


Serial Experiments Lain

You could call this a real cyberpunk anime.
A pretty abstract and philosophical story about identity and who we really are. It leaves the viewer questioning about more than just the series itself.

Juicy detail: It is rumoured to be one of the series that had an influence on The Wachowski brothers for The Matrix story. However I don't know if this is ever confirmed or true, and it probably was a minor one compared to Ghost In The Shell. After all it was aired only 1 year before the release of The first Matrix movie.

It is not for everyone, but if you have an open mind and like more gloomy and philosophical stories, it is definitaly worth it.

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@aiven i know, i mentioned that.

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A lot of people call Zero better than the earlier Fate/Stay Night creation (which is about 10 years after Zero.)
Zero is better in technical terms, but it is also made 6 years later. The main reason why people call Zero better (besides the purist to the original story) is the leap in visual effect. However, when Stay Night came out in 2006 I was impressed by the visuals as well. It's kinda like comparing the 1st and 2nd Matrix movie in SFX. Therefore, those 2 arguments are not valid enough for me personaly to pick a better one.

Stay Night has a side with a more romantic part in it (which is a bit awkward sometimes) where Zero lacks a bit of mystery I did feel with the first series. But in the end they are both great series, and I would advice every anime fan to check both series out, starting with Fate/Stay Night (Always watch stuff in order of their release.)

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With the new Unlimited Blade Works edition from Ufotable, which is clearly created as a step-in anime, it is probably best to watch Zero as the last anime (or second if you decide to ignore the 2006 DEEN version.)
Prequels always get spoiled by the main story, that's why they are sequels.

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Shout by ManiacB

Those who liked the tone and feel of Fate/Zero should try Kara no Kyoukai/The Garden of Sinners. Also animated by studio ufotable and "kinda" set in the same verse as Fate, it's a series of movies about mages, vampires and stuff. It was considered the precursor to Tsukihime (again set in the same verse as Fate) which also has an anime adaption (or not, depending on who you ask :P)

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I hear this a lot, but I thought the themes were very different and Kyoukai is more mature and dark. Kara no Kyoukai is a great franchise though!

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Fate/Stay Night

Hi guys, just FYI F/SN and F/Z are now separate entries.

F/Z can be found here

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Thanks, I just noticed.
Do you know why? Since this website usually groups all seasons together. This is a bit inconsistent.

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The Expanse

Shout by Deleted

omg what a cool scishow finally something complex and bold. they say it's the show that's standing up to BsG, but I say it's time we had a space opera that's worthy.
also, I'm amazed how many details they can cram up inside a pilot without getting it too overloaded.
a big plus for me are the space cam sequences and the sfx are eye candy.
a minus is the fact that even today's tv shows can't avoid this trap: there's no soundwaves in space, the vacuum has no air to propell the sound. so why the frak do we always hear big booms and afterburners ?
all in all, this is one to keep your eyes on.

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@fvr-deleted-1483869193 Sound in space (nearly) always gets done wrong. To make that part faithful is more a bonus point than a condition. At least it is for me.
It is way easier to make a movie or series while ignoring the limitations of a vacuum, in stead of having to think of something to replace it (in case you don't want to create tons of dead silent shots.) You need to get really inventive, become limited in what you can do with shots and audio and it certainly influences the feel of a film heavily. Sound is a big part in film and it is exceptionally difficult to NOT use it. Think of it as trying to make a movie like Lord of the rings with only practical effects. Or a Die Hard movie without Bruce Willis :P Yes it is possible, but it is really hard.

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The Flight Attendant

If I have read all the reviews here instead of at Imdb, I would have never bothered to turn my TV on to watch it. And it would be a mistake, because it is funny and engaging, acting is excellent, fresh editing really good for the action's tempo, For me it was great fun.

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@jerzyjerzy Same here. I did not expect much before I watched it, so I was positively surprised.And tbh it shows how Cuoco's talents were wasted on BBT.

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Into the Night

I didn't expect much when I accidentally stumbled across this new series on Netflix. Apocalyptic scenarios are not necessarily new; not even in the series segment. But the premise "the survivors have to flee ever further from the sun with an airplane" seems so absurd when reading that one cannot do anything else than to think beforehand "Okay, then I can at least do something else on the side".

The series starts off a bit confusing and rushed, just like the situation for the characters must be. At the end of the second episode I realized that I really wanted to keep looking. Right now. And until the end, I watched the twists and turns that the small group of survivors had to face again and again. I attribute a large part of this tension to the music. Not even concise or pushy, but with a steadily fast beat she is able to convey this typical feeling of "what's lurking around the next corner". At the end of the 6 episode series, I would like to know if there is a sequel. Apparently my first impression was wrong and I'm glad I tried it anyway. 7/10

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@cthalin A sequel has not yet been confirmed, but if there will be a 2nd season it will most likely go into a completely different direction (if it follows the source material in any way.)

