

Oslo, Oslo County

The Fundamentals of Caring

Going from “GRAB YOUR PENIS” to “have a little bite of the James” within just a minute or so had me toppling over from laughter :joy:

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Late Night

The Bold Type - The Movie

Or “the bold type - how it could have been”

Enjoyable film, enjoyed most of the jokes. It wasn’t earth shattering or filled with surprises, but it was exactly the kind of light “late night” entertainment I was out for, to just lean back and relax with.

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The Dig

What’s lovely, slowly developing and enveloping film.

I hadn’t expected a film about an archeological dig site to be this gripping and even, exciting, without any of the finds coming back to life one way or another.

And so many wonderful, wholesome characters. Like Mary, and Peggy. Of course, Basil. And Robert, toward the end. Brilliant, beautiful, and also a bit… sad. :purple_heart:

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Except the fact how everyone at the KGB is a really bad shot (RE scene with the locking doors at the end)

Still, delightful. Especially with that cast. Delicious even.

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News of the World

What a wholesome, brilliant story. Was almost in tears by the end.

So many beautiful, strong moments. Like when he asks Johanna to remember more and she just goes dark.
The conversation where she points to earth and sky and hugs herself, and he says for them, it's all just a straight road. There was such a beauty in that image of this world-hug.
And when she paints the horse.
The way she points at things with her little finger instead of how we use our pointy finger.

Quite a few surprises along the way. Like Calley. "I like your stories". That was strong.

I only would have loved the exchange with the natives to be longer. That's the only thing I'm missing.

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Creating The Queen's Gambit

That made me want to rewatch it.
The sets truly were amazing, and to think someone created all that... just incredible. It was such a fantastic show, they really created something fantastic :pleading_face:

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The Devil All the Time

Shout by KyriaCrosszeria
BlockedParent2021-05-28T18:23:12Z— updated 2021-05-30T19:56:03Z

Christians: are you waaaashed in the bloood of the laaaaamb AMEN
Also Christians: what, your tradition used to sacrifice goats and sheep and whatnot? You filthy pagans will go to hell!

Well, just a thought that hit me on the way.
A tough and rough film, brutal, violent, and a lot of that which is wrong with the institution church.
A really worthwhile watch though, despite all the dark themes.

Sitting here wondering on what kind of camera Carl used though, I didn't recognise it, but the negatives were middle format so I was like oh.
Anyone know?

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His House

I wouldn't entirely call it horror, not because it doesn't have horror elements, for it surely does, just because it wasn't necessarily scary. Not for the otherworldy ones at least, more so for the immigration system, and what they left behind.
I really appreciated this movie for showing us Bol and Rial's lives and culture, and especially appreciated how "normal" for them it was to just see. Really loved that.

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Thunder Force

All right movie, had some cute moments, overall a bit too much unconvincing/bad acting (liked Lydia's but Em was just ... meh) and no big surprises in general.
I guess you get what you're asking for with this.
They could probably have done a better job in a lot of regards. But it was okay enough. Had to watch in 4 parts though as I kept getting bored :upside_down:

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Love and Monsters

What a sweet little film! I enjoyed the entirety of it. Hoping there’d be a reunion with Minnow and co.
Boy is one awesome pup!
And I’m so happy about how everything just came together, every little help he got on the way, especially the eye-thing.

What a wonderful hero’s journey!

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I'm Thinking of Ending Things

I've heard this was a weird, underrated film, and know about nothing else going into it, but that's exactly what I was feeling for, so here I am.

The cinematography and poetic aspects, both in image and words are already quite stunning in themselves. I'm loving the art.
Also loving how it's starting to foreshadow things right from the beginning and keeps going at it, until it gets creepier and creepier, but only ever so subliminally. Like her, we know that something is just horribly wrong, but we can't quite make out what.

"Coming home is terrible... whether you have a wife, or just a wife-shaped loneliness waiting for you"

"There's no colour in the universe, only in the brain."

It really starts taking off toward the middle of it.
Something is indeed horribly wrong, and we're left to guess what exactly it is.
Do not expect resolve with this one.
Loved it to bits.

