



I don't even know where to start. Enemy was one of my most anticipated films for this year. It is based on José Saramago's book called "The Double" (in its original Portuguese title "O Homem Duplicado") and it was constantly delayed here in Portugal but now I understand why the wait. They wanted to release it at the 4th year anniversary of the death of José Saramago, winner of a Literature Noble Prize in 1998 and one of our the greatest Portuguese writers ever! It was a beautiful homage, afterall this country unfortunately did not praised him as much as he deserved during his life. He had his very own philosophies, he was a very peculiar and different man. He was against Catholic Church and in a country where most of people are catholics, he was not very well regarded and I think his writing was damaged before the eyes of a country that sometimes cannot see through differences. I look at the writer not at the man, everyone is free to think whatever they want but well, that's another story. Now back to the film!

Enemy is a very complex thriller, very nightmarish and dark with an absolutely engaging atmosphere that will twist your mind and oh, how do I like this kind of mind-f*cking films! As a film that is based on a José Saramago's book and I know that he is a very metaphoric writer, who liked to makes us pull things from our head, mixing reality with mere thoughts, I knew that I would have to pay very attention to all of the details and that's what I did.
I also loved the claustrophobic feeling in the air, it's almost like we are trapped into the film and the absolutely creepy and dreadful soundtrack helps to create that feeling.
There are some things left hovering the air but I have a pretty strong theory for this story. This is a film that requires more than one viewing and I believe that can become more special to us in each visualization. Is very difficult to talk about it without spoiling anything. I think it is a film which is best experienced and then discussed.

What can I say more about Jake Gyllenhaal that I haven't said before? He must be one of the most underrated actors ever and he is so amazing! I can't remember to had seen a single bad performance from him. Once again he shines and what can be better than have, not one but two Jake Gyllenhaals?

I don't see everyone enjoying this film, some might think it is too slow or too boring. Some will feel very bothered with the atmosphere and with what they are watching but for me worked even better than what I was expecting.
Denis Villeneuve amazed me with Prisoners, one of my favorites of last year and he amazes me again with another fantastic work directing Enemy.

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Definately a movie you have to watch multiple times. At the end of the movie I was like, What?? xD

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Ok, let's start this. Godzilla is a movie about a touching reunion being screwed up by a giant lizard who's jealous cause he's alone and don't wanna see other monsters being happy. Yeah. Meet the MUTOs.

MUTO is a giant freaking mutant thing that if it wasn't scary enough by itself, it can fly too (you know that feeling when u see a cockroach and u think "could it get worse?" and starts flying? that's MUTO for you). MUTO is a harmless creature. YES, you didn't read wrong, HARMLESS. All MUTO wants is to leave peacefully. It feeds itself with radioactive material and it simply walks in a straight line towards its objective. Unhappily, it's not aware it's causing some destruction but hey, it's hungry, you can't blame the guy.

ANYWAYS! MUTO is hungry, MUTO wants to eat something but more importantly... MUTO wants love, our biggest achievement. So MUTO cries for his (now we know MUTO is a He) loved one. And she replies!! Oh, the joy
You guys know you can't present yourself to the love of your life barehanded, right? And the lucky male MUTO finds the PERFECT present to his OTP. A lethal nuclear warhead (awn..). And there he goes, with the perfect gift.

Finally they find each other. Starry eyes, can't believe this happening, a tear drops from my eye with such a heartwarming fated encounter. Male MUTO offers his gift to her and she accepts. The ultimate bliss. BUT THEN. Someone is not happy. Someone is green with jealousy. He's alone. He doesn't have an OTP. He arms are too short and, DAMN, he can't even have a little fun by himself. Meet Godzilla.

Godzilla enters the scene and he has ONE purpose: to cock block MUTOs and kill them for having the audacity to having sex and being all lovey-dovey while he's all alone. A fearsome battle begins. You feel lost. You feel like you should cheer for Godzilla and every time he's beaten, you're like "nooo duuudeee, he's trying to save us, don't do that, LEAVE GODZILLA ALONE!!" BUT don't be fooled... Godzilla IS THE BAD GUY.

After a few horrible minutes, LOVE PREVAILS!! The lovable MUTO couple managed to defeat the envious green giant lizard and they can finally be happy forever and eWAIT! Godzilla stands up and use a freaking blue flame that he could have used before but he thought would be funnier if he let them think they had won just to shatter their happiness again.

The worst happens. While male MUTO struggles to keep his loved one safe, Godzilla seizes the moment and gives the final blow! Male MUTO remembers all that good time, the first flirt, first kiss, the blessed union... all while the light fades from his eyes... Male MUTO is no more :'(

Female MUTO has no time to mourn. Someone just assassinated her children!! The horror!! She's confused, all she cares is lost, cruelly taken and whats has she done to deserve that?? Nothing, I tell you, NOTHING. Driven by the anger and sadness filling her heart, she advances furiously to get revenge.

Another fierce battle engages!! While fighting she remembers male MUTO, her newly-born family, their plans, their honeymoon... all-reduced-to-dust. She gathers all her last strenght and YES, FINALLY. That damn green homewrecker is slain! JUSTICE PREVAILS. But what's left? Her children, her husband... all gone... Nothing is left. Just fade in the void. She's tired.. She wanna sleep... She is hungry... Food... yeah... that might distract her (you know, food is the best painkiller).

