

North Carolina

The Superdeep

A cool idea, but not executed very well. If you can find somewhere to watch it in original Russian, I would recommend that as well. The dubbing is horrible.

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The Cellar

The first two-thirds of this movie were awesome. A very different concept, something that reminded me a little of As Above, So Below. I was super into it despite some questionable acting and stupid actions from the characters!

Then everything dissolved into your standard supernatural pact-with-the-devil horseshit, and it was all downhill from there. The story starts falling apart and the end is super unsatisfying and cliché. It's so much more disappointing because they really had something cool at the start.

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I don't really understand all the reviews everywhere saying 'I don't get it'. I didn't think the ending was that hard to understand. A truly beautiful film. Go in blind and just enjoy the ride.

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The Silence

This movie is not a feel-good movie. This is a dark movie that revolves heavily around pedophilia. It is, at times, graphic. If you are in a bad place or easily triggered by themes like this, I wouldn't recommend you watch this movie.

That said, it is incredibly gripping with a lot of character study. It's shot beautifully and the cast is amazing. It's a movie I will remember for a long, long time.

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I loved this. I enjoy slow burns and movies that embrace 'weird,' and this does both superbly. I thought the feminist themes were handled really well, and not shoved down your throat. There are some awesome effects and lots of little things to notice and pick apart as you go. Overall, definitely recommend giving it a watch!

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This is not so much a movie as it is an exploratory piece of cinematography. If you know this going in, I think you will enjoy it more. This is clearly a passion project for the director, so you are not going to get a lot of plot or typical entertainment here.

The shots are beautiful, the sound is haunting, and the creature design is amazing. Everything seems very dreamy and unsettling.

The biggest con is that it simply goes on way too long. Slow burns are excellent when done well, but this one tends to descend into boredom at times. This is especially true when the film relies on such a small cast, most of them amateurs. There's just not enough to stretch things out for 85 minutes.

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Deadhouse Dark

Really disappointing overall. I love shorts but a lot of these missed the mark. From nothing to keep you engaged to forced 'connection' of the episodes to too much suspension of disbelief, this was just a mess.

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The Strings

This is not really a movie. A bunch of random, slow shots with no plot. The sound is intriguing and well done, but it can't save the rest of this 'film'.

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Body Bags

This was great - I was pleasantly surprised. Well done stories and really funny!

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We Summon the Darkness

Surprisingly fun, and doesn't take itself too seriously.

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Things Heard & Seen

Shout by megamelfina

I loved this. Everyone did an amazing job in their role and the setting was perfect. I can see why it has divided people - this is not really standard 'horror'. It's definitely more psychological, and even more than that it's a deep character study. If that doesn't interest you, this movie is not for you.

The ending is also divisive - it is not exactly what you hoped for after spending time watching things deteriorate. But honestly, that's why it works. It's real, and it's brutal, and sometimes the best we can hope for in this world is that there is something more out there to dole out justice.

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A beautiful film with some great color and sound choices. However, the story is lacking - there's not really any substance here. It's extra frustrating because there is so much to explore.

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Eden Lake

I am legit shocked at this movie's high rating and regard. This movie is nonsensical garbage that tries to beat you over the head with some kind of heavy-handed political commentary about 'youths' and the division of classes and maybe child abuse and bad parenting and also psychopaths? It's all an absolute mess and it's so shoe-horned in that it's laughable.

The movie does do a decent job of using emotional tugs and music to try and keep the viewer engaged, hoping you'll forget how little sense everything makes, how bad the writing is, and just how fucking stupid the two lead characters are. This emotional manipulation and that gut-punch ending out of nowhere is the only reason I can think of for the high rating and cult following this movie has.

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Seoul Station

Not necessarily a bad movie, but mega disappointing compared to Train to Busan. The social commentary is shoehorned in to a point where the actions of people make zero sense, and the main characters are all incredibly stupid. Most of them are also really unlikeable, making it hard to feel invested at all. Some cool zombies and art, as well as a nice soundtrack, but otherwise it was just really missing something.

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A Field in England

This film is very beautiful.

That's all I can say that's positive, really. I'm so disappointed. I love films that don't hold your hand and leave it up to the viewer to put things together and come to a conclusion. This is not one of those films. This is a film that focuses entirely on cinematography and audio and ends up having zero plot because of it. Nothing works together and it feels like a chore to watch because there's nothing to follow and no real character development.

Unfortunately, this movie just ends up coming off as pretentious garbage, something that might have worked as a short film in an art installation, but not a full-length movie.

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We've Forgotten More Than We Ever Knew

If you like movies that are wrapped up nicely and answer all questions, don't watch this one. It is very vague and questioning, and you're not ever really quite sure what's happening or why. It's meant to make you think. It was really beautifully shot and the music was perfect. It inexplicably made me feel very sad. Very well done.

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Demon House

I feel infinitely stupider for having watched this. It's a clearly bullshit story fabricated and then exploited for money, and no one can even keep it together long enough in this 'documentary' to make it remotely believable.

