


Real Humans

Great show worth watching, even though it's second season does not come close to the quality of the first one.

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The Tick


Ridiculously silly, so random and very funny. Exactly as I remember it from the cartoon.

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A dark post-apocalyptic movie with a heavy drama setting.
It is a movie that is certainly interesting to watch, even though it does tend to borrow a lot of its aspects from other (more succesfully worked out) movie plots like 'Das Experiment' and other doomsday movies. The ending is a bit weak, even though they tried to make it original, and some charater choices are debatable.
But even with that this is a movie worth watching.

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The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

Best one out of the 3 Hobbit movies.

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The Longest Week

Not bad, not bad at all!
A convincing Jason Bateman and a crazy attractive Olivia Wilde are not the only things that make this movie worth watching. Even though the plot is not very original, the dialogue and style of the movie is quite cool.

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The Tick


Your shout seems a bit short, please put some more thought into it.

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Tinker Bell and the Pirate Fairy

Very entertaining, just like all Tinker Bell movies.

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John Noble (Walter) really grows as a character throughout the series. A series worth the watch.
I really liked the green-green-green-red light pattern that constantly returned throughout all the seasons.

Somehow it feels like the writers did not have the time for all of the stories they wanted to tell, especially the last season is a bit far from the rest of the show. Some unchecked sources also said that there was material for 6 and not 5 seasons.

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Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues

Very fun to watch. Sometimes the jokes and settings feel too staged though. The repeating of jokes from the first movie is also a weakness of the movie, as well as the fact that the overall story is quite similar.
Secondly, the character of Ron Burgondy is not really on par with his character in the first movie. Yes he is random, loud and prejudice but he seems to have lost his 'principles' what made him the man he was.

However, these things do not break the movie, just like the first movie, which also had a lot of 'errors' (it is really romanticised by a lot of people) and the cameo's are very fun to watch. There still is a lot of great original material and jokes.

And remember: bats are like the chicken of the cave, WHAMMY!

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All Is Lost

Least amount of words used in a movie I have seen.

Beside 1 short monologue at the beginning of the movie and a very short radio conversation. The only things the lead actor is saying are 'Shit' 'Fuck' and 'Help' (a few times.)

Intriguing movie that stayed interesting until the end. You get a lot of pitty for Redford with all the bad lukck he has throughout the movie. They did not make him a 'conveniently' smart individual, just an old man who has experiences with being at sea and realistic responses on the situation he his in. I constantly wondered what went on in his head.
It is a bit repetitive and slightly predictable though.

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The Bourne Ultimatum

3rd and (imho) final installment of the Bourne trilogy. It has the same pace and action oriented directing style as the 2nd part of the movie series. It couldn't keep up with the 2nd one in it's originality and outstanding action scenes, but that's no shame. Nonetheless a great piece of work, with some really nice development, and of course the final closure.

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Machete Kills

This was such a funny movie. I expected a ridculous B-movie like the first one, but they went a completely different way.
A way of over the top comedy and parody-like jokes. I liked it so much more than the first one because it stopped trying so hard. The amount of big names working on such a movie was fun to see as well.

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God Is My DJ

One of the best documentaries that ties to the Dance industry. It follows Duncan Stutterheim, co-founder of Dutch dance company ID&T, and shines a light on his motives and how ID&T came to be where it is now (2006.)
Still in 2014 a great film to see where the now global operating company originates from, and especially the highly succesful 'Sensation' concept.

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Great movie! Need to write a long review to exactly point out why, but don't feel like it right now. The fun thing is you can compare it to 'Oblivion' (2013) with Tom Cruise, which has similar themes, and conclude that this lower budget movie is better in almost every aspect.

The ending doesn't give me enough satisfaction, but overall this is a great work!

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Sensation White: 2004

This cover picture is from 2007, the tree of life. Not 2004.

Line-up of 2004:
Brian S
Benjamin Bates
Paul van Dyk
Sander Kleinenberg
Erick Morillo
Joost van Bellen

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High School DxD

Really funny anime (with lots of Ikkitousen-like fanservice, so you need to be able to handle that) with some nice action in it as well. It is a bit too fast paced to build up a really decent story, but it manages to deliver nonetheless. Of course a lot of clichés, but not to the point that it gets tiresome.

Decent and enjoyably but not a masterpiece.

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Groundhog Day

Great classic, with still a high enjoyment when watched today. Even though it can feel a bit lacking when placed in our time.

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Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters

I expected a bad movie, but I got a fun action movie with a surprising high amount of enjoyment.
It is fast paced with good action. Yes the story is really thin, but that's to be expected from a movie like this. In the end the story was actually better than I expected it to be.

Filled with cliché's and all, but enjoyable. Can't call it a bad movie.

