C. S. C.



In the Heart of the Sea

This is going to be a strange comment, but there goes. I loved the story, and I thought the acting pretty great too. I didn't feel like there were lower keys from any of the cast, and it's really nice when everyone is even and giving great performances. But I did have a problem with the visuals of the movie. It was so perfect, so pretty, the light was just so artistic, that I found it took from the drama they were trying to display. It was just really off, how everything looked so beautiful while everyone was suffering, in pain, hungry, thirsty, afraid. In the end, as hard as I tried focusing on the performance, the background kept reminding me of how unreal the whole thing was. It was distracting and ultimately, disappointing. I felt the experience could have been much better if the visuals were just a little more somber.

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The articles about how scary this movie is were certainly paid for. Very basic movie. Though Sandra Escacena is a far superior actress to your average scream queen.

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The Crying Game

It's hard to talk about it without spoiling anything, but this movie has a really interesting take on gender roles. Jaye Davidson was wonderful (and should totally have been on the cover?)!

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Rurouni Kenshin Part I: Origins

I love the adaptation of the characters, but not so much of the plot. It became slow and boring and as previously mentioned in another comment, kind of disconnected. You keep watching because the characters are very entertaining, and it was amazing how well they converted the fighting techniques from the anime and manga to live action. Very impressive!

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The movie really isn't so much about the kaiju as it is about a young woman with a very manipulative suitor, and I always find that to be a little upsetting. Still, the part about the kaiju, and how Gloria's personal life spills over to affect the world, was really amusing. People keep using the word "strange" to describe this movie, but I think "original" is a far better word. There's something off about the execution, even if I can't put my finger on it... but despite that, Anne Hathaway did a great job, as did the rest of the cast. Overall, nice flick.

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Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

As someone who had hated the novel, I'm very surprised to say the movie turned out very, very enjoyable! The premise translated way better into a movie than it did for a novel, the fighting scenes were nicely done, and the cast was also quite brilliant. For the first time ever, I could tolerate Douglas Booth on screen for more than 5 seconds, and that's a record. There's nothing particularly remarkable about it, but still, it was pleasant and entertaining.

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Romy and Michele's High School Reunion

I'm not really sure what the appeal of this movie is to gather a cult following. I mean, it isn't horrible, but it isn't super funny either. It's really just alright. Romy and Michele are fun characters, but their ditzy routine gets old fast and the plot is too simple and too straightforward. Janeane Garofalo was about the only thing I actually liked, but even her character is too much of a stereotype.
Considering this came out during the FRIENDS era, I think a lot of the following here comes from the fans of the show who became fans of Kudrow. So basically, unless you're a fan of either Sorvino or Kudrow, give this a pass. There are better flicks out there to waste time on.

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The Other Woman

I'm surprised at how enjoyable this was. A very decent rom-com indeed.

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The premisse is very interesting and the spaceship setting is just beautiful. Jim turns into a dislikeable character pretty fast though, and it is hard to like Aurora when we feel sorry for her all the time. The dramatic climax feels like a mixture of Armaggedon and Titanic, as weird as it may sound, but it is rather exciting. The ending is of the feel-good variety, and I have no complaints.
Overall, a solid 6, which is only disappointing because the rather common story feels like a great injustice to the lavish visuals.

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Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

It's well produced, well acted and well directed, but that doesn't really save the rather lame plot. For a horror comedy though, it's still decent. Goofy and gory as it should be, but not particularly funny much less scary. It provided some entertainment even when the genre isn't the most appealing to me.

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I started out skeptic, but then I found it fun. It really reminded me of how I felt about my classmates back in high school. when I couldn't stand them (and it was mutual), but we always came together due to a strange sense of loyalty that just develops on its own, after years and years of seeing the same people every day.

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I was a bit disappointed only because Disney cut off a lot of background plot from the R&H musical. Otherwise, I love the cast and the scenarios were just as pretty and charming as the stage musical. Whitney was an amazing fairy godmother, and even though Whoopi's part was small, she made it great. Real pity about the plot, though..

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I Feel Pretty

For once, Amy Schumer wasn't obnoxiously crass, so there is that. The initial story is cute, and actually quite entertaining - Renee is a likable character, and you absolutely want her to succeed! The problem comes when the plot finds its conflict: it's a classic story of girl exchanging her unpopular friends for popular ones while losing sight of who she really is, but this was done in such a cringy and embarrassing manner, the last third of movie is nearly unwatchable. All the empathy and engagement of the character is lost, and suddenly, I was not only not rooting for Renee anymore, but wishing she'd be done ASAP. It was quite disappointing, it had such a chance to bring freshness to this trope, but it was thrown out of the window.