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The kills are fun and honestly it's pretty hilarious. Fairly entertaining and fun for a slasher.

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This movie is bad and it didn't embrace any of the comedy aspects, so it's not even funny :(

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Population 436

This movie has some really good reviews out there...honestly I'm shocked. I'm guessing maybe some people who worked on the movie and Fred Durst's mom left them.

This was really bad. I knew within the first three minutes that the acting was utter garbage, and it never got any better. Seriously, no one is believable. It's awful.

The story is cool, but it's been done before and you know what's going to happen from the very beginning. There's not really any suspense. Honestly, the way it was handled makes it somehow worse because it does have a cool premise that is ruined.

At any rate, there's a reason this was straight to video...avoid!

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Knock Knock

I pretty much never leave a review for a movie.

I also pretty much never stop a movie or book before I finish it.

This movie was so bad that both happened. It's complete trash. The characters are unbelievable, the situation is absurd, and the acting leaves a lot to be desired. It's incredibly slow and there's basically no story or reason to be invested.


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Barbarous Mexico

Shout by megamelfina

I love anthologies, but this one is just awful. A few shorts are okay, but nothing really blew me away. Of course, some of the shorts are so terrible that I contemplated turning the whole thing off. Spoilers below.

The worst of the bunch, for me, is ""La Cosa mas Preciada/The Most Precious Thing". It's cheesy, stupid, and worst of all has some weird crap nobody wants to see in a so-called rated 'R' film. Don't watch this anthology with your parents, children (no matter what age), or really anyone, honestly. This particular short literally has close- up shots of "aluxes" (troll/imp/whatever) penis. Yes, really. The whole short was cliché, couldn't pick a genre, and just left me with a bad taste in my mouth.

My favorite short was "Jaral de Berrios". The cinematography here was really gorgeous, and there were some neat effects. However, it was so short that it didn't really explain anything or go into enough detail to make a big impact on the viewer.

Overall, this anthology is really weak, and I can't recommend it. Give it a pass in favor of better options.

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Population Zero

I went into this movie knowing nothing about it, really. It was on Hulu, and I figured it was going to be your standard found-footage horror schlock. I was mistaken! This is actually less 'horror' and very much more 'crime drama'. You will find yourself invested in the characters and the story, and there is no gore, monsters, aliens, etc. to be found. The film is very much about the characters and the crime.

One of the best things about this film is how it was shot and put together. Although I knew it was fiction, it seems very real, like a true documentary. The actors do a great job too. However, it's the mystery that will really reel you in and keep you captivated.

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I really wanted to like this. I was highly anticipating it, and it looked absolutely awesome. Unfortunately, while the score is very appropriate and the cinematography is beautiful, there's no other reason to watch this. There's no plot. No character development. There no reasoning for anything they do or for what happens. There is a lot of silence, standing around, and making bad choices, though.

Honestly, a huge disappointment for me.

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The Innocents

This movie is very intriguing, and also very long at almost two hours. The drama that unfolds from the beginning is very well done, and the actors involved do an excellent job for the most part. There is a lot of tension, and give the nature of this film, a lot of moral questions raised .

Unfortunately, it goes on far too long with little to no payoff. The story fails to be cohesive, and characters fail to stay in their role. Most disappointing, the ending explains nothing and gives no sense of closure. After watching the film for so long, it really just made me go into the credits feeling super annoyed.

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I'm honestly really surprised by the high rating. I may be more disappointed due to the hype surrounding this film, but I was really shocked with how awful this was. The concept is certainly interesting, but it is executed terribly, even considering when the movie was made. The acting is the first issue - in many instances, it's just bad. Dialogue is cheesy and unrealistic. And finally, the plot has no semblance of resolution, and there's not even detail enough provided for the viewer to make their own interesting interpretations. Overall, just a really mediocre film.

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Not that bad. I thought this was a good thriller, and I loved the 'twist'. I really enjoyed the conclusion. It was a little hard to follow at times, and I could have done without the short start, re-do, and ending format. However, I don't feel like that ruined the movie.

I would recommend giving it a try - it's not perfect, but it's also not the worst movie ever.

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Horror Hotel The Movie

Terrible. This is like watching a bad porno movie but there's no sex, so what's the point.

Seriously, the acting is so awful. It would ruin any kind of interesting plot or story, but you won't find that here either. Just yuck.

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Haunted Changi

So, this movie has some potential with its story, and the acting is all pretty decent as well. However, the shaky cam and strobe effects in this film made me feel incredibly ill. I watch a lot of found footage, and this was the worst shaky cam I've seen. It makes it pretty much unwatchable, and really hard to keep your eyes on what is happening.

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This movie is beautiful, and there are a lot of cool 'gross-out' moments. The way it is shot actually made me feel uncomfortable while I was watching it. Unfortunately, the lack of any kind of story or plot kills the film. It's fun to look at it, but so disappointing that there isn't more.

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