


Obi-Wan Kenobi: 1x03 Part III

Shout by FinFan

He's back ! Vader enters the picture and immediately the heat is literally turned up. One shot, one breath of him has more weight as ten minutes from the Third Sister.
I had not imagined that him and Obi-Wan would meet that early. And now we have the question of continuity. There has to be another meeting because that one could not have been what Vader was describing in Ep IV (with Obi-Wan being the Master and he the apprentice). Yes, those things matter to me. But as one-sided as the duel here was it had me on the edge of my seat. The lightsabers in the dark, the musical score, Vaders voice - that was an amazing sequence.

How on earth did Reva get past Leia ? There is one tunnel leading to where the pilot was waiting and she had to pass Leia to get there first. Yet she was there waiting, the pilot already dead.

All in all by far the best episode. Obi-Wan talking about Padme and his memories of his own family was another great scene.

Now I'm hyped.

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Star Trek: Picard: 1x07 Nepenthe

Shout by FinFan

I certainly enjoyed the coming together of Picard, Riker and Troi. Those were great scenes. At the same time it showed me again I care less about the new characters. And how is this for people who don't know TNG ?
The revelation that Jurati was planted was no surprise as I suspected that from the beginning. A Vulcan forcing a mind meld was a surprise and I wonder where the information about that future comes from. Was it just a trick to lure Jurati in ? Or will there be some form of time travel involved ? I would have hoped Jurati would kill herself instead of just putting her into a coma.
And if I could make a guess in general, I think Picard is going to die at the end of the show. Whenever that may be.

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Star Wars

The movie that propably had the most impact on my life.
I was little over 10 at the time I saw it first. My dad brought it home on VHS. From the first second my eyes were glued to the screen. Immediately after it was over I rewound the tape and watched it again which up to today, close to 35 later, I haven´t done with any other movie. I recorded it on audio tape so I could listen to it, even wrote down the whole thing on paper (that was well before the internet, folks). We re-ennacted the scenes, I had memorized every line. I cannot recall how many times I`ve seen it since then.
I would give it 11 if possible.

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The Boys: 3x02 The Only Man in the Sky

Shout by FinFan

Not sure where I stand on the part that Butcher can now become a Supe for a day. It obviously makes him what he hates the most abd i think it's a little to obvious to play that card. On the other hand, that last scene - I guess things just started.

Another brilliant performance by Starr who's leaving the rest of the cast behind.

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BONDiNG: 2x01 The Kinks

I had kind of forgotten this show is still out there but I'm glad it's back. Can't explain why but I really like the way the characters are drawn.

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The Big Bang Theory: 12x16 The D & D Vortex

I am actually surprised they got William Shatner to make an appearance.

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Marvel's Iron Fist

I think Iron Fist is blocking its own path to become something better. Everytime I thought it was gaining ground they throw in stupid dialogue or dumb character decisions. Hell, part of the show even felt more like Dallas or Dynasty than a super hero show. And they really need to work on the way the action is presented. This all looked soft, you could easily recognize the rehearsed moves.

Netflix needs to step up big time for me to continue watching those Marvel shows for another season. With the exception of Daredevil none of the likes of Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, or this have left a mark. And I'm beginning to wonder, of all the characters Marvel has at his disposal, those were the best to center the shows around ?

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Reboot this as much as you want Maguire was the best Spider-Man.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 3x01 Confined

Well, if the plan was to portray how dire the situation is they did a good job. Whole episode was grim but also a bit boring I have to admit. The final five minutes redeemed this somewhat. But no Bad Batch in "The Bad Batch"
Omega is still very naive. My guess would be they have Snoke, or an earlier version, in that vault. In the end it has to lead to what happened with the sequels and that's the bitter pill I have to swallow.
I find it hard to believe thought that no one noticed that Nale Se discards Omega's blood samples all the time.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 1x04 Memento Mori

I had so hoped they show us a Gorn. It wouldn't be breach of canon as long as they don't see each other. And if you've just seen the classic Gorn episode (like I did) the Gorn are not very frightening to be honest.
Otherwise decent story. But everyone must have some form of trauma today ? Why is that ? And can someone please put a gag on Ortegas. Her snippy comments are totally out of place for a bridge officer.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 1x03 Ghosts of Illyria

I think Hemmer will become my favorite charachter on this show. Hopefully we'll see more of him.

