

Seattle, WA

Halo: 2x08 Halo


THE BEST PART OF THE HALO SHOW IS THE OPENING CREDITS........................................

I've had bowel movements I considered to be more enjoyable then watching this show.

Kwan's story continues to bore. The old lady or prophet or whatever the fuck she is, is just weird and not on par with Halo at all.

Why do they show the spartan 3's faces inside the helmet? Its the most odd perspective ever. The cinematography is terrible.

At least Master Chief was actually in his suit for once....

90% of the actors on this show are complete trash. The story is complete trash. If you ever played the game and loved it, stay completely away from this trash.

Why does Miranda always have this dumbfounded look on her face? Useless character

I enjoyed the last episode of game of thrones more than any of these halo episodes if that says anything. And... the last episode of GoT was complete fucking trash.

I'd rather listen to nails on a chalkboard then to have to be subjected to any more of this story. I'm only watching at this point as I am this fucking far in... I wish there would have been comments like mine here, warning me about this travesty of a show.

The spartan 3's make me grow a big rubbery one... Wish they would just focus on Master Chief. I mean, I know everyone plays the Halo game for all the other characters except Master Chief...... said no one.

I still can't stand SGT PEREZ. She is a horrible actress. She overacts on everything and she always has this dumbass look on her face.

Getting covid 19 is more enjoyable then watching this trash.

Fuck this show, if it gets renewed for a third season, I will have no absolutely no faith left in Hollywood. AGAIN, REBOOT IT AND START FRESH!

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@mediacenterkodi then stop watching it. It's not the video game, so stop treating it like it is.

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Constellation: 1x01 The Wounded Angel

Shout by ABSTRACTlegend
BlockedParent2024-02-24T06:32:51Z— updated 2024-02-28T20:34:32Z

I’m sorry, but this was not a good opening. I don’t care for any of these characters and nobody really explained anything that’s going on prior to the accident. How the hell did nobody bring up the random dead body that she found stuck in the ship? Feel like that would bring up hundreds of questions. No one talked about it or anything, they all just brushed it off. This was a tough one to follow for sure.

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Pretty sure that’s where the story will take us

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Halo: 2x03 Visegrad

THIS SHOW IS STARTING TO SUCK REALLLLLLY QUICK! Remove Kwan's side story and every other side story and focus on master chief's story. People watch halo to watch master chief, not all these dumb ass side stories.

Kwan: Take the helmet off, they'll notice you. Kid takes helmet off and holds it. There is no way they can see the helmet when he is holding it....... dumb.

I do not like the "new" cortana. Stop fixing shit that ain't broke.

Unimpressed with the "build up" to the covenant attack. THIS ALL SEEMS SO DAM CHEESY!


Dam Liberal Hollywood has to make every white role an ethnic one. So old!

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Dude if you want Halo the video game, then go play it.

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Mr. & Mrs. Smith: 1x04 Double Date

Fuck this episode for making me rewind to check her hand and then not showing both her hands.

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@abstractlegend I did the same, WTF!

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The Night Agent: 1x02 Redial

Shout by Nick

Why would you try and format the hard drive when you want to get data off of it? That’s really poor writing.

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@carlosnrs :thinking: I'm skeptical but okay.

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Truth Be Told: Season 1

Reply by Nick

Entire season I was asking myself: How and why the fuck is she allowed to influence the judgment to put people in prison - She was wrong about Warren, wrong about Erin, wrong about the police officer?! WHAT the hell?? I just finished this season and it's one of the worst writings I've seen on ATV so far.

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@velsan Is it? We see this play out in real life all the time with social media. Not so far-fetched.

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Truth Be Told: Season 1

do i understand this correctly? Warren’s father helped put his son in prison just so he could cover up him hitting a kid with his car and become chief?

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@noahjk_ pretty messed up! also knowing the twist in that wasn't even the real reason why he was put in jail!

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Reply by Nick

Reply by Fred Jones

Should have been labeled 'loosely based on the books by Isaac Asimov'.... Absolutely butchered the books... Disgrace... Woke nonsense

On a positive note, it is beautifully made and the actors do an excellent job.

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@eon4dk was the book better

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The book is always better.

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Young Sheldon: 5x19 A God-Fearin' Baptist and a Hot Trophy Husband

Reply by Nick

Jesus, Mary is the most annoying, hypocritical religious zealot.

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She plays the part perfect.

