C. S. C.



Murder on the Orient Express

I felt bad enough for paying to see a movie that featured Depp, and surely my wickedness in supporting a women abuser was punished - I hated this. This OCD, strangely emotional version of Poirot looked great but tasted bitter. Strange details from the original story were changed, and I just cannot understand why, as the original was extremely concise and clever as it was, even if it did not feature action scenes where people got shot and chased. A lot of the character's background was cut, which took away from that great "assembling the puzzle" feel readers get from Agatha Christie. It just felt so... superficial. I did not get into any of the characters as I did in the novel. The interviews were short, and gave me no emotional connection to them and their past. The only positive thing is that everything was very pretty. Unfortunately, pretty was not I wanted.

Also, I am very upset that they made Helena to join in the stabbing. There was meaning in her abstinence from it.

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Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

It starts as a mess. The character is a confused middle aged woman in a personal crisis who has no idea of what she's doing and therefore, until she figures it out, we just get to watch her stumbling along. Eventually though, Kim snaps out of it, and finds her place and passion. From then on, the movie improves, and becomes totally worth watching. As stated by others, this isn't a comedy, but it isn't a typical war drama either. I'm not entirely sure I like the light-hearted tone given to the story, but there were some excellent sensitive moments. and the ending was quite satisfying.

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The movie really isn't so much about the kaiju as it is about a young woman with a very manipulative suitor, and I always find that to be a little upsetting. Still, the part about the kaiju, and how Gloria's personal life spills over to affect the world, was really amusing. People keep using the word "strange" to describe this movie, but I think "original" is a far better word. There's something off about the execution, even if I can't put my finger on it... but despite that, Anne Hathaway did a great job, as did the rest of the cast. Overall, nice flick.

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Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

As someone who had hated the novel, I'm very surprised to say the movie turned out very, very enjoyable! The premise translated way better into a movie than it did for a novel, the fighting scenes were nicely done, and the cast was also quite brilliant. For the first time ever, I could tolerate Douglas Booth on screen for more than 5 seconds, and that's a record. There's nothing particularly remarkable about it, but still, it was pleasant and entertaining.

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Pet Sematary

Despite not being very stylish, this is an incredibly fun movie, and I am really happy to have taken the time to watch it. It is a short feature that showcases some of the most beloved horror trends of the 80's, and it has a rather funny script as well! Some elements were just strange and amusing (that weird painting in the Goldman house?), which made it remarkable and gave me and my friend endless reasons to talk about the movie for hours after.
Thanks, IMS Paulista for choosing this film as their cinema contribution to the 2019 Virada Cultural!

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The longer I watched it, the lower my rating for it got... and well, I quit at about halfway. It's pretty, but even that is not much of an advantage, as I feel like these scenarios are not exactly new? It honesly felt like your standard magical forest, and being high-res did not make up for the lack of creativity.

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Gods of Egypt

Simple plot, shallow characters, the mythology is wrong and the whiteness is just weird. But it is very pretty, visually speaking. Mindless entertainment.

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Romeo & Juliet

I appreciate how close they kept to the play, but that effort was wasted in actors who couldn't seem to embrace their characters. It's really sad hearing such timeless lines said so robotically. In some instances, it even felt like the actor didn't understand the meaning of the words.

But while some failed, others did surprisingly well. It was interesting to see young people such as Hailee Steinfield and Kodi Smit-McPhee excelling at their roles. The lines came so naturally out of their mouths it felt like they've been talking like that for all their lives!

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Alice Júnior

The movie did a great job in portraying Alice as a normal teen girl, with the normal feelings and perceptions of a teen girl. She is a lovely character and carries the movie well.
The part with the adults was a bit awkward though. Alice's dad is a fantastic parent, no discussion, he defends his daughter in ways that I have seen few parents do, but I saw no point in his romance plot. It was just there, it felt too casual to be important enough to be shown like that. Maybe adding more meaningful dialogue would have helped, or it should not have been done at all.
I mean, think about this: he is going through something - he is watching his daughter suffer a hard process of adaptation, and no matter how great his relationship with his daughter, families are never so simple. There was supposed to be something going on in his mind, and he never approaches it, despite finding someone he could confide in. I think it would have enriched the movie to acknowledge that talking about your true feelings is necessary for bonding.

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3 Ninjas Knuckle Up

That dancing scene is so embarrassing! But it was fun to watch for nostalgia's sake.

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The movie was light-hearted, funny, and crazy, and I loved every minute of it. I got into the main characters as I had not in a while. It also made very humorous use of the rising ultra-right conservative movements, which is particularly relatable to Brazilians (just put Neymar in place of Diamantino!).

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Power Rangers
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
The Darkness
Saint Seiya: Legend of Sanctuary

I really, really loved the new character designs! Unfortunately, the movie is a mess in plot and development. I understand it was made to bring new fans into the franchise, but I think it will just scare people off with this horrible story.

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Though not really as creepy as the books or the original series, it was a nice homage to several books and the author himself, and that was great. Stine's appearance as "Mr. Black" by the end was great, and I'm surprised to find that I enjoyed Black playing Stine a lot, even if I feel like he could have been more creepy and less goofy.

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It's well produced, well acted and well directed, but that doesn't really save the rather lame plot. For a horror comedy though, it's still decent. Goofy and gory as it should be, but not particularly funny much less scary. It provided some entertainment even when the genre isn't the most appealing to me.

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Totally Killer

Wow, what's with the low ratings? It was fun! I was thoroughly entertained.

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I started out skeptic, but then I found it fun. It really reminded me of how I felt about my classmates back in high school. when I couldn't stand them (and it was mutual), but we always came together due to a strange sense of loyalty that just develops on its own, after years and years of seeing the same people every day.

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Before getting in the car, why didn't Jackson call an ambulance? Or after they were in the car, Angela could have called...

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Jack and Jill

Incredibly stupid, and sometimes stupid is just what you need.

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I was a bit disappointed only because Disney cut off a lot of background plot from the R&H musical. Otherwise, I love the cast and the scenarios were just as pretty and charming as the stage musical. Whitney was an amazing fairy godmother, and even though Whoopi's part was small, she made it great. Real pity about the plot, though..

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Magic in the Moonlight

Super cute and light hearted.

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I Feel Pretty

For once, Amy Schumer wasn't obnoxiously crass, so there is that. The initial story is cute, and actually quite entertaining - Renee is a likable character, and you absolutely want her to succeed! The problem comes when the plot finds its conflict: it's a classic story of girl exchanging her unpopular friends for popular ones while losing sight of who she really is, but this was done in such a cringy and embarrassing manner, the last third of movie is nearly unwatchable. All the empathy and engagement of the character is lost, and suddenly, I was not only not rooting for Renee anymore, but wishing she'd be done ASAP. It was quite disappointing, it had such a chance to bring freshness to this trope, but it was thrown out of the window.

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Fun to watch so many HB characters interacting.

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Orphan: First Kill

I wasn't really into the story, but the cast was great and the pace was just right! I wasn't bored for a single minute.

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Goodnight Mommy

I had no knowledge of the previous movie, but found this enjoyable enough. The problem is that it's predictable. It's too easy to guess what is happening with the twins, Mother's anger gives it a away - what was supposed to be a reason for fear is actually a big hint.

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I didn't really understand much of it, but I did have fun trying to?

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Brittany Runs a Marathon

What makes it so nice is that it is light-hearted, but also incredibly relatable. And a good reminder that everyone has problems, and it's easy to forget that when you are too focused on your own.

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Peçanha Contra o Animal

I felt like throwing up more than once. It's even crasser than the trailer led me to believe...

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