


Full House

Enjoyed it as a kid, but tried watching again as an adult, and it wasn't that great as I remember it. Tastes change over the years.

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@redina I just started watching it on Netflix, never seen it before, and I totally like it! And I'm usually not all that into comedy, but this is simply amazing.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 1x03 The Dog

These people are just so frustratingly dense. Ok so they don't all know they're dealing with zombies. But even so. They still drive at 20mph as they rubberneck when guns are being fired. Looting and gunshots, I know let's shine our flashlights out the windows. Seriously?

Aaargh as if that's not bad enough. Let's wait until daylight when everyone will be jamming the roads so we can see that the roads are jammed.

This series is just going to wind me up, I know it.

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And let's just not kill the dead human/dog/anything-eating neighbour, you know, in case there's a cure!

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Fringe: 2x11 Unearthed

That's actually an unaired episode from season 1
I was veeeeeeery confused when Charlie suddenly appeared alive and healthy haha

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@leticia_cristina wow same!! I was like, wait how is her alive and well again?!?!?!

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Get Out

Shout by Ian Houser
BlockedParent2017-03-01T06:37:59Z— updated 2017-06-23T16:56:20Z

I had not seen the trailer and had absolutely no idea what the premise was. I can definitely imagine that it would be a more enjoyable experience this way, since I was surprised throughout. A fairly inventive movie, clever plot, and strong performances from the leads. The scares all add to the story, too! It's not purely jump scares for no reason.

EDIT: I just read the Trakt synopsis- it gives away a huge bit of the story. I am even more glad I knew nothing about this movie or I probably would have been more judgmental.

EDIT 2: Trakt has changed the synopsis to be more vague, but I still think I enjoyed the movie even more without reading anything about it or even seeing artwork. halfway through the movie I could not imagine how it could be a horror movie, which is exactly why it was such a good horror movie.

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Trakt gets the synopsis from tmdb!

But I agree. 90% of the time I try to go in blind to movies. Except the ones of which I saw trailers when watching other movies.. can’t be helped.

I like getting surprised! Even though I kinda guessed where this was gonna go when I first saw dad introduce himself ( so many red flags) and got even more sure of it when the brother got in the picture.

But I though this was a really good movie anyway. I just saw it in cinemas. It was shown again for some themed countdown to world day of cultural diversity.

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Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood

I hope I can watch this again someday, and enjoy it in a different way. But as far as seeing it in the theater goes, it was a mildly enjoyable journey that turned in to an annoying slog, which ultimately culminated in disappointment.

What the fuck Tarantino? No mystery, no comedy, no trademark dialogue, NO STORY! This movie relies on presupposed knowledge too much. I go into movies that I want to see without reading anything about them or watching any trailers. So if the movie takes until the final act to reveal what the mystery even is, and then subverts it within 10 minutes in a ridiculously, unnecessarily violent way, it doesn't make for an enjoyable movie. It was two hours of a red herring (if you know what it's about already), and then a half hour of "Is this movie seriously going to end without tying together any of these useless, boring storylines?"

First act: Tarantino's use of different film stocks, and his decision to start the movie by showing his version of a corny Oldwest show got me very excited for what was to come. During the first act however, he went back to this a bunch of times, and each time it was a little less enjoyable when it only started out as mildly humorous in the first place. the character development, and relationship between Pitt and DiCaprio was fun to watch. Other character development was pretty flat, and the Bruce Lee scene was just dumb. Pretty early in the movie I started to dislike Pitt's character. this obviously would detract me from enjoying him as the pseudo-hero later.

Second act: The Sharon Tate storyline was really starting to get to me. It's been years since I read about the Manson murders, so when I heard her name, I was thinking "that sounds familiar, I think there was something called the Sharon Tate murders. Maybe Brad Pitt is supposed to end up killing her or something." The more they were following Sharon Tate in her daily activities, the more I was thinking that she better be an important part of this movie or else I wasted about 45 minutes watching something that doesn't even matter.

The scene where Brad Pitt goes to the hippie hideout is easily the best in the movie. Even though at that point I didn't realize this was supposed to be a Manson thing, it was still a very intense scene. Had I known that this was a twist on the Manson family, it would have been a little more entertaining. So maybe Tarantino could have done SOMETHING to tell us this instead of just assuming that everyone is gonna watch every trailer and think that every hippie congregation is supposed to be the Manson family. This was the first time I was taken out the movie by the over-the-top violence inflicted on a character while everyone around me was laughing at it. And if you're supposed to think it's funny even if you don't know that they're supposed to be a murderous cult, then I don't know what the fuck is wrong with people.

