C. S. C.



Hot Girls Wanted

I feel like this documentary had all the opportunities to dig deeper into several issues and it never did. It was very nice to hear the stories of these women, and the movie was pretty well made, but it did little beyond illustrating what everyone already expected.

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Talk to Me

The plot is driven by sheer dumbness. Nothing that happens is initially out of the dumb people's control, they are just initially dumb. It's annoying,

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The dialogues were so unoriginal! It was like a generic-version of a fantasy tale, they got the bones for it, but could not really flesh it.

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Kill Switch
Saint Seiya Heaven Chapter: Overture
300: Rise of an Empire

Amazing cast and acting, but unfortunately talent alone can't save a movie. With all the editing, CGI, and slow-motion the action scenes looked more like animation than live-action film. Plot-wise, it could have been interesting, but for some reason I kept counting how long until the end. The soundtrack honestly didn't help, it was bland and unmemorable. The one highlight is Queen Gorgo heading into battle, the one moment where you would actually care to look at the screen instead of checking your e-mail.

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Peçanha Contra o Animal

I felt like throwing up more than once. It's even crasser than the trailer led me to believe...

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Definetely the most vulgar adaptation of the three. The cast is actually not bad; but they did change the way characters were played. Carrie is way darker here, and her original sweetness is never shown at all. Sue is bolder, and she seems to have a righteous goal rather a mindset split between guilt and kindness. Even Chris, while still super mean, is more bitter than the book and the other adaptations made her out. I think these changes were fitting considering high school culture of the early 2000's, but the boys were a complete disappointment. Tommy Ross, who is supposed to be so nice and likable, came out as Sue's toy and nothing more. Billy Nolan, such a questionable character in the book, appears totally uninteresting as well.
What made the movie vulgar was just how strong they made every "strange" aspect about Carrie. Everything felt forced about her life, it was all even bigger and louder than the book, even her early displays of power. Even without two other movies for comparison, this would still be a questionable piece... specially if you add the soundtrack for consideration.

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Freaky Friday

There is not much I like about this movie. Every scene made me feel uncomfortable or second-handly embarrassed. Jodie Foster and Barbara Harris are very charming leads, but ugh, I am not amused by seeing people messing up and acting stupid. I could not wait for it to be over! I actually do prefer the Lohan/Curtis remake.

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Railroad Tigers

It is a visually interesting movie with a great cast, however the plot is dragged endlessly into silly conflict, to the point it becomes hard to stay focused. The comedy routines are alright though, I really do not think they were the worst part.

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Passport to Paris

These Olsen movies definitely do not age well.

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The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer

A very poor adaptation of what was an extremely fun and scary book! The movie fails to convey how truly creepy is the connection between Ellen and Rose Red, while also portraying Ellen as a very unsympathetic character, which she definitely was not. A lot of the time, the movie seems to imply that John's abusive behavior was Ellen's fault for not giving into him, which is totally absurd. Sukeena's eeriness is downplayed in the most disappointing manner, as she is a very powerful character in the novel, and Ellen's own darkness is pretty much erased. I cannot say I am happy about this adaptation at all.

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Children of the Corn II: The Final Sacrifice

The aesthetics and narration style of this movie are strangely more 80's than the original one, despite it being released in '92. It is also even worse, with uninteresting main characters and the silliest romances (was that the only way they could find to justify the choice of sacrifices? How original and plausible!). Getting to the end of it is a challenge.

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Casting JonBenet

It is basically local gossip caught on tape. They put actors in "scenes" that are just there to introduce the topic of a person of interest or theory and then let the actors, all familiar with the case and many from the area, run wild with their guesses. There is nothing wrong with having ideas and interpreting things your way, but I am not entirely sure of why would anyone want to film it. If anything, I see that no one's life was really as affected as news claimed, and that the case became some kind of local myth which people default back to when they have nothing better to discuss.

