

United Kingdom

Someone's Gaze

Shout by ManiacB

Aw man, that was very short and sweet. Very Makoto Shinkai too.

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Psychic School Wars

The plot was a little bit convoluted but I enjoyed the romance aspect of it and the animation quality was amazing.

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Hard Candy


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KAGINADO: 2x04 Trauma, Etc.

Shout by ManiacB

S2 has been a step up so far, mainly due to the AB cast and their constant attempts to disrupt things :D
Also there is just something quite funny and cathartic about Key making fun of so many iconic scenes that were heartbreaking back in the day.

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Log Horizon: 3x02 The Duke of Akiba

Shout by ManiacB

It's great to finally see LH come back, although it is definitely a slow start here. A little distracting that some of the character VAs have changed too (although maybe not a huge surprise after the gap between seasons).
The OP isn't great sadly, I mean they couldn't get away with just doing Database a third time but it would have been nice if they had got another Man with a Mission song instead. Oh well.

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Redo of Healer: 1x02 The Healer Ruins Princess Flare!

Shout by ManiacB

I normally give these edgelord shows a wide berth but I decided to amuse myself watching the first 2 episodes of this one. Somewhat entertaining with how ridiculous it gets. Someone used the term "soft hentai" to describe shows like this, which I'd definitely agree with. Certainly blurring the lines and testing the limits of what can be broadcast on TV (I mean, AT-X is cable but even they presumably have some limits and won't show full on porn).
Not sure if I'll keep watching and if I do it'll just be to see if they keep this level of edginess going. Fingers crossed they do!

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My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!: 1x04 I Enrolled in the Magic Academy...

Shout by ManiacB

Really enjoying this so far. Very light hearted and fun.
Also is it just me who wants Katarina to conquer everyone and just have a massive harem with all the boys and girls?

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Chihayafuru: 3x01 May it be that I find

Shout by ManiacB

Hurray! It's finally back! Can't believe how long they've made us wait for S3!
Having only recently re-watched the first 2 in preparation, we very much do continue immediately from where S2 left off.
Absolutely great to see the cast back again (I did notice some VA changes, like Harada-sensei now being voiced by All Might?! But I guess that's somewhat inevitable when you've been off air this long) and we waste no time getting straight into the intense Karuta.

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The Wine Tasting


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Tales of Zestiria the X: 2x12 The Chosen Answer
Scum's Wish: 1x12 Two Stories

Shout by ManiacB

A surprisingly measured and calm finale considering all the horny angst up to this point. Can't say I cared massively about anyone by the end but I did think it was handled reasonably well in the end.

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Seiren: 1x01 Hikari Tsuneki, Chapter 1: Decision

Shout by ManiacB

Picked this one up on a whim. People have compared this to Amagami a lot and I can see why.
Whilst I don't think it's necessarily on the same level as that, it's been entertaining and cute so far. Wouldn't go as far as to call it great but then Amagami was no masterpiece either.

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The Great Passage: 1x02 Encounter

Shout by ManiacB

Quite enjoying this one so far. A rather low-key affair and a pretty unconventional subject matter. So far the characters have been quite charming and it'll be interesting seeing what this one does with itself.

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Amanchu!: 1x12 The Story of the Blue World

Shout by ManiacB

Definitely a strong final episode. I think it was pretty obvious we'd be finishing the series with her first dive, but it was very well done in terms of animation, music and mood. Made up for what felt like a few meandering episodes before that (I mean I know it's SoL, but even considering that some of them felt a little pointless).

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Tales of Zestiria the X: 1x12 The Lord of Calamity

Well, we ended the first series roughly where I expected it to. Once again I actually liked the way events played out in the anime better so good job Ufotable!

Looking forward to the continuation.

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Macross Delta: 1x19 Eternal Songs

Shout by ManiacB

This week: A Macross history lesson!

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Tales of Zestiria the X: 1x05 The Dawn of Chaos

Shout by ManiacB

Thus begins the Tales of Berseria crossover! It'll be interesting to see how and when this intersects with the main story of Zestiria, and how it affects it compared to the game. I'm hoping the events in this series don't spoil the plot of the actual Berseria game too much, since EU/US people won't be getting the game until next year at some point.