She's leaving, she just wants some food and she will leave. AND THEN! A stinging pain!! She doesn't understand what's happening. Her jaw is being ripped apart. Blue flame pours from above!! Her body is in flames from inside! Then she understands. She was naïve. Godzilla was not dead. It was just another foul move. He feels joy in letting them feel like it's over just to finish them brutally.

She sees in a distante place male MUTO... Their childrens... Tons of radioactive material... They're all there, waving to her... It's heaven... everything fade in whiteness... She leaves this cruel world, toward a better world, to meet again their loved ones.

And amidst all that, yeah, there are some petty tiny things called humans. They are living their dramas, screwing up things and just shooting whatever moves and they can't comprehend. That's humans for you. Ow, and you wanted to watch because you heard/saw somewhere that Mr. White and you thought "OMG WALTER WHITE IS GONNA KICK SOME DINOSAUR'S ASSES F'YEAAAH". Well... He dies on the beginning, oh well :T

So there you are. You were thinking "Duuudeee, I was so thinking that Godzilla was a bad guy but I was mistaken, he's a good guy :)" WRONG that bastard is the PURE EVIL!! He doesn't care about humans, he couldn't give less shit about us. But he won't tolerate anyone shouting their happiness in his face, while he barely can touch his dick. No... They must die to serve as example to anyone who dares to have these same funny ideas. That's Godzilla for you.

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This is a great review! :D

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Edge of Tomorrow

Reply by Lainfan


Shout by Deleted

Spoiler warning...
Where, to hell, is tactical nuclear weapon? Why humanity doesen't use in?
Why do not bomb Paris for a cause?

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Because it can be predicted and therefore pretended.

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Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Am I the only one who didn't like the movie all that much?

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I didn't like it either. Too straightforward, and the concept of Captain America is already one of the least interesting characters in the Marvel (movie) universe.

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Reply by Lainfan


Shout by

It was a good movie, but couldn't they just release the bomb midair?

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No, and this was explained in the movie. The bomb has a trigger that responds on pressure. Normally when the trigger is removed it explodes because the pressure is taken off. The pressure outside of a plain is always lower so it would've exploded immediately after throwing it out, or probably already when opening a door/window. Not even considering the option how to do that safely :P

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The Avengers

Shout by Deleted

Awesome movie! Great for kids and adults!

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A bit too violent for kids imho, it's more a 13+ movie.

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Berlin Calling

One of the better Dance industry related movies.

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If you enjoyed this, check out 'It's All Gone Pete Tong'

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The Bourne Legacy

This is a typical Bource film but... without anything that made the Bourne Trilogy a good series of Movies.

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Exactly this. If it didn't had the name 'Bourne' on it, people probably would have liked it much more.

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The Bourne Identity

Watching it a second time, 12 years later, with my dad. Extended version, great film.

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I think you made a mistake with your rating, considering your shout ;)

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Shout by ManiacB

Those who liked the tone and feel of Fate/Zero should try Kara no Kyoukai/The Garden of Sinners. Also animated by studio ufotable and "kinda" set in the same verse as Fate, it's a series of movies about mages, vampires and stuff. It was considered the precursor to Tsukihime (again set in the same verse as Fate) which also has an anime adaption (or not, depending on who you ask :P)

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I hear this a lot, but I thought the themes were very different and Kyoukai is more mature and dark. Kara no Kyoukai is a great franchise though!

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Fate/Stay Night

Hi guys, just FYI F/SN and F/Z are now separate entries.

F/Z can be found here

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Thanks, I just noticed.
Do you know why? Since this website usually groups all seasons together. This is a bit inconsistent.

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The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

Review by lira

Just perfect. Kept to the storyline of the book to an impressive level. In some parts, specially near the end, it was clearer than the book. When the uprising in the arena began, we knew pretty well who was on Katniss's side.
One thing to love: everything. If you had any reservations concerning Jena Malone or Sam Claflin, just don't. They were perfect for their characters. The SFX are just something else. The poisonous mist had an eerie Stephen King-ish look to it. The training center was pretty good, and I don't even have words to describe the areena. Hollywood mastered action tracks eons ago, so I don't know why I'm mentioning it.
One thing to hate: fangirls. Bitches screamed and squeaked through half the fucking movie. “Omigod Sam Claflin.” “Hahaha Peeta and Finnick are kissing.” “I want Johanna Mason to murder my vagina.” Ugh, please, I didn't pay to listen to that. (Maybe I thought one or two of these things but at least I kept it to myself.) But maybe you're like me and you, too, feel a sadistic pleasure in telling people to STFU.
And if you're wondering how a mortal watched the movie one week before premiere: I'm from Brazil suckers ;-)

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That's why I wait 2-3 weeks before watching a movie in cinema. 90% of the fangirls are out + you have better chance at a good seat :)

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Oz the Great and Powerful

Long story short: movie is terrible.
Yeah, great colors, and such, but that all just give an overall feeling like "hey, this is just fake!".
There's no wonder at all in this movie.
Acting is poor, also, and I kinda used to like Franco.
I wish I could have my 2h back.

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I have to agree with this comment. It's ok to watch, but I guess the actors decided to do this on their day off or something.
Secondly, there are green screen scenes that are so badly edited that it hurts the eyes. YOu can just see them walking in front of the scenery.

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