


Grey's Anatomy: 17x11 Sorry Doesn't Always Make It Right

Amelia and Link are the best thing on GA right now, I hope the writers won't ruin it.
I loved the resolution of the newlyweds stories from Station 19, it felt right. This woman really is extremely annoying and toxic, and it's nice to see that men can be victims and vulnerable too. Good for Shane, it's better to be alone than with someone who makes you feel insignificant.

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Sliders: 1x01 Pilot

Decided to check out a series I adored as a tween. Glad to see it still looks good.
Funny though, my husband passed by while I was watching, and said "that dude looks like the guy from 'Young Sheldon'" :joy::laughing:
The professor is so sharp. I love this, the 90's humor was so great. I wonder if I make it through the whole series. So if anyone's reading this, wish me luck and persistence!

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Grey's Anatomy: 17x04 You'll Never Walk Alone

Shout by Evelyn

I'm very sad for Koracick in this episode. He's not perfect, but he deserves something that is totally HIS to feel secure (and therefore - more kind and less defensive, which is the ultimate source of all his aggressions).
I don't like the situation with him and Teddy, it's like they're all floating around with no purpose, and the COVID line is just a mean to make it less apparent. So yeah, real drop in quality, but what can I say, we've been at this so long, so I'd see it through.
The conversation between Mer and George is probably the highlight of this episode.
The Jo-Jackson thing feels forced, It could be more logical if she and Delucca got close again, since they have a shared history, and It'd be a nice exit from his relationship with Meredith.

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Station 19: 4x01 Nothing Seems the Same

Shout by Evelyn

It's not gonna be the same without Pruitt :( But I'm glad they didn't make him abusive as the last episode of the previous episodes suggested.

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Young Sheldon: 6x13 A Frat Party, a Sleepover and the Mother of All Blisters

Shout by Evelyn

I think this episode shows the importance of a support system for any child, even a genius one. Paige, although not being as asocial as Sheldon, but she shares a lot with and feel extremely lonely and can't see the purpose in her natural talents.
Sheldon never really cares about what people think of him because it's a default for him that he has his parents, Meemaw, Missy. Having mostly healthy family environment also helped him to re-create some similar relationships in TBBT as an adult, while Paige felt lost and unwanted after he parents fallout. Perhaps I put too much thought in a sitcom, but I really grew to love that family :sparkling_heart:
Also, I like Mary more now that she's out of church :see_no_evil: It's like she's finally remembering who she is and who she was before, and Mandy kinda reminds her of herself, so she gets a little territorial with her.

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Better Things: 5x04 Ephemera

I liked Marion breaking down in this episode (it's probably not easy being the sibling of an entertainer, and I could really feel his bittersweet moment in this episode, having some advantage "in the real world"), and the bond between Phil and the granddaughters.
The pronouns stuff feels kinda outdated to me already.

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Young Sheldon: 6x09 College Dropouts and the Medford Miracle

I don't know if that's funny or sad, but right now I feel invested in all the characters - except Sheldon. But perhaps that was always the point of the show :))

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Young Sheldon: 6x06 An Ugly Car, an Affair and Some Kickass Football

Shout by Evelyn

Loved everything about this episode except one little thing... I'd prefer if Mandy appreciated Georgie that much BEFORE she found out about the lucrative-though-not-so-legal business he runs with Connie.

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Young Sheldon: 6x05 A Resident Advisor and the Word 'Sketchy'

Shout by Evelyn

My God, having Sheldon so grown isn't as fun anymore :sweat_smile: I understand it's to be expected, but still a bummer. All the rest are interesting, and loved to see the President of the University again, love her.

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The White Lotus: 1x06 Departures

Shout by Evelyn

While I enjoyed most of the ride of the season, I feel the last episode didn't delivered the heights it built up to. And yes, seeing a man shit didn't have any point imo. However, I'm late to this party and I heard the second season is better than the first, so I'll roll with it.

I liked the overall message that everyone ends up where they belong, whether they like it or not. Probably not such a bad message after many years of toxic positivity that was crushed in the face of reality.

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The White Lotus: 1x04 Recentering

I feel really different from all the commenters here. The show feels like a vacation to me, with all the pretty shots of the ocean, palm trees etc., with just enough pointless drama and intrigues to keep the adrenaline pumping.
And yeah, the mystery of who's gonna end up in a casket still lingers and makes me want to binge it to the end. Also, it's rare for me not to get annoyed by 60 minutes long episodes, so this means that the series are done well.
Jeniffer Coolidge character isn't a thrill for me, she basically plays the same character in different circumstances, but it aligns well with the plot.