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Night Hunter

With a good cast and some good ideas it is disappointing this movie does not achieve more than the average cop crime thriller.

The ideas are there, and at several points the movie tips its toes into intriguing territories. However, it avoids to tackle the themes and questions it sets up, which results in frustrating moments and it lets the movie as a whole fall way below the potential it had. Even though it does not manage to outshine some of the other movies in its genre, it still is a decent movie to watch.

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Doctor Who: 12x08 The Haunting of Villa Diodati

A bit of a messy episode, mostly prelude to this seasons conclusion episodes and main enemy.

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The Fundamentals of Caring

Not a bad movie, but not very original either nor does it really challenge the viewer. Even though it has an original source material, you always have the feeling you've seen this one before. It doesn't help either it is so closely comparable to Intouchables (which is a way better film imho and not as predictable.)
Decent acting, decent script, decent camera work, decent story. Everything is just a little bit too run of the mill and average for it to really get to shine. But then again, it isn't a waste of time either.

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Drinking Buddies

With 2 strong leads and 2 good supporting characters this movie did not disappoint in the acting department. Dialogue was quite nice too. But the whole story (and especially the ending) left me unsatisfied.

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Stuck in Love

A lot of the actors in this movie usually play depth-less side charachter or have main roles in B films, but somehow they managed to do better with this one. The plot has some interesting premises as well.
Unfortunately it still doesn't get that magic touch it needs to make it magnificent. This is probably because of the relatively short length compared to the amount of story they want to tell. It will leave you with a sense of surrealism because it is hard to identify yourself with the characters. My guess is this might be as a result of poor directing choices or a budget issue.
It will probably always be banned to a cult scene or late night tv.

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Pretty straightforward and fun adventure movie, although does not come close to the greats in its genre. Overall it is pretty shallow and Mark and Tom's comedic talents are wasted on the poor jokes, but it still manages to be one of the best video game adaptations ever made. The bar for that is very low of course, but an achievement nonetheless.

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Shout by Lainfan
BlockedParent2022-05-02T22:52:54Z— updated 2022-05-18T22:59:04Z

Besides being a thrilling high octane chase movie there is not much here.

While this could be considered as one of Bay his better movies, maybe on par with 'The Island', it still inherits a lot of the flaws that plague many of Bay his films. Especially the editing is of horrendous quality not usually seen with directors and editors with this level of experience. Story is razor thin and of course character writing is non-existent.
95% of the movie is fast paced action that can best be described as an extended theatrical cut of a (good) GTA (Grand Theft Auto) mission.
Where Bay does (not totally unexpected) excel with 'Ambulance' is in the relentless action pounding your screen scene after scene, without giving much room to breathe. And it does create an effective thrill for a big part of the movie. Although there are moments when the lack of more calmer parts start to wear you down.
It is also quite fun to see the actors, especially Gyllenhaal, are having a lot of fun with the material.

The result is still a thrilling, perhaps even entertaining, experience that will probably be forgotten by most in the foreseeable future.

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With over 90 comments already existing, I will keep it short.

It looks like the two writers responsible for this movie bit off more than they can chew. Looking at their experience, they were involved in some rather questionable movies already, with the best ones being comedy. I think this is what resulted in (some of the) the poor character decisions, awkward tone shifts between sci-fi horror, thriller-action and even comedy, and some poor plot decisions.

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The Book of Life

Surprising entertainment with a Mexican mythology background. Besides that it is a one time watch only movie with a basic unsurprising story.
It even needs a few familiar songs to make it more appealing. Didn't feel like a movie where the creators really put in their heart, and were more concerned with the artwork and animation than the rest of the movie.

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A to Z

ok show, but understandable it got canceled. I thought it would be a 26 eps 1 season thing with the title though.

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Need for Speed

As with all racing movies, this is not a good movie on itself.
But keep in mind this movie is a tribute to the games, and not an act to try to make a movie that can stand on itself. So do not expect anything about story or characters. This movie is all about fast awesome cars and racing them.

It was easily better than any of the Fast and Furious movies, mainly because they used better scenery, cars and camera work. They definitely have people more experienced with car filming than the crew from FaF.

The main pleasure point about the movie are the references and camera actions that came straight from the game. I did think they could've added a bit more cockpit views and 'behind the car' looks like in NFS itself. The constant shifting from left to right behind the car disappointed me.

I would give the movie a 4/10 but the racing shots + the NFS experience are really giving the movie extra points. So I will give it an undeserved 6/10 from me.

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This one is probably in the category: "worst of the best Disney animations of the past few years."

It has the good and lovely mood of the better Disney movies, and it does have a decent CGI and some great songs.
However, the storyline is so incredibly dull and unoriginal. And a lot of problems have pretty lame solutions.

If you had to choose 1, better go with Tangled or Brave (which are of the same style.)

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