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John Wick: Chapter 2

The cinematography of part two does not disappoint. I find it worth watching for that alone – it is a work of art.
Other than that, it's fast-paced, brutal, wicked and sassy, and it has a puppy.
What could one possibly hate about this? It delivers exactly what it promises, and more: an action film with assassins. Really, people who rate this low, were you expecting a romcom? You seem confused.

Starts off a bit crude, but soon develops into a thing of beauty. All the scenes at the Continentals, wonderful. And I mean, Ruby Rose, HELLLOOOO. A juicy set of actors in this one.
And they're actually having a fucking party inside of ancient ruins, how wicked is that. Loving it.
The pencil scene was the on eI actually had to look away from :joy:

The number of assassins living in one little big city is kind of overwhelming. If I were paranoid I'd start looking around for people getting messages at the same time.

"I lived my life my way... I will die my way." Powerful, and beautiful.

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V for Vendetta

Humm, my first rewatch in probably ten years.
I must say, it was stronger the first time I saw it, but that was probably also because it was one of the very first things I've ever seen on television that questioned the government so harshly.

Still a good film though, and one everyone should have seen, or see again, in times such as these.
Today I'd probably rate it a 9/10... strong message, sometimes a little too overbearing in the delivery.

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Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

I started watching this, unsure how Pride and Prejudice could work out with zombies... if at all...
And although the first ten minutes were something to get used to (mostly, I am guessing, an adjusting to the reality of the world we're presented), I was surprised to see how wonderfully it, in fact, did work out.
Sometimes a little over the top and silly, but I don't think it was made to be taken entirely seriously. Like the fighting scene between the sisters, and the "quarrel" between Darcy and Lizzy. Over the top indeed. Yet on the other hand, they did not sprinkle it with anything untowards like gasp kissing or other before engagements and the such, which gave me the impression it was still aptly fitting into its timeframe. And as that, I did thoroughly enjoy it. 7.8 stars.

What speaks more passionately of love than fighting back to back against a horde of zombies? I know not what.

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Ari Eldjárn: Pardon My Icelandic

I’m so happy he “worked so hard” on that Dane rolling down a ... mountain joke. I about lost it there and got stuck in a laughing/wheezing fit.

Loving this so much! His accent changes are beautiful, as are his jokes about the Nordics, as well as about the Romans. :joy:

I bet Iceland has the most comedians in the world too. (Per capita)

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Uncle Frank

Fuck. I was out for watching a “light hearted film” something to make me feel good.
Well that wasn’t it, but I’m glad I did anyway. Despite the shitshow of triggers toward the end and me feeling rather ... anything but good.
The “I have no family” - “You have me” about gave me the rest. Lighthearted film my ass.
It did do a marvellous job at punching me in the guts, and a marvellous job at leading me through it, too. :purple_heart:

“I thought I should be what I want to be, not what other people want me to be, that was just bullshit? You know, that conversation changed my life. Now I find out you can’t be who you are unless nobody around you disagrees with it”
Hats off.

Rather beautiful and strong portrayal of love and identity, and how parents fuck shit up for their kids.

Totally caught me off guard, so I can do little but marvel at its beauty and give it a full rating, my words have all but left me.

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A Million Ways to Die in the West

Omg, I hadn't expected this to be any good, but it's hilarious. It's so over-the-top and at times inappropriate, somehow it makes the curve to being almost refined again. I mean... the shooting "ducks" stand at the fair... ouch!
I'm loving it.

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The 'Burbs

I s'pose this is a cult movie, it has some good moments and was overall enjoyable. Has all the tropes and stereotypical characters you'd want, and a neighbourhood that is clearly... a set.
Didn't age entirely well. We had some laughs, but it wasn't anything spectacular.

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The Terrible Old Man

The story itself might have been a good, nice little ghost story you tell someone over a camp fire, but the execution of the film was so horrendous, I can't possible give this a better rating while my own imagination is running on full speed trying to make a parallel overlay of something better :joy:

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Enola Holmes

I have never disliked Mycroft as much as in this film. Whatever went wrong with him?

