


My Neighbor Totoro

Great Miyazaki film with a lovely fairy tale storyline. If only the kids voices weren't so screamish. This made my overal enjoyment of the movie drop :(

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The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
The French Dispatch
Captain Fantastic
Ender's Game
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1
The Maze Runner
Project Almanac
Pawn Sacrifice

What an amazing movie. This movie lacks a lot of media attention probably because of its subject. Chess doesn't get a lot of attention these days because a lot of people find it boring. Calling this movie boring would be the biggest lie of 2015 though.
It is one of the best performances, if not the best, from Tobey Maguire I have seen so far. And he has a phenomenal adversary in Liev Schreiber. The movie did not get very creative in its story, but chose a more literal setup from the actual events. This makes for a straight on drama movie without any melodramatic or emotional depth exaggerating the facts, but that is certainly for the best.

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Despicable Me

Good movie that makes you want to have kids yourself.

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Zack Snyder's Justice League
Time Lapse
Blue Is the Warmest Color
The Bourne Supremacy

With this movie, the Bourne Trilogy went instant classic. One of the best chase scenes I know of, a much deeper view on the identity of Bourne himself and the memorable 'magazine weapon' fight scene. Worth of a longer review, but I am too lazy today.

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Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters

I expected a bad movie, but I got a fun action movie with a surprising high amount of enjoyment.
It is fast paced with good action. Yes the story is really thin, but that's to be expected from a movie like this. In the end the story was actually better than I expected it to be.

Filled with cliché's and all, but enjoyable. Can't call it a bad movie.

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The first one already did not do so well, mostly excelling in original design, decent CGI and it's (attempt of) focusing on characters. Part 2 continues this tradition, but sacrifices the few good things about the first movie with just a grander scale.

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Zombieland: Double Tap

Proof that doing a 'Double Tap' is not always the best move for movies.

I did not see the first movie when it was released years ago, because zombies are usually not my thing. So when I decided to watch this, I had to see the first movie before seeing ' Double Tap'.
That one surprised me in a positive way. I liked it more than I thought I would. If it wasn't so late at night when I finished 1, I would have watched ' Double Tap' immediately after.
However, when I saw ' Double Tap' the next day, I found out it suffers from the age-old sequel disease. It is still fun, but not as good as the first, less fresh and less inspired.
Since the movie(s) don't take themself too serious, it is still an okay movie and entertaining to watch though.

Enjoyable to see once, nothing more.

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A below average movie with some interesting stuff mixed in which will disappoint in the end.
I am not sure I can say it is worth the watch, maybe only for the last few minutes and Ana de Armas. I was so distracted (and maybe lulled to sleep) by the predictive and incoherent initial storyline that the ending completely surprised me. It had me go: "haha oh sh*t, how did I not see that one coming?." Because the last twist wasn't that surprising if you think of it. Since the movie didn't really trigger the viewer to think for himself, nor does it have a very coherent storyline (it rather jumped from one scene to the other) there wasn't much to think of, therefore surprising me in the end haha.
How something bad can hide something obvious and make you think it is good :P You could say that's art in itself, but it isn't.

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Bridge to Terabithia

Simply great!
A family movie with a serious tone.

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The Sword in the Stone

Best Disney Movie ever!
Great comedy, great sing-a-long music like Disney did best in the early era and a compelling story.

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This was an interesting and good movie, but it could have been a masterpiece.

The thing that kept it from becoming that was mainly the story line and build up.
The biggest plot twist (and imho the biggest climax of the movie) happens way too early, and it makes the endgame feel like an outro rather than the moment you have been waiting for the whole movie.
From the moment the big plot twist is revealed, the movie gets very predictable.

The acting, setting, visuals, potential, music are all pretty much top notch, but in the end it was the writing that will probably put this movie in 'Oblivion' itself.

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Deathstroke: Knights & Dragons - The Movie

I almost could not finish this, and turned it off after 1 hour. But I managed to finish watching it eventually.
Even as a mindless animation action it fails.
It is just unbelievably boring and shallow. Dialogue is piss poor, Story is not terrible, but too basic to get interesting. The animation often lacks details and many corners were cut. The characters are well drawn, but anything else lacks details and movements are very choppy.
The movie just looks and feels like it lacked money at every aspect in its production. Skip this and watch some of the DCU animated movies instead.

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My Spy

Boring, unfunny, poorly written and lackluster acting. Even as a family/kids movie, there are many better films out there.

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'Die Hard' in space but bad.

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The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2
The Signal

Too pretentious for such an average storyline, a typical case of trying too hard.
It looks like they had too many ideas, but not the guts to choose. None of them was worked out well, so we end up with a messy movie that tries to be cool and clever while it is neither.

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This Is Where I Leave You

I like Bateman, but why does he always play in these kind of weak movies?
Even with him, Tina Fey, Jane Fonda and Kathryn Hahn (great comedy cast) this movie was mostly pretty boring and did not feel realistic.
It tried to achieve a mix between comedy and drama, but even while it did make me smile at some points it wasn't that funny and failed completely as a drama with the silly flat characters and plot.

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