Kurtis Money


Los Angeles

Due Date

I remember seeing billboards for this when it came out and going oh come on, this is just a Planes Trains wanna be. I saw it...and sure, it wants to be that. But goddamnit if I didn't laugh my ass off in theaters, then rent it and laugh my ass off, then buy it on blu ray and laugh my ass off, and force anyone around me to watch it every year or two. There are a few comedies out there that have been unfairly forgotten and this is one of them. Two more are Horrible Bosses 1 AND 2. Funny stuff.

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This deserves to be more well known in the world of unintentionally hilarious yet endearing 80s horror. It's pretty funny, got some pretty decent practical effects, some absolutely WTF story/acting choices, including one must-see, out of NOWHERE stand up set by an unknown character that ends with a turkey impression. And that's outside of a Halloween party that has a stripper. And it stars Mac's dad/Crate from Bosch!! Must see!

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Taylor Swift: Reputation Stadium Tour

Loved it!! Loved that it was more a straight forward concert film than the 1989 one.

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This movie was pretty damn good. And up until the last 20 minutes it was about to be my new favorite movie. It kinda loses it at the end but boy was it fun and original. I could see watching this as a kid and it sticking with me.

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Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation

Pulled out the Blu-ray to test my new setup. I really don't think I gave this movie proper credit when it came out. Its so so amazing. Not only are the action scenes exhilarating set pieces not ruined by green screen overkill, they're funny too. This series always gets that right, injecting humor into super serious badass action.

I think this was another situation where I couldn't judge the movie properly the first time around because the weight of the previous film. Ghost protes is one of my fave movies of all time. It's a tough aft to follow even if you follow it with one of the best movies of the year. It's a real WALL*E/Up situation.

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Lethal Weapon

Seen this a bunch, decided to revisit. Still holds up, especially Mel acting crazy. Two things were disappointing, however. One, it was extremely obvious that when Mel jumps off the roof with the suicidal guy, it is very clear they're not attached by the handcuffs.

Okay, that seems really minor and just a fun flub when I write it out. But the second thing really is disappointing. I noticed for the first time when Danny Glover is trying to pat out a potential fire on Mel's jacket after a house explodes, Mel says under his breath, "what are you a f** or something?" Oy. Look, it was 1987, a product of its time, blah blah blah. But a real bummer catching it this time around.

(Side note, the movie on the marquee at the Wiltern in the background is The Lost Boys. Seems like a good piece of trivia to remember. Also, the Wiltern used to be a movie theater? No idea. I just know it as the place I saw Ryan Adams during the Easy Tiger era and had to fight falling asleep.)

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Columbo: 1x01 Murder by the Book

An amazing episode and one of the best. Not the first ep tho, that would be Prescription: Murder from 1968, also a stone cold classic!

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Gremlins 2: The New Batch

Gremlins is a masterpiece. This is also a masterpiece. Best sequel in the game!

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This movie is amazing and very undeserving of the hate it gets. I just picked up the 3 disc Arrow blu ray and absolutely in love with the movie and the special features. it's got a great doc on there as well as a 3 hour version of the movie, which I recommend watching. It is truly a different age of moviemaking with Costner really on a trimaran on those insanely blue Hawaii waters and they really built that atoll that could fit a football stadium inside of it. Crazy!! This would be all on green screen and CGI bullshit. But not here. it's like a 3 hour stunt show. I love it. Watched it twice in two days.

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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2

This movie is amazing. I love it.

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zero comments on time cop?!?! come on now. amazing.

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10 to Midnight

I love this movie. Charles Bronson is once in a lifetime talent and I think he is at peak asshole Bronson in this one. He is such a prick to his partner and everyone else. "I'll give you a hint...it's you." Hahahah love that guy! Also the killer and all his stuff is crazy. Naked killing and some sort of device in his bedroom. Crazy!

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Last Action Hero

I've seen this movie a bunch. Still love it, it still holds up. It's worth it alone for the Blockbuster scene as well as any buddy cop tropes they use in the police headquarters. I love it but I'm keeping it a half star away from a full on 10 because admittedly it loses some steam in the last act. But now thinking on the last few scenes I love it. And the seventh seal guy coming for them?! I'm back in for 10 baby. Stars adjusted.

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Psycho II

This is always better than I remember, and I've liked it from the start. Part of me wishes they would have left the "real mom" alive at the end for a fun sequel but in today's world of movies existing solely to set up another thing, I do appreciate all the beats of this arc happening in the same movie.

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Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers

Hot damn is this terrible. I used to think 6 was the worst....but I don't know, this one is pretty bad. Also there are certain "good" characters we weren't awarded with seeing bite it on screen. Unfair! Also, it is so ridiculous to see Michael Myers drive a car so damn much. I know he did in the original, but that was....different. It was some minimal stalking. In here he's speeding all over the place, sometimes trying to kill with it unsuccessfully. I hate this movie.

