Kurtis Money


Los Angeles

Hell or High Water

Greaaaaaaat movie. So great. A lot are saying its the best of the year or the summer. I disagree with that but it is in my top 5. Also my favorite Ben Foster performance and I'm very happy for Chris Pine to be in a critically acclaimed film. I feel he sometimes comes up short even though he's consistently great. Including in Horrible Bosses 2. That movie is hilarious and so is he! Watch that. Then this.

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I liked this movie a whole helluva lot more than I thought I would. I had a really great time. I will say the only thing I agree with the general consensus is that Cameron Diaz is waaaaay out of her element in this movie.

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Black Rain

This movie was terrible. I like Michael Douglas but his rogue cop who plays by his own rules down not work in this movie. He's sleazy enough as is, it's hard for me to like him as this type of cop. It's not sleazy in a bad way, it's sleazy in a way that works like gangbusters in movies like The Game or Wall Street. But here it just feels dirty.

Also annoying is the 1980's portrayal of Japanese culture and how badass and correct "the American way" is. I think we're supposed to watch him being an asshole to everyone and be like, "hell yeah, it's our way or the highway" but in 2016's eyes it's laughable. It's almost all forgivable with that hysterically dorky thumbs up Douglas gives at the end. Too funny.

(A completely unnecessary and nitpicky side note: This is the second film where I have been floored by how hairy Andy Garcia is. The first was The Untouchables. In this movie he undoes his tie and boom, it looks like they had to take a chainsaw to the rug on his chest so we could see his neck. It's crazy!)

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Midnight Express

Whew. Finally watched this after having it in the queue for awhile. It's a classic and I only know it from the Cable Guy joke. I did not expect it to be as shocking as it was. I figured it was shocking for its day but there is some shit in this movie that I did not see coming. So shocking I was saying "what, what, whattttt" out loud to myself alone. And that Cable Guy scene? Spot on. This movie was definitely not fair to the Turks, I will say that. I mean the whole movie is rough but specifically the trial scene where he calls them all pigs, etc. Not cool. But Oliver Stone and the makers have since apologized more than once and done talks on it so I think it's okay to enjoy the movie otherwise. Yeh?

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Star Trek

Rewatched this prior to Beyond. Better than I remembered. I also completely forgot how Kirk's hands get swollen like Hitch's face. Or My Name is Earl's face. Comedy gold!

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The Infiltrator

This movie was okay. The story was kind of all over the place and the end came abruptly. Some of the crowd worked on the movie so the vibe was good in there. Great performances. I liked this movie and I don't mean this as a diss but I think this was the first movie this year where I thought, "this shoulda been a rental."

I also learned that second row at the sunset 5 is not the same as my beloved second row at the arclight. Wayyyy too close. Had to move back some.

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Mannequin Two: On the Move

This was a stinker. Maybe you had to grow up watching this but this is a ridiculous movie. Watched it for HDTGM. I was hoping this was a movie I saw on HBO as a kid at my dad's bosses house one time but it's not. It's super close though...the movie I can't think of features the song Nothings Gonna Stop Us Now and I think driving off in a pink convertible outside. This has all of that but is outside a mall not a green grass area like in my memory. And maybe after a wedding? Maybe it's Mannequin 1 I'm thinking of. Anyway it's weird that this movie, just like last week's Simply Irresistible, features a super weird department store combo. Last week it was a restaurant and now this one was paired with a theater. Anyway, two takeaways here:

1) Hollywood is super annoying and unfunny

2) Kristy Swanson equals babe and a half. Just striking.

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Independence Day: Resurgence

(Written July 4) 2/3 of my Forget the Fourth marathon. This movie was okay, sure my eyes hurt from rolling at all the ridiculously corny lines and ways they "called back" (aka "redid") stuff from the first one. But what drops this down to dislike is the offensive amount of green screen in it. Just atrocious. I know what you're thinking, it's gotta be green screen for the action that's par for the course these days. Nope, I'm talking about green screening almost every scene of people just talking in a room. It was AD season 4 level of green screening. I felt like I was watching the most expensive episode of Battlestar Galactica ever made. Except this wasn't a Syfy show it was a friggin huge budget summer blockbuster. Seriously watch this movie and watch your jaw drop as the green screen the backdrop of Pullman redoing his big speech. Honestly you couldn't afford some extras in flight gear standing in a hangar?! Really?!!? It's a joke. The backgrounds look like generic background movement shot for Star Tours at Disneyland or during a Patrick Warburton intro to Soarin California. Arghhhhh was this frustrating. So mad.

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I saw this in theaters. It's okay. To be honest I had a hard time not falling asleep but I'm going to blame that on the theater conditions. It was a furnace in there and I was on those reclining seats. Hot theater/reclined position = snooze time. Also...I know that Gru really isn't a bad guy but its weird to watch them struggle to give a backstory to characters we're supposed to root for even though eventually they go to work for a bad guy at the time. I know it's a kids movie, I'm not super up in arms about, and I think the minions are hysterical...but the logic of it all took me out of it sometimes.

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Now You See Me

This movie is so ridiculous. It's just so absurd. Rewatched this in anticipation of going to the sequel in a few hours. Man oh man. If it has less than 10 twists I'll be disappointed. (Update: Not disappointed!)

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Lethal Weapon 2

Still good. I used to look down on this one because it does feature Danny Glover with his pants down, trapped by a bomb on the shitter. Watching it again now, its actually kind of touching.

I always forget that this is where Joe Pesci's character was introduced. I figured him for a number 3 intro, but that's when we get Rene Russo. I get why Shane Black is unattached to this emotionally and why he left at the time. I sure would love to read his original script for it and the baller ending the Internet describes. It's funny to hear him talk in disgust at where the series goes, and how #4 features Riggs changing a diaper. I totally agree...but I kinda want keep to re-watching this series and get to Jet Li kicking ass in the fourth one. And Chris Rock being hilarious. I saw LW4 twice in theaters in the same day. I was like 14 so who knows if it'll still hold up, but we'll see.

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The Nice Guys

Fave of the year. Classic buddy cop thriller we don't get anymore. That's a cliche reaction at this point but couldn't be more true. Want this to be enough of a hit to get a sequel which Shane black wants to do.

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Hider in the House

Hi this movie is criminally unwatched. It is an hilarious stalker movie starring Gary Busey and it's on Prime right now. Everyone needs to see this!!

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Inherent Vice

Where is my Big Foot & The Doc spinoff?!

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The Island

I used to consider this one of Michael Bay's "good ones." Upon rewatch I don't think thats the case. It's not the worst but I can't sit here and say it's good. So that means according to my count/personal taste, Bay has two good ones to his name, The Rock and Pain and Gain.

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A pretty faithful remake that I wasn't mad at....until the flying and the CGI blood happened. Nahhhhh

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Perfect Stranger

Shout by Kurtis Money

What an awful, hideous movie. The true villains of this movie are played as if they're victims. It's nuts. Just a gross movie. Oh also, people in this movie wait a legit 3 seconds for someone to respond via IM and if they don't its, "hello?! where are you?! are you there?!"

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Halloween II

This movie is an embarrassment across the board. I hate every second of it. There are two levels of awful in this movie. There's the half thats actually just a bad Halloween movie. We see Michael's face, he talks, he's got a big dumb beard, Loomis's 180 turn as a complete shitheel, Laurie Strode just screaming at everyone, all that. Then there's the INSANELY BORING white horse/mom bullshit. So stupid to add to this movie. Pointless. And so boring! Rob Zombie said he likes this one better because he was more able to do his own thing with it. I assume "his own thing" was all the nonsense white snow horse lady shit. If that's what the rest of his movies are I have zero interest in watching them. I feel bad hating this movie and his aesthetic so much, because from what I read he is a super nice guy. Plus he cast a lot of old school horror legends. But I just can't get into it. Strong, strong hate for this. Thank god for the 10 second skip button on the appletv remote. Very difficult to finish.

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Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers

Shout by Kurtis Money

Ooooof this movie is so terrible. Hey, you know what would make Michael way cooler? I know! He should be an errand boy for a pointless, super boring, ridiculous cult run by Dharma's father in law. Yeah, that's the ticket! Such nonsense. Such such nonsense. Oh and even better...by the end, Michael becomes Darkman! That's genius! I HATE THIS MOVIE. HATE IT.

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Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich

I've only seen the first Puppet Master so I don't have a huge love for the franchise or anything. This isn't a good movie and has some questionable elements for shock value but god damn if the practical effects aren't top notch. What a relief to not have to look at CGI blood. Also, and most importantly, it has Barbara Crampton in it. Anything she is in is instantly better with her on screen.

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This was amazing!! I did not see where any of it was going at all. Great movie, great cast.

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The House with a Clock in Its Walls

This was a ton of fun! I imagine if I had seen this as a kid I would love it. Jack Black and Cate Blanchett are amazing. Definitely my favorite Eli Roth movie, but that's not a tough jump.

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The Sisters Brothers

Great movie! Great performances, all around! I couldn't tell where the story was going at all and I loved every minute of it.

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This is the last hurrah of classic Arnold. A great, great time. It's not perfect but it's a blast.

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Yes, Giorgio

God what a BORE. Watching this for How Did This Get Made and it is very difficult to get through. Hey, don't you dare be better than Pavaratti at bocce, okay? It's not right.

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Never Too Young to Die

Dear lord what a delightful movie. Can't believe I haven't seen this til now! So insane!!!

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Blues Brothers 2000

Boy this movie is so so so so terrible. Just the worst. And I can't believe it was directed by John Landis. Everything is so flat, lazy and stilted I just assumed Dan Akyroyd directed it. Awful.

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I do not understand the front page reviews of this film. I thought it was a rockin' action film from start to finish. It set up enough story in the beginning, had a number of great set pieces with some of my favorites duking it out (Dillahunt, Lang, Momoa) and also, and this is a big one, it's got Zahn McClarhon playing extremely against type (if you're a fan of TV Fargo and TV Westworld.....whoa, just realized he's a great part of two TV adaptations of two movies I'm a big fan of, haha). Anyway, this is a great way to spend 1.5 hours if you wanna watch a sexy pony tailed Momoa whoop ass for his fam while his fam also whoops ass.

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Paddington 2

This is the best movie of 2018 so far for me. Just an absolute DELIGHT.

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Den of Thieves

This movie had me hooked from moment one although I admit it is ridiculous. There are plot beats that had me wondering if I missed something and the ending is uh a bit nuts. But great action, a super badass, fresh off a bender Butler, and a very cool idea for a heist. Loved it. Even if it was 2hrs 30min.

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