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Sex/Life: 2x06 Heavenly Day

Great ending, I'm really glad I watched it. It was refreshing to see people my age (close to 40) living these kinds of emotions, while delivering a truly "and they lived happily ever after" ending, and the narration was great.

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To the Lake: 2x01 Episode 1

Shout by Evelyn

Love the new characters! So different from our main group, should be exciting to see them mix, I think Sonya will surprise us. The painter girl is as toxic as Taras, I hope Jenya will not fall under her spell eventually. I love Jenya, this actor fits perfectly in catastrophic settings, his other role in the series "Inseparables" about Chernobyl haunted me for a long time, that series were chilling and amazing.

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To the Lake: 2x02 Episode 2

Shout by Evelyn

Wow, Sergey being addicted kinda surprised me.
At first I thought that his pupils are blown because he too got the disease and healed like Anya.
Although he has the genetics for this through his dad. I hope he'll come around the next episode, man up and pair with Jenya to defend the crew. Leonid is so crucial to the camp right now, I'm afraid this means we'll see him dying soon.
Overall, I feel like Anna's death is not as looming as it could be considering she was a leading character.
I hope Sergey won't get back together with Ira, it'll be repetitive. Everything seems very open and intriguing right now, like anything can happen.

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To the Lake: 1x02 Episode 2

Interesting, I read the books the series are based on, it was all told from Anna's point of view, and Leonid was more naive, kind of "stupid but kind" kind of guy and I don't recall he had a daughter, and Misha wasn't on the Spectrum as far as I remember. This version is interesting and has more conflicts. I didn't see Kiaro suiting this role (I loved him, but he's EVERYWHERE lately), but as a conflicted and torn guy he's pretty convincing. Overall, great casting. Russians are doing TV trying to mimick others, but sometimes they manage to do it better. I'm glad people could see this on Netflix.

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Crash Landing on You: 1x11 Episode 11

I thought it would ve difficult to keep this up for 16 episodes of 90 minutes each, but they manage to do it with so much interest towards the secondary characters, now I don't want it to end :grin:

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Station 19: 3x16 Louder Than a Bomb
Station 19: 3x13 Dream a Little Dream of Me

Shout by Evelyn

I liked the Andy sequences, It showed some stages of grief, and bonding with Robert.
It was nice seeing Ryan and imagine there's an afterlife.
I'd like to see that calendar too :grinning:
And nice of Emmett to come out, I expect some drama related to that soon.

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Grey's Anatomy: 16x21 Put on a Happy Face

Shout by Evelyn

I didn't understand how this recording got to Owen? Was it butt-dial, or Tom did it on purpose? I hope not, he's currently one of the most likeable characters on the show, unlike Teddy. Felt bad for Owen, but he's been unlikeable for a while.
Amelia giving birth was satisfying, I hope she and Link get their happy ending.

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Station 19: 3x12 I’ll Be Seeing You

Shout by Evelyn

Oh, the sweet drama :relieved: "My air is your air" also got me. I'm really invested in Travis and Emmet right now.
And I really loved Pruitt, it's not going to be the same without him :sob:
Also, it is nice having Jackson crossovering. Him with the towel gave me McSteamy vibes (gah, there's so much and so many to miss in the GA universe!)

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Grey's Anatomy: 16x20 Sing It Again

Shout by Evelyn

Wow, Tom's story was incredible in this episode, as well as the acting. I expected some kind of polyamory thing with Teddy, Tom and Owen. That's the hint I got from previous episodes with the notion that you CAN love two persons at the same time. That would be pretty original .

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Station 19: 3x11 No Days Off

Shout by Evelyn

Whatever happens, protect Travis at all cost, I love this character so much, he's amazing beyond words and seems like a great representation to me.
The whole immigration issue seemed too politicized and one-sided to me, and Sullivan proposed in a really weird way, but to be honest, I don't care that much. These seasons of Grey and Station feel really badly-written to me in most cases (expect Travis, yeah, thank you Shondaland for giving me SOMETHING to like).

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Grey's Anatomy: 16x18 Give a Little Bit

Shout by Evelyn

If you go in without much expectations, it is good enough, nothing over the top, but engaging and entertaining enough.
Richard is on a new path and I'd love for him to continue a father/son like connection with Jackson.
Delucca being right AND manic at the same time is pretty interesting, Hayes is still a bore to me. Link and Amelia are cute, Teddy is annoying, I want this triangle to be resolved already.
Jo and Levi bonding is sweet.
Overall, for such a long running thing, it is acceptable, I can see why it wasn't shut down yet.

