Mad Matty


Barrow in Furness, England

Christopher Robin
They Shall Not Grow Old

Everyone in the world should watch this film. It's absolutely incredible. The work that has gone into restoring the footage and putting together the sound effects and voices is absolutely remarkable. It's always fascinating to hear information from the people who were actually there fighting this horrific war. I think it speaks volumes that they all hate the glorification of war, and that when it was over, they didn't really care who won - They were ALL just glad it was over, on all sides. One of them stated that we must all make sure it will never happen again. These are the people who were there; these are the people we need to listen to. Never underestimate the devastation, the trauma, and the absolute hell that war is. This film should be played in schools every single year. Don't just stick a flag up on Facebook every November and say "Lest We Forget"... It means absolutely nothing! Actually remember what soldiers, medics, animals, and civilians really went through. Remember the true gore that war creates and all the people that suffer because of the stupidity of politics.

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Bohemian Rhapsody

Absolutely perfect! Exactly what I hoped it would be: An affectionate, but objective biopic about Queen and their music. I'd heard about it being an emotional rollercoaster, and I must admit, one or two tears did roll down my cheeks. But I was quite relieved that it didn't dwell on the aids too much, as that's not what Freddie would have wanted. He kept on "fighting 'til the end", and the main focus of the film was their music.

Outstanding performances by all members of the cast, and whoever did the casting, make-up and costumes deserves an award. You really believed Gwilym Lee was Brian May, Ben Hardy was Roger Taylor and Joseph Mazello was John Deacon. They all looked spot on. Needless to say Rami Malek was just phenomenal as Freddie. Nobody could have played the part better.

The amount of work that has gone into the making of this film is absolutely mind-blowing. They have set the standard high for all future biopics to compete. I've never known anything like this film.

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Stan & Ollie
Home Alone
The Christmas Chronicles

Absolutely wonderful! I would give this a 20 out of 10 if I could. It was refreshing to see a new Christmas film with emphasis on the story and characters. (I know I always waffle on about that, but it is important. It's what makes a film tick for me.) There were moments that could be quite hard to watch, especially for anyone who's lost someone close due to death. However, don't let that put you off, because the overall film is a feel-good, uplifting family movie with a true Christmas spirit throughout. About time they made such a wonderful film like this.

Of course, this film is also guaranteed a 10 from me, simply because they have not one - but TWO Christmas songs recorded by Elvis Presley. It didn't surprise me to learn that Santa is played by Kurt Russell, who not only starred as Elvis in a 1979 biopic, but he also starred WITH the great man himself as the shin-kicking boy in "It Happened At The World's Fair."

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The Santa Clause
Loving Vincent

Every frame in this film is hand painted animation. Considering there is 24 frames per second in a film, the work that must've gone into this is phenomenal. At first the animation was a little distracting from the story, because it's not the smooth flowing digital animation that we're used to from Pixar films. (It's quite flickering.) However when you get used to it, the story is gripping and very moving. Unlike most biopics, this one demonstrates that we can never really know anybody, because everyone has a different opinion.

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Johnny English Strikes Again
Harold and Maude
Spider-Man: Far From Home

I love Spiderman and this film is a great example of why. Even in the most action-packed scenes they always make room for plenty of comedy. As much as everyone loves Tobey, Tom Holland has earned his crown as the best Spiderman. (In my humble opinion.)

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Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald

2 hours of my life I will never get back. To be fair, this film did have some good moments, but on the whole it was an utter snooze fest. Another case of too much CGI, and not enough story. For the life of me, I can't work out why Johnny Depp has suddenly started dressing like Johnny Rotten from the Sex Pistols.

I was really looking forward to this film, because I usually love all the Harry Potter films, and the first Fantastic Beats. So what went wrong here, I do not know. I hope the next one will be better.

(I must warn you that my negative point of view of the film wasn't helped by the fact that someone in the cinema stunk of poo and I could hardly breathe throughout the whole film, which made a boring and long film seem even longer. Therefore, it might be slightly better than I give it credit. But even so, I still didn't enjoy it.)

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Christmas with the Kranks
Yes Man

It may not be his best film but no film with Jim Carrey in is a bad film. I really enjoyed it. A guy who says no to everything decides to lead a more upbeat and positive life by saying Yes to everything.... Literally EVERYTHING. It changes his life positively for a while but as with anything done by extreme, it doesn't work out. It's good to have a bit of Yes and No in your life. I would say Yes to this film.

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Call Me by Your Name
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

I have never read the books by C.S. Lewis before, but this is still an excellent film that tells the story beautifully. It takes us on an emotional journey. Some parts were upsetting, some parts were hilarious, while some parts genuinely had me terrified... (I didn't know if the beavers would die or not.)
Some characters however were quite annoying, especially Susan, who played the 'realist'. I think it was intentional, but nevertheless, she got on my wick, as realists usually do, and for that, I have to knock off marks. Also my favourite character, Mr Tumnus was frozen throughout most of it, which was quite upsetting. That wasn't the filmmakers fault, as Mr Lewis probably wrote that in his book. But it is still rather sad, as I quite liked him, yet he only had a small part. All in all, I definitely recommend it, especially to those who are fans of fantasy. But it's definitely not my personal favourite.

