkman Agonistes

So did the writers played on a hunch when Kim Raver was casted as Andrea Frost that everybody would assume she would be romantically involved with Kirkman and therefore ignoring her as a suspect ? Interesting.
Also, does this mean we have seen the last of Damien ? Because I never liked the character and he really was not contributing much.

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Wheeler Dealers: 16x01 1976 Mercury Capri MK2

Finally the Opel GT comes to Wheeler Dealers. And thank god it's original.

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ABC News Features: 2018x02 The Force of Sound: Creating sounds in a galaxy far, far away

Make it sound like in a vacuum

Yeah, that explains a lot of things.

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Married... with Children: Season 6

Shout by FinFan

I do understand they had to write in the pregnancy for Peggy because Katey was pregnant in real life. But why on earth give Marcy one , too ?
Due to the unfortunate fact that Katey lost the baby it became a dream sequence in the show. But I can't help asking myself what would have happened had she had the baby.

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Married... with Children: 5x20 Top of the Heap

Probably a very good idea not to make this into a series. No, not probably. Definately !

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The X-Files: 11x09 Nothing Lasts Forever

That last scene was probably the prologue for the season- and, I hope, series finale. I would never thought I'd say this but in retrospect I would have preferred those last two season didn't happen.
The rest of this episode I can summarize in one word: boring.

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Car SOS: 6x01 MGA Roadster

I think Tims discount antics are wearing really thin but I am so stoked about the new season I even can live with that.

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Designated Survivor: 2x12 The Final Frontier

I couldn't care less what happens with Damian. Didn't like that character when he was with the good guys.

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Married... with Children: 3x19 The Computer Show

Giovanni Ribisi and Stephen Dorff - I wonder who else played in this show that I did not know then. That's another reason I like watching these old shows.

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Married... with Children: 3x17 Married ... with Prom Queen: the Sequel (2)

Who did spot Miss Parker from The Pretender ? yep, the Go-Go girl

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Married... with Children: 2x20 Just Married ... With Children

I had completely forgotten how great Katey was in this show.

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Blade Runner 2049

Let´s just start be saying I am not a fan of the first Blade Runner and I didn't think it needed a sequel. But, who knows, 2049 could be something, right ?
Well I am about 30 min into it and nothing really happened. The little that did could have been told in about, say, 5-10 minutes? The rest was style and atmosphere. With 136 minutes left I quit because I am certain I would have regretted watching more.
So this is not a review on the movie put rather a recommendation to those who did not like the first one to just skip this. It's my subjective, personal opinion. I won't even rate it.

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Designated Survivor: 2x11 Grief

Does anybody know if Natasha McElhone wanted out ? It does not make much sense to kill FLOTUS in what seems to be a random car accident.

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Designated Survivor: 2x10 Line of Fire

Shout by FinFan

So, the guy falls into the water after Hannah shot him and nobody even bothers to look for the body ? Dear writers, please stay with the light politics stuff because you suck at everything else.
And before someone yells at me, yes I know a lot of the things, like that crash at the end, are improbable to unlikely to be happen, but as far as I am concerned it`s good drama. I can't explain why I like this show, I just do.

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Designated Survivor: 2x05 Suckers

Whether you like the direction this show has taken is up to ones individual taste but I think it hurts its credebility that they always succeed by doing the right thing. That's just not how life, and especially politics, work. It is wishful thinking. And I wonder why Kirkman does have a staff when he's always doing what he thinks is best.

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Designated Survivor: 2x03 Outbreak

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2018-02-28T15:44:35Z— updated 2018-03-02T00:55:23Z

The writing is all over the place with every new episode. That conspiracy/Lloyd plot becomes less interesting each week. Now they come up with that stupid story about the mother seemingly involved into something shady and it is constructed basically out of nothing. Well, you need to put something into all this episodes.
Contrary to other comments I like the politcal stuff more but you should not take this serious. It is light entertainment at best. It's not how politics is but more like how we wish it to be. And the dialogue is way to cheesy and clichèd.

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Designated Survivor: 2x02 Sting of the Tail

Shout by FinFan

As much as I would like Lloyd to be dead, there is one thing I learned from watching this kind of show - if you do not see them die, they are not dead.

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Designated Survivor: 1x17 The Ninth Seat

Shout by FinFan

Yeah, I never bought into it that he was dead. They killed of everyone so far and his death we didn't see. It was either that or come up with the "unexpected surprise".

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Designated Survivor: 1x10 The Oath

The one thing that I always get annoyed with this type of conspiracy shows is the repetive nature of letting the bad guys win althought it seems the good guys are getting to them. I understand now why some shows are down to shorter seasons.

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Designated Survivor: 1x05 The Mission

I like a good political conspiracy but now they beginn adding unnecessary stuff like some inmate and former lover declaring fatherhood of Kirkmans son. And is it just me or is a lot of this show directly taken from 911 and by that I don't mean the general idea pushed to the max.

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Born to be Wild: The Golden Age of American Rock

Towards the end of this docu someone says that everytime the music industry discovers something that is succesful it is repeated and exaggerated until it isn't. And therein lies the dilemma. The industry is killing itself because of it's own greed.

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Moscow Strikes Back

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2018-02-19T17:35:13Z— updated 2018-02-21T22:35:59Z

Interesting to watch a Russian "documentary" from WWII. I think I never had. Of course in the end it is the same kind of propaganda and morale booster everyone else did. I know the Russians re-enacted stuff after battles for their movies.
You see a lot of battle scenes but no actual battles. They show only captured or dead Germans. The camera is always steady, the pictures always sharp. A lot of the time it is filmed from very high angles in the open, probably from some kind of podest. But the biggest give away was a scene where you saw paratroopers jumping from planes with the narration claiming they were dropped behind enemy lines. And next you see them actually land so I guess the camera jumped behind enemy lines before ?? ;-)
But as I said that's the kind of things all parties did. But you need keep in mind this is propaganda not documentation.

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Goliath: 1x05 Cover Your Ass

Shout by FinFan

Why can't they make a good and interesting show witout people fu---ng each other and complicated reliationships ? All of this is taking away from the main plot. Donald fu---ng Lucy, Callie fu---ng Michelle - is this connected to the conspiracy ?

I am still waiting for the plot to get off the ground.

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Quantico: 1x02 America

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParentSpoilers2018-02-13T17:59:18Z— updated 2018-02-19T00:06:21Z

Showing us that they've been teached at Quantico not to trust and follow evidence blindly and then built your whole show upon such evidence is just stupid writing.

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The X-Files: 11x06 Kitten

Shout by FinFan

Ok episode up to the point where they brought in chemtrails. That`s where it gets ridicolous.

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