



Anyone know why this episode hasn't aired yet? The episodes were monthly up until July, when everything seems to have just halted.

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Inside The Secret World of Incels

I'm 2 mins into this and I'm already like WTAF. Do these guys really think the women are reacting the way they are because the guys "aren't good looking"??? They're reacting the way they are because a random guy has shown up who isn't the guy they were expecting! It doesn't matter if he's good looking or not, it you're planning on meeting a guy, and a different guy turns up, whether he's good looking or not, you're gonna be freaked out! Catfishing freaks people out!

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Roald Dahl's The Witches

I liked it. I loved the original when I was little, although I found it terrifying, so I was curious to see what this remake would be like. It was interesting to see Anne Hathaway in a less-than-beautiful role! Comparing it to the original, there are some changes, I was a little disappointed that it had moved from Cornwall UK, to Alabama US, but I think it worked well. I don't think it was as scary as the original, but that might be because I'm now an adult haha. I'd say it's worth a watch, if you go into it with an open mind.

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Wtf did I just watch?!

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Wentworth: 8x01 Resurrection

Shout by Donna

How on earth did Ferguson get hold of a passport photo of Vera’s baby?! Seems unlikely...

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Unforgettable: 4x13 Paranoid Android

I cannot BELIEVE that they ended it like that, without us knowing if Al lived or died! Unbelievable. Like, couldn't they have done a follow up movie to tie it all up in a neat little bow?!

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Shout by Donna

I liked it, but the last 5 or 10 minutes ruined it for me, as there was no explanation to the intruder's behaviour whatsoever, and nothing about what happened to the kids after the parents were killed! I know not every film can be tied up neatly with a bow, but they could have made a better ending than that!

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Some Girls: 2x02 Episode 2

Anyone know if Alice Felgate broke her arm in real life, as she's wearing a cast throughout this series?

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Some Girls: Season 2

Anyone know if Alice Felgate broke her arm in real life, as she's wearing a cast throughout this series?

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The Alpha Test

I actually really liked it!

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The Assistant

I absolutely love Julia Garner, but I'm sad to say I found this a bit boring :(

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Better Things: 4x04 DNA

I absolutely love this show, but my god it does my head in how nasty the girls are to Sam! I know it's not real, but I really don't know how she puts up with that shit, they're all so ungrateful!

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Looking for Alaska

Hadn't read the book, didn't really know anything about it, but I loved it. Gutted there isn't going to be a series 2 :(

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Shout by Donna

I really struggled to finish this, which is a bit disappointing as I usually love stuff with Kathryn Prescott in. It was just dull and the storyline a bit slow and pointless.

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Don't know how I got sucked into this, but I am! The second series was definitely better than the first, and although I'm ashamed to admit it, I'm desperate for series 3 already!

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I'm a miserable cow, and it made me laugh out loud several times, so I can't rate it at any lower than 9. Made my mum laugh too! It's a good film, it doesn't take itself too seriously, and if you go into it knowing that, then you probably won't be disappointed. We both enjoyed it.

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Midnight Kiss

Definitely the worst episode so far, an absolute snoozefest!

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I've just finished binging this on Nowtv, really liked it. I wish there was a second series!

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Culture Shock

I hated this episode, it was so disappointing. I've enjoyed all the other episodes, some more than others, but this one was definitely my least favourite so far. I really hope the next one is better!

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I'm Just F*cking with You

So, was Chester real, or just a figment of Larry's imagination/an alternate personality?

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Room for Rent

This was surprisingly entertaining. Definitely needs a sequel though!

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So excited for this series, the 11th can't come quick enough! Molly Windsor is a fantastic young actress, she's been great in everything I've seen her in. Katherine Kelly is good too, so the series should be as good as it sounds!

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I know I'm being lazy by not just googling this, but does anyone happen to know, is this based on a series of books? The author's named eludes me, but I remember reading a series of books a few years ago, which followed the life of a (I think, newly appointed) coroner called Jenny Cooper, only it was set in and around Gloucestershire and Cardiff UK, not Canada...

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I'm surprised there aren't any comments about this programme. Please, someone comment me back so I can talk about it with someone :)

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Does anyone know what Lewellen's gran was doing to her hair with the matches when she was bathing her?

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I'm probably being thick here, but I didn't understand the ending! Can someone please explain?!

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Patient Seven

It's a Shutter Island wannabe! It was an ok film, kept me interested for about the first hour. I was a bit disappointed with the ending though, as it made the whole thing a bit of a cop-out.

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The Split

I LOVE this programme, anyone else enjoying it as much as me? I need to talk about it!

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Three words to describe this film: BITCHES BE CRAZY!

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The Open House

Seriously disappointed in this film, it was pretty good up until the last 20 minutes, where they left every single question unanswered, and ruined the whole film. No mention of who the person in the open house was, or of their motives! Absolute rubbish.

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