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The Blacklist: 8x09 The Cyranoid

Reply by Nick

That was good and quite amusing. What is Megan doing now anyway? I did not bother doing a web search. The producers could have tried harder to make Liz more real in this episode. I prefer the Cyranoid woman over the real Liz. I don't mind if we never see Liz again.
Quetzalcoatl. Do you know what I'm talking about?

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According to the web, she is “still on the show”

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The Flight Attendant: 1x08 Arrivals and Departures

Reply by Nick

Hate to be that guy but that scene towards the end with Shane "appearing" on Cassie's flight is total bs. Flight attendants, before even going to the plane, meet up in the airport together with the flight crew, usually in a office called crew room to discuss the day ahead (destination, weather, passengers, etc). You just don't show up in the plane for work as an FA and just casually meet colleagues while onboard lol.

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Tons of inaccuracies really. Have to suspend your disbelief quite a bit to enjoy the show.

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Gemini Man

Reply by Nick


Review by Jordy
BlockedParent2019-10-05T18:22:38Z— updated 2022-02-11T20:31:41Z

If you’re just interested in well choreographed and edited action sequences: see it. Also, kudos to convicingly pulling off the Will Smith clone (minus his final scene), something which must’ve been extremely hard to do given that he’s constantly moving around during the action sequences. However, the story of this film feels very paint-by-numbers and uses way too much exposition on top of that. The set-up takes a lot from The Bourne Identity, minus the memory loss. That’s not inherently a bad thing, but this has none of the interesting characterization, pace or grit from a Bourne film on top of that. Stylistically, there’s a glossiness and fakeness to it all. Everything is overlit, it ocassonially looks like characters are standing in front of green screen (which I’m pretty sure they aren’t), and there’s a fluidity to the movement during the action scenes which makes it look like animation. I don’t know how much of that is a result of the special cameras they used, and how much comes from bad CGI/cinematography/lighting, but I do know that not all of the innovation here is also an improvement.


If you’re someone who loves motion smoothing and oversaturated colours on your tv system—> watch it in HFR
If you have taste —> don’t watch it in HFR.

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@jordyep Agreed, good review of the movie.

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Krypton: 2x03 Will to Power

Reply by Nick

Lobo is the star of this season! He is frackin a great character!! Hope we can see him in the new eps.

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@spidemrah so true... This guy makes the show.

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The Good Fight: 3x09 The One Where the Sun Comes Out

Reply by Nick

I'm happy we got back Maia. :) It was not the same series without her.

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@johnodi for sure... She brings a nice bit of grip.. And non-trump bullshit.

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Shout by Deleted

If the goal of the maker was to make us all hate Einstein, he has definitely succeeded.

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@sushubhles less about hating and instead that he is a fallible human being. He made mistakes, many of them.

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Supergirl: 4x11 Blood Memory

So erasing Supergirl as Alex's sister turned out bad? Who would have thought it? EVERYBODY!

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@anthoney65 not only that, her acting was terrible this episode!

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Killjoys: 4x10 Sporemageddon

Reply by Nick

Predictable ending, though the episode was good fun, as usual.
And Pawter was back! Even if only for a little while (and it wasn't really her)... Yeah, yeah, I've got a crush on her, so what?
See y'all next year (has this show been renewed for another season?)!

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@misnom No renewal, that was it.

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Lost in Space: 1x01 Impact

It's so cold out that the lake freezes in seconds but they have their coats open and no need of hats or gloves...

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@vbprog they did somewhat explain their way out of it that their suits have batteries to keep them warm.

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Marvel's Inhumans: 1x01 Behold...The Inhumans

Reply by Nick

Ouch. I've watched some hot garbage before, and I'll likely watch another episode at least. But this has some issues. For one, Inhuman society is horrible. Monarchy, castes, those that don't get terragenesis manifestations are enslaved.

And what was up with awkward beach party. I'm glad they shaved off that hair, that was just awful. And Blackbolt is as compelling a character as warm, spoiled milk. I'm struggling to find anything redeeming in this rn.

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@w13rdo I agree with Blackbolt.. like you have Anson Mount.. and he can't even speak. Jeeeeez.

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The Big Bang Theory: 11x09 The Bitcoin Entanglement

Reply by Nick

So, basically Sheldon stole an unknown amount of money from his friends and they let it slide?
Yeah, no. That's not funny and definitely by far not the best episode in years.
It once again shows how far Sheldon is willing to go to get his way while everyone around him suffers the consequences.
Especially the Stuart part was simply stupidity driven. If I find a flashdrive, I wouldn't blindly erase it and if I had a store I definitely would put it in a Lost & Found box. That's the least bit of responsibility you could expect even from Stuart.

