C. S. C.




So they tried to throw an expensive, antique, collector coveted item in the trash...? Having someone dying with it really would not decrease its value if it remained in a perfect state, and her dress was not even stained.
The doll could be haunting the unaware new happy owner who would buy it, if they were thinking straight. And maybe Annabelle would have been an entirely different and much better movie...

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Little Red Riding Hood

Possibly the strangest (perhaps the trippiest) version of Little Red Riding Hood ever told. The first scene already had me confused, why did the cat die? And if the cat died, how could mom go on to send the donuts to grandma? Was she trying to murder grandma and implicate Red? Just so nonsense!

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Gods of Egypt

Simple plot, shallow characters, the mythology is wrong and the whiteness is just weird. But it is very pretty, visually speaking. Mindless entertainment.

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It would be hard to judge the movie without comparing it with the old one by the title alone, but with all borrowed scenes and lines, I fear this is impossible - and that's bad, because they're putting themselves against something quite brilliant. What I kept thinking while watching is that this is too "literal", meaning they've set up these scary scenes without setting the proper psychological mood for them, making them less than effective in scarying the audience. I missed that. Some of the scenes were really well done visually, but utterly unemotional and therefore, just not not scary.

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The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
Monster Trucks

I do not think I will ever find tentacle monsters cute (thanks, Japan!), but this movie almost made me change my mind. Almost. The being enslaved by a human part did not help, it was so mean.
It was otherwise goofy, but enternaining. It had an interesting 80's feel to it, without pushing it too hard, like recent works have been doing. It just was not actually good.
I was glad to see Jane Levy though. I wish she had more job offers, she is way better than Nickelodeon movies.

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Pearl Harbor

Some of the secondary plots, I am not sure why they were included at all, when they were not given the attention required to be properly developed. The eye candy is really the one thing this movie has got going for itself (Affleck and Hartnett were and still are extremely handsome men, but they never looked as good as in this movie, and I think neither did Beckinsale!), and that is just not enough to hold a three-hour long movie together. Taken as a lame Nicholas Sparks-kind of love story though, it really is not terrible, just seriously long.

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Saint Seiya: Legend of Sanctuary

I really, really loved the new character designs! Unfortunately, the movie is a mess in plot and development. I understand it was made to bring new fans into the franchise, but I think it will just scare people off with this horrible story.

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Jack and Jill

Incredibly stupid, and sometimes stupid is just what you need.

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Orphan: First Kill

I wasn't really into the story, but the cast was great and the pace was just right! I wasn't bored for a single minute.

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I think I'm done with Sarah Paulson. Can she try something different?
But Kiera Allen was great and I hope she gets more roles.

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An Extremely Nutty Teacher

It's visually cute with adorable characters, but the plot is just weak, and the film gets pretty boring.

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Till Luck Do Us: Part 3

Definitely the worst of them all. It was just all really bland. Still watchable, but more like white noise.

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Selah and the Spades

There is a visual pleasure in the movie that goes beyond the story being told. That said, the aesthetics can only carry a movie so far.

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Gemini Man

I wish the sci-fi element had been a little stronger. But it was a quite decent action film!

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The acting was actually very good, and the atmosphere felt just right. But while the movie is only 90 minutes long, it felt like it dragged a bit. The flashback scenes specially were quite lackluster and did not feel very intriguing. I think they should have dropped a few more interesting pieces in those, so we may take a curiosity on the character's personalities and not only in the events, which were not that surprising, anyway. It is not that terrible, but I agree with the other comment that says it is forgettable.

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1920 London

Well, was that not extremely unsatisfying? I am not complaining about the story, which I thought was kind of decent. It invoked many themes from traditional Indian tales, such as a revenge, betrayal, forgiveness and sacrifice in a context of true love. But everything else is at least questionable. The editing feels very choppy at the beginning, and though that improves, the effects really do not, specially regarding Veer's state - at one point, when he is doing the whole "descending the staircase with backward bent limbs", it is very visible that it is just a dummy, and the make up is so obviously a mask that it feels wrong to even use the word make-up. Then there is the extremely awkward romantic song montages, that I just cannot even grasp - I feel pretty confident that are better ways to make a backstory come to light instead of that. It was not a terrible movie to see, but I would not recommend it to anyone... unless you enjoy laughing at the absurd flaws as you go along.

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Rewatching it after 10 years, I have to say I liked it even less than before. The story is to silly to run for so long, the songs get annoying, and the characters take a very forced route to the fairy tale parody. The cast is nice, it is just the characters that are the problem.
Also, is it not a little strange to see Menzel in a movie where she is not the main singer? It is just a waste.

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When in Rome

I loved this movie when it came out, but re-watching it, all I can do is cringe at the dialogue and laugh at the questionable aesthetic choices of some of the shots. I totally understand why this did not get a theater release.

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10,000 Miles

"Kevin" is a whiny brat who throws tantrums when he does not get his way. It is just inconceivable that he would be the hero of a love story.

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The Mechanical Butcher

I'm not sure sure why the theme was so popular, or if this was the beginning of it, but I guess it's a nod to what people expected from technology, and what we've actually achieved it with it. Unpleasant manual labor remains unpleasant manual labor, even 120 years later.

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This Is Where I Leave You

A brilliant cast in a less than brilliant movie. I kept feeling I had seen this one before. I'm not sure I actually had and it was just really forgettable or if it's just the cliche plot that got me feeling that way.

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Julio Sumiu

Coxinha e sem sal. Exactly what I expected from Fiuk. What is Lilia even doing there? That woman is brilliant. If that movie got even 4 hears is because that woman can make even the most unfunny line sound funny! And Leandro Firmino too. That guy is hilarious!

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As Above, So Below

It was hard getting into the story, but the occasional creepy moments made it worth my time.

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Grand Piano

Plot holes, plot holes everywhere. But Elijah's great acting and the good music made this quite entertaining despite it all.

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Beware the Gonzo

I've been keeping an eye out for Ezra Miller ever since Afterschool (which I loved), but it took me a while to get to this - and well, I'm just glad the synopsis didn't allow much room for expectations. It's a funny teen movie (bonus points for Jesse McCartney) but it runs as blend as most of the genre. I would not watch it again.

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While I did not enjoy the movie (the song and dance numbers were particularly terrible), I found myself fond of the characters... it's a nice concept, I agree, just not very well executed.

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The cast is impressive, but the movie is ultimately very bland. The CGI is basically the only thing it's got going for it, and still we can't say it's that amazing either. As a prequel, I guess it's an interesting twist in the characters, but not a very convincing one, and I'm not even talking about how it doesn't match the original mythology (flying without fairy dust? His parents actually wanting him when his personality is later on so strongly based off how rejected he felt by them? Romantic tension between Hook and Tiger Lily?), just commenting on how very weak this new mythology is.
Also, what's up with that native tribe? They look like they evolved from some old school ravers that stumbled into Neverland from a desert party in California! I mean, don't get me wrong, Rooney Mara was actually a very nice - if very white - Tiger Lily, I'm just not approving the costume choice.

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American Poltergeist

There are many problems with the movie. But for some reason, I was terribly distracted by Taryn's absurd use of boots. Does she sleep with them, or is she very particular about wearing boots right out of bed to walk around the house?

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