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Star Trek: Picard: 2x02 Penance

I won't say my interest isn't peaked and DeLancie surely hasn't missed a beat in his portrayal of Q. He was much more convincing than Whoopie. But subtlety really isn't the writer's forté, isn't it. You cannot be more on the nose and sledgehammering something in. And always going back to the Nazis.

Jurati is becoming Picard's version of Ensign Tilly. And by that I mean blabbering for no appearant reason and becoming annoying because of that.

Two things Q said made my listen up. "Yesterday's Enterprise" and "Through a Mirror Darkly". Just an easter egg reference or something more ? If something in the year 2024 changed that was so dramatic as to change the history of the whole universe - how can this be related to Picard ? Q made it sound as if it was one of Picard's decisions that did that. "Welcome to the end of the road not taken".

So, we have to wait and see.

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BONDiNG: 1x01 Old Friends, New Names

I feel like I just watched a very long trailer. Couple minutes more wouldn't hurt to give it more substance. Jokes are not hitting home, yet. What the heck, it's a 105 min season and I've nothing better to do right now.

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Bones: 11x15 The Fight in the Fixer

Just something to consider about Booth's explanation at the end that the teacher ran out of ink half way through. The way the report card presents itself it would suggest she first wrote all the grades with a minus, than ran out of ink, picked up another pen to change everything into a plus and finally sign it. Am I the only one who thinks that would be a weird way of doing it ? I know, nitpicking. What can I say?

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Marvel's Runaways: 1x01 Reunion

Not a reader of the comics and from that premiere I am not sure why I should continue watching this. First, I feel like I´ve just watched an episode of Beverly Hills 90210 and second those characters are overly cliched in both looks and behaviour.
But I'll always say to never judge a show by one episode so I'll at least watch another one.

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Silo: 1x02 Holston's Pick

Pretty sure none of those who went outside are dead. That's part of the control mechanism to keep people inside. The people in power are obviously afraid to loose it. They destroyed all evidence of what happened in the past so they can create their own myth. Yeah, I know I'm stating the obvious. Maybe they are even living on the surface themselves and don't want to share ? Maybe the Silo is important for things on the surface to work, part of a machinery ?
But it leaves the question open why no one ever came back.

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Obi-Wan Kenobi: 1x04 Part IV

I wish Vader would've killed her. She's just a weak character. Even a ten year old kid is not intimidated by her. It should have been Vader chasing Obi-Wan from the beginning if it is that much of a personal thing for him. The story could have been so much better.

I'll admit, this episode was rather weak. Convenient writing and all in all a remake of Obi-Wan on the death star. No real suspense since the only character that could have died is Tala.

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Star Trek: Picard: 2x06 Two of One

Do all those plot pieces actually have a purpose ?

We went back in time to restore the timeline. Now we have Soong and his cloning (funny that he doesn't protect his files). Jurati and her personality issues. Rios's Doctor is back in the picture. Raffi's becoming more annoying with every episode. I'm still not sure what's Q's play ? And Picard having a traumatic episode. Does all this actually have something to do with the main issue ?

Oh wait, there was a little bit of Renee Picard in there. And concerning that, I don't know if her not making the mission is the problem or her making it is. Maybe it's something else entirely. I am also confused that Picard didn't seem to know about his ancestor. From TNG we know he's well versed concerning his family history. But neither the date nor the place seemed to be important to him.

I don't hate the show but I'm also not overly enthusiastic. Truth be told, I'm bored. And that's worse than either of the other options.

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Monsters at Work: 1x02 Meet MIFT

Already better than the first episode. It's good family entertainment. Nothing wrong with that.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 1x02 Cut and Run

I like the period, the first moments of the Empire. With sixteen episodes in total I hope we get a lot of world building aside from the main story.
Anyone else thinks Hunter looks a lot like Rambo ? I Don't think it's intentional, though.

