Kurtis Money


Los Angeles

Love & Mercy

This was a great biopic told in a fresh, intriguing way. I can't believe something like this could happen to a legend though, a crazy doctor ruling his life. Horrible. Great movie, and I loved all the ways they showed Wilson coming up with the hits. Immediately had to revisit his catalog on Apple music.

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This was good. I wanted more badassery from blunt and less a comment on the politics of fighting the drug war. I think I went into this expecting a different movie. Still good though.

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What We Do in the Shadows

This movie is so friggin hysterical. Watched it July 1, night of the FOTC show in SB. I saw this last year but admittedly was a bit tips so I didn't remember much. Now I'll never forget it. Hysterical!!!!

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Eye in the Sky

Whoa. Great movie, so suspenseful. And so scary too that this is what happens. They did a great job of showing every side of the argument.

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The Adjustment Bureau

I've seen this before. I always say I love this movie but forgot why. Upon rewatch I realized because it's a love story disguised as a thriller. I honestly think this was doomed to fail because how could they promote it? This could have been sold as a Nicolas sparks moview and made way more money. It's just so unabashedly all about love conquering all. I loved it!

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Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

What a great movie. Loved it! If it wasn't Tina Fey on that cover I probably wouldn't search this out. But I'm really really glad I did. Also a lot of familiar faces in here...including Sterling K Brown, aka Johnnie Cochran on the FX OJ show! He's good but only in it for a few min.

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The Bourne Legacy

The first 30 minutes I'm thinking boy everyone has this wrong. Then it loses steam and I'm out. Okay movie.

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The Boy

Watched this for the flophouse. Much better than I expected but issues w the ending. For the first 1/3, I was thinking just do your job lady. You're being paid for a job do it! Then if haunting still happens, we'll address it.

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Pay the Ghost

Not bad! Love when I rent a horror film that went straight to redbox starring the Cage and it ain't half bad. Might not rec it but I liked it.

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Cape Fear

Forgot how stylized this was. I also forgot the gross finger sucking/make out. Oy. Was super cool to see a movie successfully made in the style of the 50s but with 90s violence. And bobby D and that accent! And Nolte in his sex appeal stage!

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The Bourne Ultimatum

Great movie. I'm not sure I caught this first time around but watching this back to back with Supremacy I realize this overlaps with that one. Pretty cool and a damn good story device for a sequel. They're also pulling it in Legacy which I'm now watching but stay tuned for that review if it worked. Definitely stoked for this August! (Update: Should not have been stoked)

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I saw this in theaters. It's okay. To be honest I had a hard time not falling asleep but I'm going to blame that on the theater conditions. It was a furnace in there and I was on those reclining seats. Hot theater/reclined position = snooze time. Also...I know that Gru really isn't a bad guy but its weird to watch them struggle to give a backstory to characters we're supposed to root for even though eventually they go to work for a bad guy at the time. I know it's a kids movie, I'm not super up in arms about, and I think the minions are hysterical...but the logic of it all took me out of it sometimes.

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The Shallows

Every second on screen that is not shark related is laughable. The skyping, the exposition spewing, the CGI face swapping for surf scenes....all groans. But once it's shark time?! Holy hell was this movie fun. I was worried the trailer showed the whole movie. It really doesn't. What a blast.

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The Bourne Supremacy

This is good. Not better than the first as I thought it was, but still good. Some great action. Also...weird to revisit this and now see that the evil secret ops guy is Karl Urban. Is this what set him off? Was he already a star then and I just didn't know it? Anyway, this is good. So is Dredd.

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The Bourne Identity

Boy does this hold up. So great. So much fun to see where it all started. Also, I know this kicked off a trend still in use today of quick, close cuts on fighting, but it still works here. Doesn't feel tired or played. I for a long time thought Supremacy was better, but watching this then Supremacy, I have no idea why. Number 2 is great too, but I gotta give the gold ribbon to this one. If only for the parts where he is discovering who he is. Not the "who am I really? who did I kill?" stuff, but him realizing he's some sort of bad ass as he kicks peoples asses. That's awesome and can't be replicated in sequels.

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Simply Irresistible

Man, this movie is terrible. I watched it for HDTGM, which was a great ep by the way.