This started out as an enjoyable light family-film to watch, adorable teens that don't fit into their era's society, beginning to struggle against, thrown in feminist topics and eye-candy, but I've grown to enjoy this more and more.

The moments of breaking the third wall, especially when Enola asks "Do you have any ideas?" were rather adorable.

All in all I really don't see what people's beef is with this, unless they're those kinds of people that are against equal rights and want "good old England back", aka har har colonialisation, tea parties, whoopdeedoopsies.

This was a delightful optimistic film, about finding purpose, finding oneself, making some friends along the way and "The future is up to us".

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The Shining

This cinematographic masterpiece has escaped me only for so long. Kind of impressive I went for this long.
Didn't disappoint. About every scene was wonderfully executed. My favourite was Danny running in the snow.

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Michael McIntyre: Showman

I've never had so much fun listening to nightly urinations and uh, the best way to test boiling water :joy:

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Best character in the show without a doubt Amphiarius. And Atalanta.

My most wth scene... it’s bloody Hercules but he doesn’t have the strength to hold on to a child’s hand as it’s sliding down his arm.

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Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

How do you sum this film up? Sci-fi done right? Best movie I’ve seen in all of 2020 so far for sure.
Also the best dance performance I’ve seen 2020.

Then again, to be entirely fair, no one can wardrobe change this smoothly if not a glamopod. And it being 2020 not much happened when it comes to dancing, film releases, or other :upside_down:

Bubble is such an amazing character though. I’m sad her performance only lasted so long, kind of wished for them to go on as a trio.
In fact there are a ton of amazing characters in this film. Neza is pretty great too.

Also loving how this is a film with a war general for once not actually being an asshole and trusting his guts.

The one thing I was "meh" about was how there's supposed to be 30 million inhabitants and 9 million of them human? What a waste of space. And I'm a bit unsure of having around 3000 species and only 5000 languages, it’s like saying humans only have “human language”+1.

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John Wick

Great cinematography and action, wonderful neo noiresque scenes, humour, engaging fight scenes... I enjoyed it.

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Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)

The egg sandwich scene and the huntress riding the guy down the tunnel were probably the two best scenes in this movie.
Although that entire funhouse actually was a lot of fun.
Water-fights and roller-stunts are not going unappreciated either. Might also want to mention that I liked how they didn't picture Harley as some dumb-witted brat, but gave her more of the brains she actually has.
So I guess as far as action goes, the film is pretty all right, but otherwise not very strong.

Best character: Bruce.

"Hair tie?" real life problems, addressed. I like that. :joy:

Side note: Ali Wong is in this? A joke inside a joke.

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I was really livening up once he started, too. Such a slow-sliding, but unstoppable slip into ... one would say madness, I say becoming himself. When Gary and Radall came to his apartment, I couldn't help sitting there, yelling what a fucking boss he is.
And on Murray's show... fucking hero man. A fucking hero.
Clown make-up never looked so good.
Ironic, because I "don't really like clowns". Then again, there's a major difference between clowns, and the fucking Joker, so there you go.

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Welcome to Marwen

A wonderful tale about the struggles of trying to overcome PTSD and fighting one's trauma, art, and brave men wearing heels.

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Rob Schneider: Asian Momma, Mexican Kids

Who are these people voting so low for this? Married men? :joy: What's going on here, is his world view too painfully accurate? :joy::joy::joy:
As with most comedy, the hilarity of this lies in the underlying truths. Just not heard anyone male batter men this way in a while.

If his relationship with his wife is really like he depicted, gosh he must be an asshole though. Really, why IS she still hanging in there if their relationship isn't getting better? Oh yeah. Her silly hopes. Ouch haha.

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The House with a Clock in Its Walls

I dare say this movie gives you about everything you'd expect from a movie with Jack Black aimed at a youthful audience.
I really enjoyed Cate in this.
The only thing I could have done without, is Lewis' high pitched screaming :joy: Otherwise enjoyable little flick.

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