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Grey's Anatomy: 16x17 Life on Mars?

Shout by Evelyn

I'm weirdly satisfied by this, Teddy has become an unbearable character, just as much as Owen to be honest, she's more fun when she's with Tom. And I actually wanna see the fallout of this.
Link and Amelia are going forward and that's great.
I also want to see the continuing spiral of Deluca, I expect a full meltdown from him. Kinda sadistic, I know, but the creators laid the ground for this, I'm just going on with this, since after loosing Alex it's all "whatever" to me.

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Grey's Anatomy: 16x16 Leave a Light On

Shout by Evelyn

A while ago in one of the narrations, Meredith says something like "sometimes the thing you feared the most happens and you find out it's the best thing that ever happened to you", something like that. I found it relatable to many situations in my life, and Alex leaving is one of them. I knew it was coming and were sad, cherished all sweet Jolex moments, but now we have a new way to develop her character
Link: "you're my hero".
Jo: "mine too" - I loved this moment.

Alex was one of my favorite characters, but I agree it ran its course. He'd probably be my reason for a rewatch sometime in the future.

And the talk between Bailey and Ben was moving too. The flashbacks were nice, but it didn't move me that much. Webber's reaction seemed the most forced to me.

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Grey's Anatomy: 16x15 Snowblind

Shout by Evelyn

Teddy and Tom are the best couple right now, I want more of them. Owen is the one who should've been just gone, not Alex :sob: He just doesn't fit with anyone.

And as sad as it is that Alex is a no-show now, I can see now an ultimate friends to lovers twist for Link and Jo.
Wouldn't be perfect, but their conversations are always so deep, might be interesting to explore this. And then BOOM!
Turns out Amelia's baby is Link's after all, but it's too late. Amelia and Owen bond again as co-parents and no more relationships for them, because they can't keep anything for more than 2 seconds, and Owen gets kids, 3 kids, like he wanted so much, and no more drama (nah, impossible, it's Grey's, in that case someone gets killed or terminally ill).

I shall see if the writers were better in resolving this than me.

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Station 19: 3x06 Ice Ice Baby

Shout by Evelyn

I like that we see more of Montgomery, he's my favorite character in this. Pillar's voice was amazing, his interaction with Rose was great, and in general he shone and it was well-deserved. It's nice the other storylines are progressing finally as well (Jack altercation with Vasquez, Andy finding out Pruitt is dying), perhaps this thing is going to pick up towards the end of the season.

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Grey's Anatomy: 16x14 A Diagnosis

Shout by Evelyn

I was always on Amelia's side when it came to her childbearing problem, but she's in the wrong here. She went and told Link she's pregnant with HIS baby, and just now she considered that the break-up with Owen and the hook-up with Link were really close. She should've thought about it BEFORE claiming it was Links' baby, who btw didn't even questioned it because he believes her. And if he did, he'd been the asshole.

So basically she had to ask herself first whose baby it might be and be open about it with Link, he might've been much more ok with this ambiguity if it was known from the start.

As a doctor - it's weird of her claiming love wins over biology.

We lost too many great characters. Andrew's spiral is interesting, but Hayes isn't good enough to soothe me the loss of Alex, it's soooo unfair :disappointed:

Also, that Jackson show-up and apology was so random ans stupid, just as Webber's wallowing.

Now I'm waiting for Bailey to adopt Joey, that might be interesting to see. Overall, this thing is so over the place, but I guess that's why we love it :person_shrugging:♀

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Station 19: 3x05 Into the Woods

Shout by Evelyn

So Andy and Jack avoid Jack violate the Firefighter code of sleeping with the wife by having an affair with a member of the team, which is also a violation of some code if I remember it right. Really logical. And getting them back to season one was so :sleeping::zzz:
Also, Eva os terrible, and Jack is really miserable and lonely to fall for THAT obnoxious attitude.
And don't get me started with the bear. So... random.

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Station 19: 3x04 House Where Nobody Lives

Shout by Evelyn

So we're back to Jack and Andy line, feels like going in circles. Also, it's kinda weird how her all interest in Sullivan vanished after Ryan (she literally told him before he died that she never felt with anyone how she felt with him).
A lot of irrationalities. Also, why the old lady just wandered into the station with the stroller? If she was unwell, she would tell it's an emergency.
So yeah, both series are kinda bad, but they kept going for few more years, so I suppose it i just a transitional phase? I sure hope so.

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