Final act: I'm sitting in my seat, and all I can think is "this better be one hell of a third act to bring all these boring, useless storylines together." DiCaprio gets drunk and yells at some hippies. Pretty funny. Pitt takes his dog for a walk, and starts tripping on acid. Kinda funny. then for the first time in two hours, these hippie characters (that you're wondering why are even in the movie to begin with) FINALLY say something that shows they have a murderous leader. Then I start getting excited, finally connecting the dots, and thinking oh man this is gonna be a cool take on the Manson murders. And within five minutes I am not only disappointed by the climax, I am incredibly disappointed in my overall experience with the movie.
The hippie characters only deserved what they got in our real universe where they did the actions that they're know for. But in the movie universe, they were not responsible for these actions, and so their punishment was out of the blue and unwarranted. And if you don't know the real life story of these characters, I would expect that you would be disgusted by what happens, and how everybody is laughing around you in the theater. it was jarring in a way that other Tarantino violent scenes are not. he has made some of the most intensely violent scenes, but they are done for drama, for realism, or to get you disgusted with a character. This violence was done for humor, and I felt very out of place in the theater being the only one who was questioning why people are laughing at a dog ripping a guys genitals off, and then a girls face off while they're both screaming in horror. or apparently everybody's favorite was when the girl's face got smashed over and over into a coffee table until there was nothing left of it. everyone laughed the hardest at that part.

Either I missed something absolutely huge that changed my perception of this movie, or Tarantino has made a huge shift in his writing style, and the audience has made a huge shift in what is funny. Two movies ago Tarantino had a guy getting ripped apart by dogs, and it is one of the hardest scenes for anyone I know to get through, now it's funny because they committed murder in a different reality? I don't get it, I don't get the movie, and fuck you Tarantino for giving us two hours of nothing so you can give us 5 minutes of violence. I enjoyed the first time you did that in Death Proof, when it was actually entertaining. It's a real shame to add this movie to his near flawless career.

2 / 2 directing & technical aspect
0 / 1 story
.5 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
.5 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
1 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

-.5 / 1 misc (wtf?)

6.5 / 10

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@gddgb Totally agreed. Just wasted 3 hours of my life on this :sweat:

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Dead Like Me

Shout by bookwoof

Literally my favorite show in the entire world ❤️❤️❤️

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@bookwoof Eh, this is not a spoiler??

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Mr. Robot: 2x08 eps2.6_succ3ss0r.p12

Shout by Deleted

eliot wasnt in this episode at all who wrote this synopsis?

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@bobmarket More descriptions were/are incorrect, the press release said this as episode description though;
"fsociety releases a video. darlene acts on a desire from long ago. trenton and mobley smh."

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Minority Report: 1x01 Pilot

In what world are those guys twins????

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Not all twins look identical, just a case of fraternal twins! :)

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The Big Bang Theory

This show used to be funny and it's also used to be one of my favorite TV shows (hence I initially rated this show a 10 on trakt). But starting from Season 7 the show has becoming redundant and it's going nowhere with its forgettable plots. This seems like the show is now more on the money rather on the quality.

I am so sad to say this but I won't continue watching this show.

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I agree with this. I bingewatched the first seven seasons in like 2 months, a year ago. But the last season (season 8), I thought was a bit... meh, I just watched it because I was supposed too. The next logical step.

I hope I'll enjoy next season better again.

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The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

The 1960's, a time when east and west didn't get on; not much different to now really! Loved the comedy in this, it makes the movie. When it ended, I was honestly surprised, I was waiting for the next scene... sequel please!

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I feel exactly the same! I want moarrrrre.

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Bad Moms

If you see the poster to this movie, the R rating and the fact it's from The Hangover producers and you think oh cool, this looks like a fun time...YOURE WRONG. DO NOT SEE THIS PIECE OF SHIT. ITS NOTHING LIKE THAT. This is a Katherine Heigl type movie with the F word. Man it was terrible. Also it's not an ensemble piece. This is ALL about Mila Kunis' character. Bell and Hahn are nothing more than her new friends. I can't believe I saw this in theaters. I wouldn't even Redbox this pile of garbage. Would have walked out if I wasnt a weirdo about finishing movies. SO BAAAAAAAAD

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@kurtmoney I enjoyed Bad Moms more than I ever enjoyed The Hangover though. But yeah, it's a shame they focus too much on Mila's character :<

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Dominic Purcell, Danny Glover, Vinnie Jones. Things were not looking good and it was only the presence of Stephen Lang that made me watch this film. And yet... it was a surprisingly fun action flick with decent performances from Purcell and Glover along with the majority of the cast. Even Jones wasn't bad when he wasn't snarling at somebody.

Watch for Jones and Purcell in a hand to hand fight scene. Its impossible to tell them apart with their shaven heads. They could be twins.

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HAHA. My thoughts exactly. When I saw the bad guy version of Hendrix shoot those old people for the first time I thought, "Wait, what, is he a badguy?!!?!"

Then I checked the castlist.. :')

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Blindspot: 1x01 Woe Has Joined

Reply by ꧁『marr』

Why this episode has been online before the supposed air date?

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The Pilot got leaked. Same for Minority Report, Supergirl, Lucifer and Limitless. Probably more shows though.

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The Menu

Reply by Mazal

No.. to all the comments... you will be surprised.. It's a banger of a movie and I refuse to give any spoilers. Next to Midsummer and Hereditary, my favourite so far!