Somehow I feel like the part with the laptop is something we've seen before exactly like that. I do have Ross Geller with a glass of wine in his hand in mind but I doubt it was from Friends.

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@ds1 ..right.. because I'm speculating, but it hardly doesn't matter.

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Sense8: 2x11 You Want a War?

Reply by Nick

Why do I now kinda feel like the line "You want a war?" was a foreshadowing of the later shift in cancellation-disappointed Sense8 fans' attitudes toward Netflix...? :-(

Efforts like might have something to do with that, too. Sigh.

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@thogek that's cool... And now we will get a closing to a good show.

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The Big Bang Theory: 11x09 The Bitcoin Entanglement

Reply by Nick

So, basically Sheldon stole an unknown amount of money from his friends and they let it slide?
Yeah, no. That's not funny and definitely by far not the best episode in years.
It once again shows how far Sheldon is willing to go to get his way while everyone around him suffers the consequences.
Especially the Stuart part was simply stupidity driven. If I find a flashdrive, I wouldn't blindly erase it and if I had a store I definitely would put it in a Lost & Found box. That's the least bit of responsibility you could expect even from Stuart.

Somehow I feel like the part with the laptop is something we've seen before exactly like that. I do have Ross Geller with a glass of wine in his hand in mind but I doubt it was from Friends.

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@ds1 let's say Leonard did still have the Keychain, I guarantee that it would have been erased somehow or contain no bitcoins because they kept getting side swiped by other life events.

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The Orville: 1x10 Firestorm

Best episode yet. But who was responsible for the alligator?

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@wlinden plot hole, haha! =P

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Arrow: 6x01 Fallout

Reply by Nick

Whats up with the comic based series this year? ...Truly horrible.

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@vikdean agreed, terrible season opener.

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Killjoys: 3x08 Heist, Heist, Baby

Reply by Nick

The writers seem to know where they are going, but not how to get there

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@juliosoft You just said the exact same thing on Dark Matter, c'mon man.

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Stitchers: 3x05 Paternis

Reply by Nick

I don't expect this show to be the best thing on television. Still, there are limits to how much over-the-top angst and dysfunction and plain ol' stupidity my low expectations can handle. Ivy's reason for avoiding Linus? Stupid. Camille's 5,483rd week of being a bitch to everyone and being shocked to find herself alone? Stupid. Seriously, what did Scagliotti do to tick off the writers to the point where they're constantly making her character so unlikable? Sure, I get it. She had a tough childhood. I could understand if she never got out of that hole, but she did...and now she's doing everything she can to jump back into that hole every single week. And not in different ways, but by being an uber bitch every single week. Consistently. Relentlessly. Completely. It's actually beyond stupid. And Fisher agreeing not to arrest the guy at the end in front of his kid? Almost as stupid as Cameron suggesting it in the first place. Again, I understand where Cameron is coming from, but he's smart enough to instantly come up with a way to handle things better than they were handled when he was the kid in that scenario. Oh, well. On the bright side, the writers don't give us outings like this one every week, but they seem to come far more often than they should.

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@jimgysin yeah this episode was garbage. I'm not sure what the writers were thinking, but the background into Camille's early life was okay.

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Gotham: 3x22 Heroes Rise: Heavydirtysoul

Reply by Nick


Shout by Deleted

What is the point of Fish?

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@nidi to keep killing her, apparently.

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xXx: Return of Xander Cage

Reply by Nick


Shout by Wise
BlockedParent2017-05-03T16:21:47Z— updated 2018-05-03T09:07:39Z

Terrible movie. Terrible acting. Terrible stunts. Terrible sequel. Terrible logic. Terrbile plot. Terrible.

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@corn well it wasn't a reboot, but I agree on all other accounts.

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Bill Nye Saves the World: 1x08 This Diet Is Bananas

Reply by Nick

Started ok (food is fuel) but then went downhill... when you mention starvation mode you know, there is zero science involved. Also, why invite a psychiatrist? At least also add a food scientist. Waste of time...

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@christopher-ffm well, to be honest, you are right about bringing on a food scientist of some sort. Psychology is an important part of your diet and losing weight, though. They didn't explain that very well.

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Sleepy Hollow: 4x11 The Way of the Gun

Reply by Nick


Shout by Nick

Entertaining, but I just don't get why the writers insist on regurgitating the whole "4 horsemen of the apocalypse" bit again..

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@thogek couldn't agree more! Still watchable though. I do like the dynamic and chemistry of the team this time around much better, although Abby was a badass.

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