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Some animation movies are meant to be enjoyed by children and adults both. This is not the case with Minions, which tells the story of the adorable little white fellows that first appeared in Despicable Me before they met Gru. It's a shallow and silly story, with equally shallow and silly characters, but oh, so emphatic on the cuteness aspect, clearly aiming for the younger audience. Children will enjoy it, but parents might just fall asleep watching it. I almost did.

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Murder on the Orient Express

I felt bad enough for paying to see a movie that featured Depp, and surely my wickedness in supporting a women abuser was punished - I hated this. This OCD, strangely emotional version of Poirot looked great but tasted bitter. Strange details from the original story were changed, and I just cannot understand why, as the original was extremely concise and clever as it was, even if it did not feature action scenes where people got shot and chased. A lot of the character's background was cut, which took away from that great "assembling the puzzle" feel readers get from Agatha Christie. It just felt so... superficial. I did not get into any of the characters as I did in the novel. The interviews were short, and gave me no emotional connection to them and their past. The only positive thing is that everything was very pretty. Unfortunately, pretty was not I wanted.

Also, I am very upset that they made Helena to join in the stabbing. There was meaning in her abstinence from it.

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Leprechaun: Origins

Camera-wise, I just have no clue of what was this movie trying to accomplish. Some angles are shot in a way that looks similar to found footage, but the rest of the shots are perfectly standard. It is a very weird and distracting mix, specially when you add the heat vision-style shots that represent the point of view of the beast.
Then there is the bizarre take on Celtic mithology, in which Tuatha Dé Danann comes to mean leprechaun, as found in a mysteriously ancient book with very modern print.
I can deal with bad and cliche characters inhorror, you know. But those two things were just so wrong, I had to feel bothered!

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The longer I watched it, the lower my rating for it got... and well, I quit at about halfway. It's pretty, but even that is not much of an advantage, as I feel like these scenarios are not exactly new? It honesly felt like your standard magical forest, and being high-res did not make up for the lack of creativity.

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The Visit

Well, the kids were really good. That's it, though.

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All the jokes are sex jokes, of the most unfunny, vulgar and obvious kind.

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Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

This was a very particular type of torture.

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If someone cares to explain, I have a question: Why did the fake fireman turned on them only after his tattoos were discovered? The only reason why they were didcovered is because he meant to help Kylie by making a torniquette with his jacket. So why did his intentiond turn 180°?
Otherwise, besides the questionable plot, there is the too long pre-earthquake part in which you just get to hate all the characters, and the really bad acting. To end it all, the final scene features the least convincing CGI wave you will ever see in your life. Just terrible.

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Children of the Corn III: Urban Harvest

In this stallment of the series, we learn that He Who Walks Behind the Rows is one of Rita Repulsa's maximized monters.

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My Sister, My Love

The most frustrating, boring and tiresome movie ever. Completely unrelated to the book as well, and not just a few chances here and there, but really, truly, completely unrelated. It felt like an endless nightmare and I couldn't stop checking the time. I'm not sure what happened here, the first movie was so good!

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The Great Wall

Poor Matt Damon looked like he was dying inside whenever he delivered a line. All dialogue was so bad, it made me feel sorry for everyone involved. The one positive point is that the production is pretty, but still not as enchanting as in other Yimou movies. The plot was bland and some details were just ridiculous, like how they end up in the wall during the first battle because the guard could not find keys to a cell, really?
It was one big eyeroll after the other. I was more entertained by my knitting than the movie, and would not have been able to finish it at all were I not doing something else.

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Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

It took me almost a week to get to the end of this movie. It just never got interesting. And the acting was so horrid, from every member of the cast, that I think Burton asked them to suck. What a pain of a movie.

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Get Hard

I felt more awkward, "please let's fast forward through this", second-hand embarrassment than any real desire to laugh.

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American Hustle

I couldn't actually finish it, and that fact alone allows me to rate it so badly. So hard to get into!

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The Unbearable Lightness of Being

I love the book. The movie basically misses on everything that was important. I cannot believe the author actually helped adapting this.

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