

Jelenia Góra

TharnType: The Series: 1x09 Episode 9

Oooooooohhhhh bit**!!! Type is a MOOD!

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Tale of the Nine Tailed: 1x16 The Rewritten Tale of the Nine Tailed

Well, I knew it would end like this for some time now. Who would die in the end. I liked the character pretty much from the beginning but I somehow love that the decision was his.

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Tale of the Nine Tailed: 1x15 Without Knowing Imoogi's Plan

I was screaming in my head the whole previous episode thay Ji Ah should go to Rang BC THEY WANT THE SAME THING!!! For Yeon to live. Why did it took so long?

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Tale of the Nine Tailed: 1x14 Dead End

From about 2 episodes I can only marvel why the heck ppl are still asking "what will you do if one of you has to die?" Bi*** he said multiple times that he will die for her to live. Creators tried to make a dramatic reveal here, what is his plan but it failed completely. I think he said to every character that he will die for her so why are they making it a secret from her, why being shocked by it over and over again?!! I'm not surprised by anything from probably 2 eps now.

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It's Okay to Not Be Okay: 1x10 The Girl Who Cried Wolf
New Amsterdam: 3x14 Death Begins in Radiology

BIIIIIIIIITCH! I cannot... Ive waited 3 years for this freaking clifhanger x.x why this season is so short?!

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My Strange Hero

It had passion, great message, and so many 'Awww' moments... I'm gonna melt.

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Station 19: 4x02 Wild World

Oh wow... that was a really heartwarming episode

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The Walking Dead: 10x17 Home Sweet Home

I would love for the random search party for Connie end. The really forgot about her and am I to believe somehow Daryl was on a serach a bunch of times off screen? She was the only one from new ppl that I may liked and she is 95% alive so... just stop the bullshit plot.
Also I was dreading the Maggie comeback. She didn't start bitching so the ep was interesting. The new villain just feels sooooo rushed..... and so basic (like a 1st-4th season basic).

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Happy!: 2x10 Resurrection

I couldn't get into this season. Had some nice fights but nothing more. The plot was hard to get into and care about. Idk... I see how it's been cancelled. 1st season was controversial but had a purpose and sense. This season I think was only bunch of scenes to disgust/angry/etc people. It lacked the connection for me as the 1st season had.

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Prodigal Son: 2x05 Bad Manners

Am I the only one so annoyed by Ainsley that wish she'll die or come to her senses? I'm really bored with this plot.

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boring af.... really, even two known faces don't get me interested enough

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9-1-1: 4x01 The New Abnormal

I think now every show doing Covid will be triggering for me. But this especially. I lost my father to Covid and saw my mom trying to live through it.... Couldn't really watch the scenes with the woman reminiscing.

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Good Girls: 3x07 Vegas, Baby

Im seriously sick of everyone blaming Beth for all things bad. It wasn't even her idea in this ep and Stan blamed only her. Rio ONLY blames her for everything... or punishes really. Like in this ep for example. And all the worst things happen to her as well. Annie had one fright of losing Sadie and it was her fright not an exact threat and Ruby only had fights with her husband. Beth is in constant threat, for life, her children, her husband leaving with her children, prison (as the only one from the grup I might state). Why am I always liking the character who is blamed the most...?

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Z Nation: 4x03 The Vanishing

ofc, even Lucy has to dislike Murphy.... oh, give me a break.

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Z Nation: 4x02 Escape from Zona

So is Murphy somehow more human now than Warren as she feels Lucy and he doesn't?

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Z Nation: 3x12 The Siege of Murphytown
Z Nation: 1x06 Resurrection Z


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Harley Quinn: 2x09 Bachelorette

That went from a high high to such a low low.... It felt all like a drug trip. I feel so much heartache... My baby Harley :(

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Harley Quinn: 2x07 There's No Place to Go But Down


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Killing Eve: 3x05 Are You from Pinner?

I was never so happy for Villanelle's kills. This was a must.

But the ep was soo boring and Villanelle as a village person in a stereotypical way was so.... bleh.

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Briarpatch: 1x10 Felicity

It wasn't as 'burn everything to the ground' as I thought it will be but it was still excting, shocking... engaging. This was hell of a ride and I want more of that kind of shows really. Rosario was amazing in every scene. I will surely remember this show. I'm amazed even tho I really became fond of Jake and his scenes in this ep were so bittersweet ... it's so sad but I get why it went like that. That's what's great about this show. It was hella confusing but in the end everything was expained AND IT WAS LOGICAL. And logic is what's lacking in most of the 'epic' twists in shows.

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Briarpatch: 1x09 Game Theory and Mescaline

Im so excited to see how Allegra will fuck them all. OMG!
Tho we still don't know who the second bomber was and Im still suspicious of Singe, who else could Felicity call for help and he took his sweet time when he found her phone untill he told Allegra he found it. Sus.

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Pandora: 2x01 Things Have Changed

so they reintroduced Greg but resign from this whole plot for what... totally unbelievable stupid roommate with Jet?
And this thing at the end... there is no way anyone would believe that after sth like that, dissapeared or not, a company/fleet/government won't go there and chech what the f happend. So im not even concerned bc its so stupid. And if they wont or Jax will believe it I will be even more furious. Jesus... it was bad but it had potential... now i dont even see that.

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Vagrant Queen: 1x05 Temple of Doom

I don't understand, did I miss sth? As a child she asked her mom why does she have to be a queen so the mom told her about how her blood is special and the stone.......... so why was her blood needed to reveal the stone but not to have its power? The whole point of Hath's plan is pointless as he could get some blood from her and do it on his own. I don't get it!

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The 100: 6x13 The Blood of Sanctum

So much awesome twists and excitement. I didn't feel so much from 3rd season .

Tho the Jordan thing and the preminicion for the next season was.... meh. Jordan was in the season for couple minutes really, and he was naive and tell all of their secrets and vanished. I forgot about him and it seems everyone did as he was mentioned maybe one time and exactly after again forgotten. So no writers, we don't immediately care for a person if its a child of two before known characters, even more if it shown for the first time already adult * cough* Hope * cough* and naive/"pure"/childlike

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The 100: 6x11 Ashes to Ashes

So it seems Josephine is way easier to act than Clarke. hehe. I like to see Clarke is such a great actress :D

I also loved the bits with Murphy and Echo as well as Gaia and Miller. Nice seeing characters that are so rarely together acting united. It gives me hope (even after 6 season of constantly betraying eachother) that the 7th season could be the one when they all finally are united agains all odds, not adding to them. That would be a freaking power house.

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The 100: 5x11 The Dark Year
The 100: 5x06 Exit Wounds

Everyone still is a traitor at least 6 times a season. Serioulsy. I can't with I hate the person I like the person WTF person... Still don't believe Gaia is 'good', Madi is hella stupid (i know children love the stories about fighters but Idk how Clarke had to cut to story for Madi to love Octavia so much), Octavia is batshit crazy and I don't care. I can't even hope she'll die as I know she won't. I honestly thought they will be united and for the first time all the main characters will be on the same side.... Wonkru my ass...

I'm still Bellarke and Ive hated Echo from the beginning but gosh, their goodbye was so believable. Great stuff from Bob. They have zero chemistry tho... and Echo so freaking smart at the end. I always loved a warrior woman in any series and movies, somehow Ive always hated Octavia... I think I might have found my likeable woman warrior in the 100... finally.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Au revoir my friend! You will be greatly missed.

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