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Fun to watch so many HB characters interacting.

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Goodnight Mommy

I had no knowledge of the previous movie, but found this enjoyable enough. The problem is that it's predictable. It's too easy to guess what is happening with the twins, Mother's anger gives it a away - what was supposed to be a reason for fear is actually a big hint.

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The 10 Year Plan

The acting gets rather cringy at times, but the movie is pretty cute.

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Ready Player One

It is a tough sell, to think the whole world would play a game and that it would spill out into the streets and all. I could not get totally into the film because I did not feel like the what they built really supported that, but the movie was still very fun. Various references certainly made a lot of people happy, and the minor appearance of RX-78-2 was right on my nerd alley.

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The Concubine

Those were the most awkward and uncomfortable sex scenes I have ever seen.

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The Foreigner

Action thriller is probably my least favorite genre, and the fact that the good guys fight each other for more than half of the film was a little annoying, but I still quite enjoyed the characters, who were all masterfully played - there is not a single bad note on that cast!

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More heart warming and far less goofy than I had expected, and a little bloodier too. I rather enjoyed the tale about a sensitive goon. The synopsis is somewhat misleading, rivalry is hardly the focus of the story.

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It! The Terror from Beyond Space

Well. It is true that this is a very precarious and painfully low-budget production - the bad monster suit, cardboard scenarious, and painted fabric backgrounds do not even pretend they are trying to be believable, and seem laughable even for a 50's production. But still, the simple storyline is actually very entertaining, and the cast was quite competent. I do not believe the film to be particularly iconic, but I feel that anyone interested in the genre will enjoy this movie, which also inspired the plot for Alien!

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La La Land

It is a mostly cute romantic comedy that relies heavily on nostalgic references and has unfortunately little else to offer. Even as far as the romance goes, there are no sigh-worthy moments and I found both characters hard to like. It bothered me that I felt like I got to know Sebastian way better than Mia, even though Stone is billed as a main exactly like Gosling, but I think both of them delivered their characters really really well, even if I did dislike them. The scenarios, the costumes and the music were very beautiful, but the lyrics were not up to the same standard, and the dialogue was so predictable, it was easy to speak lines before the characters did! It also felt too long by at least 20 minutes, the editing could surely have been smarter.
Still, I have a feeling this is a title that might age well. All those little Old Hollywood easter eggs in a such a pretty production will surely be worth something in time, at least more than it is now to me.

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A Cure for Wellness

It could have been shorter and the plot is quite predictable, but I still found it very watchable. The acting was good, and Lockhart and Hannah were, in my opinion, likable and interesting characters. The movie wasn't scary, but I thought it kept a nice tension in its slow pace, and I am just terribly unnerved by eels, so it works for me.

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Sailor Moon - La Reconquista

While there's been a huge improvement in the general production, costumes and music, I'm not sure about the cast and their acting. Surely, some roles were pretty great, but I felt most of the talent went to the side of the villains...

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The Other Side of the Door

The characters and the acting were actually pretty good! Plot is bit below mediocre and the jump scares were lame. Still, not a bad movie to waste an evening on.

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Girl in Woods

It's a very intricate plot, and it's hard to comment on it without spoiling it a little bit, so I just shall say nothing specific. This was however, developed very nicely, and I would dare say it had the trope done in a much better way that others. It's not a great movie, but it's a decent one, and even with it's slow pace, I found it hard not to watch and follow. The atmosphere of suspense is just that great!

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How to Build a Better Boy

Uh, the movie was nice, but so so weird. Whoever wrote this might consider a career change.

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Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever

A bit more cliche than the original, but still decent. Gory fun good enough to watch in a group!

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A love story with an action-filled development, I really don't see nothing wrong with it. The plot was simple and very like Romeo and Juliet - star-crossed lovers who go through all kinds of challenges and sacrifices for each other, when they've actually barely spent 10 minutes together. I think the reason why people disliked this movie is because they expected a true action flick, and what they got was a very sweet romance instead. The whole movie is filled with romantic aspects commonly found in epic literature, and this was a nice touch, as I often feel Hollywood actually prefers to sacrifice those idealistic notions for more visually shocking scenes. The special effects provided a very nice background, and I'm not even the type who enjoys those. The acting was good, what lacked was simply character depth, which is unsurprising since the main focus was on the action. I'd describe it as visually striking, simple and enjoyable - I wouldn't mind watching it again sometime.

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