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WandaVision: 1x08 Previously On

OK, now I am lost a bit. On the one side we learn what happened and why. And that she in fact didn't steal Visions body but re-created him. I get that. But why did it MAKE her The Scarlett Witch ? Wasn't she always ?

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Star Trek: Lower Decks

Why even write something about it?

Those who hate it, too, will probably agree, those who like it may call me a disgruntled Trekkie. What the heck, I've been called worse.

I've endured the Abramsverse, Discovery, and Picard but this is where Star Trek dies.

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Star Trek: Picard: 1x06 The Impossible Box

Shout by FinFan

One moment I am on the verge of stop watching (Jurati & Rios; likewise seeing Raffi swinging a bottle of whiskey around the bridge) and the next moment I am fascinated (Picard on the cube) by the writing.
I honestly don't know what do with this show at the moment.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 5x26 Time's Arrow (1)

Shout by FinFan

And with this we finally learn how Picard and Guinan meet. Have met ? Will meet ? Isn't time travel exciting ?
I always like to think through this kind of story. Guinan (from the present) obviously knows what has happenend as indicated by her comments and suggestion to Picard. And since they found Data's severed head all this seems to indicate it indeed has all happened already. Now, we know Guinan has a unique perception of time but if all of this has happened then why does no one remember ? Am I missing something, I was skipping some lectures on temporal science you know.
Interesting to see that Guinan is at least 500 years old, could be even a couple hundreds more, and that she might have ran away from her real home which in turn saved her from the Borg. I like that kind of background. Yeah, the aliens, that's a bit off. But as I said I think this is not that important as it is but the background for the real plot.
The sets and costumes are great, too. Overall I really enjoyed this first part

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 1x14 11001001

The episode itself is ok, not special. What I really liked is that it shows, very early, the risks regarding holodeck use. That you could loose yourself between fiction and reality. In a way you can build a bridge into todays world and how people live in social media and/or the internet in general. I wonder what would really happen if we had holo-technology.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 1x07 Justice

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2018-11-15T22:18:42Z— updated 2018-11-17T22:43:05Z

I have watched this show so many times that I do look for other stuff going on now (watching it the first time in HD, too).

Did anyone notice Denis Crosby always grabbing her tricorder when she stood up and walked around? Seemed like the prob wasn't holding on to her uniform.

This is another episode that I am not looking forward to when I happen to watch the show again. A hyper-sexual society where everyone just seems to be making love all the time that has a death penalty for about every crime seems contradictory to me. The arguments against a death penalty felt unenthusiastic (personally I am opposed). And those godlike beings we don't see that speak in a booming voice (like probably some people think a god might) didn't really work well.

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The X-Files: 11x03 Plus One

So, how about doing just normal x-files episodes and forget about the big mystery ?

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Nazi Megastructures

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2017-09-28T10:35:37Z— updated 2017-09-30T23:58:02Z

Ok show but at times overdramatized. Also the moderators (historians) seem to be easily impressed at times marveling f.e. in awe at a simple concrete wall. I sometimes wondered if they really were where there claimed to be. But it is still interesting to see the amont of construction that took place. That is really mind-boggling.

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A Man Called Hawk

Well, there is the mediocre to bad acting, the not very ambitious writing. And than there is Avery Brooks whose portrayal of Hawk made this worth watching for me. That and the fact that I like those kind of characters. The loner with the mysterious past.
You will also recognize a lot of familiar faces playing roles on this show. A lot of whom have long become stars in there own right. One thing I can never get into my head watching shows from that period: did people really wore such ridiculous clothes. I do remember shoulder pads but those look like a quarterbacks. Maybe I'm just blocking it out.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation

After realising it´s been a good 15 years that I´ve watched TNG I decided it´s time again. Yes, the first season is far removed from what the show went on to become and I remember when they originally aired I rejected it. I couldn´t come to grips with the characters and some of the first scripts were awful. But everything turned around and it became one of the best shows (not only in the genre) ever made.

I still only own the DVD version, I´m not a huge friend of all that remastering. I´m sure it looks and sounds better but I like to experience it the way it was originally done.

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