



Shout by Lainfan
BlockedParent2014-12-24T23:34:15Z— updated 2020-10-13T03:29:22Z

~This comment was deleted by the original writer~

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This one is probably in the category: "worst of the best Disney animations of the past few years."

It has the good and lovely mood of the better Disney movies, and it does have a decent CGI and some great songs.
However, the storyline is so incredibly dull and unoriginal. And a lot of problems have pretty lame solutions.

If you had to choose 1, better go with Tangled or Brave (which are of the same style.)

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Sin City: A Dame to Kill For
My Neighbor Totoro

Great Miyazaki film with a lovely fairy tale storyline. If only the kids voices weren't so screamish. This made my overal enjoyment of the movie drop :(

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Great movie, lacked a bit of common sense here and there but it took it's time for setting up every story aspect nicely. This made it a bit predictable but it didn't bother me for a change.
Also: I deducted 1 point for the story being a too obvious Hunger Games concept copy.

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Children of Men

Shout by Lainfan
BlockedParent2013-10-31T19:53:57Z— updated 2020-03-25T07:42:28Z

The filming makes this movie worth to watch. There are some exquisite scenes, especially noteworthy is the (seemingly) single-shot scene where the main character has to rescue the pregnant lady from a building where the resistance fighters and immigrants hide and keep her captive. This while the building is surrounded by soldiers and tanks from the UK army.

Note: I edited this comment bc i did not agree with my opinion from that time anymore, and I could not delete it fully.

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Deathstroke: Knights & Dragons - The Movie

I almost could not finish this, and turned it off after 1 hour. But I managed to finish watching it eventually.
Even as a mindless animation action it fails.
It is just unbelievably boring and shallow. Dialogue is piss poor, Story is not terrible, but too basic to get interesting. The animation often lacks details and many corners were cut. The characters are well drawn, but anything else lacks details and movements are very choppy.
The movie just looks and feels like it lacked money at every aspect in its production. Skip this and watch some of the DCU animated movies instead.

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Zombieland: Double Tap

Proof that doing a 'Double Tap' is not always the best move for movies.

I did not see the first movie when it was released years ago, because zombies are usually not my thing. So when I decided to watch this, I had to see the first movie before seeing ' Double Tap'.
That one surprised me in a positive way. I liked it more than I thought I would. If it wasn't so late at night when I finished 1, I would have watched ' Double Tap' immediately after.
However, when I saw ' Double Tap' the next day, I found out it suffers from the age-old sequel disease. It is still fun, but not as good as the first, less fresh and less inspired.
Since the movie(s) don't take themself too serious, it is still an okay movie and entertaining to watch though.

Enjoyable to see once, nothing more.

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The Huntsman: Winter's War

With a very weak first and second act and many errors this cannot be called an excellent movie. However, the third act makes more than up for the blandness. The ending makes the movie, in combination with a good atmosphere and nice visuals, into a movie worth watching.
Sheridan Smith (and Nick Frost in a lesser degree) take care of the (few) good laughs while Theron and especially Blunt are the most intriguing characters. I wish Emily's character had a bit more kick in her powers, especially in the final act, but then again It would've made Chris Hemsworth and Jessica Chastain's characters completely irrelevant if that was the case.
It is actually surprising that with such a great cast this movie isn't better than it is. The writing just isn't good enough to get it to that next level. A pity really.

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Ex Machina

This is an amazing movie.
Sets the bar for 2015, now we just have to see if 'the big ones' (Mad Max, Jurassic World, Hunger Games and ofc. Star Wars) are going to beat it. Maybe I'll write an extensive review later.

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Alien Outpost
The Maze Runner
Berlin Calling

One of the better Dance industry related movies.

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The Beekeeper

A Bee John Wick movie.

There is something that resembles a plot, but the only reason to watch this is for some decent Statham action and an absolutely great enemy to hate.

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The Gray Man

Stellar cast, fine set pieces. The rest is utter trash. The only reason this movie is even watchable is because the actors made an otherwise hopeless script into a somewhat enjoyable mindless film. What a waste of talent.

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Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes

A highly entertaining and well executed film with an unusual short runtime.

The low budget production and down to earth (almost vlog style) environment and script match each other well. The acting is a bit over the top at times, but it adds to the movie's lighthearted atmosphere.
It must have been way more complicated to write the screenplay than how it looks like on screen. It is so easy to understand, a great compliment to the screenplay!

The only nitpick I have is why a regular pc monitor has such an insanely long power cable xD

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A tense thriller with some great acting, especially up until the final act. It has some interesting and unique scenes but is ultimately undermined by a script that is cutting corners just a bit too much. Still a decent watch.

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The Lost City

It is a lot of fun seeing this cast having fun with this comedic film, other than that it is not recommendable.

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Pretty straightforward and fun adventure movie, although does not come close to the greats in its genre. Overall it is pretty shallow and Mark and Tom's comedic talents are wasted on the poor jokes, but it still manages to be one of the best video game adaptations ever made. The bar for that is very low of course, but an achievement nonetheless.

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Shout by Lainfan
BlockedParent2022-05-02T22:52:54Z— updated 2022-05-18T22:59:04Z

Besides being a thrilling high octane chase movie there is not much here.

While this could be considered as one of Bay his better movies, maybe on par with 'The Island', it still inherits a lot of the flaws that plague many of Bay his films. Especially the editing is of horrendous quality not usually seen with directors and editors with this level of experience. Story is razor thin and of course character writing is non-existent.
95% of the movie is fast paced action that can best be described as an extended theatrical cut of a (good) GTA (Grand Theft Auto) mission.
Where Bay does (not totally unexpected) excel with 'Ambulance' is in the relentless action pounding your screen scene after scene, without giving much room to breathe. And it does create an effective thrill for a big part of the movie. Although there are moments when the lack of more calmer parts start to wear you down.
It is also quite fun to see the actors, especially Gyllenhaal, are having a lot of fun with the material.

The result is still a thrilling, perhaps even entertaining, experience that will probably be forgotten by most in the foreseeable future.

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They forgot to write characters.
I am more interested in what will happen after the ending than anything happening in the movie itself.

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The 2nd 'Silenzio Bruno!' of 2021 out of a Disney studio. Someone high up at the Disney company must hate someone called Bruno a lot

But great animated film. Music is decent and fun (although nothing legendary because it feels a bit overproduced at times) and animation is fantastic. Original story, and interesting characters. It is a bit rushed over here and there but that's ok.

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The King's Man

Total forgettable film.
Tonal issues and irregular pacing make this the least fun of the trilogy so far. It does not know weather to take itself serious or not, which results in extended boring parts interchanged with laughable scenes that break any suspension of disbelieve. They should have stopped after one movie.

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The Matrix Resurrections

I guess the best thing about this movie is that it gave me an excuse to watch the original trilogy again...

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The French Dispatch
The Vast of Night
How I Became a Superhero

This is is vanilla ice cream in movie form.
Everything from story and characters to action and sound design is rather bland and lacking substance, it is just smooth inconsequential sailing to the credits. An innocent little movie for (older) kids.

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After almost 2 decades of anticipation, I finally watched this movie. Truth to be told, I was a little disappointed. It is okay I guess, acting and realism of the environment is most noteworthy, but it could not captivate me. Maybe because I am too familiar with the story already, and I felt bored at several points. The editing was also kind of chaotic at times in my experience. It's possible that 17 years of procrastination made me have too high expectations, and me already not being a massive war movie fan to begin with doesn't help I guess.

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The Mitchells vs. the Machines

Beautiful and brilliant animation with an overly simple story even for a kids movie.

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