Mr. Robot

People, stop giving THE WHOLE SHOW a rating based on the first episode or two, it screws with future ratings...just wait until at least a season is over and rate individual episodes until then. I agree that the show is very, very promising, but all those people giving it 10s based on the first episode? That's ridiculous. That's like rating a movie based on the opening credits.

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Keep in mind you can change your rating as the show progresses and you watch more episodes. That seems like a better approach then simply not rating it yet.

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Avenue 5

Shout by Mr Impossible
BlockedParent2020-01-22T03:50:11Z— updated 2020-02-12T00:23:10Z

This show is absolutely terrible. 4 episodes out of 6, still cant recommend.

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@jaw72 I don't agree with rating after one episode either, but this is why we have the watched % attached to every comment. That can help determine how much credibility a comment might have.

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Stranger Things

Reply by Justin NemethDirector

If Stephen King and Steven Spielberg had a baby, this is EXACTLY what it would look it.

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@hwlr that's great news! I'm only 2 episodes in, but loving it so far and excited it will continue beyond season 1.

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American Born Chinese

again begging @Trakt to do something about these before-release reviews.

this has 95% critics rating and 100% audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes, yet it's 30% here on Trakt?

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@klovarr we hide ratings before an item is released. Once it's released and starts getting normal ratings, the early ratings have very little effect on the overall percentage. There is a VIP forum thread where someone gives examples of this. This should be considered a support issue and not be left as a comment.

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Hand of God

Reply by Justin NemethDirector

all episodes are showing on calendar for yesterday, please fix

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All the episodes released on Sept 4 which is correct. Amazon, like Netflix releases some shows all at once.

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Reply by Justin NemethDirector

season 4 starts soon :)

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@dgw no, it's valid to report it. Seems like a junk test comment when Trakt was about 3 months old :sweat_smile:

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The Expanse

Reply by Justin NemethDirector


Shout by Deleted

I am not liking at all. Can't connect with any of the character. Find it very boring
I usually love sci-fi

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@chocolatefrog I see you've watched it all now, did your opinion change for the better?

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Strike Back

Reply by Justin NemethDirector


Shout by Deleted

You should only watch the first season.


Killing off the main character and leaving all these characters we don't know killed season 2. Completely lost interest after the first few eps of season 2, they literally clear the entire season 1 cast off. It's retarded. There has to be some continuity or you may as well call it a different tv series.

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Please mark this as a spoiler, that's why we have the setting :)

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The Walking Dead

Reply by Justin NemethDirector

Shout by Deleted

I'm doing stuff Lori. Things.

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Great one liner.

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Parks and Recreation

Reply by Justin NemethDirector


Shout by ketu

I am sooooo in love with that show!

Usually on a comedy show like Parks and Recreation, the writers need some episodes to introduce the characters. That can be really boring sometimes. But the writers of Parks and Recreation made it possible to fall in love with every character since the 2nd episode. How do they made that in just ~20 minutes for each episode?

This show is fantastic ! Far much better than The Office or 30 Rock . Every character is sooo different and no one is annoying (well Andy maybe).

I watched 5 seasons in a row because I didn't heard anything about this show and I NEVER get bored during watching an episode.

This show gets 9 out of 10 <3 from me.

And I fell in love with Ron Swanson.

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This show is truly amazing and they really know how to develop the best story lines for each character. One of my all time favorite scenes is when Tom and Jean Ralphio startup Entertainment 720 and have the party button. So awesome!

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