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This could be a contender for the best Christmas film ever made, if it wasn't for Tim Allen's "The Santa Clause", which will always have a special place in my heart. I can definitely identify with the main character of this film, Buddy, whose positivity and endless enthusiasm for Christmas has no boundaries. His enthusiasm is infectious and if you need reminding why Christmas is one of the most exciting times of the year, then this film will certainly provide you with the festive spirit.

As with all great family films, it can be enjoyed by kids and grown ups too. It has lots of slapstick, as well as more subtle gags. Due to his naivety and lack of understanding the world outside of the North Pole, Buddy gets himself and others into some hilarious situations.

The soundtrack and background music help provide the feel-good factor in the film. The acting provides us with some really loveable characters. Like all of the best Christmas films, it can be viewed year after year without ever going stale. A must-watch for every human being with a heart and a sense of humour.

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The Truman Show

Jim Carrey is definitely a marmite kind of actor; you either love him or hate him. I personally think he's brilliant and have enjoyed all of his films so far. (Out of the ones I've seen.) This is no exception. It was really slow starting and far from his funniest film, but the more the story goes on, the more fascinating it becomes, and you eventually become hooked. And I love the deep meaning towards the end, which I believe is quite true. I'm not gonna spoil it though. Go and watch it!

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Viva Las Vegas

I absolutely adore Elvis Presley. He is my favourite singer of all time. However, I'm not a huge fan of his films and neither was he.
As Elvis films go, "Viva Las Vegas" isn't quite as boring as most of them. The chemistry between Elvis and Ann Margret is obvious, there are some genuinely funny moments. The songs are hit and miss. Most songs are wonderful that really suit Elvis: "Viva Las Vegas", "Come On Everybody", "Today, Tomorrow and Forever" are all beautiful
On the other hand, "The Yellow Rose Of Texas" is a bit bland.
Far from his worst film. For Elvis fans, it's worth a watch. For the general public, I wouldn't bother wasting your time on any of his films, apart from "King Creole."

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Oz the Great and Powerful

I absolutely loved this film. When it first started, there were parts that dragged, and I didn't think much of it. But as it went along, I became more and more hooked on the characters and the way they fought back against the Wicked Witch was very clever. Though some of it was a bit predictable, it was nevertheless a wonderful film.

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Red, White & Royal Blue

This film couldn't be more up my street if it tried! Hilarious slapstick and visual comedy throughout and a story based on animals outwitting humans. In this case the animal is a mouse and more damage gets done to the humans while the mouse gets off Scott free! There is a clear and obvious inspiration from my favourite comedy team Laurel and Hardy. In one scene, Ernie even mimics Oliver Hardy's famous tie twiddle. It's a fandabbydozy film. I love it.

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Beautiful Boy

Not all drugs are bad. I'm addicted to music and comedy and can quite happily get high when climbing a tree. (I'm also addicted to Coca-Cola, which is quite bad actually.) We all have a real addiction of some kind whether it's bad for you or good for you; so please don't be judgemental on those who have taken the path of illegal drugs or alcohol. Truth be told, they're no different from anyone else. They are simply searching for something to provide them with inner-peace and happiness. This film demonstrates though that going down the path of hard drugs can be extremely self destructive and can harm everyone around you. It's certainly not a light-hearted film or an easy watch but it's very real and truthful. There is no easy answer for those who are addicted because I know how difficult addiction can be. I wish everyone could find true happiness from music and comedy. It would be a lot less harmful.

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The Nightmare Before Christmas

Hoping to have a festive night watching films to keep us excited for Christmas, this turned into a nightmare before Christmas. My hopes were raised by learning that it's a Tim Burton film, the man behind "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" (2005). My hopes were shattered by seeing this dreadful film. Either I just wasn't in the mood for this film, or it really was as boring and pointless as I thought. I'd say it's a little more Halloween than Christmas, but it didn't dampen my Christmas spirit. I just shook it off as an hour and 13 minutes I will never get back.

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Love, Simon
Back to the Future

I don't usually enjoy science fiction films all that much, but the "Back To The Future" trilogy is the main exception. I absolutely love them. I hadn't seen it since I was a kid, and when I saw the first one the other day, I wasn't disappointed. It was just as enjoyable as how I remembered it. There were a couple of really obvious mistakes in it, which I didn't seem to notice when I was a kid. But I'm not gonna dwell on them, because all films have mistakes. I'm not even gonna point them out. Just enjoy the amazing films.

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Imagine: John Lennon

I love John Lennon, and this documentary couldn't be a more perfect tribute to the legend. The people who worked on it clearly put every effort in telling his story from his own point of view, using many interviews, and hours of footage from the archives. It helps that John was so open and honest in each interview, and willingly spent most of his life in front of a camera. Apparently they had over 240 hours of film to work with. You can begin to appreciate how long that must have taken to edit. Yet the film shows no sign of strain. His story is beautifully told. I highly recommend it for any fan of John Lennon, or The Beatles.

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Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie

A very funny movie, and this type of silly humour really appeals to me. It certainly wasn't the best of its kind, but it's definitely entertaining to watch.

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Gangsta Granny
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory