Kurtis Money


Los Angeles

In the Heart of the Sea

I get why this came and went. It's kind of an old school movie. And it got off to a slow start. But I'll be damned if I didn't start LOVING this when the Big Guy showed up. Thrilling stuff. That whale is so friggin big.

Chris hemsworth is a charismatic beast as usual. Future Spider-Man is also good. And that Gleeson dude is in this which is weird cuz the last movie I saw had him in it, The Guard.

Ron Howard can't catch a break. This was good and Rush is awesome.

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The Guard

Fun movie. Didn't expect so much meta crime movie stuff but it was great. Gotta admit though I didn't understand 50% of the words spoken in this thing. The accents man oh man the accents. That's all my fault though.

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Finally saw this. Loved it! Great movie great world and such a great message. So cool this plot could be in a huge blockbuster animated film.

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The Conjuring 2

This was fun. Not as good as the first and it wasn't until the last 20 min I actually felt invested in these characters. But fun.

Also there are way more unintentional laughs in this one. The lead lady and her yelling at spirits etc. Also one scene that was supposed to be an intentional laugh. But it's just so obviously a tacked on scene that is out of nowhere. P Wils picks up the 1978 era camcorder and struggles to put it on his shoulder then he says, "It's so small and light!" Hahahhah there's gotta be a more subtle way to make that joke! Hahaha

Anyway, fun movie. Saw it front row at the dome at arclight. There was an earthquake during the movie but I didn't feel it.

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I Spy

I don't know why this movie rubbed everyone the wrong way, I think it's friggin' hysterical. I'm getting exactly what I want out of both the leads and they both crush it. There are two jokes in this movie that no matter how many times I watch it, I bust out laughing. I'm not going to say what they are because I don't want to spoil them for peeps who haven't seen it but they involve a sock and someone's grandma.

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Lethal Weapon 2

Still good. I used to look down on this one because it does feature Danny Glover with his pants down, trapped by a bomb on the shitter. Watching it again now, its actually kind of touching.

I always forget that this is where Joe Pesci's character was introduced. I figured him for a number 3 intro, but that's when we get Rene Russo. I get why Shane Black is unattached to this emotionally and why he left at the time. I sure would love to read his original script for it and the baller ending the Internet describes. It's funny to hear him talk in disgust at where the series goes, and how #4 features Riggs changing a diaper. I totally agree...but I kinda want keep to re-watching this series and get to Jet Li kicking ass in the fourth one. And Chris Rock being hilarious. I saw LW4 twice in theaters in the same day. I was like 14 so who knows if it'll still hold up, but we'll see.

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Star Trek: 1x15 Shore Leave

Boy was I glad when Kirk beat the crap out of his buddy. So annoying, that guy. But I am glad whenever I get to see the crew run around outside. Fun, goofy episode.

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Iron Man 3

Watched this again, still fun. I am realizing though I might be better off only watching Marvel movies once. Not taking anything away from Marvel movies or saying they're worse than movies I can watch a bunch, its just that I never reach anywhere near the heights of how it feels to watch it in a theater with an audience. I'm thinking the best move is to leave it at that, so my memory of the film is how fun it was in theaters instead of the ho-hum experience of watching it on video later.

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Geez. Why would anyone try this?! Why?! Going down the Wiki rabbit hole on this now...

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Last Action Hero

I've seen this movie a bunch. Still love it, it still holds up. It's worth it alone for the Blockbuster scene as well as any buddy cop tropes they use in the police headquarters. I love it but I'm keeping it a half star away from a full on 10 because admittedly it loses some steam in the last act. But now thinking on the last few scenes I love it. And the seventh seal guy coming for them?! I'm back in for 10 baby. Stars adjusted.

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No Way Out

This movie was a pretty taut thriller. Not 100% if "taut" applies here but assume so because it's only used to describe good thrillers. This took the usual turns until the last 5 minutes at which point I exclaimed WHAT to myself, alone on a futon, questioning my life at that moment as well as what just happened on screen. A quick read of its Wiki page cleared up the out of nowhere ending to the movie but failed to answer the other question. I'll keep looking.

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Mortal Thoughts

What a snooze. Also, terrible title.

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Rescue Dawn

This was amazing. The colors and direction made it feel like the movie was even shot in 1965. This is at the least in the top 3 bales for me between this dark Knight and American hustle. Wait what about the fighter?! Damn this guy is in some good movies. Let's give it up for Steve Zahn too. Wish he had more roles like this. Or like saving silverman. That's great too. Much more a conventional film than I'm used to by werner herzog but still had some of his touches.

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Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping

This movie was absolutely hysterical. I had high hopes and it was even funnier than I expected. Plus I saw Scott Aukerman and kulap at the theater and also Nathan fielder. Good times.

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Watched this for WHM. Such a bore. It starts off okay before turning into every other shitty CGI fest subpar superhero movie out there. Kind of worth it to see Frasier as a superhero and to laugh at Hugh Jackman wig. Some scenes it looks like someone bumped it up from the back but no one told him. I hope it's a wig, I mean if that's a real do then the stylist should get the axe. I laughed out loud a few times. Side note, I couldn't stop trying to figure out if miles was in lost when this came out or if this got him lost. Also sopranos, that was his big break right? See, can't help but not think about this movie.