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Tales of Zestiria the X: 1x04 Destiny of the Shepherd

Shout by ManiacB

I also think Lailah's new VA does a very good job at portraying the character. I was quite worried that her replacement wouldn't sound at all like her (her VA in the game was Matsuki Miyu who sadly passed away recently), but I think she gets her tone and mannerisms spot on!

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Tales of Zestiria the X: 1x03 The Sacred Blade Festival

Shout by ManiacB

Despite playing the game and kind of knowing the story already, I'm actually really digging the series so far. Certainly more so than other game adaptations I've watched in the past (Persona comes to mind, which while enjoyable felt rushed and lacking like so many of these things do). Maybe it's partly because they've said the story won't be exactly the same as the game (main char from Tales of Berseria being in the OP is a good indication of that). Maybe some of it's also the top quality animation by Ufotable (a lot of these adaptations look cheap as well as everything else), but so far I'm having a great time. The story thus far actually feels well paced too.

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Myriad Colors Phantom World: 1x12 The Mother Hath Returned

Not a bad episode, probably the best of the lot, but too little too late really. They'll resolve this non-story next week and then it'll be over, thank god.

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Myriad Colors Phantom World: 1x04 Fake Family

I mean, I guess it's a bit better than the previous episode. Still terribly uninspired though.

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Myriad Colors Phantom World: 1x03 Operation Copy-Paste Memories

Ugh, this episode sucked. I'm really not enjoying this series so far. The pseudo-science about memories in this one was way too unbelievable and badly handled. It's also one of those episodes that only thinks to start foreshadowing something just before it happens (e.g. Mai's flashback to when she was a kid, just before she happens to meet them again). Even KyoAni's normally above-average direction and visual prowess aren't enough to make this one engaging, it seems. If this was done by any run-of-the-mill studio nobody would bother watching it.

It doesn't help that thus far, none of the characters have been particularly likable or show any level of character depth. Really, the only thing this series has going for it is the fanservice and that's not really enough. One more dud episode and I think this one is dropped.

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Myriad Colors Phantom World: 1x01 Age of Phantoms

Probably KyoAni's most "fanservicey" anime... ever? Certainly tops Amagi Brilliant Park for that. As for the plot? Not really sold yet. We'll see how things progress. Not sure I'm going to enjoy this one as much though.

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Today in Class 5-2: 1x01 Episode 1

Shout by ManiacB

This ED should ring a bell to anyone who's seen AnoHana :O

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Today in Class 5-2: Special 1 Episode 1

Shout by ManiacB

Really like the ED for this one:

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Today in Class 5-2: 1x01 Episode 1

Shout by ManiacB

Bit of a shame that the TV version has quite a different animation style from the OVAs. The seiyuu are all completely different too. Think I preferred the style of the OVAs although maybe this one will grow on me.

Also quite surprising (considering it's XEBEC doing this version) that the content actually seems tamer than the OVAs. Since some of the skits are repeated from the OVAs you see two different versions - the OVA ones were definitely more risqué.

Anyway, I enjoyed the OVAs because it had a certain charm for it beyond just the fanservice and usual ecchi comedy. Hopefully the TV series will still have some of that.

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Miss Monochrome - The Animation: 2x13 Monochrome²

Shout by ManiacB

This is probably the series I've watched the most passively this season. There was some humour to be gleamed from the first season but this one has just been so boring. Maybe the novelty of the setting has just worn off but it just felt like watching a whole load of nothing.

Can't believe there will be another season...

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Durarara!!: 2x24 It Takes a Thief to Catch a Thief

Shout by ManiacB

Lol, is every cour going to end with poor Izaya getting his ass kicked? :D

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Rainbow: 1x08 Freedom

Shout by ManiacB

Can't think of any other character I'm so glad to finally see get the shit kicked out of them. Just a pity he's still alive really.

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Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers: 1x07 The Reasons of the Two

Shout by ManiacB

I actually kind of dig that they're taking their time with things, but if this is only 12 episodes long then we're going to be nowhere near the end of the story by that point. Hopefully there's more planned, because I'm quite enjoying this one.

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