Anyway, I thought we were in for a real treat when a crab made SMG's food magical and Amanda Peet started flipping out...but nope. That was Peet's last scene and the crab action basically sums up the rest of the movie. She serves people magical food and they get emotional. One of those emotional people is Sean Patrick Flannery. He gets emotional and they end up together. Did SMG know the crab made her food magic? Does she react when she finds out? Does she do anything about this magical crab, like try and find out why or how it's doing it? No no and no. It's kind of shocking how little this movie tries to do with a decent magical realism set up. But worth the view for HDTGM.

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The Palm Beach Story

This is good. It's the third best Sturges behind The Lady Eve and Sullivan's Travels, but it's good. I love Claudette Colbert in It Happened One Night and she's great in this.

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The Killing

Shout by Kurtis Money

Love this movie. I hadn't seen it in awhile so it was until the third act when I remembered how it ends. I still gasped out loud when it went down at the airport and the money flew everywhere. That damn dog. Not cool, dog.

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Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure

Finally saw this for the first time. Good movie! What a great idea for a movie. Kids are gonna fail history do they go back in time to get the real peeps from history for their big report to pass the class. Genius. Growing up this was a few years before my time so when I would see this at the video store for some reason the VHS box cover would intimidate me like it's too scary or grown up. It's about learning history! Ha.

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Singin' in the Rain

Saw this at ace hotel theater, front row balc. Good even with crazies surrounding me. Lady to my right was taking her phone out to take pictures of the screen!!! What the hell?!

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Finding Dory

Good movie. Almost great...it was definitely hilarious. Great moments. I felt like they did hit the "I have short term memory loss" thing too many times. I know that's what the movie is about I get it, just felt there were one or two too many mentions of it and that quick zoom to flashbacks. Not a disappointment though. Want to see again.

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Finding Nemo

Great movie. This was the beginning of the "Pixar makes FILMS, not just animated movies I enjoy" for me.

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Buffalo Bill

This is hands down the most underrated thing in the history of underrated things. NO ONE knows about this show yet it's one of the best. For real. I am going to rewatch this weekend so I can weigh in on each episode here and get it some more love.

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Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead

Christina Applegate in this movie reminds me of every single babysitter I had growing up that I had a massive crush on. Oh the early 90s. Also, I love Joanna Cassidy. Buffalo Bill, what uppppp.....

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Beverly Hills Cop

This movie holds up. It's a stone cold classic. That said, there are two things that really jump out at me this time around:

First off, Axel had a short window of time off and chose that time to drive that junker of his across the country. That's a two day drive! Now there is an idea for a prequel. Axel's two day cross country road trip.

Secondly...maybe espresso and the idea of what "coffee beans" are was a new concept at the time but the whole "lets disguise drugs in the coffee" thing had to be explained THREE TIMES. This is what makes him a brilliant detective? Was coffee that new of a novelty in 1984 that audiences needed it spelled out so many times?

Anyway, still love this movie. Still perfect.

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The Player

This movie holds up in every single way. What an amazing film. I amazoned the Criterion today and the picture looked great. So fun too seeing who was on top in 1992 Hollywood.

I think this might be one of my favorite movies of all time. Top 10? Top 15 for sure.

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Now You See Me 2

This was a blast. The first one is still tops but the end trick is pretty baller. Takes a minute to get going. It wasn't until the card scene that it really took off but then we were off to the races.

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Now You See Me

This movie is so ridiculous. It's just so absurd. Rewatched this in anticipation of going to the sequel in a few hours. Man oh man. If it has less than 10 twists I'll be disappointed. (Update: Not disappointed!)

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Dressed to Kill

First off, without spoiling it, this movie is guilty of being extremely offensive, outdated and completely wrong about a certain subject matter. 1980 or not, it's a real bummer. There's no other way to look at it.

Oy. I was going to then say something like "but as for the rest of the movie, here's what I thought" and try to justify giving it 3 stars based on that, but I can't get past it. There were interesting things happening in this movie, like the old school Psycho way of killing someone with super slow, easy to escape from, POV shots. Also a shocking amount of close up nudity in the very first scene. Just didn't see any of that coming. There are also some cool 70s style shots, but what overshadows all of this is what I'm referring to above.

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Some Like It Hot

Saw this with a sold out crowd at the LA Theater. So cool seeing it with a crowd that was super in. They played a cartoon beforehand and the Road Runner got applause. That's how in they were!! Not enough to cheer for the coyote. Poor guy.

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