

Oslo, Oslo County

Instant Family

Well this one already promised comedy gold, the scene at the adoption agency with all the parents and stereotypes was pretty great. The fact we're having at least two comedians sitting/standing in it too makes it even better. There was Tig and Eliza, maybe I missed some, but hell, haha.

This was a lovely, enjoyable ride! Funny, frustrating, sad, heart-warming, it's a lovely non-family-family tale.

The ending song kind of wraps it up:
"Under the surface you don't know what you'll find, until it's your time
No second chances, but all we can do is try, I made up my mind...

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What Men Want

Not comedy gold, but it will probably give you what you expect from it.

I barely remember the "what women want" thing, I watched that about when it came out and thought it was freaking funny, but ... that's been a while :joy: Either way, can't really compare at this point.

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A Simple Favor

When my friend told me to "watch this movie with this sexy mom", I had not expected it to become the film it turned out to be. Had me fooled for about 20/30 minutes, or whenever we get that first piece of shocking news.

Quirky, sexy, humorous with increasing tension.

I enjoyed the ride more than I had expected.
And I still feel a little sad for that black dress.

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Jim Jefferies: Intolerant

Gosh I love the bit about millenials. Right from the transition with his dad and [spoiler]"let him be fucking old, you cunt, he got used to gay people yesterday" over to the freaking selfies (YES OMG please, I'm feeling like judging people by the amount of selfies they take per week now, thanks Jim hahaha) and what a train wreck dating them is... if you're not a millenial I guess. Because they're dating each other and... how's that working out? I just barely slipped past that era too, but sheesh do I recognise it :upside_down:.

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The Spy Who Dumped Me

This is one of the best best-friend-movies I've ever seen. Morgan and Audrey are pure gold. I adored Morgan on the (oh no, spoilers) trapeze. This also coincides with the best and only best-friend-spy-flick I've ever seen. And I mean, Heughan is in this, how can one not.

It's basically a love story, from every girl who ever wanted to be a spy when she grows up.

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No Country for Old Men

Great movie, great acting and directing, and extra points for cats and great monologues.

But wouldn't anyone in their right mind take the money out if its original case and put it in some different bag? I mean that's just common sense to me. Someone might be looking for a case just like this which had money in it.
Had he done that, he wouldn't have gotten tracked.

And we wouldn't have a movie I guess :laughing:

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Hunt for the Wilderpeople

Thought I’d give a film a try, sat there in anticipation, when I reached “wanna help me gut it?” I kind of lost it, paused to let myself catch some breath, get more snacks, and settle for the evening. Wonderful.

Then that scene at the hut, where he’s talking about being made things and playing with himself I golden.

And the crispiest flakes, oh my gods. And probably one of the best car chase scenes I’ve ever seen. Great film.

(But am I alone with this phenomenon of whenever I see Sam Neil&”jungle”, I expect the hoot of a bronto? Good old times. whistles intro)

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A lovely, poetic film. About the fragility of art, and love.

"It's okay. They're just words" That made me almost sadder than what happened in the first place.
I did really like the scene with the Japanese poet, in some way, although I don't like when Paterson is being untruthful or hides away.

"Poetry in translation is like taking a shower with [a] raincoat."

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I Lost My Body

Such a bittersweet story. Dance around fate. Or maybe the dance and leap was always in accordance to fate, all along?

Bravest hand in history. Strange to see a story from a hand’s perspective, and then remember that when I was a child I sometimes saw my hands as something that was separate from the rest of my body, like different entities altogether.

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Taylor Tomlinson: Quarter-Life Crisis

She’s being way too real, it almost makes me uncomfortably sad in between the laughs.

So many good lines.
Don’t feel bad for Doug, he’s terrible. Every time he tells a story, a child somewhere loses a balloon” :sob:

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Horse Girl

I'm not entirely sure how to rate it. As a film, in its artfulness, it was nice, but that is visually speaking. I would give a shout out for people with similar issues as me, whatever those might be, but I don't do too well with films in which the main characters are utterly disbelieved and declared insane by their surroundings as it happens here rather soon.

And whatever universe she's living in, it is terrible. How can she only be surrounded by so many uncaring, heartless characters? The only good person was evidently her co-worker, everyone else was actually just really overwhelmed/scared/cold-hearted. Which hurt to see. And they are being so while being utterly passive. It's like they're villains toward the main character, but not written as villains. Which makes it harder to dislike them, or harder to argue why they are bad people. So even the viewer gets this sense of manipulation or that you're the one not right in the head, as the majority seems to have such clear and different views from you.

I realise my comment this time around lacks eloquence, but I hope it gets across what I meant to express.

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A good movie about a topic that's been made movies off a lot lately, what with dysfunctional families/millenials, drugs and America, and all that. American Honey did it quite well, too.
The camera-work in the beginning almost nauseated me, but it was interesting camerawork nonetheless. I liked how the director used lights and colours in this. Very dramatic and neo-noiresque, I appreciated that.

I also enjoyed the different angles and takes. I had not expected the main focus and main character to shift – a pleasant surprise.