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@mroffbeat it's not horror? :grimacing:

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It’s not horror, it’s more thriller. If it was horror I wouldn’t have gone to see it, haha.

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Given: 1x09 A Winter Story

I may not be an expert, but when one of my strings snapped a day before a competition, we only changed that string, not all of them. Why would you change all of them if they're in good condition? Especially right before a concert, you have to tune all of them literally every minute to sound good after you put them on. Why not just struggle with one string's constant tuning instead of all 6's? :person_facepalming: (And, as I thought, his strings were perfectly in tune through all that song. That's not how it works if you changed them just minutes before.)

But moving on... Omg, that song, Mafuyu's voice, the animation... so awesome! It was a really fragile moment when Mafuyu walked to Ue after the song and they went off-stage without a word. So pure. And finally a kiss! And Mafuyu admitted to himself (or Yuki) that he found a new love in Ue! Adorable.

Yuki's voice is really nice! It's a shame that this voice actor's character is dead...
Mafuyu thought some deep things regarding that date. No matter how much you enjoyed some moments in your life, you're gonna forget more and more details of it as time passes.

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@kbogesz That song was so amazing indeed! <3

don't know why I waited so long to watch this show... It's great!

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Is strange that they don’t even mention grumpy cat

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@yubal_fm my thoughts exactly. Just mentioned once at the end by a woman who got into the cat insta thing because "if grumpy cat can be famous so can her cat" :person_facepalming:♀

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The Worst Witch: 4x01 The Three Impossibilities

Watched the first 3 seasons of this and I can't find season 4 anywhere.
Not on Netflix or any of the 7 torrent sites I've checked.

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@phug idk what country you're in, but it got added to Netflix NL recently. Sometimes you just gotta wait a while ;-) Be patient! :D

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Bad Times at the El Royale

what the hell was on the old movie?!

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@pedro hahaha, that's exactly what I was wondering too; https://trakt.tv/comments/200310

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Dev DD: 1x04 Love Of Every Kind

hi how do i watch this episode

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@muffi_p https://altbalaji.com/show/123 If you understand Hindi, that is. You'll have to create an account, and subscribe. Doubt you wanted thåt though. It says "Avaliable in multiple languages", but I'm not sure. The trailer is Hindi-only.

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Dragon Day, You're Dead: 1x01 Episode 1

How do you watch this?

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@sugababy Well.. not here ;-) http://v.qq.com/detail/c/cltmsz5k25rt04w.html If you're fluent in Mandarin, that is. It's not geo-blocked though.

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Many Netflix "Originals" are not at all produced by them... they just have the streaming rights. Just thought I'd leave this note here ;)... Ex. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_original_programs_distributed_by_Netflix#Exclusive_international_television_distribution

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@sp1ti that's what I wanted to say when I stumbled upon this by accident :') Nevertheless. Nice list.

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The Mentalist: 5x21 Red and Itchy

Did J.J. rape his mother?!?!! O.M.G.

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@lifeiscrazy HHHAHA I always think the possible worst I suppose!!!

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The movie was great, definitely gonna try the show out. I'm curious!

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@lloydbirch late to the party, but I didn't have notifications set up back at the time. I didn't know this was based on a book! I will definitely try to see if it's at the library here... otherwise, I'll have to try and find it.... elsewhere.

Sidenote: I was really bummed when they cancelled the show :( And indeed, it wasn't like the movie at all! But so much more fun to watch~

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Saw it at the Sneak Preview Night, and it was hilarious! Totally recommend it to both female and male alike. Whether you've seen the original show or not. I hadn't, but people seated next to me had, and they enjoyed it just as much.

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@mr-sackamano Like your rating is funnier than... well let's not go there (: To each their own!

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47 Meters Down

Gosh, Murphy's Law! Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong!

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@pipeinformatico Nope! Metric all the way :) Feet and yards don't tell me much.

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Miracles from Heaven


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1. Turn of CAPS LOCK
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4. Delete your message.

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I enjoyed the author's previous anime adaptation "The Comic Artist and His Assistants" and Aho-Girl is quite similar. While again not all jokes are always working; she's just so loud and void of common sense I can't help but feel entertained.

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@sp1ti I liked it enough too, but just her loudness rubbed me the wrong way, like I'd turn my volume way down whenever she's "speaking" (read: screaming), but every other character I could then barely hear, and I'd turn it back up again and aaaaaaahhh, so much work hahaha.

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Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23

Love this show!
The episode listing for season one looks like its missing some. Grrrr!!!

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@wplynchjr They're not missing anything, it all just aired totally out of order. Lots of season 1 produced episodes aired in season 2.

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Stonehearst Asylum

The end put quite the smile on my face.

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@cyruz Same here, never saw that coming!

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Dance Academy

Shout by Deleted

I love this show even though its really old I still love ❤ #dance academy for eva

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@previously Yes, agreed!!! I always watched it when it came on television here in the Netherlands, haha.

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