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Night School

I love this movie so much I bought the SD on Amazon Video because its the only format i can find. PUT THIS ON BLU RAY!!!! PLEASE!!!! ITS SO GREAT!!!

It's got WTF elements to it that make it a blast but also really cool auteur decisions made with the story and shooting style and suspense building that I'm legit impressed. Love.

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I was 5 when this came out. I remember watching Returns in theaters....I didn't see this until I owned the VHS. Which. Was. Amazing. There are 3 VHS tapes I wish I still had: Christmas Vacation, Top Gun, and Batman. Just for sentimental sake. Love this movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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April Fool's Day

Nope. No thank you. FUUUUUUCK the april fools ending(s). NOOOOO thank you.

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A fun, ridiculous, very very subpar Jaws ripoff. There are about 8 absolutely hysterical closeups on the whale's eye looking very menacingly at Richard Harris. So great. I am impressed with their whale footage. With the exception of the hilarious close ups on a the whale out of the water staring at boats like he's the angry chicken from Family Guy, it was very hard to tell what was the rubber whale and what was real footage. How did they do the shots of a whale angrily running into boats?

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Jack Frost

Shout by Kurtis Money
BlockedParent2018-12-18T07:56:19Z— updated 2019-12-28T07:18:18Z

Too much trying to be purposefully funny. There is a fine line between a horror that's campy fun and one that tries to be funny. There's some stuff in here that works and its a fun enough time to watch every few years. It has definitely the worst fake punch I've ever seen, when the FBI guy "punches out" the guy knocking off snowman heads. Put some heat behind that swing, man! Sell it!

12-28-19 update: Watching this with Joe Bob and realizing I was way too hard on this movie. Bumped it up two hearts. Genuine laughs and I don’t remember that punch this time.

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The Manitou

Tony Curtis, the first guest of the Sunken Place.

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This movie is spectacular. And the blu ray looks great! I suppose Pieces is still his masterpiece but this is damn near it. The Rift is also great, but I think Slugs and Pieces alone get JP Simon into the hall of fame.

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To All a Goodnight
Evil Dead II

Okay, NOW I get it. Evil Dead was good, super gory, but seeing it so late in the game I struggled to see what gives it the clout it has today. Then I watched this one right after, and now I totally get it. This is hilarious, Bruce is a true badass, its gory, insane, and ridiculous. Hoping this awesome continues with Army of Darkness.

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This movie is sometimes referred to as "Hitchcock Lite," a distinction that I think is complete bullshit. That is really unfair and dismissive to a movie that I think can stand up with the best of Hitchcock's work and even higher in some cases. The only reason some look at it as sub-Hitchcock is because it's funnier than any Hitchcock and that unbelievably makes people think less of it. This movie is for real hilarious. But the mystery and the suspense and the action is top notch. No, not "but." And. AND the mystery and the suspense and the action is top notch in addition to the laughs. Plus just LOOK at this cast. It is STACKED! The first 5 on that list down there are FAVES of mine. And Audrey Hepburn has never been more charming and cute and funny. This is my favorite film of hers and close to my favorite Cary Grant.

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Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping

This movie was absolutely hysterical. I had high hopes and it was even funnier than I expected. Plus I saw Scott Aukerman and kulap at the theater and also Nathan fielder. Good times.

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Starship Troopers

Shout by Kurtis Money
BlockedParent2018-07-20T05:00:56Z— updated 2020-12-02T07:32:40Z

Boy I expected more out of this given its reputation. It's too long. It takes forever to get to the good stuff. It has the older guy who dated Kelly on SBTB. On the plus side it has Ironside and Clancy Brown. I don't know...its a fun movie but didn't live up to its rep.

UPDATE: I'd like to say that I was a real dumdum when I said the above stuff and now have seen the light on Starship Troopers and how it rules. Many thanks to the Action Boyz for helping me realize we got a perfect movie on our hands.

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Evil Dead

I love this movie. I'm not comparing it to the original because they're different movies. This stands on its own as a scary, bloody, awesome horror movie. Jane Levy is great. The gore! So good.

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The Strangers

Watched this after Stephen King recommended it in the 2010 forward to Danse Macabre. I thought it was pretty good. Very surprised at some of the comments here how much they hated it.

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Anna and the Apocalypse

Great movie! What a fun time. It's a great zombie movie, it's a great musical, it's a great Christmas movie. I was bumping the soundtrack on the way home. Also, at least 3 of these songs will be in regular rotation for Christmas music each season.

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