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The worst thing about this show is that it is not absolutely terrible. It is sometimes pretty good.

If it sucked, then it might get cancelled and we could all stop watching. Instead this show is a stark blend of good and bad elements.
It has some pretty decent noir detective style stories, where the main character, Gordon, is the only honest cop in a totally corrupt town. Then a guy called Penguin eats sandwiches after he randomly stabs people. Gordon is a cop so committed to doing the right thing he will literally sort through the shit to find the truth (evidence in the sewer). But later a guy asks a bunch of Riddles and everyone says he Riddles too much.
The other main cop, Bullock, is an interesting mix of corrupt cop but still has decent sense of justice. Then a young rich orphan is sad a bunch, while people tell him he will do great things one day (that we will never see).

Even though the "Gordon cleans up police alone" is the best part of the show it also has contradictions, for instance there is already another whole department of honest cops. And he also has a super successful, rich, and supportive fiancé who could completely take care of him if he quit being a cop. So he isn't really struggling with his life in any way. It makes him copping about look more like a whimsey, as opposed to a duty.

This show has a pretty decent core narrative, it's all the auxiliary stuff dragging it down. It also does a good job of not being entirely episodic. Often minor plot points from previous episodes will impact the next one.

For a show based on Batman, the worst parts of the show are the Batman bits. Like when young Bruce Wayne, or Selina Kyle ("Cat"), or the Penguin or the Riddler show up. If they cut out all the Batman things in this show, it would be much better.

I want to either love this show, or stop watching. But I can't do either. Instead I keep watching a mediocre series and hoping it improves.

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It disappointed me too for being not great. It is not bad, but it not being great is just not enough for Batman anymore xD

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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba

Shout by Aiven
BlockedParent2019-05-19T18:12:41Z— updated 2019-09-28T20:37:37Z

Great animation, but full of cliche, with hollow predictable plot.

Edit after finishing 1st season:
Half way through it became more interesting, I'm glad I didn't drop it after first 3 boring episodes.

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@aiven Same here. Just watched it (Season 1) for the animation bc it is from Ufotable, but disappointed about the writing.

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The 100

Clarke is a major B with moodswings where people with a personality disorder can be jealous of...
Pretty bad show with bad writing and worse dialog.
Ps. Who names a female character after Superman?

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@johang2012 oh that is a nice detail :)

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Another Life

This is the "Prometeus school of little space explorer" all over again.

They have the technology, they have the know-how, but for some reason they put the worst possible people in charge of the most important mission of human history.

It's like NASA put highschoolers inside Apollo 11.
Why writers can't write a good sci-fi show without making people complete incompetents?

I miss SG1

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@canardu The mining crew from Armageddon look like experts compared to these bunch of incompetent idiots xD

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Dark Matter

And I was hoping they uncanceled the SyFy show. Why do they allow different shows with the same title - that's misleading.

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@markus-schabel oh wouldn't that be a treat, all the sets and props from that show are either broken down, destroyed or sold unfortunately. Any chance for having a revive of that show is as small as finding the right door ;)

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Doctor Who

Why was my comment deleted? It did not break any rules nor was it disrespectful in any way. I came here to reply to the person who commented my message and I saw it's gone. I will repost it since it did not break the rules. The comment could also be helpful to the newcomers who might think this is a brand new show.

-------Comment posted on 26 Nov 2023

Why in the world is this marked as separate show and the one from 2005 marked as Ended? This is not a reboot, but a direct continuation of the previous episode The Power of the Doctor! I know they want to call the new season Season 1 because of Disney Plus, but it is not, it's actually Season 14. It makes no sense at all. Not to mention that the specials also reference previous seasons. This is not like a reboot from 2005 when newcomers could just start watching from there and ignore Classic Who. Newcomers can't start from here! I don't understand why it couldn't say Season 14 on Disney. All the previous seasons could be imported at some point once the whatever deal they have with BBC expires (I assume that's what is stopping them from putting them on the platform right away).
This is just insane, an insult to the fans, Jodie (doctor not regenerating into her clothes), Chibnall, everyone...

How do we organize our collection now and sync with Trakt? I don't want to label it as a separate show. What's interesting is that IMDB and TVDB show seasons correctly and have Season 14. TMDB does some weird stuff.

Update: If someone is wondering how to organize the collection in Plex, just follow TVDB and it will be shown correctly.

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Probably gonna get named Doctor Who (2023) at some point. It will (hopefully) clean up the mess in the special numbering.

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what is strange is that i just found out that this was cancelled after one season

my bet is that the tv that payed this is probably small?

Best hope now is that netflix pick this serie and produce more seasons... plenty of things to explore

#netflix lets go, buy debris rights!

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@nelsonserie It was broadcasted on NBC, and created by Universal. Both are big industry leaders. It is not a money thing, it is a ratings issue. The show had promise, but ultimately it did not attract enough viewers (especially for NBC standards) and it probably was simply too average to attract enough viewers.

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