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The Lobster

Contains vague spoilers for ending:

Oy. This movie was a lot funnier than I expected. It was so odd too. I was loving it....then the ending happened. Or should I say didn't happen. This movie has one of those classic "it's up to the viewer to decide" non-endings that I hate. Sometimes this works but the majority of the time it's a cop out, a way for the director to think they're making a statement when in reality it just allows them to end without making a decision on the outcome. I hate leaving the theater and talking about what I think happened because I'm sure the director would eat that up, like "the ending is what you make it." Bull. No thanks.

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The Avengers

Ugh. Complete garbage. And impossible to follow. Such a hack job on the edit. Watched for HDTGM, they all made great points but even the podcast ep wasnt top notch.

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The Final Girls

This wasn't as good as I hoped. I liked it and it did some fun stuff with the genre but I just couldn't get past the PG13 rating and lack of blood. I'm sure having that rating was forced on them to attract a bigger audience but hard to buy an homage to 80s slasher flicks without buckets of red corn syrup splashing about. I also would have liked the movie within the movie to look more like an 80s movie instead of the ridiculously vibrant green screen sets they were on. Maybe that was also a budget thing or a reference to something I didn't catch but it took me out a bit. I will say the last 15 minutes kicked ass and made me stoked for a sequel. That stuff bumped this up a star in my books.

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The Untouchables

Shout by Kurtis Money
BlockedParent2016-08-04T05:11:28Z— updated 2019-07-08T20:41:47Z

Finally got around to watching this. I liked it, but I think I waited too long. The score is overbearing and schmaltzy. Some of the action scenes are pretty hammy. That whole scene in Canada is unbelievable. And not in the awesome sense, but in the I can't buy that many dudes with tommy guns can't hit four guys coming at them on horses. That feels like I'm nitpicking but I guess I'm using that moment to sum up my issue with some of the action. This movie feels older than it is. Like it came out in the 60s. Not that that means it's bad, just that it has the editing and fight choreography of an older era. Oh, and I was cracking up when Kevin Costner was dragging that carriage up the stairs. Surprised that baby didn't bounce out of there.

2nd viewing 7/2019:
Feel like I was a little hard on this movie 3 years ago. Bumped it from a 7 to an 8. Also I'm into the score now too.

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The Do-Over

I really enjoyed this movie. People go into a Sandler film these days ready to hate it. And for the most part, that's earned. I mean Ridiculous 6 I gave all the chances in the world and was such an awkward miss. But this movie feels in the wheelhouse of Sandler's glory years. Both Sandler and Spade are hilarious and while there might be a few jokes that didn't land, and it gets off to a bit of a slow start, this movie was a great time. It also has a great moment in the end that comments on one aspect of these movies. Don't want to say any more

Even if you're over Sandler and can't find it in yourself to give this a try, there are moments that are undeniably funny and reminiscent of classic Sandler. It's worth a watch.

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Kindergarten Cop 2

Oy. Watched this for We Hate Movies. This was pretty awful and very clearly made on a shoestring budget (supplied by Twix). Not even a sequel. No mention of arnie or that storyline. Also...dolph's pad kinda looks like Grubes' pad?

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Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising

Very funny and very cool how they comment on how awful the frat bro party world can be for women. I will say though, without getting in spoilers, there is one cutaway joke with such terrible green screen it took me out of the movie for about 10 minutes. It was so bad I thought it was going to be part of the joke.

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The Nice Guys

Fave of the year. Classic buddy cop thriller we don't get anymore. That's a cliche reaction at this point but couldn't be more true. Want this to be enough of a hit to get a sequel which Shane black wants to do.

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American Dreamz

Watched this for We Hate Movies. First 2/3 of it I was laughing at it and the amazing time capsule to the shitty styles and fads of the early to mid 2000s. Then by the third act I was shocked to realize I was actually into it. Is it a successful satire? I can't make that argument. But I will say I liked it and did not see that ending coming at all. Was even a little a bummed about the outcome for the characters. But a fun movie.

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Green Room

Great movie. Pretty scary. Also ruthless. One of Patrick Stewart's best roles.

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Seen this a few times. Going to call it my second favorite Rocky film officially because it can't exist without the others but damn is this movie amazing. So great. Also amazing it came out in the same year as two other awesome #7s...Furious 7 and Force Awakens. Love it!

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Midnight Run

Seen this movie about 8 times, recently in the theaters which was great. Hands down, without question, a perfect movie. Okay, it sure does seem easy to knock someone out with just a punch, but who cares. It's hilarious, action packed and the characters are well thought out and funny from their own specific point of view. It's what every "reluctant buddies on the run" movie strives to be but none have ever touched. Perfection.

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Captain America: Civil War

Maybe it was going into it knowing how high it was on RT but I didn't love it as much as I hoped. I could be burnt out on this premise thanks to the slog that was BvS, but I'm a little over "this whole being super thing really weighs on me, especially when normal people are angry when I drop a building while saving the entire human race from certain extinction." However, the fight scenes were awesome, the banter was hilarious, and every cameo and "surprise" appearance paid off. A lot of fun.

On a slightly pickier note, there were a few shots of Cap falling or running where the CG was subpar. Reminded me of Spidey hopping buildings in the first Raimi Spider-Man, like a rubber Gumby flopping around. Maybe I was looking too hard. Ooh, also the best cameo has nothing to do with a superhero but a certain vehicle that stars in one of the best TV shows of all time. That's all I'm going to say. Oh, also that you will have some hop ons.

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