A lot of tragedy packed into one film, and many moments I was moved to tears.
So sad how hard it seems for people to just love another (and stop capslocking about important issues).
When we realise how all things have causes and effects and everything influences each other, it gets tougher to assign blame too.
But holy damn was I bothered by how they ruled a homicide by accident as "second degree murder" and "lifelong prison". What the actual fuck, that justice system is seriously fucked. Also wondering what it would have been ruled if he'd been a white guy. Yikes.

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The Saint

Mediocre to bad acting, extremely bad sound effects/action scenes (sorry I didn’t know I was in a 70s asian B-C movie hahah). Story not terrible so far though and a little funny, although kind of boring. I can see there’s been some investment, but not very convincing.
By watching the first 10 minutes I was Not even sure whether real movie or elaborate porn.

Then i read it’s actually a remake of the only other The Saint Movie I know, and that I remember captivated me, enticed me and if I’m not mistaken, I was invested and felt for the characters. This however lacks all of that. I’d rather see Kilmer on Netflix :cry:

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The “I’m floating”-scene was one of my favourites this week.

This has been a really nice movie. About family. Makes sense to create movies like these nowadays, when the traditional sense of a family in which we feel safe and protected and “belong” applies less and less. So here’s one for the “Make your own”-type.

I hadn’t expected the film to be this nice actually. I’m not disappointed in how they made a big kid believable. I mean, getting soda and candy wouldn’t have been the first thing I’d have done as super hero, but it would have been there right after saving all the animals from the bad bad humans hahaha.

Either way, nice tale about family and sharing. New generation of Christmas movie huh? Nice move.

“Weak, worthless, ugly envy.”

The very end surprised me hahaha!

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Iliza Shlesinger: Unveiled

A portion of that was a little lost to me as we ... uh... do not share such strange wedding traditions whatsoever :joy: but it was again rather informative about the weirdness of America.
Iliza is such a beautiful illustrator of happenings. I think I lost it first with the grams and then lay crying and coughing my lungs out when she described a bride taken out of context oh my fucking gods

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Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

Zoology, bitch!!!

So retro, I really loved this.

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Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

Just started and I’m already loving it. It feels like I’m watching the old movie without watching the old movie. Huge childhood-vibes already. Can’t wait to see how this is going to go.

“Where’s my hair” and “AAGH! I’m a Middle Aged man!” already killed it :joy:

And “:two_hearts: that’s a man right there...”
Spencer: don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry

Gosh this is so quotable.

Smouldering intensity.

Weakness: cake :joy:

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Green Book

“The world is full of lonely people afraid to make the first move.”

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The Nun

I liked this better through the first 1/2-2/3 of the movie. Some of the jump scares really got me, and the vibe was dark and contaminating.

While the film continued to be visually, cinematographically lovely, something about the whole Christian trope grew a little tiring. Of course I wouldn’t expect anything else from a movie about a priest and a nun and a cloister, but the repetition made it lose its power for me, unfortunately. Ok here’s a scary nun. And another. And another, seen it before.

I wish they would make more horror movies that aren’t just based off of some Christian idea. The entire “evil” vs “Christian religion” is just silly. Instead have some where priests and holy people from all kinds of religions and faiths have to actively work together to fend off some evil force. That’s content I’d love to see.

Did enjoy the bits of humour though.
“Holy shit!”
“The holiest.”

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I had not seen this classic before today, and I don’t regret either watching it now, nor having not watched it when I was much younger haha. Great piece artistically in so many ways (the soundtrack, the cinematography, Jennifer herself), but so traumatising. Sheesh.
The pace is nicely set, but in the end it just keeps throwing things at you for some truly shocking, “throwing-the-popcorn” kind of moments.

And if you ever were to choose a super power... maybe consider insects :grimacing:

I recommend watching this with a bunch of friends, or a film club.
(I also had to wonder whether there is any connection between this being Jennifer’s first film/film before the labyrinth, and the main score made by “Goblin”? :joy:)

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I liked that this movie, rather than being a retelling of the old, embeds it and tells a new story. Which is in my opinion a far better use of reusing old tales just for the sake of bringing them back on screen. The degree of photo realism is right too — the animals are let be animals, albeit very smart ones, with most of their expression in their eyes. It works well here. (Plus, Dumbo is so adorable!)

What I didn’t like is forcing romance into it.
And my biggest pet peeve is one little thing really, but it almost drove me mad haha: at some point they take a photo of dumbo with an old analogue camera, and in the papers the next day there’s an extremely pixlated crop of it. PIXLS. Come on!!! You had like ONE JOB. Could they not afford one little print for their movie?

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A Ghost Story

Beautiful work of art and poetry. It truly is a ghost story, with incredibly artful and aesthetic still shots especially in the first 2/3 of the movie. Each and every one was a piece of art. Thoroughly enjoyable.

We really hadn’t expected for it to hit so hard toward the end though. Sad and nihilistic was fine. Somehow they topped that.

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Atomic Blonde

I was surprised at how NeoNoir this film was, had not expected that.
Thoroughly enjoyed the twists as well as the long, uncut fighting scene.

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